Addiction and Recovery in Plymouth, Minnesota
Plymouth is in Hennepin County, Minnesota and is the state's seventh largest city. Money magazine named Plymouth the number one place to live in the United States in 2008. This enormous honor was awarded because of its inclusion of residential areas, industry, parks, schools, among others, which make Plymouth, essentially, a self-contained and autonomous city.
This is a great choice for businesses and few have their headquarters here, including Select Comfort and OneBeacon. Apart from great career options, Plymouth has extensive trails and parks, picturesque spaces, highly regarded school districts, strong neighborhoods, diverse recreation programs and much more.
Even in a near perfect place, such as Plymouth, people from all walks of life become addicted to drugs and alcohol. If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol and feel like there is no hope, don't give up. There is hope and help is available.
Who Should Stage an Intervention?
Anyone who is concerned about a friend, family member or loved one should consider staging an intervention. An intervention can be as simple as a direct, non-judgmental conversation where the person is confronted about his or her substance abuse. Anyone can have a conversation with another person, however it may be more effective if the person in question is confronted by a group of people who love and care for him or her.
There is not limiting factor to who can stage an intervention, however if the person abusing substances has an especially negative or abusive relationship with someone, it may be best to have him or her sit the intervention out as it could cause emotional outbursts and be ultimately detrimental.
It can be difficult in some cases to determine who should attend, therefore if you have any questions, consider consulting a professional interventionist beforehand. The professional can help determine what intervention model is best and help those participating to prepare for the event. Drafting statements and rehearsing them can help everyone involved get an understanding of what to expect, what to avoid and what must be said.
If you suspect that someone you love is struggling with substance abuse, get them help as soon as possible. The disease of addiction is cunning, baffling and, all too often, deadly. Do not wait until the worst case scenario occurs to take action. Any effect you take to get the person struggling the help he or she needs and deserves is a major step in the right direction.
If you have come to the realization that your life is being run by addictive substances and has become unmanageable, congratulations on completing the first step. The first step is admitting that a problem exists, and this is also commonly the most difficult step. Even if you are simply suspicious that you may have a problem, consider finding a local 12-step meeting and get involved. 12-step programs prove the most effective way of treating the disease of addiction. Everyone is encouraged to attend meetings regularly, get a sponsor and work the 12-steps of recovery. Millions of people worldwide have been where you are and have triumphed over their addiction through the help and guidance of such programs as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. If you are struggling, find a meeting in your area today and start living a life better than you can imagine.
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