Lortab Addiction and Rehabilitation

Lortab Addiction Rehab Header
Last Edited: March 17, 2020
Patricia Howard, LMFT, CADC
Clinically Reviewed
Edward Jamison, MS, CAP, ICADC, LADC
All of the information on this page has been reviewed and certified by an addiction professional.

Dangers of Loratab Abuse

Lortab is an Opioid Painkiller marketed in the United States. Marketed under the name, Lortab consists is a combination of two pain relieving drugs, Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen. Lortab is only one of the 200-plus Hydrocodone based prescription drugs on the market today. Due to Lortab being a prescription Painkiller, it has a high risk of physical and mental dependence as well as addiction for those who use it. This medication is an Opioid drug; therefore, it contains properties that are highly addictive. The effects produced by Lortab are like those of Heroin and Lortab, which are caused due to the brain’s chemistry and reward system. Lortab abuse, as well as normal prescribed use, has the potential to impact anyone with various adverse effects that can be life threatening. It is medically recommended that an individual is aware of the serious and threatening side effects of Lortab. Many of the side effects from Lortab abuse differ from person to person and are known to demand immediate medical attention and are hazardous to a person’s health.

Click Here for a confidential benefits check to see if your insurance will cover the cost of treatment or call (866) 578-7471 to speak to a addiction specialist.

Street Names for Loratab

Due to the addictive properties in Lortab, this prescription drug is sold illegally via the black market and sold on the street. It is common for prescription Opioid abusers to create street names to help in covering up illegal distribution of the drug. Some of the most common street names for Lortab are:

  • Vike
  • Watson-387
  • Norco
  • Vicodin
  • Vikes
  • Tabs
  • Viko

Loratab Effects

There have been reports addressing the various effects caused by Lortab abuse. There are several signs to help identify and recognize Lortab abuse whether with yourself or a loved one. The most common signs and symptoms of Lortab use are: unusual onset of Euphoria, Lightheadedness, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Anxiety, Excessive Tension, Unfitting Anger, Nausea and Vomiting. Additional effects most often found among those addicted to Lortab include: social isolation, job loss, poor occupational and academic functioning, damage to interpersonal relationships, financial ruin, Acute hepatotoxicity, organ system damage, loss and harm to emotional wellness, intense mood swings, Acetaminophen toxicity, changes in realistic perceptions, coma, seizures and ultimately death.

Warning signs of Loratab abuse in a loved one

There are warning signs to lookout for when suspecting Lortab abuse. The signals of drug abuse are ultimately dependent on an individual and his or her personal characteristics. Although there are many, the number one warning sign to be on the lookout for, besides strange behavior is withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal occurs between a few hours to several days after his or her last use and include anxiety, nausea and mood swings amongst others.

A clear sign indicating that a loved one may be abusing prescription Lortab is if he or she begins to obtain multiple prescriptions from different doctors. Often, an unusual amount of medical appointments is accompanied, which is known as doctor shopping.

If you have noticed that your loved one is exhibiting changes in behaviors such as frequent anxiety, mood swings, volatility, deceitfulness, secretiveness, lethargy or worsening depression, your loved one may have a problem with Lortab abuse or addiction.

Is your loved one no longer engaging in normal social activities and dealing with financial problems after receiving a prescription for Lortab? Even if your loved one has been given a prescription for treating pain, he or she may still be abusing Lortab.

Factual Dangers: Loratab

Lortab addiction can be caused by normal use of the prescribed drug. Lortab use and abuse can often lead to a one developing an addiction which is a disease inside a person’s mind. Prescription Opioid abuse has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S., especially over the past decade. To gain a better understanding of Lortab abuse, take the time to consider the facts on how big of an impact Opioids are having on American communities today.

Best Voted Treatment Centers  stars rating

New Life Spirit Recovery Treatment Center
New Life Spirit Recovery Treatment Center
18652 Florida St 92648Huntington Beach CA
Phoenix House - Rhode Island
Phoenix House - Rhode Island
251 Main St 02822Exeter RI
Intensive Treatment Systems
Intensive Treatment Systems
651 West Coolidge Street, Phoenix, AZ, United States 85013
Inspire Malibu
Inspire Malibu
30101 Agoura Ct #103, Agoura Hills, CA 91301, USA 91301
A Better Today Recovery Services - Scottsdale, AZ
A Better Today Recovery Services - Scottsdale, AZ
15721 North Greenway Hayden Loop, Scottsdale, AZ, USA 85260
Bright Futures Treatment Center
Bright Futures Treatment Center
2320 S Seacrest Blvd 33435Boynton Beach FL
White Deer Run - Lancaster, PA
White Deer Run - Lancaster, PA
55 N West End Ave 17603Lancaster PA
Casa de Amigas
Casa de Amigas
1648 West Colter Street, Phoenix, AZ, United States 85015
Reflections Recovery Center
Reflections Recovery Center
957 Black Dr 86305Prescott AZ
Self-Recovery, LLC
Self-Recovery, LLC
105 US-80 36732Demopolis AL
Stanislaus Recovery Center
Stanislaus Recovery Center
1904 Richland Avenue, Ceres, CA, United States 95350
Sobriety House, Inc.
Sobriety House, Inc.
121 Acoma Street, Denver, CO, United States 80223

True Stories of Addiction:


Loratab Rehab Treatment

One of the first things you’ll need to do is develop a plan of action that will help to eliminate the presence of addiction. You’ll first need to get to the root cause of the addiction and deal with it. Without addressing the root cause, even if there is a complete recovery from the dependency, it is likely a relapse will occur. This will require professional help and the support of family and friends. The best way to fight back against Lortab addiction is to get rehabilitation treatment. Rehab provides many services to ensure quality recovery. Once an individual is in the grips of a Lortab addiction, he or she will more than likely have a difficult time getting their life back without any help. Getting help for Lortab addiction from a qualified treatment or recovery center is important in achieving long term recovery from addiction. Therefore, it is extremely important that good research is done to find the right kind treatment for the specific help you may need to get back on track. As addiction is an all-around life altering disorder, recovery from addiction must play a part in all aspects of life. Lortab addiction affects every area of an individual’s growth and personal success. If you are personally dealing with addiction to Lortab or know someone who is get treatment immediately, you deserve to have a life free from addiction. – Learn More

Loratab Detox Treatment

Due to Lortab being an Opioid, there will be a withdrawal period to overcome. It is more than likely that those who are unsuccessful or lack the right kind of help in going through the detox stage and withdrawal risk a relapse that can send them spiraling right back into addiction. Symptoms most often associated with Lortab withdrawal are: notable agitation, increased levels of anxiety, fever, chills, markedly increased depression, nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, cramps or spasms, and trembling. Make sure that the recovery program you’re considering has a means of helping your loved one through this highly difficult time. It is extremely important that an individual receives the best support for the detoxification stage of recovery, so as to have a better chance of pushing past his or her addiction. Hospitalization for detox usually involves around-the-clock care and medication if severe. When an individual is admitted to a facility, he or she is carefully monitored while going through the detoxification stage of treatment. Once detox is successful, you or your loved one will be ready to receive in-depth therapeutic care necessary for a successful recovery from Lortab abuse. If you or someone you love is suffering from an addiction to Lortab, seeking professional help is imperative to the recovery and life of the individual addicted. – Learn More

Addiction to Loratab

Lortab addiction is like any other, however this drug differs in the severity due to it being an Opioid. Lortab contains an ingredient known as Hydrocodone, which is the pain-killing agent of the drug that also contains addictive properties. Hydrocodone often rewires the structure of the brain to encourage continued use due to the euphoric state its produces, and this causes an addiction. You may be wondering whether an addiction affects more than someone’s health. If left unchecked, abusing Lortab can damage nearly every aspect of one’s life. Your social life, your relationship with your family and your career can be affected by Lortab addiction. While there are numerous signs of becoming addicted to a prescription medication, there are two more prominent factors that usually acts as a clear definition of addiction. One factor is tolerance, in which more of the drug, Lortab in this case, is required to achieve the same effect. The other factor is withdrawal, which consists of someone feeling negative symptoms such as agitation or sickness when the drug has not been used over a short period of time. If you are struggling with an addiction to Lortab, reach out for support in getting the help you need. Contacting the addiction hotline is one way to do this. We can help you locate resources in your area to get proper detoxification and treatment. – Learn More

Loratab Dependency

An individual who is prescribed Lortab for an extended amount of time and takes the drug regularly will experience physical dependence. Becoming dependent on Lortab creates a physical tolerance that is built up and gets stronger with time. Once a person has developed a tolerance to Lortab, the body does not respond to the original amount. This requires an individual to increase the dose, taking more Lortab to obtain the initial relief experienced as well as adequate effectiveness. Developing a tolerance to Lortab is the first step in the addiction process. Although Lortab tolerance and physical dependence is possible without becoming fully addicted mentally and physically it’s not likely. If experiencing a dependence to Lortab, an individual will need to receive treatment, to ensure he or she goes through detox and withdrawal safely. Ridding the physiological system of an Opiate based drug such as Lortab can be hard on someone’s energy levels and overall health. Lortab detox is not free from dangerous withdrawal symptoms and if withdrawing, or needing to withdrawal, medical assistance is strongly recommended. Lortab dependence results from a person’s brain circuitry being altered or changes due to the way a drug interacts within the physical system. Lortab dependency comes from a disruption of an individual’s natural physiological chemistry. – Learn More

Seeking help for a loved one.

  • What Do I Say in A Loratab Intervention?
    You will speak directly to your loved one, only speaking in love and concern while leaving out judgment or anger. Let him or her know the negative impact their Loratab addiction causes you.
  • What If My Loved One Does Not Go To Loratab Rehab?
    If your loved one does not accept Loratab treatment, he or she will know there is help when he or she is ready. Keep showing them support without enabling your loved ones’ behavior.

Intervention for Loratab Abuse

If you suspect that someone is living with a Lortab addiction, the most important thing to consider right now is staging an intervention. Confronting Lortab addiction is best handled professionally and head-on. Interventions are a vital part of the persons willingness to get treatment for his or her addiction, as well as to his or her overall process in recovery. An individual with addiction often cannot fully engage in treatment services without looking at the facts and admitting that he or she needs to get help. So, the willingness to enter treatment or even recognize that he or she is living with an addiction to Lortab or to other addictive medications is imperative. The solution to providing hope and helping a loved one reach a glimpse of willingness is best done with a professional interventionist. The battle against addiction can be very overwhelming for those who have not experienced it before or been properly prepared for it. If a loved one is deeply dependent on Lortab or any other dangerous substance, emotions often come into play. When emotions are heightened, it is easy for people to lose focus on the end goal of an intervention. Losing sight of the track and progression in which an intervention is heading can result in an unsuccessful meeting or if you will, intervention. The assistance and expertise of a professional interventionist can make all the difference in getting your loved one treatment for Lortab abuse, ultimately resulting in a successfully staged intervention. – Learn More

Recovery from Loratabs Abuse

If you or a loved one needs treatment for Lortab abuse and addiction, there are multiple options available to choose from. Getting the right kind of help for a Lortab addiction often requires treatment services that are personalized, comprehensive and integrated. Aside from detoxing from Lortab and cleansing the body of the toxins it flooded it with, therapy for addiction is one of the best-known practices that aids in a person’s recovery. Aftercare programs, as well as sober living and community-based programs, are also known to be effective in promoting and supporting a full recovery from drug abuse and addiction. Support groups are important after the treatment period is over. These serve as constant reminders so that the patient is less likely to relapse. The length of time one should attend a support group will depend largely on the progress made throughout the program and the level of dependency that he or she may have. As you work toward recovery from an addiction, or you’re focusing on helping someone else that is suffering from an addiction, you might find that there are many challenges to be faced. It would be highly advisable to always keep in mind the reasons for wanting to make a change. Recovery from any type of addiction is no easy road to travel and you will be met with constant challenges along the way. But if you can find the right program, a good support system and the determination to stick with it, you will be able to break free from the shackles of addiction.

  • How Do I Recover from Loratab Addiction?
    Inpatient treatment is possibly the best way to recover from an Loratab addiction, followed up with support groups like the 12-step program.
  • Will I Be Bored in Loratab Recovery?
    If you attend Loratab support groups, you will connect with many people, attend various events and participate in numerous activities.

Dangers of Loratab Overdose

An overdose on prescription Opioids such as Lortab has the potential to be fatal. If your loved one is potentially experiencing an overdose, get them emergency assistance now. Individuals who experience a near fatal overdose on Lortab are likely addicted or are abusing the drug. When suffering from an addiction to Lortab, recovering from an overdose alone can be difficult. To reverse a Lortab overdose, Naloxone is usually administered, which ultimately puts an individual into an immediate state of withdrawal. The initial signs of an overdose are followed by more severe symptoms and ultimately death if not treated. Overdose can lead to respiratory depression, liver failure, cardiac arrest and low blood sugar. Other symptoms include: appetite loss, stomach aches and pains, nausea, vomiting, weakness, excessive sweating, confusion, upper abdominal pains, yellowish skin or eyes, and dark urine. Higher on the severity spectrum, Lortab overdose can cause sleep apnea, insomnia, unconsciousness, circulatory collapse, damage to kidney tubule cells, death of liver cells, blood platelets deficiency, coma and hypoglycemic coma.  Symptoms of Lortab overdose are serious. Even one occurrence of an overdose can cause permanent brain damage as well as long-lasting damage to someone’s liver. If you believe you, or someone that you know, has overdosed it is imperative that you call 911 and report an emergency. As an overdose can lead to death, it is important that you get medical attention right away. – Learn More

Lortab Use, Abuse and Dependency

Lortab is a prescription drug that is often prescribed and administered to control pain. This drug is much like the Painkiller Vicodin. Lortab consists of a mixture of Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen. While primarily intended for pain relief, it has become one of the most abused prescription medications in the country. Lortab’s addictive properties often come because of the ingredient Hydrocodone, a common painkilling agent in many prescription Opioid medication. Even though Hydrocodone is only a single ingredient, most individuals using Lortab may not be aware of how easy it is to become addicted to it. For individuals who receive a doctor’s written prescription, Lortab is taken in a pill or tablet form. Generally, appropriate use of Lortab is considered any use that is specifically prescribed to you by your doctor for a legitimate purpose of temporarily treating pain. Any use of Lortab outside of the realm of how it was medically prescribed, or in doses exceeding the recommended amount, is considered abuse of the drug. Individuals that abuse this prescription Opioid, are known to consume the drug in a variety of illegitimate ways. Abuse of Lortab often takes place through crushing or breaking down a tablet to dilute it for injection purposes or for snorting it, which is consuming the drug through the nasal passages. Abusing this drug and other Opioids, often provides an individual with an intense and euphoric rush feeling, also known as a “high.”

According to a report by the National Institute of Health, in 2014, abuse of Lortab was especially high among individuals who were admitted to chronic pain clinics as well as clinics for HIV.  When an individual exposes his or her physiological system to Lortab and other Opioid drugs there is a high risk for development of addiction otherwise known as psychological dependence. When Psychological dependence takes place, daily and routine Lortab abuse is the result. Routinely abusing Opioids such a Lortab increases the chance that a person will experience withdrawal when the drug use is lessened or stopped completely. Over a length of time, Lortab use can lead to tolerance which often leads to abuse. Once a person develops a tolerance to the drug, the body needs it to function, which is commonly known as physical dependency. When an individual is living with an addiction to the prescription drug Lortab, that persons will-power and ability to choose whether to use the drug has vanished. When addiction is formed it takes over an individual’s mind by rewiring the brains circuit system. At this point, addiction to Lortab begins to control every move and breath a person’s takes throughout each day. The addicted brain takes over in a way that tells a person that he or she needs to use the drug to get by on a basic instinctual and survival level. By abusing Lortab, the brain becomes used to an extensive amount of dopamine being released within the brain. After the brain adjusts to an unusually high amount of dopamine, when it does not receive the proper amount it is used to, a person starts to obsessively crave the drug, due to the chemical rewiring that has taken place. If you or a loved one is afflicted with an addiction to Lortab, you are not alone and help is available. Perhaps breaking free from the chains of addiction or helping your loved one do so feels impossible. We are here to reassure you that it is not, with a solution and plan of action, your loved one can find a successful life in recovery from Lortab abuse and addiction. When pursuing treatment for Lortab addiction, there are more options for treatment than what is only in your local area. If you live in a small town that doesn’t have any resources to treat Lortab abuse. You may also want to make a clean break to have some time away from the familiar triggers or drug acquainted contacts, you may want to consider traveling out of state to find the best treatment center for you. Traveling for treatment of a Lortab addiction can open doors for you to live a happy, healthy, addiction free life. Oftentimes, before people think of entering rehab, they wonder as to how they would pay for it. If you are having financial difficulties, you may want to examine your insurance options. Your employment may be able to provide health insurance that could cover part of, or all your treatment. In addition, there may be other resources you could use on a state or federal level to help with costs. If you do not have insurance do not be discouraged. Give us a call so we can help you consider your many different options for treatment. Whether you or someone you love is struggling with Lortab abuse or addiction you can get back on your feet. Living a life free from pain caused by Lortab addiction is possible. Start living the happy and successful life you have always desired and deserve to experience. Get your life back from the grips of Lortab dependency, abuse and addiction. – Learn More

Short & Long-term Effects

When Lortab is taken outside of the doctor prescribed and instructed usage, it is known to cause an individual to develop different mental symptoms, such as anxiety or depression. Individuals with genetic predispositions of mental health disorders are at an increased risk of developing psychosis related disorders, such as schizophrenia or other delusions through Lortab abuse. There are numerous effects that result from Lortab abuse ranging from short-term to long-term. A few of the most common short-term effects of Lortab abuse include: relieving symptoms of pain, increase in a sense of well-being, numbness, slowed breathing, feelings of lethargiy, drowsiness, confusion, nausea, euphoria, decreased stress, overdose and death. Lortab abuse also holds the potential to lead an individual into serious and threatening effects that often require medical attention and care. These serious effects are most often considered long-term effects. It is medically advised to be aware of the sides effects such as, breathing problems, severe allergic reactions, bloody stools, trouble urinating and irregular or rapid heartbeat. Additionally, the most frequently documented effects of long term Lortab abuse include, but are not limited to:  respiratory issues, lung infections, weakened breathing, lung cancer and chronic muscular weakness. Whether looking for effects of short-term use or long-term use in addition to the effects, Lortab abuse carries the potential of overdose and, ultimately, death.

Lortab Treatment Methods

There are many different treatment methods available for Lortab abuse and addiction. In terms of effectiveness, therapeutic care is known to be a highly successful treatment method. If your loved one is not in an inpatient or outpatient program, but is needing to receive therapeutic services to address patterns in addiction and life circumstances, you’ll want to find a licensed therapist to provide you with the right type of interactions that can help mentally fight off the disorientation often developed from addiction. Therapists are also find the right resources and the best treatment centers for the type of addiction disorder you have. There are many different types of drug recovery programs that can help with an addiction to Lortab but they are not a one size fits all. Depending on the lifestyle of an individual, his or her personal needs and the extent of his or her addiction, you will need to narrow down the options to see what’s best for you or for your loved one. With the right type of program to support you, the chances of success in breaking your addiction can be quite high. Moreover, therapeutic treatment services can help people learn and develop tools and coping mechanisms that are greatly beneficial to his or her recovery from Lortab abuse and addiction. Having coping skills as well as tools are effective is contributing to relapse preventive measures to ensure an individual continuous and life-lasting recovery from Lortab addiction and abuse of other substances.

  • Why Should I Attend Family Therapy?
    You will build a stronger bond with your family and repair any damage caused from Loratab addiction.
  • What Will Family Therapy Help?
    When you abuse Loratab, you may have caused your family great harm. Going to therapy can help your family see you are changing and they will give you their full support.

True Stories of Addiction

Your loved one feels isolated and alone in their fight against their addiction. Give them the backup that they need. Holding an intervention for a loved one not only brings their problem to the surface, but shows them that people still care about them. They might be in denial with other people, but most people who have a substance abuse problem are not in denial with themselves. Deep down inside, they know they need help. If you show them that they have support if they decide to get that help, they will be more willing to go to rehab. Let them know that you are not giving up on them.

Inpatient Loratab Rehab

While undergoing treatment for Lortab addiction, there are choices you have regarding the capacity that the treatment takes place in. Your two general options in most treatment centers are inpatient and outpatient care. Intensive inpatient care gives a more personalized support system to an individual. Individuals in inpatient usually spend most of their time in the residential housing and in the treatment facility receiving services. Inpatient allows individuals to be fully immersed in the treatment setting, receiving much more effective care. It is also known to be more effective because of the lack of external influences and distractions, and is known to have a much higher rate of success. Inpatient rehab is beneficial for any person struggling with a Lortab addiction. It removes one from drug abuse and toxic surroundings while supporting and encouraging recovery. It also allows an individual will meet with a therapist for independent sessions and group therapeutic counseling. Group counseling helps individuals heal from what has stemmed from past drug abuse. Additionally, groups help individuals learn how to cope with life’s frequent stressors and helps them strive. Most inpatient centers offer family integrated care as well. Family integrated care consists of therapy, counseling and education to enable the family to find healing they have been needing as well. If going into an inpatient rehab for Lortab addiction, it is likely that the facility will offer a medically assisted detox. – Learn More

Outpatient Loratab Rehab

In contrast to inpatient care, outpatient care gives more freedom to individuals regarding daily responsibilities and personal schedules. Outpatient is a good option for those who cannot take time away from work or their families. While pursuing recovery, individuals can keep their own schedule and obligations. Clients usually spend the daylight hours in the facility but are permitted to go home in the evenings. Patients are required to go to group counseling sessions and sometimes individual therapy is required. Another common aspect is the requirement of recovery support meetings several times a week. In addition to the contrasting schedule and structure difference from inpatient rehab, outpatient offers numerous services from independent therapy to group counseling. On the other hand, there are outpatient programs that are attended following an inpatient rehabilitation. If your loved one is struggling to stop Lortab abuse, regardless of consequences or circumstances, outpatient may not be right for you. To overcome any confusion or indecision on what the right path you’re your loved one is to take reach out and call. Talking to an addiction specialist can help answer any questions that you may have and help you get your loved one the treatment he or she needs. Making the decision of what treatment program is best can be difficult and certainly frustrating. Fortunately, you are not alone. Get help today with getting your loved one into a treatment program for Lortab abuse and addiction. – Learn More

  • Will Outpatient Help my Loratab Addiction?
    Yes. Outpatient will help your Loratab addiction, but works best if you attend inpatient rehab first.
  • When Should I go to Outpatient Rehab?
    When you are ready to recover from your Loratab addiction, you should go to inpatient treatment and follow it up with outpatient rehab.