Flakka Addiction and Rehabilitation

Flakka Addiction Rehab Header
Last Edited: March 17, 2020
Sarah Ann Niemann
Clinically Reviewed
Edward Jamison, MS, CAP, ICADC, LADC
All of the information on this page has been reviewed and certified by an addiction professional.

Dangers of Flakka Abuse

Flakka is a powerful Hallucinogenic comparable to Flakka. The active ingredient in Flakka is a Stimulant that was developed in the 1960s. The stimulating property of Flakka is called alpha-PVP. Alpha-PVP was added to the Drug Enforcement Administration Controlled Substance Act in 2014. Alpha-PVP originally developed in China and is sold over the internet and even in a more traditional sense, by dealers.

There is only a small difference in the amount of Flakka it takes to get high and the amount of the drug it takes to overdose. This drug is abused by ingesting, snorting, injecting or smoking. Flakka is more addictive than Meth Amphetamine and poses legitimate threats to those who consider partaking in use of it.

When people take Flakka, they are known to go into a delirium state, where they feel as if they have superhuman strength and act out psychotic behavior. Flakka is a fairly new drug and it is because of that not all of the signs and symptoms of this drugs use are yet known. The signs that have been discovered are severe in nature and happen often with the use of Flakka.

Click Here for a confidential benefits check to see if your insurance will cover the cost of treatment or call (866) 578-7471 to speak to a addiction specialist.

Street Names for Flakka

Flakka is mainly known for one name, however the drug can be identified under other street names representing synthetic Stimulants such as Bath Salts: Gravel, Ivory Wave, Bloom, Cloud Nine, Moon Dust, White Lightning, Scarface, Bliss, Drone, Snow Leopard, White Dove.

Flakka Effects

The effects produced by Flakka in entirety are unknown. There are many effects that are well known among individuals who abuse this type of drug. Some of the most known effects of Flakka abuse include:  euphoria, alertness, aggressiveness and even violent behavior. These particularly prominent effects are the result of Stimulant type drugs. Due to Flakka being a synthetic Stimulant it can flood an individual’s brain with dopamine and produce effects that may last a few hours or even a life time. Excited Delirium is also a well-known effect of the drug. Many people who are on Flakka are found running around. Flakka users have been known to state that they are trying to get away from what they believe are murderers, who are chasing them. However, there is no one there.

Warning Signs of Flakka Abuse in a Loved One

Flakka abuse often represents an underlying addiction to the drug. Addiction to Flakka is accompanied by dependence in both a psychological form as well as a physical one. When it comes to a loved one abusing the drug, being able to identify warning signs is pertinent to intervening and getting his or her the necessary help. We do understand that identifying different signs specific to the drug of abuse can be challenging and we are here to help.

If a loved one has recently started to act in ways that are highly unusual like extreme paranoia, isolation, inability to sit still, anger, becoming easily agitated or violent verbally or physically, he or she may have an addiction to Stimulants such as Flakka.

Have there been changes in the appetite of your loved one? If he or she has stopped having cravings or the need for food, this can indicate drug abuse. If a loved one has begun to deal with insomnia, overheated body temp he or she may be abusing Flakka.

Are erratic and tense behaviors overtaking your loved one’s life? Flakka abuse can cause an individual to act in a highly irrational manner. Flakka is known to cause symptoms such as hallucinations, delirium, uncoordinated movement, and self-harm due.

Factual Dangers: Flakka

Abuse of Stimulant drugs is dangerous. Flakka abuse is often an indication of the disease of addiction. Flakka Addiction is not only unpleasant but extremely harmful to every aspect of an individual life. Flakka abuse interrupts a person’s stability in an emotional, mental and physical sense. Among the destruction of stable living, Flakka addiction can heavily impact ones chosen lifestyle. As well as life goals, desires and personal relationships.

Best Voted Treatment Centers  stars rating

Sunspire Health, Hyde Park
Sunspire Health, Hyde Park
215 W Verne St b, Tampa, FL 33606, USA 33606
Hope House - Laurel, MD
Hope House - Laurel, MD
429 Main St 20707Laurel MD
Alternative to Meds Center
Alternative to Meds Center
40 Goodrow Lane, Sedona, AZ, United States 86336
Clear Skye Treatment Center
Clear Skye Treatment Center
104 Willis St, Gaffney, SC 29341, USA 29341
A Better Today Recovery Services - Scottsdale, AZ
A Better Today Recovery Services - Scottsdale, AZ
15721 North Greenway Hayden Loop, Scottsdale, AZ, USA 85260
Volunteers of America Alaska
Volunteers of America Alaska
509 W 3rd Ave 99501Anchorage AK
The Mooring Programs, Inc - Appleton, WI
The Mooring Programs, Inc - Appleton, WI
201 S Glenridge Ct 54914Appleton WI
Pioneer Recovery
Pioneer Recovery
Miller Valley Rd 86301Prescott AZ
Transformation House - Fridley, MN
Transformation House - Fridley, MN
351A 74th Ave NE 55432Fridley MN
StepHouse Recovery Behavioral Health Center
StepHouse Recovery Behavioral Health Center
10529 Slater Ave 92708Fountain Valley CA

True Stories of Addiction: Justin Overcomes Addiction

Justin’s life took a turn for the worst when he tried Flakka. Listen to his story to figure out how he recovered. – View all episodes now

Flakka Rehab Treatment

Recognizing that you have a problem can be difficult. Not only because it seemingly puts you in a position of vulnerability, needing help. But also, when people are faced with giving up something that has become a mainstay in their life, they may resist. However, going into treatment is lifesaving.

In rehab, clients will go through detox, which cleanses the body of harmful substances. This period will last up to 14 days. After the detox period, clients will go through the therapeutic dimension of treatment. With this, clients will learn behavior skills and coping mechanisms to deal with living sober.

With drugs like Flakka there can be a lot of triggers based on location, to get healthy you might have to remove yourself from the area to avoid those. At least until you have learned coping skills for those triggers. Traveling for treatment can also help by allowing you to focus simply on getting healthy and learning the coping skills that rehab will teach you. Removing yourself from your surroundings can be extremely beneficial to ensuring success in recovery.

This allows for the people who are addicted to get a fresh start away from any of the negative influences they may have in their life. Also, it helps to get them out of town so they can’t have their connections bring them drugs or pick them up from treatment if they decide to leave. – Learn More

Flakka Detox Treatment

The road to recovery from Flakka abuse can be very hard on your body. Due to the nature of designer drugs like Flakka there are a lot of different withdrawal symptoms and complications that can come up during the detox period.

Detox itself is stressful on your body and along with the damages that Flakka inflicts on an individual’s organs, this extra stress can cause major health issues quickly or later in one’s life. Therefore, detoxification is done medically. Detox can and should be done safely. To ensure a safe period of detox from Flakka and other harmful substances, it is important to be monitored by medical professionals.

Some common withdrawal symptoms can be depression, extreme irritability, anxiety, insomnia, severe fatigue, night sweats, weight gain, and suicidal thoughts or actions. When people withdrawal from Stimulants, they generally experience depression, irritability, anxiety, an inability to concentrate, insomnia, weight gain or suicidal thoughts.

The longer the person has used Flakka, the more intense the person’s withdrawal symptoms will be. If you have a loved one who is abusing Flakka or other substances, it is crucial that you seek proper help. Getting properly treated for a substance addiction will require a medically assisted detoxication. – Learn More

Addicted to Flakka

When an individual is addicted Flakka or other substances that are mind- altering, his or her psychological chemistry is changed. An addiction to Flakka is medically known as a mental disorder due to the rewiring process that takes place in a person’s brain. The re-wiring process is the main impacting factor of addiction to any drug.

When Flakka or other substances that interrupt the brains natural dopamine production are used or even heavily abused signals are sent to the brains circuit system which enables the re-wiring process. An individual’s psychological circuit system is altered within the portion of a person’s brain that enacts action through instinctual survival. Addiction to drugs such as Flakka impede and significantly change one’s life as well as the lives of his or her friends and family members.

Addiction is a deadly and progressive disease. Without receiving the care, support and services an individual will need to overcome addiction to the drug, the result can turn fatal, sooner rather than later. If you have a loved one who is struggling with Flakka addiction, it is imperative that you seek help for them, as soon as possible. The damages done to one’s overall physical and psychological health are large and not to be taken lightly. Reach out and get help for Flakka addiction today. – Learn More

Flakka Dependency

Flakka dependency can happen to anyone who uses the drug even one time. Flakka are illicitly made synthetic Stimulants often sold in discrete packages. The drug much like other substances is easy to become dependent on. Being dependent on Flakka is in both a physical and psychological nature. Those who use Flakka on a regular basis are at a significantly high risk of developing a tolerance.

Becoming tolerant to Flakka results in an individual being dependent on it and needing a specific amount of the drug to function throughout each day. Flakka dependency is often an addiction and if not can quickly lead to an individual developing an addiction to it. When psychologically dependent, also known as addicted, Flakka becomes the number one priority in a person’s life.

Addictions psychological rewiring process is severe and not reversible, which means developing dependency to Flakka can change a person life forever. When psychological dependence becomes a problem, individuals experience unbreakable cravings to obtain and use the drug. In addition to the cravings aspect, when physically dependent on Flakka an individual with undergo symptoms of withdrawal. If you dependent on Flakka or have a loved one who is, we strongly encourage you to get the help necessary to overcome it and take back life by the reins. – Learn More

Intervention for Flakka Abuse

Since Flakka is so dangerous, if you think a friend or family member is using it, there is no time to waste. Sometimes with Flakka and other drugs an intervention is the only way that the user will choose to get help. Sometimes they don’t know there is a problem or don’t want to admit it. We know that it can be a scary thing but you might be your love one’s last hope.

Talk to a professional to set up an intervention, a professional will be able to help you state your concern while not condemning your loved one. The planning stage of a professional intervention will be handled, planned and explained by the selected interventionist. Although, the intervention will be taking the lead in the intervening meeting, it is crucial to remain centered and focused on the objective. The main objective of an intervention is to get an individual, in this case, your loved one struggling with Flakka addiction into a treatment program.

It is imperative to uphold a positive attitude and remain hopeful as well as optimistic in aim to get your loved one motivated and influenced into receiving addiction treatment services. There is much benefit that comes from providing a loved one with support, understanding and confidence in his or her ability to overcome Flakka abuse and live a life in recovery from addiction. Interventions provide an evidence based and effective practices that contribute to the success of an intervention meeting, which ultimately makes getting a loved one proper treatment a much easier process. – Learn More

Recovery from Flakka Abuse

Although, Flakka addiction is not a curable disease it is treatable. Addiction science research has led to the advance of evidence and fact-based interventions as well as treatment service that enable individuals to stop drug abuse. Success in recovery allows individuals to take back their role in society and live productive lives.

When individuals partaking in treatment services finish an inpatient or outpatient program for Flakka abuse, it is suggested that they consider aftercare options. Aftercare consist of everything from sober living to 12-step groups. Sober living facilities are great transitional housing options for people leaving treatment. Often, it can prove difficult for people to leave treatment and go straight back out into the word. In sober living, people will have the chance to live with others who are also just getting out of treatment. People getting out of treatment should also consider 12-step meetings and attend groups. These groups provide fellowship and goal-oriented healing to those in recovery.

Insurance is there to help you pay for your health-related needs. Substance abuse treatment is one of those. Most insurance companies cover a portion if not all your treatment. Getting healthy doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. Look into your policy or call your insurance company to see how much of the treatment that your policy covers. Regardless of how deep into Flakka abuse a person may be, getting treatment and into recovery from the addiction is possible.

Dangers of Flakka Overdose

With Flakka it is extremely easy to overdose due to the small difference in the amount that is needed to get high and the amount it takes to overdose. The addicted person will build up a tolerance to Flakka leaving even less room between feeling high and overdosing. The risk of overdose when on Flakka comes from unknown properties, purity and contaminants of the drug. It is incredibly difficult to measure what a so-called safe dosage of Flakka may be.

If an individual does overdose on Flakka, it is normal for him or her to experience severe thoughts of suicide, hot flashes, dysphoria, hypothermia, hallucinations, mild fever, psychosis, violent outrageous actions and other unpredictable behaviors. Flakka is a very dangerous substance, that can have life-altering implications. Individuals are known to have excessive sweating and stripping down of clothing, due to an internal physical temperature that can reach just above 105 degrees. The temperature starts to dissolve muscle fiber into the person’s blood stream, ultimately damaging the kidneys and liver.

Overdose can cause extreme muscle cramping and problems with heart rhythm and breathing. Some overdose reactions in the most serious cases will involve cardiac arrest, stroke and seizures. Survivors of severe overdoses on Flakka typically need to remain on dialysis because of the damage done to their kidneys. If your loved one or someone you are near may be overdosing on substances such as Flakka, it is vital to contact 911 and get emergency assistance immediately. – Learn More

Flakka Use, Abuse and Dependency

Flakka belongs to a line of drugs that contain one if not multiple man-made chemicals of the cathinone drug class. The drug cathinone is a naturally producing Stimulant found within the Khat plant. This plant is most known to grow in southern Arabia as well as east Africa, where it is chewed for stimulating purposes.

However, synthetically made Cathinone substances are gravely stronger and much more dangerous. Flakka, specifically, is made up of a substance known as Alpha-PVP. Flakka, Alpha-PVP is commonly referred to as the second generation of bath salts. It has been recognized as the second-generation due to the first-generation cathinone class drugs, such as MDPV becoming illegal. MDPV short for

Methylenedioxypyrovalerone became illegal in the year of 2011. Much like Flakkas properties MDPV acts as a Stimulant and produces effects in the same nature as Amphetamines, Meth Amphetamines and Cocaine. As with MDPV, Alpha-PVP acts on the norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors in a person’s brain. Even though MDPV was scheduled as a controlled substance and deemed illegal, it is now become easier for synthetic drug manufacturers to alter the chemical make-up of a substance to beat the system and ensure its legality. This is done to create safe transportation of such drugs and avoid risks of drug smuggling.

In March of 2014, The Drug Enforcement Administration temporarily scheduled Alpha-PVP as a controlled substance in the United states, which makes the drug illegal to use, purchase and possess. Flakka are typically in the form of crystal and are pink or white in color. Flakka is also often purchased in discrete packaging. The drug can be injected, snorted, eaten and even vaporized through e-cigarettes. The harshest outcomes in which individual are affected are reported to be associated with intravenous use and snorting the drug. Although the DEA has attempted to stop and regulate the sale and distribution of synthetic Stimulants, manufactures have continued and will continue to find loop-holes enabling the consumer market.

In many ways Flakka is more addictive and harder on a person’s body that Meth Amphetamine and Cocaine, this is especially true if he or she has an addicted to the drug and regularly abuses it. Common effects of Flakka use abuse and dependency are extreme paranoia, the feeling of invincibility and hallucinations.  Individuals who are Flakka dependent have been known to act out in extreme and absurd ways, such as becoming agitated and violent against themselves or other people. Not everyone who uses Flakka will become violent, however the impact this drug has on a person’s brain can cause unpleasant and uncertain effects. When erratic and out of control behaviors take place, they start by the individual having thoughts that mirror insanity, and a mental instability beyond comprehension. These effects are known to last for day after the person has come down from the euphorically dangerous high.  The effects of physical Flakka dependence is widely known to be severe and even fatal on occasion. However, the drug is detrimental to an individual’s psychological health as well.

The physical effects of dependence on the drug are similar to gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal problems. This is scientific research and proof of a connected among drug abuse such as Flakka and the impact has on the cardiovascular system. Health issues that damage the cardiovascular system often include heart palpitations, stroke and heart attacks. Flakka is also known to cause problems with an individual’s gastrointestinal system. When the gastrointestinal system in impacted it increases a person’s chance of experiencing liver damage. Along with other substances, Flakka heavily effects a person’s musculoskeletal system, which results in overall muscle weakness and debilitating cramping.

If Flakka is abused intravenously contracting infectious disease like hepatitis or HIV becomes a much higher risk. If you have a loved with afflicted by Flakka addiction or addiction to other substances, it is important that he or she know they are not alone. There is a vast amount of people in recovery today and many understand what it is like to overcome drug addiction and dependence. Many people who live with the disease of addiction, have found a solution and are in recovery today living successful and happy lives.  Living a life in recovery from Flakka addiction is possible, however becoming abstinence is only the beginning.

Remaining abstinence from Flakka and other substances does not stop the disease of addiction or fix the issues that are often underlying a person’s drug addiction. If you or someone you love needs help with Flakka use, abuse or dependency, call and speak to an addiction specialist. Stop Flakka from creating chaos and destruction is your loved one’s life, as well as your own life.

Short & Long-term Effects

As with Stimulant substances, Flakka abuse causes dopamine to flood into the brain. The neurotransmitter, dopamine, regulates an individual’s brain in terms of reward circuits and the pleasure system. Use of Flakka alters to reuptake of the dopamine, which ultimately results in overwhelming euphoric feelings. Like other Amphetamine based drugs and Cocaine, Flakka produces short-term effects such as, euphoria, heart palpitations, in increased heart rate, a spike in blood pressure, alertness, hostile or aggressive behavior.

When an individual starts to come down from the high of the drug, he or she will experience depression and fatigue. At high doses, the drug will affect an individual’s body temperature. The negative feelings of coming down from the high, often leads the individual to jump back in to use of the drug. Continually using the drug to avoid come down symptoms results in a tolerance. When tolerance in developed, more of the drug is required to feel high and can be highly dangerous resulting in overdose or fatality.

With Flakka, not only the immediate effects but the long-term impact of using this drug can easily go up against the effects of the most potent Cocaine and Crystal Meth. However, the long-term effects of Flakka are not yet known. This is due to Flakka being a newly available synthetic drug and research for its effects are still being done. Although not much has been discovered, there are findings that Flakka is toxic to an individual organ system and is known to cause kidney and liver damage as well as renal failure.

Flakka Treatment Methods

One of the most important things in ensuring someone’s long-term recovery is making sure that the family unit gets healed. Healing the family might take a lot of work, but it is worth it. In treatment centers, therapists are available to help with the process of healing. The sessions will involve going over educational stuff about addiction while also dealing with past trauma.

One of the most important things to realize as a family is that nobody caused the person to have an addiction. The reasons for the addiction are complicated and involve many different moving pieces. Trying to blame one person for an addiction is short sighted and harmful. That said, the therapy sessions communicate hurt and pain and try and offer reconciliation to those involved. In group therapy, people will learn how to heal within the context of community and depend on other people. People in addiction learn to depend and trust themselves, which can make it difficult for them to connect with other people in honest ways.

In group therapy, you learn that the key to your sobriety is allowing open doors for other people to help you. In the group therapy sessions, you will get paired with other people in recovery and a therapist. Clients will learn to do process sessions, which incorporate sharing about their struggles. Clients will also go through sessions of yoga and other kinetic activities to get them out of their mind. Group therapy sessions also incorporate educational components to help teach people about addiction and coping strategies.

True Stories of Addiction:

Your loved one feels isolated and alone in their fight against their addiction. Give them the backup that they need. Holding an intervention for a loved one not only brings their problem to the surface, but shows them that people still care about them. They might be in denial with other people, but most people who have a substance abuse problem are not in denial with themselves. Deep down inside, they know they need help. If you show them that they have support if they decide to get that help, they will be more willing to go to rehab. Let them know that you are not giving up on them.

Inpatient Flakka Rehab

Inpatient treatment can be an amazing tool to those suffering from a Flakka addiction. This type of treatment provides a medical detox, which will be extremely beneficial to the Flakka user. During inpatient treatment, an individual is secluded from the outside, in a structured, well balanced and safe environment. In inpatient individuals will be able to learn good coping skills and utilize tools for the ability to be slowly integrated back into the world.

After the inpatient treatment is through many individuals partake in a residential setting known as sober living. Sober living helps fully integrate a person back into society while providing structure he or she may not have on his or her own. The structure of inpatient varies and will be different depending on the facility chosen. It is important to weigh out your options and choose the right treatment program to meet your loved ones needs.  The length of stay in inpatient treatment varies from facility to facility, generally programs range from 30, 60 or 90 days, but can be longer.

This kind of treatment has a great success rate for long term sobriety. It is also recommended that an individual struggling with addiction seek treatment outside of their hometown, this helps remove all the negative influences that he or she may have in present surroundings. Inpatient is best known as residential treatment. If you are looking for a treatment center to get your loved one help with addiction to Flakka, the options are wide. Get your loved one residential treatment where he or she can work on regaining overall wellness and recovery from addiction. – Learn More

Outpatient Flakka Rehab

There are many different types of treatment options for you or your loved one to choose from. Finding the right rehab might take a little bit of research because each facility will be slightly different. Outpatient treatment is typically when the patient lives off site unsupervised. He or she will need to go in for therapy, groups and or classes. Outpatient treatment does tend to be time consuming however, the amount of time required will be different depending on the facility.

It allows an individual to still go to work or school while receiving treatment. The down side to this type of treatment is the user will remain in the same surroundings that fueled their addiction. If you’re not sure which option will be best for you, we can help you figure that out and find a facility for you. If you cannot find the time to put your life on hold, for only a short time to get proper residential treatment, outpatient may be the best route to take. Outpatient treatment provides individuals with intensive therapeutic services, such as independent therapy and group counseling, only without the residential component.

The only uncertain factor about outpatient programs is a lack of structure provided when compared to an inpatient residential program. However, with serious desire, willingness to give up old ways of doing and thinking along with strong determination to succeed, outpatient Flakka rehab may work for you and be effective in getting you into a life in recovery. Whether you are certain about the type of program you want to start or not, contact an addiction specialist to get your questions answered and assistance in finding the type of pro=gram that will work best for you or your loved one. – Learn More