Dangers of Fentora Abuse
Fentora is one of the United States trade names for the powerful drug called fentanyl. Fentanyl is also found in other prescriptions Opioids under the trade names, Actiq, Subsys, Duragesic and Sublimaze. Fentora is like Morphine, another common Painkiller prescribed in the U.S. However, there is a potency difference between the two drugs, when compared to Morphine, Fentora is nearly 100 times stronger.
Overall, Fentora is considered a high-risk drug, so when it is abused, Fentora becomes even more dangerous than when it is used a prescribed. Too often, Fentora is associated with unintentional overdose and ultimately death. Reports on Fentora have indicated that the prescription drug is laced in various street drugs, while many purchasing pills illicitly are unaware that they are buying counterfeit pills laced with the drug.
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An individual’s risk of overdose reaches unthinkable measures when taking Fentora is cut into Opioid Painkillers that are manufactured and sold illicitly. According to the Food and Drug Administration, Fentora carries the risk of causing a fatal overdose.
Systemic exposure was higher for women than men (mean Cmax and AUC values were approximately 28% and 22% higher, respectively).
Street Names for Fentora
Fentanyl, is manufactured and sold on a pharmaceutical level as well as on an illicit and dangerous one. The top common street names for Fentora, most often identified as Fentanyl are: China White, JackPot, China Girl, Apache, Goodfella, Friend, Murder 8, Tango and Cash.
Fentora Effects
The risk for developing an addiction or overdosing are exceptionally high. Although Fentora is most often utilized as medication for adult cancer patients to manage the severe pain experienced, Fentora can lead to dependency and addiction. The behavioral and psychological effects produced by dependency and addiction to Fentora are: Anxiety, impulsiveness, Desperation, Depression, Intense Mood Swings, as well as heightened irritability. Aside from the psychological and behavioral effects produced by Fentora, many Physical effects occur. The physical effects of Fentora are greatly harmful to a person’s overall health. The physical effects include but are not limited to: difficulties breathing, constipation, dizziness, stroke, liver problems, nausea, disorientation, seizures, and Death.
Warning signs of Fentora abuse in a loved one
If you have a loved one that has been prescribed Fentora for cancer pain or has been unlawfully prescribed the Painkiller for other pain related reasons, it is imperative to keep an eye out for specific warning signs. When an individual abuses Painkillers such as Fentora there are certain warning signs to look out for. When someone becomes addicted to powerful Painkillers like Fentora, he or she often becomes protective, secretive and even defensive over his or her prescription drugs.
A clear-cut sign that will indicate if your loves one is abusing Fentora is if he or she begins to increase the amount taken without medical advice or direction by the doctor. Increasing the amount taken of Fentora may also signal the development of addiction.
If your loved one has recently become usually secretive, had a change in normal behaviors or displayed intense and unpredictable mood swings? Signs such as these are another warning that your loved may be addicted or abusing Fentora.
The number one indicator that someone you love may be abusing Fentora and other prescription opioids, is an unexplained and increased number of doctor visits. Doctor shopping is considered drug seeking and addictive behaviors.
Factual Dangers: Fentora
Fentora is most often referred to as prescription Fentanyl. Due to the major increase in related overdose deaths in the U.S. over the past several years, being educated on the drug Fentora can be greatly beneficial to you and your loved one’s addiction. we think it is important that friends and family members of addicted loved ones take time to educate themselves on the grave dangers of the powerful prescription Painkiller, Fentora.
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Fentora Rehab Treatment
When somebody makes the decision to get help for an addiction to Fentora, the best antidote is to seek out a structured and comprehensive treatment. Regardless of the individual’s extent and depth of Fentora addiction, all rehab treatment programs for the drug will be done through a series of processes.
The first few processes are vital to the treatments success. The initial process is an individual assessment to look over the specifics of an individual’s history with drug abuse and other components that will affect the treatment process them. Secondly, the tapering process, which is known as medically assisted detox, that is done within a safe and comfortable environment with both medical and peer supporting staff persons.
After this period, which will essentially act as the detox process, the person will be ready for the therapeutic dimension of treatment or rehab, which will consist integrated and comprehensive care with a variety of services. Fentora rehabilitation treatment services range widely in therapeutic value. Most rehab centers that offer treatment for addiction and dependence to prescription opioids such as Fentora, provide therapy in both a one-on-one, individual aspect and in a group setting. Rehab for treating Fentora addiction ranges in length of stay. Some rehab treatment centers last anyway from 30 to 90 days, while other treatment programs focus on longer lengths of time to increase the effectiveness of a life-long recovery from drug abuse and addiction. – Learn More
Do not stop taking this medication without consulting your doctor.
Fentora Detox Treatment
When someone is admitted into a treatment center for Fentora abuse, the first step is usually to undergo assessment and then the detox period. This can be one of the most difficult steps as a series of withdrawals plagues the body while the poisons are flushed from the body.
The physical dependency the body has on the drug is what makes this period as unbearable as the body learns to cope without the drug. The detox process varies from drug to drug. Professionals at detox centers have medication that can help ease the discomfort that the withdrawals have on the body depending on the drug addiction. It is highly recommended that the detox process occur within an inpatient treatment as there are medical professionals to assist you or your loved one around-the-clock.
Withdrawals from Fentora can be excruciatingly uncomfortable for people who have been addicted to the drug for a long period of time. This is common for any opioid addiction. In a controlled treatment setting, the user has a medical team to support and encourage them during this difficult process. Because withdrawal symptoms can sometimes be intense, many practitioners provide supplemental drugs to patients who are undergoing detoxification to prevent brain damage or self-inflicted pain. Fentora may require a tapering drug to help with the addiction as Fentora is very potent and hard to kick with professional training – Learn More
Addiction to Fentora
An addiction to Fentora steals the lives of many each day. Fentora often results in overdose and other life-threatening consequences. Once addiction to Opioids like Fentora and heavily afflicts a person compromising his or her overall sense of wellbeing, poly-drug use often occurs.
Poly-drug use is when prescription Opioids or other substances are mixed together with other drugs. You may be wondering is people are known to combine a drug as powerful drug such as Fentora with other drugs. The answer is yes, it is not uncommon for individuals addicted to Fentora to mix the drug with other mind-altering drugs. A few of the most common drugs found to be mixed with Fentora abuse are Heroin, Benzodiazepines and Cocaine. Fentora is one of the most potent drugs on the market today. This powerful painkiller is a highly controlled substance in the U.S. under the DEA.
Fentora, as with all other Opioids alter a person’s brain chemistry by binding to the brain opioid receptors. When a person becomes addicted to Fentora, his or her brain has been rewired in a way that demands use of the drug, as if it is an essential nutrient much like food or water. This is where an individual addicted to Fentora ultimately losses the option of choice in whether to take the drug. If you or a loved one is addicted to Fentora, get help before it is too late.
Fentora Dependency
If You or your loved one is illegally using Fentora and are not prescribed this drug for cancer pain purposes, disclosing this information to addiction medical professionals at initial visit to the rehab treatment center will be vital to his or her recovery. When using and or abusing Fentora an individual must be monitored by professionals during the tapering process due to the strength and heaviness of the drug posing a risk of death and other potential life-altering withdrawal symptoms.
This usually requires a team of doctors or addiction specialists to work with the patient at the same time to lower the risk of organ failure and psychotic episodes. When a person is on prescription Fentora, he or she will most likely go through and experience a psychological dependence in addition to a physical one. Considering that the potency of Fentora is borderline inhuman, an individual is at a highly staggering risk of developing physical tolerance and mental dependence.
Are needing to take Fentora just for the ability to get through a 24-hour time? If so, you may be dealing with Fentora dependence. Whether you are experiencing uncertainly if dependence to Fentora is a problem in your life or not, reach out for suggestions on what the best direction is to take at this point in you or your loved one’s life on Fentora.
Intervention for Fentora Abuse
Do you think a loved one is abusing Fentora? If you suspect Fentora abuse you may need and benefit from an intervention. Fentora is a dangerous substance that is very easy to abuse and vastly addictive. Abusing Fentora can cause changes in an individual’s behavior including severe depression, irritation, mood swings and even suicidal thinking, which can make getting your loved one help a little more difficult.
An intervention can help you save your loved one’s life from the deadly disease of addiction. If you are considering an intervention with friends and family to help your loved one get back on the right footing, it is recommended to reach out to a specialist. A specialist is also know most commonly known as a professional interventionist.
Professional interventions help friends and family members of addicted loved ones to convey a message of support, love and respect. It is possible for an intervention turn out ineffective and resulting in more harm than good. However, an unsuccessful intervention most often occurs when friends and family gather together without a mediator. Professional interventionists are licensed specialists that have extensive experience in handling an intervention setting properly, with skills such as de-escalation and much more. Reach out and get in contact with an addiction specialist who can point you in the direction of a professional interventionist that will be able to meet you and your family’s needs in confronting your loved one’s addiction. – Learn More
Recovery from Fentora Abuse
Recovery from Opioid addiction and Fentora abuse may not feel at all possible, however we want to reassure you, it is. Many people each day reach out for support to get help with the life altering disease of addiction. As mentioned previously, there are many stages of an individual recovery process. After getting assessed, detoxed and going through therapeutic treatment for Fentora abuse in rehabilitation, individuals are often able to maintain recovery.
However, recovery is not a cure for the disease of addiction. Recovery is worth every second if you put in the work to keep yourself healthy and open to growing in a mental, physical and emotional sense. When an individual completes treatment for a Fentora addiction, he or she may benefit significantly from pursuing aftercare options. Finishing treatment is a huge accomplishment, but people don’t need to see that as the final step. There are a lot of major steps required to continue the aims achieved in treatment.
Some people benefit specifically from a transitional, sober living facility following treatment. Sober living homes provide around-the-clock support and structure for people just leaving treatment and transitioning into daily living again. It has proven difficult for many individuals to begin residing at home immediately after treatment, as triggers and temptations might lead him or her back to Fentora abuse. Beyond sober living homes, outpatient aftercare options are available. Outpatient and aftercare services provide counseling and extra support for individuals who are fresh out of treatment.
Dangers of Fentora Overdose
If you are wondering if it’s possible to overdose on the Painkiller Fentora, the answer is yes. The chances of overdose for people taking Fentora is generally high because of how potent it is. These chances go up exponentially for those who take it by injection because it releases immediately into the bloodstream. However, the alternate perspective for individuals who are abusing Fentora is that intravenously using the drug produced a quicker more euphoric high.
This fact alone is concerning however due to this fact many individuals who abuse the drug feel more inclines to do so in ways that could leave seconds between their life and death. There are many signs that could indicate not only Fentora abuse but a Fentora overdose. Some of the most common signs of overdose resulting from Fentora abuse are: clammy skin, seizures, low blood pressure or pinpoint pupils. A Fentora overdose can easily lead to respiratory depression and death.
This medication may be available under multiple brand names and/or in several different forms.
Fentora is quick to produce analgesia due to the sedating and euphoric effects of the drug. This powerful drug works at a quick pace and is troublesome to counteract, in an overdose emergency. Fentora overdose lowers heart rate, breathing and induces drowsiness. A Fentora overdose without immediate emergency help is likely to end in fatality. Get help for Fentora abuse before the progression of addiction results in death. If someone you love or know is experiencing a drug overdose, call 911 and get an emergency medical team to the person as quickly as possible. – Learn More
Fentora Use, Abuse and Dependency
Fentora is a Painkiller and Opioid analgesic that was created in the 1960s. Fentora is the trade or brand name for Fentanyl. In addition to Fentora, the drug Fentanyl is marketed and sold under various names and products. Fentora is one of the most potent and powerful narcotics today. The prescription Opioid Fentora is known as a fentanyl citrate buccal tablet. The drug is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Cephalon.
This prescription drug was first approved in 2006 by the Food and Drug Administration. Fentora approval however was limited and to be used only in treatment for pain in breakthrough cancer patients, whom have already developed a tolerance to other Opioids. After the company purposed to approve wider use for pain among individuals with chronic nerve and lower back pain, the FDA stepped in. In 2008 the FDA released a warning to all health care providers addressing the potential effects produced by Fentora, stating that a fentanyl overdose may occur if the drug is abused or prescribed off-label, putting emphasis on the addictiveness of the drug.
When it comes to Fentora abuse and dependency any individual who is prescribed the drug is at serious risk. Opioid abuse has been going on for centuries as pharmaceutical companies keep developing opiate derived drugs as they have seemed in previous years to be the most effective relief against severe pain.
However, in more recent years, Opioid painkillers are finally being seen for what they are, unhelpful and life altering for many. Fentora is a part of the opioid pain reliever family of prescriptions. This prescription drug can only be prescribed by a doctor as stated previously strictly for cancer patients. Fentora, like other Opioid drugs, effects the central nervous system that regulates pain perception through the opiate receptors in the brain.
When deciding to get help for Fentora abuse and dependence there are many aspects to consider that often deter an individual from getting the honest necessary help. Quitting Fentora, aka Fentanyl is not a joke or a light matter what so ever. Getting treatment and away from this drug as well as other opioids or substances needs to be done with medical supervision. Coming off Fentora alone without proper medical assistance can lead to fatal complications with one’s health and cardiovascular system.
After getting medically and physically detoxified a variety of treatment options are available to address the disease portion of addiction. In rehab for Fentora abuse and dependency an individual will have the opportunity to receive therapy, counseling and other services. Individual therapy sessions are utilized mainly for the deeper internal healing of a person living with addiction, while group therapy helps to re-integrate an individual back into society in recovery from addiction to Fentora as well as from other substances. Individual therapy in rehab for Fentora abuse connects individuals with therapists who help the them learn about the various ins and outs of their addiction, while educating them on the disease.
Often, people who have an addiction problem do not know why they are compelled to use. Some individuals have found that they used because of past family trauma or due to undiagnosed mental health disorders and co-occurring disorders. Helping an individual gain Understanding of the reason why he or she became physically and psychologically dependent can help him or her learn how to combat the disease of addiction with resistance and healing. When an individual is backed with the tools needed to understand his or her triggers to abuse the drug, that person can then again work to become a productive and motivated member of society. Individual therapy also helps a person share about things that he or she would not feel comfortable sharing within the context of a group. Overall, individual therapy helps people recover just as much as group therapy does, just in a different dynamic and way.
The other form of therapy that assists Individuals break away from Fentora abuse is group therapy. Group therapy helps people to learn a multitude of skills and understand that they are not fighting alone in their journey to and through recovery. When people are in active addiction, it is easy to forget how to live within a community and healthily in society. Part of the recovery process involves reaching out of the person’s comfort zone to heal with others. Recovery doesn’t happen in isolation, addiction does. Addiction feeds on isolation and recovery feeds on community. In group therapy, individuals will learn various coping mechanisms to deal with recovery daily. They will participate in experiential therapy sessions, which provides them with hands on processes such as art, yoga and fitness therapy. Overall, group therapy helps individuals get through rough patches and the healing process alongside others striving for the same success. Breaking free from Fentora abuse and dependence is by no means easy but it is possible and recovery will be more than worth it.
Short-term effects
When initially taken, Fentora has a euphoric effect on the brain and body as the connection to pain receptors are disrupted. When people is under the influence of Fentora they will not feel pain, hunger, or discomfort. The body becomes sedated and all muscles begin to relax allowing the healing process to continue.
Some common short-term effects of Fentora are: Feeling of Euphoria, Cognitive Abilities Impaired, Decrease in Motivation, Sedation and Difficulty Speaking or Completing Sentences. Long-term use of Fentora can cause permanent changes to brain receptors, which is why Fentora is only used for cancer patients who are a part of a special program. When these permanent changes develop, the user often develops a strong craving for this drug on a continuous basis even after the first dose.
Therefore, it is very important for those who have become dependent on Fentora to notify their doctor before serious damage occurs. Even the cancer patients who qualify for this medication must undergo a tapering detox off Fentora as it is extremely addictive due to its strength. Because this medication is an opiate, there are similar side effects for long term abuse that involve vertigo, decrease in sex drive, numbness in extremities, loss of muscle coordination, and dizziness. While the user is under the influence their body will be sedated with little motivation for anything else. If you or a loved one is living with an addiction to Fentora, it is important that you seek out the help necessary to overcome this fatal addiction.
Fentora Family Therapy
When receiving treatment for Fentora abuse and addiction, it is normal for rehab centers to offer therapeutic services for family members. Families are one of the most important aspects of a person’s wellbeing and integration into society. Families serve as the incubators of human experience and help cultivate the value systems in which some individual live by.
However, no one is perfect and that is why the family dynamic tends to have a load of error and a continuing cycle of hurt and pain, especially when dealing with addiction or living with an addicted loved one. Many People who have addiction issues have underlying family trauma that has propelled created a psychological vulnerability that made him or her susceptible to developing an addicted brain. Not everyone who develops an addiction was impacted by family trauma. Either way, one thing that can’t be understated is the fact that the family plays a big role in the development of an individual’s path to recovery and healing. To heal individuals, it is suggested that the families need healing and for families to heal, individuals need healing.
This can happen within treatment facilities where therapists will meet with the family member and loved one in treatment to go over various healing strategies. They will learn about addiction. They will learn that addiction isn’t caused by any one individual. It’s not anybody’s fault. It’s a disease. Realizing that nobody is to blame can go a long way in removing guilt and allowing a positive healing environment.
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Your loved one feels isolated and alone in their fight against their addiction. Give them the backup that they need. Holding an intervention for a loved one not only brings their problem to the surface, but shows them that people still care about them. They might be in denial with other people, but most people who have a substance abuse problem are not in denial with themselves. Deep down inside, they know they need help. If you show them that they have support if they decide to get that help, they will be more willing to go to rehab. Let them know that you are not giving up on them.
Inpatient Fentora Rehab
Inpatient Fentora rehab is for individuals who are abusing and addiction to the prescription drug. Inpatient is a residential program where an individual will stay for a specific length of time to recover from his or her addiction. Inpatient programs typically last for 30, 60 or 90 days. However, there are programs that are for longer periods of time, that offer more intensely individualized treatment regimes.
Most inpatient rehabs provide a medically assisted detox to ensure a safe and effective period of withdrawal. After the detox portion is over, other treatments are integrated such as one on one therapy, group counseling, family support meetings, and after rehab support programs. Removing your loved one from an environment where he or she is around others who are addicted, is recommended. Inpatient provides a safe, stable and structured environment that is recovery and solution focused.
Also removing individuals addicted from the environment that created their addiction is recommended as they can focus on their recovery without being triggered and influenced by outside circumstances. Having external triggers and influences without a stable environment is known to put additional stress on a person that often leads to a relapse back into Fentora addiction. Inpatient rehab for Fentora abuse provides hope to those who feel hopeless and offers a solution to their Fentora abuse problem. Inpatient treatment gives individuals a chance to regain a solid footing in life and to start fresh free from prescription drug addiction. – Learn More
Outpatient Rehab
An outpatient program is where the individual receiving services are responsible for traveling to a clinic several times a week attend the program. Outpatient is unlike inpatient treatment as it is does not provide a residential portion. During outpatient at the end of each day spent in the program services an individual returns home and is expected to return the next day and repeat for the duration of the program.
Outpatient programs work best for those who work full-time jobs or go to school, however outpatient is only suggested if a person is not able to take a short amount of time away from responsibility to find healing from Fentora addiction. Outpatient allows individuals to work, attend school or go about their everyday life as normal as possible while still working on their recovery. While this form of treatment isn’t for everyone, it is often successful and has done wonders for thousands of people in your situation. Outpatient offers therapeutic treatment on an individual and group level.
Outpatient rehab for Fentora abuse and addiction falls second in line to inpatient rehab programs. The more extensive and length of time in rehab is connected to higher success rates in recovery from Fentora addiction. With outpatient rehab programs, individuals can work on relapse prevention get counseling for family and find healing for themselves. Outpatient programs also usually require a minimum standard of 12-step meetings attended per week. Each outpatient rehab will likely have a slightly different treatment regime, reach out to find the best program that works for you or your loved one. – Learn More