Embrace Freedom from Richfield, Minnesota
Richfield, MN is a city of 34,439 people just outside of Minneapolis. The city is home to Best Buy headquarters and has a 150-acre nature preserve—one of the first city nature centers in Minnesota. Richfield is also known as Minnesota’s oldest suburb as the beginnings of the city date back to the 1850s.
No matter a city’s prestige or history, there’s the treat that addiction can take a hold in it. Richfield is not immune to the devastating effects of drug addiction. Drug addiction has no face. It impacts people of all different backgrounds. Addiction is an illness. People who struggle need treatment.
What is Detox Like?
When someone decides they want to get treatment for their addiction problem, they will first go through detoxification. At the detoxification facility, clients will receive a treatment plan based on their individual needs. This plan will take into account the client’s background, physical and emotional needs.
After this process, the client will start detox. Most rehabilitation centers provide medically assisted withdrawal to help people with the symptoms. The body has withdrawal symptoms because it has gotten used to having the drugs in the body.
As it molds itself in response to the drug, it becomes dependent. Taking away the drug sends an intense shock throughout the person’s body resulting in the withdrawal symptoms.
The nature of the withdrawals will vary depending on the drug of choice and duration. However, most of the symptoms can be mitigated through medication. The period of time it takes for someone to finish detox depends on them and their specific history.
Though detox itself isn’t treatment, it is the first step. The client will have to go through the therapeutic dimension of treatment in order to gain the tools they need for recovery.
In short, detox isn’t as bad as advertised if people decide to go to treatment in a facility. Quitting drugs cold turkey can prove dangerous—even fatal. Therefore, people should try and detox in a facility. If you are looking to find treatment and need help deciding where to go, give us a call. We can help you find the best place for you or answer any of your questions. (866) 578-7471 .