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Center for Behavioral Health - South Carolina
2301 Cosgrove Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405
Clinical Services
Clinical Services
Charleston Center of Charleston County
5 Charleston Center Drive, Charleston, SC 29401
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Home With A Heart
220 James Mattison Road, Liberty, SC 29657
Clinical Services
Clinical Services
Marshall I Pickens Hospital
701 Grove Road, Greenville, SC 29605
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Clinical Services
Morris Village
610 Faison Drive, Columbia, SC 29203
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
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Phoenix Center
1400 Cleveland St, Greenville, SC 29607
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Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
Phoenix Center
1400 Cleveland Street, Greenville, SC 29607
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
Levels of Care
Bruce Hall
121 East Cedar Street, Florence, SC 29501
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
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Excalibur Youth Services LLC
3683 South Industrial Drive, Simpsonville, SC 29681
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
Special Programs/Groups Offered
Carolina Center for Behavioral Health
2700 East Phillips Road, Greer, SC 29650
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
Service Settings (e.g., Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient etc.)
Facing Drug and Alcohol Addiction in South Carolina
South Carolina is home to almost 5 million people and can be a great place to raise a family. But like any other place in the world, South Carolina cannot avoid drug addiction or alcoholism. These diseases end lives on an almost hourly basis and are not going away anytime soon. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), South Carolina had 2.9 % of its population suffer from a dependence to illicit drugs. SAMHSA also reported that South Carolina was over the national average for adults with an alcoholism issue with 8.4 %, the national average being 6.8 %. In This Article- Best South Carolina Treatment Centers
- South Carolina Drug & Alcohol Detox
- South Carolina Drug & Alcohol Rehab
- Finding Treatment in South Carolina
- South Carolina & Drug Abuse
- South Carolina & Alcoholism

2015 numbers show that 761 people in South Carolina died from drug overdose using drugs like meth, cocaine and heroin.If you or someone close to you is struggling with a drug addiction or alcoholism, then now is the time to act. Give us a call so we can help you find rehab treatment centers that offer personalized detox and rehab programs. There is always hope of making a comeback. If you want to speak with someone who has been where you are now, then please call (866) 578-7471.
South Carolina Drug & Alcohol Detox
If you are anxious about detox, you're not alone. Many people can feel reluctant about going cold turkey. While this is understandable, especially with those who have been addicted for a long time, detox may not be as uncomfortable as you think. If you have become physically addicted, as evidenced by the emergence of withdrawal symptoms when you stop using, it is strongly encouraged that you find a medical detox center to stay during this process.A detox center will ensure your safety during the withdrawals. Some substances can cause life-threatening withdrawal symptoms, however with the medical support of professionals in a detox center, you have nothing to worry about. The doctors there will mostly likely use medications to ease any discomfort you might otherwise experience. This can help ensure you successfully complete the detox process and diminish cravings later.South Carolina Drug & Alcohol Rehab
Rehab is where you get the recovery ball rolling. Once you complete detox and your body is cleansed of toxins and mind-altering substances, you’re ready for the next step. Rehab is where you change your thinking, your habits and your lifestyle to a healthier model.It is said that the drugs and alcohol are but a symptom of a larger, over-lying problem involving a maladaptive approach to life and life’s stressors. When things were difficult, drugs or alcohol were used to escape the pain. Eventually, such substances are needed just to feel normal and to function at all.Rehab will train you to cope with stress and life problems in a healthy manner. This is accomplished through counseling, individual and group therapy, and other methods of healing. You will leave with healthy coping skills, communication techniques and a deeper understanding of your disease and what to expect from it.Finding Treatment in South Carolina
If you have made the decision to get help for your addiction and, by doing so, change your life for the better, congratulations. You are taking the necessary steps to get the better life that you deserve.There is a great deal you still need to learn to ensure your successful transition into a life of recovery. Professional addiction treatment is exactly where you need to be once you have decided to change your life and stop using. South Carolina is rich in treatment centers, giving you an abundance of places to choose from.
102,000 SC residents every year use illegal drugs.One of the important factors in deciding on a facility is making sure it fits your needs. Do you need detox support? Would you prefer a 12-step based program or faith based? How do you feel about co-ed facilities or would you rather attend a gender specific program? Whatever your answers to these questions, we can help you find the perfect place for you.
Should I Travel for the Best Addiction Treatment?
Deciding on where to attend a treatment center can feel like an insurmountable issue. Although the decision is important, there is help available to determine where the best place for you is. Many people discover the benefits of traveling for treatment and attribute their success in sobriety to just this.The most common reason for traveling for treatment is to get away from the negative influences from your past. People you used to use with and enablers can all prove to be greatly detrimental in the early days of sobriety. By finding a treatment center located out of city or state, you ensure your ability to focus solely on recovering from your addiction. There is an added benefit of additional anonymity, leaving you nothing to worry about.That said, some people find that staying closer to home is more beneficial to them. If your friends and family are supportive and share a healthy relationship with you, then staying home may be best. Travelling for treatment is ultimately a very individual decision and completely up to you.When is Intervention Needed?
If you have a friend or loved one that you know or suspect is suffering from substance abuse, don’t lose hope! Watching someone slowly kill themselves with the abuse of drugs and alcohol is a terrifying sight, but help is available.Often, when people are caught in the haze and vicious cycle of drug and alcohol abuse, they do not realize the gravity of the problem. The severity of the problem may be crystal clear to you and others, but your loved one may not realize what is happening. He or she needs you, now more than ever.A proper intervention, planned with love and support, is critical to helping your loved one through this difficult time in life. Get your loved one the help he or she needs today. We can help. Call (866) 578-7471 to speak to a professional interventionist.Living Your Recovery
Learning to live a life of recovery is not always easy. It requires dedication and hard work to convert your self-destructive habits into healthy behaviors. These things take time and, for many people, it also requires a few attempts before the new information sticks. Relapse is a very real aspect of recovery that you may have to face, though we hope that it never comes to that.If it does and you feel that there is no hope for you to find the road again, it may be advisable for you to head back to treatment to learn a little more. This is a learning curve and no one is perfect. This is something that you have never done before and we would never expect you to pretend to be perfect because we are all simply human.Do not despair and never give up hope. A better life in sobriety is yours for the taking.Treatment Options in South Carolina
You certainly have options in terms of treatment centers in South Carolina. There are numerous facilities to choose from, including detox centers, inpatient rehabs, outpatient rehabs, outpatient programs, sober living facilities, 12-step meetings and more.
Just about 235,000 people in South Carolina abuse Alcohol regularly.The hallmark of good treatment centers around an inpatient treatment center. Here you will have a structured program, intensive therapy and around the clock support from others who understand addiction intimately. You will also be exposed to a variety of treatment modalities to ensure you given every advantage to succeed.Some of these modalities are Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Client-Centered Therapy, Solution-Focused Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Equine Therapy, Music Therapy and Art Therapy.
Aftercare Options in South Carolina
Aftercare is a critical piece of proper addiction treatment. Transitioning between old and new habits takes time. Without positive influences to help you make the best decisions possible, your chances of staying sober diminish.Some of the most helpful forms of aftercare are sober living, Intensive Outpatient Programs, IOP and daily 12-step meetings. Living in a structured environment with others in sobriety offers priceless connections to a sober community and the safe living environment you need.Outpatient programs continue your education and therapeutic treatments. Daily 12-step meetings are the cornerstone of recovery. Keeping close connections to the sober community will ensure you have the support and guidance you need when the going gets rough."I am not what I have done."
During active addiction, most people do things that they aren't so proud of. It's important to know that you are not a compilation of things you have done. While there might be bad things in your past, you are not a bad person. You deserve help, you deserve to live a life that isn't controlled by your addiction. Call us, we want to help you.What is Crystal Meth?
Crystal Meth is a powerful Central Nervous Stimulant or CNS that is mainly used as a recreational drug. Although possible to retrieve a similar compound as a prescription like Adderall and Desoxyn, people usually refer to the substance that is crafted in medical grade or in makeshift labs. It is very rarely prescribed due to the nature of the drug; it's very likely possibility of becoming addicted, and because there are safer substitutes available. Another thing to note is that there are actually two versions of the same drug: dextromethamphetamine and levomethamphetamine. Dextromethamphetamine is a much stronger stimulant than levomethamphetamine.History
Crystal meth is far from a new drug, having a history that dates back to the late 19th century. In 1887, Amphetamines were discovered before methamphetamine, being first synthesized in 1887 in Germany. Crystal Meth was first synthesized as an easier alternative in 1919, with its crystal form being easier to dilute in water, making it easier to inject.It wasn't until WWII that Meth went into high use; it was given to soldiers to help keep them awake and alert. As well, high doses of it were given to Kamikaze pilots right before their suicide missions. In the '50s and '60s, it became widely available to many, being used as a stimulant and advertised as a way to fight off obesity and depression. Because of its widespread availability, addiction and dependency on the drug reached epidemic levels.It became outlawed in the '70s, and soon Crystal Meth was known as a biker drug, with many motorcycle gangs taking over production and distribution. Recently though, reports have indicated that roughly 80 percent of all the Meth in America originates from Mexican drug syndicates that are operating from both sides of the border.Addictiveness
It's been stated that crystal meth is one of the most addictive substances in the world, just behind Nicotine and before Crack Cocaine. There are typically three stages associated with Crystal Meth use, which are: low intensity, binge, and high intensity. Low-intensity use is generally associated with a form of experimentation; typically, someone is trying the drug for the first time. They use it the same way people use caffeine: as a way to get that extra boost of energy to get through the day. A binge user is essentially one step away from a low-intensity users, as they begin using the drug for a plethora of reasons, mainly to receive the same feeling of euphoria, developing a psychological dependence on it. After that, it's a quick slide into high-intensity usage, otherwise known as addiction.Meth Mouth
Long-term Methamphetamine use has some seriously horrible side effects that can leave a lasting impression on the body. One of the more commonly known side effects of Meth use is what's commonly referred to as Meth mouth, which is the result of a combination of different side effects brought upon constant Meth use.These issues include the drying of salivary glands and drying the mouth making it easier for mouth acids to erode away teeth enamel. This coupled with a constant need to grind teeth and a poor diet during Meth use causes the decaying look to Meth mouth.Other Side Effects
Besides Meth mouth, some of the other serious side effects brought upon from constant Meth abuse is the damaging of blood vessels, which affects the body’s ability to heal and repair tissue, drying out the skin. As well, Meth users typically experience an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.This, coupled with the damage to blood vessels, leads many Meth users to experience irregular heartbeats, causing cardiovascular problems. This increases the chance of stroke and death. As well, because of the lowering of inhibitions and an increase in libido functions, many Meth users are more susceptible to STDs including HIV.Tweaking
When a Meth user no longer feels the high, essentially coming down, the Meth user will enter a stage that is commonly referred to as tweaking. During this time, the user has typically not slept in a few days, and becomes irritable and paranoid, with reports stating that the user can react unpredictably and violent.Other symptoms of tweaking involve eyes that are moving much faster than usual, and a quivering and shaking voice, and quick and jerky movements. Using a depressant, like alcohol, can lessen the physical symptoms, but the mental ones such as paranoia and agitation, increase substantially.South Carolina & Drug Abuse
The South Carolina Office of Adolescent Health reported that 44 percent of students in grades 9-12 have used Marijuana at least once. Four percent of those students also tried Cocaine at least once.Both of those numbers are slightly higher than the national averages of 40 percent and 3 percent respectively. Drug abuse can lead to a chemical dependency to that certain substance. It does not matter your age, gender or social standing.An addiction can kill anyone who does not seek professional treatment. Drug rehab programs exist and they can help you save your life. Do not allow your drug abuse to get out of hand. Help is available, all you have to do is call.South Carolina & Alcoholism
From 2013 to 2014, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reported that the national average for binge drinking within the last month for people ages 12 to 20 was close to 14 percent.South Carolina was just under that national average at 12.4 percent. But even that number should be alarming. People who are introduced to alcohol abuse at a younger age have a higher risk of becoming an alcoholic.Alcoholism can be a major threat to anyone. Just because alcohol is legal that does not make it safe for everyone. Binge drinking can lead to serious health side effects and could possibly end in the drinker’s death. Alcoholism shouldn't be taken lightly by anyone.
- America’s Health Rankings. (2021). : Non-Medical Drug Use – Past Year In South Carolina
- America’s Health Rankings. (2020). : Excessive Drinking In South Carolina
- South Carolina Healthy Connections. (2022). : FAQ
- (2022). : Inpatient hospital care
- (2022). : Mental health care (outpatient)
- NAMI. (2022). : Acamprosate (Campral)
- Naloxone Saves SC. (2022). : Get Naloxone
- Naloxone Saves SC. (2022). : Good Samaritan
- South Carolina General Assembly. (2022). : 3624
- Live News. (2022). : South Carolinians still left waiting after push to legalize medical marijuana falls short in 2022
- South Carolina Legislature. (2017). : South Carolina Code of Laws Unannotated Title 44 – Health
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