Searching for Treatment for Substance Abuse from Portage, IN
Portage is a city in the county of Porter, Indiana. This city is considered the third largest city in the county of porter and in the Northwestern part of Indiana States.
What Do I Do First?
To start your path to a better life without the dependence of drugs and alcohol, all you have to do is pick up the phone.
There are several specialists that are waiting to hear from you.
Many of our specialists are in recovery from addiction and know how to assist you in the most effective way.
We can help with finding you the best treatment center for you that meets your needs as they are right now.
Why is Treatment Important?
Getting treatment for your alcohol or drug addiction is imperative for many reasons.
When first starting the sobriety process an individual with undergo a variety of symptoms produced by withdrawal.
Withdrawal symptoms are very common when a person is detoxing from the substances that have been abused.
This stage of the sobriety process alone, can be fatal if not medically supervised.
With the help of treatment services detoxing can go relatively smooth and pleasant, otherwise it generally is very uncomfortable and often dangerous.
Following detox, a person will need to get treatment services, generally of therapeutic value.
The therapy services provided help a person to get their brain chemistry to start working as it was before addiction took over.
This psychological process often takes several months and even years to recover, call for help now (866) 578-7471.
- Center for Disease Control. (2022). : CDC Wonder Tool
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2022). : Treatment Locator Map
- Center for Disease Control. (2022). : U.S. County Opioid Dispensing Rates, 2019
- Center for Disease Control. (2022). : U.S. County Opioid Dispensing Rates, 2020
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2018). : Principles of Effective Treatment
- Official Government Website : FindTreatment.gov.
- Indiana State Department of Health. (2019). : Drug Overdose Epidemic in Indiana: Behind the Numbers
- Indiana University. (2022). : Addiction affects every aspect of Hoosier life
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021). : Results from the 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
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- Ostacher, Michael J & Sachs, Gary S. (2006). : Update on bipolar disorder and substance abuse: recent findings and treatment strategies
- Goretti, S. (2017). : The relationship between personality disorders and substance abuse disorders
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services and Administration. (2013.) : Family Therapy Can Help
- Newsweek. (2021). : America’s Best Addiction Treatment Centers.