Fentora Addiction and Rehabilitation

   Dec. 7, 2014
   22 minute read
Last Edited: March 17, 2020
Patricia Howard, LMFT, CADC
Clinically Reviewed
All of the information on this page has been reviewed and certified by an addiction professional.

Dangers of Fentora Abuse

Fentora is one of the United States trade names for the powerful drug called fentanyl. Fentanyl is also found in other prescriptions Opioids under the trade names, Actiq, Subsys, Duragesic and Sublimaze. Fentora is like Morphine, another common Painkiller prescribed in the U.S. However, there is a potency difference between the two drugs, when compared to Morphine, Fentora is nearly 100 times stronger.

Overall, Fentora is considered a high-risk drug, so when it is abused, Fentora becomes even more dangerous than when it is used a prescribed. Too often, Fentora is associated with unintentional overdose and ultimately death. Reports on Fentora have indicated that the prescription drug is laced in various street drugs, while many purchasing pills illicitly are unaware that they are buying counterfeit pills laced with the drug.

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An individual’s risk of overdose reaches unthinkable measures when taking Fentora is cut into Opioid Painkillers that are manufactured and sold illicitly. According to the Food and Drug Administration, Fentora carries the risk of causing a fatal overdose.

Street Names for Fentora

Fentanyl, is manufactured and sold on a pharmaceutical level as well as on an illicit and dangerous one. The top common street names for Fentora, most often identified as Fentanyl are: China White, JackPot, China Girl, Apache, Goodfella, Friend, Murder 8, Tango and Cash.

Fentora Effects

The risk for developing an addiction or overdosing are exceptionally high. Although Fentora is most often utilized as medication for adult cancer patients to manage the severe pain experienced, Fentora can lead to dependency and addiction. The behavioral and psychological effects produced by dependency and addiction to Fentora are: Anxiety, impulsiveness, Desperation, Depression, Intense Mood Swings, as well as heightened irritability. Aside from the psychological and behavioral effects produced by Fentora, many Physical effects occur. The physical effects of Fentora are greatly harmful to a person’s overall health. The physical effects include but are not limited to: difficulties breathing, constipation, dizziness, stroke, liver problems, nausea, disorientation, seizures, and Death.

Warning signs of Fentora abuse in a loved one

If you have a loved one that has been prescribed Fentora for cancer pain or has been unlawfully prescribed the Painkiller for other pain related reasons, it is imperative to keep an eye out for specific warning signs. When an individual abuses Painkillers such as Fentora there are certain warning signs to look out for. When someone becomes addicted to powerful Painkillers like Fentora, he or she often becomes protective, secretive and even defensive over his or her prescription drugs.

A clear-cut sign that will indicate if your loves one is abusing Fentora is if he or she begins to increase the amount taken without medical advice or direction by the doctor. Increasing the amount taken of Fentora may also signal the development of addiction.

If your loved one has recently become usually secretive, had a change in normal behaviors or displayed intense and unpredictable mood swings? Signs such as these are another warning that your loved may be addicted or abusing Fentora.

The number one indicator that someone you love may be abusing Fentora and other prescription opioids, is an unexplained and increased number of doctor visits. Doctor shopping is considered drug seeking and addictive behaviors.

Factual Dangers: Fentora

Fentora is most often referred to as prescription Fentanyl. Due to the major increase in related overdose deaths in the U.S. over the past several years, being educated on the drug Fentora can be greatly beneficial to you and your loved one’s addiction. we think it is important that friends and family members of addicted loved ones take time to educate themselves on the grave dangers of the powerful prescription Painkiller, Fentora.

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