Rehab from Substance Abuse in Russellville, AR
Russellville is the proud home of Arkansas Tech University, and boasts 4 state parks nearby"”Mount Nebo, Mount Magazine, Lake Dardanelle and Petit Jean. Each offering vistas, beauty and ambiance all their own. Set in the heart of the Arkansas River Valley, Russellville also has kayaking, canoeing and skateboard park. Russellville also offers fishing, hiking and swimming, making it a great place to enjoy nature and start your treatment for drug and alcohol dependency. Think about traveling to another city or state for treatment and get away from the negative influences in your life so you can focus on recovery.
What is Addiction Treatment?
Treatment is the therapeutic and medical process required for substance abuse addicts to recover from their disease.
This usually begins with detoxification. Detox is the cleansing of the toxins in the patient's system to prepare them for rehab. Withdrawals are the side-effects of detox as their body exhibits sickness and desires for the substances that they are quitting. Some substances like alcohol and benzodiazepines or benzos can have dangerous and even deadly withdrawal symptoms, while most are less severe. A medical staff supervises people in detox and medications can be prescribed for severe withdrawals. Patients are assessed for their substance abuse and a treatment plan is created.
The next step is treatment, and the most effective form of treatment is inpatient care, where patients live at the facility and receive therapy and medical care.
Outpatient care is also effective for those who have family or work responsibilities., or who cannot afford inpatient care, as it is usually more expensive.
Individual, group and family therapy methods are offered at most treatment facilities. Many also offer cognitive behavioral therapy as well as alternative therapies like music, yoga, art and equine therapies.
Individual focuses on one-on-one therapy with a counselor, whereas group therapy is for those who prefer therapy in a group of peers with counselors and doctors present.
If you're ready for rehab in Russellville, give us a call and we'll help you find the right treatment for you! (866) 578-7471
Group meetings like AA can help you create a support system for your ongoing recovery. You can set goals at weekly group meetings and track your progress in sobriety. Also consider a 12-step meeting where you work the steps on your path to recovery.