Substance Abuse Treatment in Greenville, SC
Fighting back against an addiction can be the hardest thing a person goes through in their life. The scary thing is that it might be the last thing they do in their life. Substance abuse problems can kill you. People who have issues with drug addiction or alcoholism often times feel trapped. They do not know how or why they should get help.
There are people in Greenville, South Carolina who feel isolated, hopeless and scared. They cannot see their life going in any other direction. So, they live in a cycle of abuse feeding their addiction every time it gets hungry.
If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, then now is your time to act. Rehab, prison or death are the only three ways your addiction will end. Completing rehab is not easy. But with professionally trained help, it is possible. Do not stay silent in the shadows of your addiction because you think your addiction is the worst known to man.
Millions of people have finished rehab and they were under similar, if not worse, circumstances than you are now. Achieving sobriety is an option. Call us at (866) 578-7471. We will assist you in selecting a rehab facility that meets all of your personal needs.
Everyone’s addiction is different. It stems from different situations, it is triggered by different causes and it has put you in situations that are different from others who suffer from a substance abuse problem. That is why you need a rehab plan that is personalized for you. We can help you find the right detox center and prefect rehab facility.
How Do I Make an Intervention Work?
Sometimes, addicts and alcoholics just want to know that their loved ones still care about them. Holding an intervention might be able to prove that. An intervention is also your best option to help a loved one who is in denial about their substance abuse problem. In an intervention, people who the addict respects can take turns expressing concerns to the addict or alcoholic. In hopes to get their loved one interested in rehab.
Do not attack the addict. You are not gathering people to force your loved one to back down. You are simply showing them that people care about them and want to see them get better. Explain to your loved one that if their friends and family will support them if they decide to go to rehab. An intervention could be the wakeup call that your loved one need to get up from the nightmare they are living.
The real work for your sobriety begins after your rehab stint is over. Getting back to "normal" life can be hard. Attending AA and NA meetings can help you find balance and relief after a hard day.
- University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. (2022). : County Health Rankings and Roadmaps: Sounth Carolina-Greenville County
- State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup. (2020). : 2020 South Carolina County-Level Profiles on Substance Use-Related Indicators
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (2020). : Persons Killed by State-South Carolina
- America’s Health Rankings. (2021). : Non-Medical Drug Use – Past Year In South Carolina
- America’s Health Rankings. (2020). : Excessive Drinking In South Carolina
- South Carolina Healthy Connections. (2022). : FAQ
- Medicare.gov. (2022). : Inpatient hospital care
- Medicare.gov. (2022). : Mental health care (outpatient)
- NAMI. (2022). : Acamprosate (Campral)
- Naloxone Saves SC. (2022). : Get Naloxone
- Naloxone Saves SC. (2022). : Good Samaritan
- South Carolina General Assembly. (2022). : 3624
- Live News. (2022). : South Carolinians still left waiting after push to legalize medical marijuana falls short in 2022
- South Carolina Legislature. (2017). : South Carolina Code of Laws Unannotated Title 44 – Health