Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment Near

Cleveland Heights, OH

Discover top-rated alcohol and drug rehabilitation facilities in Cleveland Heights, OH. Explore 1 nearby treatment centers offering inpatient, outpatient, or detox programs.
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12 Step
SMART Recovery
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Mental health treatment
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Detox Facility
Inpatient Rehab Facility
Methadone Clinic
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Sober Living
Methadone Maintenance Clinic
Pain Management Clinic
Partial Hospitalization / Day Treatment
Type (Therapist)
Drug / Alcohol Counselor
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Drug Treatment Centers Near Cleveland Heights, OH
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
10 Severance Circle, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
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Recovery with Treatment from Addiction from Cleveland Heights, Ohio

Cleveland Heights, Ohio is in Cuyahoga County. This city is a suburb in the inner parts of Cleveland. The city was founded in 1921. Addiction is a disease that centers in an individual brain. Stigma in our society has contributed to the large number of deaths caused by overdose and addiction as a whole.Encouraging this disease with the strong stigma does not combat the morality rate of individuals who are impacted by it. If you or someone you love has an addiction, fight back for health by getting treatment for the addiction.

Is Drug Addiction in Ohio?

Addiction whether to alcohol or various drug substances is found around the world. Cleveland Heights, OH is no exception, so-yes addiction is in the state of Ohio. Many people that are living in addiction honestly believe they have lost all hope, because they cannot see a light at the end of the tunnel. Life continues to get more unbearable every day and they see no way out.

However, they are not hopeless there is a way out and help available for the taking. Finding a safe and supportive environment sometimes requires relocating for a certain amount of time. If you are considering getting treatment for an addiction, call to have ease with accessing your different treatment options.

I Want to Travel, Where Should I Go?

Traveling to somewhere that you are not familiar with is often times the most ideal option. As a result of traveling to a new place you or your loved one will not have to be consumed with fear of being triggered by external people or places.

Traveling can feel uncomfortable and we understand that, however this disease is fatal and you deserve only the best and top quality care. If you are wanting to travel for rehab, or stay close to home we can help, pick up the phone and call one of your specialist today.

We want you to be healthy and are willing to do whatever is needed to help you reach ultimate wellness in a life free of addiction. While life may seem that it is against you right now, getting recovery from addiction and sobriety is a possibility for you, if you are ready and willing to put in the effort and time. Call today and get support starting your sobriety (866) 578-7471.

    Medical Reviewer
    Jim Brown, CDCA
    Mark Frey, LPCC, LICDC, NCC
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    Rehab Filters
    (1 result)
    Treatment Model
    12 Step
    SMART Recovery
    Faith based
    Dual Diagnosis
    Type of Care
    Mental Health and Substance Abuse
    Substance Abuse treatment
    Transitional Housing
    Halfway House
    Sober Home
    Mental health treatment
    Payment Methods
    State Funded
    State Insurance
    Private Insurance
    Payment plans
    Out of network insurance
    Facility Type
    Detox Facility
    Inpatient Rehab Facility
    Methadone Clinic
    Outpatient Facility
    Inpatient Facility
    Sober Living
    Methadone Maintenance Clinic
    Pain Management Clinic
    Partial Hospitalization / Day Treatment
    Type (Therapist)
    Drug / Alcohol Counselor
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