Substance Abuse Treatment in West Bloomfield Township, MI
West Bloomfield Township, MI is a charter township in Oakland County. With a population of nearly 65,000 residents, West Bloomfield Township is a thriving suburb of the Detroit metro area. This idyllic setting has something for everyone; from ice skating in the winter to water skiing in the summer.
Even in a picturesque place such as West Bloomfield Township, the disease of addiction devastates and claims many lives. Addiction is a disease of the mind and requires expert treatment to overcome its symptoms.
If you are struggling with addiction issues, reach out and get the help you need and deserve. Our experts can help walk you through the admissions process and answer any question you may have. Give us a call today at (866)578-7471.
How Painful Are Withdrawal Symptoms?
Withdrawal symptoms vary from mild to severe. Some withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening, such as in the case of alcohol and benzodiazepine detox.
There is no formula for predicting exactly who will experience which symptoms and their severity. Some known contributing factors are known, however. These include age, genetics, physical characteristics, drug or drugs of abuse, amount used and length of use.
While some are fairly mild, withdrawal symptoms from most of the commonly abuse prescriptions drugs and almost all illicit drugs can be dangerous. Symptoms range in terms of intensity as well as which symptoms are present. Sweating may be mild or it could cause a person to become dangerously dehydrated without expert medical care on hand. Another common withdrawal symptom is cognitive and processing difficulties, such as confusion, delirium, unsteady gait and others that are especially concerning if the person is detoxing alone.
Due to the extreme nature of some withdrawal symptoms it is strongly encouraged that you find an inpatient detox facility. The expert medical staff may prescribe medication to alleviate discomfort and ensure your safety during this trying experience. You can also relax and know that your needs are being met by those providing around the clock supervision and support. No one should suffer alone. Find a detox center before suddenly stopping any substance or talk to a medical professional for advice.
Around the globe, millions of people have stopped using and stayed abstinent with the help of a 12-step program. The 12-steps are simple instructions for how to live a better, healthier life. 12-step programs, like AA and NA, prove the best at tackling the disease of addiction and its symptoms. If you are suffering from addiction in West Bloomfield Township, MI, find a meeting in your area and get connected to others in sobriety. It is never too late to recover!