Find Serenity from Kentwood, Michigan
Kentwood, MI was named after Kent County, in which it resides. A suburb of Grand Rapids, Kentwood has a population of just under 50,000 residents.
The disease of addiction has taken control of and devastated many lives even in an idyllic setting such as Kentwood. Addiction is a disease that requires professional treatment to overcome its deadly symptoms.
If you or someone you love is suffering from addiction or substance abuse issues, reach out today. We can help you find a treatment center and answer any questions you may have. Call us at (866)578-7471.
How Can I Communicate My Concern About His Drinking?
An intervention is a simply a conversation, where the person is confronted about drinking and using. This is the best method for communicating with someone who is in active addiction.
While using, people who have become addicted often experience significant denial and distortion of thought. They often truly believe that no one is being harmed by their using, including themselves.
Getting through to a person in this condition can be extremely difficult. There is no perfect way to stage an intervention, however there is a wrong way. You do not want to ostracize, humiliate or blame the person. He or she is suffering from an illness and needs your help and compassion. The most important aspect is that you keep the conversation non-judgmental and non-confrontational.
Understandably, this can be a tall order. In order to understand the situation better, consider talking to a professional. An interventionist can help you plan for and organize the event and have a better understanding of what to expect.
This expert can help you decide who and how many people should attend and strategize ways to make the most impact with the intervention. There are many different aspects to consider, including location, participants, who should speak or read and many other factors.
The expert may also sit in on the intervention and help keep the conversation running smoothly, calmly and, should any outbursts occur, help to put it back on track.
Learning how to live without drugs or alcohol requires a strong support system and good guidance. You can find these things and more in a local 12-step program meeting. If you suffer from addiction or substance abuse issues in Kentwood, MI, find a meeting in your area today and start living a better life!