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Bear River Health at Walloon Lake
2594 Springvale Road, Boyne Falls, MI 49713
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Brighton Center for Recovery
12851 Grand River Ave, Brighton, MI 48116
Settings and Amenities
Clinical Services
Community Care Services (CCS)
26184 West Outer Drive, Lincoln Park, MI 48146
Settings and Amenities
Settings and Amenities
Elmhurst Home Naomis Nest
245 Pitkin Street, Highland Park, MI 48203
Special Programs/Groups Offered
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
Gilmore Community Healing Centers
1910 Shaffer Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49048
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Guiding Light Mission
255 South Division Street, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Clinical Services
Clinical Services
Lincoln Behavioral Services
9315 Telegraph Road, Redford, MI 48239
Special Programs/Groups Offered
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
Naomi's Nest
245 Pitkin Street, Highland Park, MI 48203
Payment Assistance Available
Service Settings (e.g., Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient etc.)
New Paths Inc
765 East Hamilton Avenue, Flint, MI 48505
Special Programs/Groups Offered
Type of Care
Finding Substance Abuse Treatment in Michigan
Michigan has made a good effort to curb alcohol and drug addiction. Despite this, however, it falls short in comparison to the rest of the country. Coming in at 11th overall in the U.S., Michigan loses about 14 people out of every 100,000 due to drug-related incidents.In This Article- Best Michigan Treatment Centers
- Michigan Drug & Alcohol Detox
- Michigan Drug & Alcohol Rehab
- Treatment Options in Michigan
- Michigan & Drug Abuse
- Michigan & Alcoholism

There are about 329,000 people abuse Alcohol in the state of Michigan.The path for everyone is different and is often not an easy one to walk. If you are enslaved by addictive substances, reach out for the help that you deserve today. Addiction kills millions of Americans every year. Do not let your own precious life be counted among the fallen. We can help.Just know that professional help is available for anyone who wants help for their drug or alcohol problem. Feel free to call us today at (866) 578-7471. Suffering from an addiction to drugs can be damaging to every aspect of your life. Call us now to find out more about a drug center where you can receive rehab treatment.
Michigan Drug & Alcohol Detox
The beginning of your recovery journey is the detoxification process. This is often the most difficult step and certainly the most feared. Many people are apprehensive about this phase because of the pain that is expected to accompany it. Detox is not as bad today as science has provided many treatment methods that ease pain and the individual off addictive substances.There are different types of detox and learning more about the process ahead of time may ease one’s apprehension. Some people prefer holistic approaches, while others use approaches that include different medications.Medical detox is often thought the best method as withdrawal from some of the most frequently abused drugs that can produce life-threatening symptoms. Whichever you choose, the professionals will ensure your safety and help you stay as comfortable as possible throughout the process.Michigan Drug & Alcohol Rehab
Rehabilitation occurs immediately upon completion of detox. With your body cleansed of the drugs and alcohol, it's time to re-align your neural functioning. Once the mind is cleared from the haze of using, the behavioral work can begin.Drugs and alcohol are widely considered to be a maladaptive solution to a broader problem and it is this problem that must be addressed if the individual is to get and stay sober. Referred to as a spiritual malady, the person has an inability to address life’s problems in a healthy manner.To stop a person from using, this thinking pattern must be remedied. This is done through behavior therapy, various forms of therapy and other treatment approaches. You deserve a better life than drugs can provide. Get the help you need to free yourself today.
It is estimated that 128,000 people abuse illicit drugs in the state of Michigan.
Finding Treatment in Michigan
Making the decision to free yourself from drugs and alcohol is no small feat. Those who are brave enough to admit that they have a problem certainly deserve our praise.Now, you need to find a treatment facility that will work with you. With a variety of options, it’s important to find one that will work specifically for you. Do you prefer a religious program? A spiritual program? Do you prefer a facility that is for women only? Our search tool above will let you search facilities that fit your needs in your area.Whatever your needs and preferences are, there is a facility for you. We can help you determine what level of treatment you should start at. We will work with you and find the best possible place for you.Should I Travel for the Best Addiction Treatment?
Some individuals will find that they have extra solace in a treatment center that’s far away from their old environment and friends. Recovering in a facility away from home may allow a person to strengthen their conviction in their new life before facing old triggers and people they spent their time around before.Travelling for treatment is commonly highly recommended by professionals. Often, people who attend a treatment center close to home find that they are pressured to go back out using by those who have not yet made the same resolution to better their life.We will do what we can to help you find a treatment center in the location of your choice. The most important thing is that you get help as soon as possible.<Should I Stage an Intervention?
Despite good efforts by the state, Michigan comes in at 11th place in the country in drug-related deaths, as about 14 in every 100,000 people are lost due to drug-related incidents. If you, a friend, or a loved one are suffering from addiction, don’t wait for him or her to become a statistic. Get to a phone and give us a call (866) 578-7471 to speak with someone about an intervention.Keep in mind that while your family member or friend is suffering, he or she may not grasp there is a issue. Drugs and alcohol are great at distorting reality, often to the disadvantage of the individual.An intervention is commonly needed to bring the person to the realization that there is a problem and that he or she can’t handle it alone.Living Your Recovery
For those who have overcome their addiction and completed their rehab program, returning to their old environment can be challenging. The risk of relapse is always present, but by applying the tools learned in rehabilitation one can resist temptation and avoid relapse.Finding new hobbies and social circles is a good start, especially if the old hobbies and friends contributed to the addiction in the first place. Learning to remove one’s self from a potentially tempting situation before it arises is another valuable skill.If relapse does happen, don’t despair. It does not mean the close of recovery, or that recovery has failed. Stumbles happen and it’s not the end of the world. Learn from your mistake, understand what triggered it, and plan how it can be prevented from happening again.Treatment Options in Michigan
There are innumerable resources in Michigan available to those in quest of a better life in sobriety. There are different types of treatment levels and programs, including detox, inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, sober living and so on. First you should decide which level of care is necessary for your situation.Treating addiction requires a multi-pronged approach due to the complexity of the disease. Most treatment programs will include a variety of therapeutic methods to provide each individual with the therapy he or she needs.Some of these different treatment modalities include Gestalt Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Solution-Focused Therapy, Rational Emotive Therapy, Art and Music Therapy, Equine Therapy, and many more. With so many different forms of healing provided, everyone is ensured positive progress in their journey to a better, happier life in recovery.
Nearly 869 people died in 2015 from a drug overdose in the state of Michigan.
Aftercare Services in Michigan
Aftercare is a term referring to the plan for continued care after the current phase is complete. For someone in a detox facility, the aftercare plan may include inpatient rehab or some other program.Learning to live without the use of drugs or alcohol requires a good deal of guidance and support. For many people, a slow step-down process through the different levels of care is necessary to successfully learn how to combat cravings and resist temptation.A great place to acquire a solid support system and good close friendships is at your local 12-step meeting. If you are looking to get clean and sober and wish to stay that way for the long haul, find a 12-step meeting near you and get associated with a sober community today."Recovery made living possible."
When in active addiction, there is no such thing as living. When you recover, life happens. Are you ready for a change to better your life? Are you ready to start living again? If so, give us a call and we will do what we can to give your life meaning again. We will be here for you each step of the way.Club Drugs Gain Popularity
Jared is in his first year of college and scored tickets to a rave. Excited for weeks, the day finally comes and he takes a drink to get the party started. Jared and his friends could hear the music from over a block away as they arrived at the party. Once inside, another college aged guy offers them a small round pill.“This will make your experience so much better,” said the stranger, who was disarming as he looked like he could be in one of the same classes.“Awesome,” mumbled Jared as he took the small round object and swallowed it.Not too much later, he began feeling extremely thirsty and subsequently started chugging water. The drug’s effects kicked in and reality changed. He felt as though he could dance forever. Taking breaks to drink water, he lost count of how much he was drinking. By the morning, he was dead.A common misconception exists that says doing drugs just once cannot cause much harm. People often experience severe consequences the first time a mind-altering substance is tried. The misunderstanding about drug’s harmful, if not lethal potential may play a role in the increasing popularity of what is known as Club Drugs.Some of the most dangerous drugs are found in raves and like party scenes. These downers, uppers and hallucinogens are passed through the crowd causing a particularly dangerous situation. No one is thinking clearly enough to watch out for themselves or anyone else. People die from these Club Drugs in staggering numbers due to the extreme amount of stress put on the brain and body.Downers
Date rape drugs are some of the most commonly seen drugs in the rave scene. Two of these are GHB and Rohypnol. They are commonly used in rapes, druggings and accidental deaths. Despite the extremely high potential for danger, some people choose to take these drugs voluntarily.The downer effect of these drugs is an alluring effect for some people. Everyone reacts to drugs in a slightly different manner, making their illegal use broader than their intended use.GHB is, in very rare cases, used in the treatment of narcolepsy. This central nervous system depressant may create an aphrodisiac effect as well as being slightly stimulating in lower doses. The drug can, in higher doses, numb and immobilize a person, making the effected person easily overpowered.Rohypnol, one of the stronger Benzodiazepines, is prescribed to treat short term insomnia. It has a two-fold effect of rendering a person unconscious and causing amnesia. In cases of date rape, the person assaulted may not be able to recall the attack or his or her attacker.Uppers
The prospect of more energy and euphoric feelings make uppers a commonly occurrence in raves. Stimulants such as Ecstasy and Meth, though popular, pose an extreme amount of risk to the user’s health in a multitude of ways. The mixture of alcohol or other drugs and uppers can cause serious injury or death.Ecstasy, has both hallucinogenic and stimulant properties. Since the 1980s, this drug has invaded the rave scene and quite possibly perpetuated raves’ popularity. Ecstasy creates an altered state of consciousness, including a skewed sense of time, sexuality, sensations, empath and pleasure. As it decreases inhibitions, the drug often leads to accidental harm or death as a direct consequence of the user putting him or herself in dangerous situations.Ecstasy is highly addictive. Users have been known to become addicted from the first use. This dangerous drug can cause permanent health problems such as brain damage, brain lesions, cognitive impairment, anxiety, paranoia, anhedonia, memory loss, insomnia and death.Meth, aka Methamphetamine or Crystal Meth, is known to enormously strain the heart. The user’s heart rate is raised spectacularly, causing an irregular heartbeat and potentially leading to a cardiac episode and death. Additionally, it causes psychosis, delirium, heart failure, stroke and sudden death.Hallucinogens
Hallucinogens create an altered mental and emotional states and changes one’s perception, which make these drugs popular Club Drugs. The interest and use of Hallucinogens has exploded since World War II, resulting from the synthesis of LSD and its use as a psychiatric treatment. One common misconception regarding Hallucinogens is that they are less harmful than other types of drugs. Common Club Drugs are LSD and PCP, both of which are as harmful as any other type of drug.LSD induces feelings of euphoria, belonging, an altered state of consciousness and, reportedly, a heightened spiritual experience. It raises body temperature, increases blood pressure and heart rate and causes weakness and muscle tremors. LSD causes other adverse effects, such as panic, paranoia, and lasting mental disorders in users and can easily lead to overdose, death, and permanent damage.PCP, aka Angel Dust, is an unpredictable and dangerous drug known to cause a severely delusional state, often surrounding superhuman strength, invincibility, and power. It’s effects on the user are highly unpredictable and may either sedate or energize a person. Everyone is effected differently, however, symptoms may include paranoia, aggression, rage, hallucinations, depersonalization, and perception changes.Dangerous Game
Club Drugs are illegal and extremely dangerous due to their makeshift production and unknown characteristics. Each pill or drop is different from the next, making their potency unpredictable and easily fatal.All Club Drugs have a strong tendency to cause permanent mental and physical damage and death. Each use is a huge gamble. As everyone reacts differently, it only requires one failing bet to kill.Michigan & Drug Abuse
There is not one race, age, or religion that is immune to drug abuse or addiction. Drug abuse effects people from all gender and socioeconomic background and all other walks of life. Drug abuse is a progressive and life-threatening illness. It is also one with which many Michiganders are familiar.Michigan has a substantial drug problem, with some parts of the state seeing as high as 10.46 percent of individuals experiencing dependence or abuse of an addictive substance within the past year as of 2014. With so many people unable to control their using, an unhealthy lifestyle could look dangerously normal.There is no cure for addiction but it can be maintained with the help of treatment. If you or someone you love abuses drugs, do not wait to be just another statistic. Get help today.Michigan & Alcoholism
Alcoholism is a substantial problem in the state of Michigan. As many as 63.27 percent of all Michiganders, aged 18-25, have used alcohol within the past month, as of 2015. With nearly two out of three people drinking regularly, determining what is normal social drinking and what is alcoholism can be difficult.Alcoholism is a life-threatening and progressive illness. Alcohol is a drug, which can take over and devastate the life of the user just like any other addictive substance. If you or someone you love is drinking out of control, get help right away.Do not wait for tragedy to strike. Call today to speak with someone about your alcohol problem. We will be able to help you determine which treatment will be best for you.
- (2021). : September 2021: Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month.
- . (n.d.). :
- Michigan Substance Use Disorder Data Repository. (2021). : Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS).
- National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics. (2022). : Average Cost of Drug Rehab [2022]: by Type, State & More.
- Medicaid. (2022). : Parity
- Center for Medicare Advocacy. (2022). : Medicare Coverage of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.
- Naloxone – patients . (n.d.). U-M Injury Center. Retrieved November 15, 2022, from :
- Impaired driving law . (n.d.). Michigan State Police. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from :
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