Put the Time and Effort into Bettering Yourself
Located close to O'Hare International Airport, Elk Grove Village, Illinois is home to about 33,000 people. Unfortunately, being so close to a major city like Chicago the spillover of drug addiction and alcoholism can be found in Elk Grove.
These terrible diseases exist in every city in our country. Many people fall victim to a substance abuse while trying to find relive from the problems in their life. Drinking on weekends can end up getting out of hand or getting high before you go to bed at night can lead to interest in upping the game with more dangerous drugs. We know that you are thinking, it can never happen to you, right?
Addiction does not discriminate against anyone. The sad part is, many people who fall ill to an addiction do not reach out for help. They think their addiction is too strong to fight back against. But that is not true. Do not let the negative feelings that your substance abuse problem pours on you get the best of you. If you need help (866) 578-7471 .
How Do I Help a Loved One?
Seeing a loved one ruin their life and relationships because of an addiction can be hard. You don't know how to help; you might not even know if your loved one wants your help. The bottom line is, whether they want it or not, your loved one needs your help.
Holding an intervention can be a great way to provide a wakeup call to your loved one. Addicts and alcoholics are usually in denial about their substance abuse problem. And those who admit they have a problem, are under the false impression that they are have their drug and alcohol use under control and can stop whenever they want. When in reality, those close to them know that is not true.
In order to stage a successful intervention, you will need to gather those close to the addict. At the intervention, go around the room and allow everyone to read their own personalized statement to the addict. These statements should be prepared and written down, with specific examples of how the addict's actions have hurt their relationships.
The point of planning an intervention is to get your loved one to admit that they have a problem and that they need help. You are not doing this to gang up and criticize your loved one. Let them know that people care about them and want to see them get help.
Fighting back against your addiction is a lifelong decision that has to be made. After rehab is over is when the real battle begins, by attending AA and NA meetings can help you connect with people who understand what you are going through.