Searching for a Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Troy, MI
Troy is one of the most dynamic and culturally aware cities in Michigan, if not the country. They are praised for their A+ school systems, outstanding public service, and a community that cares. They have made leaps in their business and technological centers. Their companies employ over 125,000 residents and is the 11th largest city in Michigan. They are 4th place in the most affordable city in the U.S.
Because of the affordability they are able to make some of their healthcare facilities cheaper. Their rehabilitation centers, for instance, accept private insurance so more people can get the help that they need. Most people don't know that their health insurance covers rehabilitation so they miss the opportunity to get clean in a sterile, safe environment.
It's time for you to know that addiction CAN be fought, it just takes some effort and medical care and for you to admit that you need help. It's not a bad thing to need help, everyone does. If you know someone who needs help, but won't come to that conclusion themselves, you may be wondering how you can help them. The answer is an Intervention with specialists who can help you decide on the right method to get the person you love the help that they deserve.
Another method if getting better is by attending fellowship groups. These programs will run you through the 12-step program and teach you how to fight your addiction every day of your new, healthy, clean life.
Don't miss your chance, check out our Verify Insurance page to see if your insurance qualifies.
Travel for Treatment
Traveling to another city for treatment can be a great way to get away from your troubles while you focus on your rehab. When you travel for treatment to another city or state, there are less distractions, and less of a chance for you to encounter people you know who may not be aware of the disease of addiction that you are battling.
If you decide that going to rehab is the best thing for you to do at this time in your life, give us a call at: (866)578-7471
Click on the map below to find a group meeting near you. Joining a weekly group meeting will give you an even greater opportunity to life a drug-free life. Groups like AA and NA are available in nearly every city in the country. You can also find a sponsor at these meetings to help you on a one-on-one level. Also think about participating in the 12-steps. Working the steps will further you along in your recovery, and help you avoid relapse. The 12-steps help people grow in responsibility, accountability and humility.
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- Michigan Substance Use Disorder Data Repository. (2021). : Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS).
- National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics. (2022). : Average Cost of Drug Rehab [2022]: by Type, State & More.
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