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Valley Vista
23 Upper Plain, Bradford, VT 05033
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Valley Vista
23 Upper Plain Street, Bradford, VT 5033
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Settings and Amenities
VPI South (Vermont School for Girls)
192 Fairview Street, Bennington, VT 5201
Special Programs/Groups Offered
Language Services
Spruce Mountain Inn
155 Towne Avenue, Plainfield, VT 5667
Special Programs/Groups Offered
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
White River Junction VAMC and
215 North Main Street, White River Junction, VT 5009
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
Service Settings (e.g., Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient etc.)
White River Junction VA Medical Center
215 North Main Street, White River Junction, VT 5009
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
Service Settings (e.g., Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient etc.)
Phoenix House - Barre, VT
580 S Rd, Barre, VT 05641
Recovery House
98 Church St, Wallingford, VT 05773
Maple Leaf Treatment Center
10 Maple Leaf Rd, Underhill, VT 05489
Northeastern Family Institute
30 Airport Road, South Burlington, VT 5403
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
Service Settings (e.g., Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient etc.)
Finding Addiction Treatment Centers in Vermont
While the rest of the country sees Vermont for its skiing and lush green mountains-ok, ok and for Ben and Jerry’s, we know that we excel in other amazing things like our cheddar cheeses and maple syrup.While our beloved state takes care of its residents, we still have a drug and alcohol addiction problem wherein Vermont comes in 10th place in the country with the lowest mortality rate associated with drug addiction.In This Article- Best Vermont Treatment Centers
- Vermont Drug & Alcohol Detox
- Vermont Drug & Alcohol Rehab
- Finding Treatment in Vermont
- 5 Things to Know About Addiction

Estimates show that 39,000 people abuse Alcohol in Vermont every year.For more information on treatment and how to save your life- give us a call. It is never too late to get help. Make the decision to change your life today. Call us at: (866) 578-7471.
Vermont Drug & Alcohol Detox
Detoxification is the process of stopping drug and alcohol use in order to clear your system of the substances. While it's understandable if you have anxiety about detoxing, rest assured that you would not be going at it alone. Your detox should be supervised by a medical team that will monitor how your body is reacting to the change, and will use medication to keep you comfortable possible through the process.Common medications doctors prescribe for detox are Suboxone, Buprenorphine, Naltrexone, and Methadone. The medication you will receive will depend upon what drug you used. For example, people who abused Heroin will get different medication from people who abused alcohol.For more information on detox- please call. We are able to provide help and guidance through this process. Call us at: (866) 578-7471.Vermont Drug & Alcohol Rehab
Rehab should begin immediately after of detox. Rehab will adjust your brain function, returning it to the healthy function it was operating on before the addiction.In rehab, you will learn, through group therapy, how to communicate with people while clean and sober. In individual therapy, you will find out the root of your problem and attack it with a therapist. There are also other forms of therapy that you may find helpful in rehab.You will also be taught new habits and given tools to help you avoid relapse should you be tempted after recovery. Stay in rehab for as long as you need to. Giving rehab the amount of time it needs is crucial in the success of your recovery. Rehab can save your life. Let us help you today!Finding Treatment in Vermont
Treatment in Vermont is available to anyone that needs it. Vermont has many centers that range from affordable to lavish, outpatient to inpatient, faith-based to holistic.When choosing a center, start with which ones you can afford. We can help you find some that take your insurance and help you decide from those. Other payment options such as sliding scale cost, payment arrangements and sometimes, even grants are accepted at Vermont treatment centers as well.Treatment is what you need to recover from your alcohol or drug addiction. Do not be afraid to move forward in your life. There is so much this world has to offer you and you can’t see it because your mind is clouded by drugs and alcohol. Call us, we can help you recover.
17,000 people in VT abuse illicit drugs.
Should I Travel for the Best Addiction Treatment?
Some people might prefer to focus on recovery away from home so that they are free from distractions. This is a personal decision and one that doesn’t have a right answer.The argument for going through rehab close to home is that your support system of friends and family are nearby for visitation and family meetings. However, traveling can save your life. You won’t run into any old drinking or using buddies and you will have a break from family and friends.It is up to you with what you choose. Just remember that there are options available if you decide going away from home would be best for you. If you’re unsure, we can help you find the best fit for you and your circumstances.Does Intervention Really Work?
Known for lush mountains, cheddar cheese, maple syrup, and Ben & Jerry’s, Vermont certainly has plenty of awesome and delicious things to offer. Unfortunately, some people have found other, less savory things to enjoy.With the aid of a trained professional, a properly planned, and executed intervention can be the turning point and finally bring the affliction to light in your loved one’s eyes. Don’t wait. Call today and get your loved one the help needed to shrug off the chains of addiction.Fighting For Recovery in Vermont
If you find that you have fallen into relapse don’t be ashamed. At this point, it’s normal. You have conditioned yourself to your substance of choice and your body recognizes the need to have it. Having the drug or alcohol has become normal and just by accepting recovery, you are doing something against the norm.When you do come to terms with your relapse there are two options that you can choose from, go back to rehab and relearn coping skills, or recognize this as a learning tool and continue down your road to recovery. Neither option is right or wrong, so do what makes you feel more secure.Are There Treatment Options in Vermont?
There are plenty of treatment options in Vermont that will help you get your life back on track. Even if you are considering traveling for treatment to get away from those who support your bad habits, reach out to us today and we will help you find a facility that best suits your needs. Find your courage today to take back control of your life.If you are from Vermont, you should consider traveling for treatment. Leaving the place where your addiction developed could help you start fresh. It will get you away from triggers and stressors.Will Treatment Really Help Me?
Yes. Treatment can help you develop coping mechanisms and various skills to deal with the pitfalls and challenges that inevitably happen in life. Your recovery depends on you learning tools. You can’t stay in treatment forever, so learning how to cope and exist in the real world becomes paramount.When you learn to deal with the stresses of life you won’t need to run toward drugs and alcohol. You will have learned new, healthy coping mechanisms to get you through life. Treatment is your best chance to learn and practice these tools in a safe environment.
Vermont experienced 99 overdose deaths in 2015.
"It feels so good to like all of me today."
Addiction can take you to some dark places and destroy your self-esteem. Recovery makes it possible to look yourself in the mirror and be happy with what you see. Contact us today to find a treatment center where you can begin your recovery.5 Things to Know About Addiction
Substance abuse problems can occur to anyone at any time. Most often, when people hear the word addiction they think of bad people in bad neighborhoods abusing drugs such as Heroin, Cocaine or Meth. While those are real situations, no one should think they are immune to developing a chemical dependency to whatever substance they abuse. Prescription drug abuse is reaching an all-time high. Most people who abuse prescription drugs start by getting them from their home or from someone they know for free. Anyone who uses prescription drugs runs just as high of a risk to develop an addiction. Alcohol is also abused at staggering rates. So many different social settings allow alcohol that many people might not realize the dangers. Just because a substance is legal under the right circumstances, does not mean that it is not dangerous.Drug addiction and alcoholism do not care about race or age. Addiction will kill you at any given chance. Here are five things to know about coping with a substance abuse problem:1) If you are suffering from a substance abuse disorder, then you should know that rehab is the only safe and logical way to recover. People who abuse drugs and alcohol might think that they can stop whenever they want. That is hardly ever the case. Once someone has developed a chemical dependency it is extremely hard to lay off the substance. Rehab, prison or death are the only options someone has with substance abuse. Too many people think that their addiction will not kill them so they keep walk down a dark path. Do not under estimate the strength of a substance abuse problem.2) You are not past the point of help. One of the reasons many people do not seek professional help is because they think their addiction is so bad that no rehab center can help them. That is not true. There are millions of people who have been in much worse situations than you are in now and they were able to reach sobriety. As long as you are willing to put the time and effort into fighting back against your addiction, then recovery is always possible.3) Entering recovery is a lifestyle change. Rehab is not a cure for addiction. Many people enroll into rehab thinking that they will complete their stint and come out ready to use drugs and alcohol at a casual pace. Unfortunately, rehab does not cure your addiction. In rehab, you can learn how to make lifestyle changes so that you do not give into temptations to use drugs and alcohol. Most people become addicted to harmful substances because they try to fill a void in their life. Past events and stress seem to go away when they are high or drunk. In rehab, you can learn other ways to cope with bad days so that drugs and alcohol do not have to be an option for you.4) Consider traveling for treatment. People who leave their current surroundings to attend an inpatient rehab facility tend to see better results as opposed to enrolling in a local rehab center. If you travel to another city or state for treatment, you give yourself the opportunity to create space between you and your triggers. The people, places and things that spark your drug and alcohol use will not be in the picture. You will have an easier time staying focused on your rehab program. The best way for you to realize that there is more to life than just getting loaded is to step aside from your current situation. If you are far away from a place to crash, you will also be less likely to leave. It is not unheard of for rehab to be too hard for someone so they leave on the spot and stay with a friend while using drugs and alcohol. The only way to better a bad situation in your life is to remove yourself from that situation.5) Know that rehab is not easy. Achieving sobriety and fighting back against a substance abuse problem is not easy by any means. That does not mean that you should not seek treatment. Many people reject the idea of treatment because they are not ready to put in the work that it requires. It is on you to recover from your addiction. No one can go to rehab for you, no one can go through withdrawal symptoms for you and no one can keep you sober after rehab except you. It is on you entirely to be ready to make changes.It is never too late to cope with a substance abuse problem. Help if available if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, then give us a call. When you call, we will put you in touch with someone who has been in a similar situation that you are in now. They will listen to your situation and help you find professional help with substance abuse treatment. We are here to help you. It does not matter how deep you are in your addiction, we will help you climb out.Is Detox Required Before Rehab?
In order to begin rehab, the drug or alcohol must be cleared from the body. Not only does it clear out the substances recently taken but it removes the toxins that the prolonged abuse may have caused the body to store.Detox is required for pretty much any substance addiction. Medicine to help with discomfort is available for these addictions. Detoxing before treatment will allow you to go into treatment with a clear mind. You will be more motivated to do good in life.Detox is usually the first phase of a multi-stage treatment plan. Going to rehab after detox will give you the best chances of treatment success. If you are interested in treatment- give us a call. We can find the perfect place for you.Does Vermont Allow you to Leave Rehab Once you Enter?
Thanks to the glamorous movies we may have seen, it’s easy to imagine that once you enter rehab, they won’t let you leave. This is absolutely not true in real life. Rehab facilities are not prisons.Clients are free to leave whenever they want, even if the treatment is court ordered. The treatment center will allow a client to leave despite what the courts have ordered. It is important to remember that being homesick is not a good reason to leave treatment, but if you find that the rehab program you chose is not meeting your needs, you’re free to enroll in another one that will.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2020). : 2019 TEDS Annual Report
- Center for Disease Control. (2022). : CDC Wonder
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2022). : Treatment Locator Map
- Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. (2006). : Intensive Outpatient Treatment and the Continuum of Care
- National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2020, September 18). : Principles of Effective Treatment
- Vermont General Assembly. (2022). : Immunity from Liability
- Vermont General Assembly. (2022). : Vermont Prescription Monitoring System
- Vermont General Assembly. (2022). : Naloxone hydrochloride; dispensing or furnishing
- Vermont General Assembly. (2022). : Substance Use Disorder Policy
- Vermont General Assembly. (2022). : Prevention and Treatment of opioid-Related Overdoses
- Vermont Department of Labor. (2020). : Earned Sick Time Rules
- Vermont Department of Health. (2022). : Opioid-Related Fatal Overdoses Among Vermonters
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