Fioricet Addiction and Rehabilitation

   Jun. 16, 2015
   22 minute read
Last Edited: March 17, 2020
Sarah Ann Niemann
Clinically Reviewed
Jim Brown, CDCA
All of the information on this page has been reviewed and certified by an addiction professional.

Dangers of Fioricet Abuse

Fioricet is combination of Acetaminophen, Butalbital and caffeine. It’s a prescription given to patients who are suffering from tension headaches caused by muscle contractions. Acetaminophen is a pain reliever and fever reducer.

Butalbital is a Barbiturate that relaxes the contractions, and caffeine relaxes the blood vessels for better blood flow. Many of the people who become addicted to Fioricet are unaware that it is a physically and psychologically dependent drug. Fioricet is more commonly known to cause addiction if used for extended periods of time and at high doses. However, that does not mean it is not addictive otherwise. Any dosage of Fioricet can cause tolerance and dependency, both physiologically and psychologically.

Fioricet, like all other prescription drugs, can be dangerous if they are not taken properly. Too many people abuse prescription drugs under the false pretense that pills are safer than Cocaine, Meth or Heroin. When taking a prescription drug, make sure to consult a doctor to make sure you stay informed about dosage.

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Street Names for Fioricet
  • Butalbital
  • Barbiturate
  • Acetaminophen
  • Caffeine

Fioricet Effects

Fioricet is a heavy sedative that contains a barbiturate drug which works by depressing one’s central nervous system. CNS depressants decrease brain functioning rate, resulting in something which resembles Alcohol intoxication. Lethargic effects are produced by the increase of neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid, traffic in one’s brain. Fioricet’s dissolving process is done through dissolving in body fat. Due to this process, the drug has easy access to the brain, because of the ability to cross the barrier to blood in the brain. This can happen multiple times due to it dissolving in fat. The exact effects of Fioricet is not yet completely understood. More research is needed for better understanding of the exact nature of Fioricet’s harmful qualities.

Warning signs of Fioricet abuse in a loved one

If someone you know is using abusing Fioricet, his or her first instinct will be to completely deny it. He or she might even claim that it is completely harmless due to it being a prescription drug and being prescribed by a doctor. Unfortunately, prescription drugs can be just as dangerous as street drugs, including Fioricet. There are some common signs you can look for if you suspect a loved one of developing a chemical bond to Fioricet.

If your loved one is constantly mentioning stomach aches, that could be an indication of Fioricet abuse. Abdominal pain is one of the most common signs of someone abusing Fioricet. Using more than what is prescribed and can seriously harm the stomach.

Shortness of breath can be another red flag. If your loved one is easily out of breath while on Fioricet, then there might be a risk of addiction to the drug. People who use Fioricet without proper authorization could pass out due to shortness of breath.

One of the most common signs of abuse is if your loved one is putting his or her Fioricet use before anything else. People who have a substance abuse problem will abandon plans and obligations to get their fix to feed their addiction, no matter the harm.

Factual Dangers: Fioricet

These informative videos can help you learn more about the dangers of Fioricet and other prescription drug abuse. Taking prescription drugs recreationally can be harmful. In most cases when people who are addicted to prescription pills, they turn to drugs like Heroin or Meth to get the same feeling. If you are not careful, Fioricet can be used as gateway to other harmful drugs. These videos can help with the explanation of how and why.

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