Substance Abuse Treatment in Warren, Michigan
Warren is a city in Macomb County, Michigan the 2010 census said the population was at 134,056. That makes it Metro Detroit's largest suburb and the third largest city in the state. Warren is the headquarters of a variety of businesses including, Big Boy Restaurants International, Campbell Ewald, The Cadillac Motor Car Division of General Motors, and Asset Acceptance.
In a large city it is understandable that there are people who live there that need assistance with drug or alcohol abuse. Warren is no acceptation, that's why it has plenty of treatment facilities there to help people who want it. The treatment centers have room for people who live in Warren and those who have made the choice to travel for treatment.
How Do Drugs and Alcohol Leave the Body?
Depending on the substance, it can take from days to weeks for substances to fully leave the body during detoxification, or after a substance abuser stops using. According to a study conducted by the National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence (NCADD), the liver breaks down 90% of alcohol in the bloodstream, the kidneys filter 5% of alcohol into the urine, and the lungs expel he remaining 5% when we exhale. A standard-sized drink of alcohol is broken down (metabolized) in one hour. Nothing can speed up this metabolization rate, including drinking coffee or sleep.
Drugs are metabolized at various rates, depending on the substances. Addiction can cause permanent damage to the brain, but prolonged abstinence can reverse some of the effects of alcohol and drug addiction.
Can I Get Alcoholism from My Parents
Addiction is genetic, and the same study from the National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence (NCADD) concluded that alcohol addiction does run in families. The Study also reported that it's not a guarantee the a child will be automatically addicted just because a parent was. People can develop addiction even without a genetic history of it.
If you do have an alcohol dependency, consider traveling to another city or state for your detoxification and rehab therapy. Traveling to another city can get you away from influences that may lead you to use drugs or alcohol.
To learn more about alcohol and drug rehab, give one of our trained professionals a call at (866) 578-7471.
Aftercare is an important part or staying on your path of recovery. You don't want all of the progress you made to go out of the window, going to meetings can help you stay on track. You can find a weekly group meeting for your affliction in most town and cities. Meetings can be a great source of support, and you can find a sponsor to give you even more individual support. Also consider joining a 12-step group to help you on the path to your recovery. "œWorking the steps" helps recovering addicts with accountability, making amends and relying on a higher power to overcome their dependency. Find a group meeting near you on the map below.