Recovery from Tulsa, Oklahoma
Tulsa is the second-largest city in the state of Oklahoma, with a population of 403,505. For much of the 20th century, Tulsa was known as the “oil capital of the world.”
Tulsa is considered the arts and cultural center of Oklahoma. The people are friendly and it has a laid back, small town feel.
Tulsa has ranked on many prestigious lists for being one of the most livable large cities and one of the best cities for the future.
Tulsa is home to two world-renowned art museums, year-round professional ballet and opera companies, and has the highest concentrations of art deco architecture in the country.
Even in an affluent and exciting areas such as Tulsa, the disease of addiction still infiltrates and destroys many lives. Addiction is a disease which requires expert help to overcome its deadly symptoms. If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse, reach out and get the help you both need and deserve. Give us a call at (866) 578-7471 .
How Can I Help a Loved One Stop Using?
One of the best ways to help a loved one get their life back on track is to stage an intervention. An intervention is simply a conversation where the person is confronted about his or her using and subsequent behavior.
The intervention should remain non-judgmental and loving as any perceived attack may prove counter-productive.
By staging an intervention, you are helping your loved one see that a problem does exist and that help is available. You prove that you love and care for the person but emphasize that change needs to occur. By giving the person a nudge in the right direction you are helping to save his or her life.
How Do I Start Recovering?
Tulsa would be a great place to start your recovery. It has both inpatient and outpatient facilities for you to choose from. If you live in Tulsa, you have many options for addiction treatment centers.
Many people find travelling for treatment to greatly benefit their recovery. By removing self from potentially negative influences, such as old using friends and dealers, you give yourself the best possible chance at getting and staying sober.
A life free from drugs and alcohol comes with limitless rewards, however, it can be difficult to get started. Learning to live without the use of addictive substances requires a strong support system and guidance. 12-step programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous prove the best way to treat the disease of addiction. Everyone is encouraged to find a sponsor, work the 12-steps and attend meetings regularly. Regular meeting attendance is a huge part of getting and maintaining sobriety. 12-step programs can help anyone, regardless of whether or not you have attended rehab. The support you will find at these meetings will help you overcome any obstacles that life throws your way. If you are struggling with substance abuse, find a meeting in your area today and start living!