Recovery in Lakewood, New Jersey
New Jersey. The population there is approximately 92,843. Lakewood has the highest population of Jewish people in the county. It is also home to the largest yeshiva in the world, Beth Medrash Govoha. This is a Jewish institution that focuses on the study of traditional religious texts.
Is There Help for Me?
Being an addict in a city where the majority of the population is religious can add even more of a feeling of exile and loneliness. Not necessarily because of the religious followers directly but because personally you feel isolated, that no one else understands your addiction troubles.
But you are not alone, there are people who want to help. Hiding your addiction won't help your situation it will only make it worse. Lakewood has facilities that will give you your life back by showing you that you are strong enough to fight your addiction.
If your friends and family have already helped you by holding an intervention for you, then it is time to look into detox and rehab. If you feel those around will not understand your substance abuse problems, look into traveling to another city or state to stay focused on recovery.
If you are seeking help for your addiction, you should not feel guilty or embarrassed. Admitting to people that you have a problem is a great start to head in a better direction.
Consider traveling for treatment to begin in a new place away from the temptations and people that lead you down the wrong road. Relapse numbers are a lot higher when people get treatment in their home town. Sometimes leaving the comfort of your town can go a long way in fostering long-term freedom from drugs and alcohol.
People are waiting to help you every step of the way. Start by making a confidential phone call to see just how well we can help you: (866) 578-7471
Programs like NA and AA work by allowing people who have been through the same thing as you, help you through the steps using their personal experience. They build a strong support system and give you a place to feel safe and comfortable sharing your struggles without the fear of being judged.