Guide to MHN Coverage for Addiction Treatment

Last Edited: December 30, 2020

Matt Esaena

Clinically Reviewed

All of the information on this page has been reviewed and certified by an addiction professional.

Managed Health Network Coverage for Substance Abuse Treatment

Click Here for a confidential benefits check or call (866) 578-7471 to speak to a addiction specialist.

Every year millions of people make the decision to recover from drug and alcohol abuse. Pursuing treatment is an important step and can bring along many confusing questions. Concerns over where to seek alcohol and drug rehab and questions about Managed Health Network (MHN) coverage are likely the first questions you will have. MHN offers many different treatment options to help you or your loved one beat addiction and commit to a healthier lifestyle. Taking this step is not easy but it is one that will certainly lead you to a better place.