True Prescription Drug Addiction Stories & Recovery

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Last Edited: November 19, 2020
Patricia Howard, LMFT, CADC
Clinically Reviewed
Andrew Lancaster, LPC, MAC
All of the information on this page has been reviewed and certified by an addiction professional.

12 Real Stories About Prescription Drug Addiction

Connor’s need to feel accepted in his youth opened him up to drug abuse. After experimenting with smoking pain pills, he quickly finds himself caught up into heroin. His near death experience puts him in a halfway house surrounded by the right people.
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Sherri turned to prescription pills and heroin to numb the feeling of her internal struggles with yourself and her place in the world. Heavy drinking and drug experimentation lead her to painkillers and heroin. Struggling with her addiction, she gave drug rehab a try and by working hard at her recovery she is able to see her child.
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Brennan felt overwhelmed with his family life and decided to unwind with ecstasy and other drugs. When his addiction to Xanax spirals out of control, Brennan struggles to obtain heroin to support grow drug addiction. After years of abuse, numerous rehabs, and relapses; he found himself at A Better Today’s drug rehab with a desire to get sober. Currently 249 days sober, he is proud to have a car, job, and healthy relationships in his life.
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Shirley and her boyfriend experiment with Codeine and develop a taste for opiates. When she began to smuggle drugs, did her addiction to prescription pills spiral out of control. Shirley was addicted to pain killers and later advanced to heroin. She would do anything to support her usage. Her whole life was destroyed until she found sobriety. Hear her inspiring story.
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After Ray lost interest in sports, his decision to experiment with drugs led him to a bad cocaine addiction. After trying prescription pills like Oxycontin, he was sucked into the dark spiral of drug addiction for many years. After his addiction starts getting him in trouble with the law, his friend encouraged Ray to get sober and find rehab.
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Jake grew up not feeling as though he fit in and used substances to try and fill in that gap, abusing meth, prescription pain pills and heroin. After going through many ups and downs in life, he finally was able to commit himself to getting into recovery with the help and support of his family. Today he lives a happy and fulfilled life without the abuse of substances.
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Bianca shares her experience with her prescription drug use as a child. She had zero coping skills and was sheltered by her parents for years. Once the doctor stopped her prescription, she found her life shifting into a never-ending nightmare.
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At the age of 12, Katie explored alcohol and began to make friends with the wrong crowd. When she got a hold of Xanax and alcohol, she began to black out when she mixed the two. Having the strength to ask her family for help gave her the chance for a better life than just pills and booze. Katie got into a treatment facility with the help of her parents.
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Brandon struggled with his identity and turned to drugs to fill the void in his life. When a knee injuring puts painkillers in his hands, he began to go down the wrong path. The death of his father caused him to drive into heroin. Encountering his first meeting, things began to look good for Brandon till his first relapse. It takes years of drug abuse before Brandon finally is comfortable with himself and his sobriety.
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Kallie struggled with addiction from the very beginning. Her mother was addicted to opiate pills and was absent from her life. When her mother came back in her life she introduced Kallie to snorting pain pills. When the death of her mother occurs, her addiction takes a dark turn. Her finds herself in an abusive relationship so she could get the drugs she needed.
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Jay’s aggression and need to fit in spark his interest in drugs. Getting caught with prescription pills in high school was the beginning of a tough life for him that progressed to heroin. Relapse after relapse, Jay wanted to find peace and explored rehab after rehab, in search for answer that would stick. He couldn’t be more grateful with his recovery.
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Nadine started abusing substances at a young age after being introduced to alcohol and drugs. Going hard on alcohol, meth, pain pills, heroin and then finally losing her children to CPS. Struggling with abusing substances for years, Nadine received help and support from her family that allowed her to admit she had a problem and fight for her recovery.
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