Recovery in Blaine, Minnesota
Blaine, Minnesota is home to over 57,000 residents and is part of the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. This beautiful suburban town has miles of scenic parks, trails, and many sports centers. Home of the National Sports Center, a 600-acre multi-sport complex that includes over 50 soccer fields, a golf course and the Schwan Super Rink which is the largest ice facilities of its type in the world. Situated just thirteen miles from Minneapolis, Blaine has the best of both city and country life.
Even in a city like Blaine, Minnesota people struggle with substance abuse. If you are caught in the vicious cycle of addiction, realize that you are not alone. There is hope and help is available.
The disease of addiction devastates and kills far too many people each year in the United States. According the Center for Disease Control, one in every ten Americans struggle with substance abuse. Many people start out using normally and find, to their surprise, that they cannot stop. They continue to use out of shame, guilt and fear, however the situation always just gets worse.
If you or someone you love struggles with addictive substances, you are not alone. Millions have been where you are and have found a way out. Reach out and find the help you need and deserve. Your life is worth saving.
How do I Help My Friend Stop Using?
The best way to communicate concern regarding a loved one's abuse of drugs or alcohol is to stage an intervention. An intervention is simply a conversation where the person is confronted about his or her using and behavior.
An intervention is a great way to get the person headed in the right direction. Often the person abusing substances will truly believe that no harm is being done to others or him or herself. Denial and shame are strong allies of addiction and work to keep the person enslaved to the addictive substance.
By staging an intervention, you show the person that you love and care, however emphasize that change needs to occur. You are taking the necessary steps to give the person a nudge in the right direction.
Why Should I Travel for Treatment?
Travelling for treatment is a good idea for anyone wanting to give their recovery more of a chance. Often, old using friends, dealers or others who do not understand addiction will try to lure someone away from a treatment center and a new life in recovery. By finding a treatment center away from such negative influences, you will be able to relax and fully focus on yourself while in treatment.
Travelling for treatment has the added benefit of allowing you to choose a treatment center anywhere you want. Why not find a facility where the weather is gorgeous and you can relax under palm trees while starting your new sober life?
Learning to live without drugs or alcohol can be difficult at times, but it is possible. 12-step programs prove the most effective way of treating the disease of addiction. Everyone is encouraged to find a sponsor, work the 12-steps and attend meetings regularly. Regular meeting attendance is crucial to getting connected to others who are or who have been in the same situation as yourself. The love, guidance and support provided by your sponsor and fellow members will allow you to overcome any obstacle life throws your way. If you are struggling with substance abuse, find a meeting in your area today and start living a life better than you can imagine.
- Anoka County Public Health and Environmental Services. (2019). Anoka County 2020-2022 Community Health Improvement Plan. : https://www.anokacountymn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/26406/Anoka-County-Community-Health-Improvement-Plan-2020-2022
- Minnesota Department of Health. (2022). Anoka County substance use and overdose profile. : https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/opioids/countyprofiles/documents/anokacountyoverdosedata.pdf
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