Drug Abuse Treatment Facilities in Memphis, TN
For many people, choosing recovery is one of the most important decisions in his/her life. Within the recovery community, sobriety and/or abstinence is worn like a badge of honor and highly regarded as one of greater achievements in life.
No matter where one is, recovery is still something to attain. Memphis, TN has a vast number of treatment centers available. Addiction does not discriminate between individuals from all walks of life, including regions and cultural standards. Thus, it is only fitting that treatment centers should be just as prevalent in in order to quell the epidemic of addiction.
Addiction must receive specialized care, as it functions unlike any other disease within our modern society. One of the most unique factors regarding addiction lies in its ability to rewire the neurological functioning of the brain in order to further reinforce patterns of repeated substance use. These alterations often explain occurrences of denial that commonly surround use or actions that revolve around use.
Addiction is not necessarily a choice; it functions more as a disease. If one were to view addiction in the light of physiological alterations with subsequent symptomology, the chemical imbalance within the individual’s brain would be the cause of addictive behaviors one could observe.
Finding an adequate facility will be a vital first step to the recovery process. Please call us at (866) 578-7471 and we can help you find the best rehabilitation center for all of your specific needs.
What to Expect in a Treatment Facility
When first entering a treatment center, there are certainly many mysteries that may await. However, licensed clinicians and professionals are there to provide comfort and support to the recovery process; thus ensuring a smoother recovery process.
With the most modern treatment modalities available, therapists and counselors are able to provide the most effective therapeutic techniques to further ensure a successful treatment outcome. In addition, licensed clinicians are certified to provide assistance in any way possible, even with issues outside of addiction itself.
Some of the therapy techniques don’t just treat your addiction but treat you as a person. Help you identify your strengths and weakness so you develop proper coping mechanisms that will help you say no to drug with confidence.
The recovery process never needs to be done alone. If someone does tries to go through recovery by him/herself, there is a greater chance of running into high risk situations and potential relapse triggers.
High-risk situations consist of familiar circumstances that vividly reminds one of his/her addictive past, thus threatening to induce a relapse, a return of previous using patterns. Many examples of high-risk situations include past social acquaintances (such as previous dealers or people one used to use drugs with), specific locations (familiar location where one used or purchased drugs or alcohol) or before high-stress occasions (such as anniversaries of deaths of loved ones).
When many of risks present themselves, people in recovery are at an immensely increased risk of being triggered. Individuals who are experiencing triggers and are not properly addressing them usually experience a revitalization of familiar addictive circuitry, thus increasing the probability of relapsing.
However, with help from local support groups, people in recovery are strengthened with a closer sense of community. Studies have demonstrated that people in recovery that are engaged social support group are less likely to relapse, regardless of the presence of high risk situations and other triggering elements.
Having a strong support system after your period of recovery will be important for living a long sober life. Triggers, temptations, and old habits can stifle your will to not use and stay clean. Find a meeting in your area and reach out for a sponsor to help guide you through your life. A strong support system will ensure a successful recovery.