Get Sober from Kokomo, IN
Kokomo is the thirteenth largest city in Indiana, with over 57,000 residents. Named after a native American Chief Ma-Ko-Ko-Mo, who was referred to as "œChief Kokomo."
Known as the "œcity of firsts," Kokomo has a long history of engineering feats and entrepreneurial spirit. The city saw a boom after the discovery of large natural gas reserves in the mid-1880's. One industry attracted to the boom was the fledgling automotive industry, upon which the economy is still significantly based today.
This industrious town saw hard times with the recession of 2007, however was able to turn their luck around within just four years. In 2001, Forbes magazine cited Kokomo as one of "œBest Cities for Jobs," and remarked that its success over the previous years was "œinspirational."
If you find that your life has become controlled by drugs or alcohol, you too can turn your life around. The disease of addiction devastates many lives and claims far too many.
The Centers for Disease Control, CDC, estimates that one in every ten Americans struggles with substance abuse issues. With numbers this staggering, no one should feel alone or ashamed to ask for help. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, reach out today and get the help you need and deserve. Give us a call at (866) 578-7471 .
How Do I Get Started?
The first step toward recovery is admitting a problem exists. If you have come to terms with that, congratulations on completing what is often the most difficult step for many to grasp.
The next step is determining what level of treatment you need and finding a center that suits your needs. It is strongly recommended that you consult with a professional to determine what treatment program will best fit with your needs and constraints.
The road to recovery is not always easy but everyday spent sober is far better than any day using. A life better than your wildest dreams is waiting for you. Don't wait to get started!
12-step programs have helped millions of people worldwide overcome addiction and find a better way to live. Programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous prove the best method for tackling the issues associated with addiction. If you are struggling with substance abuse in Kokomo, find a meeting in your area and get connected to others in sobriety. The support and guidance you will find at your local 12-step meeting house will help you overcome every obstacle life throws your way. Get started living today!
- Indiana Prevention Resource Center. 2022. : Howard County Epidemiological Data.
- Indiana Department of Transportation. 2022. : Indiana Public Use Airports.
- Indiana Department of Transportation. 2022. : US 31 Kokomo Freeway.
- City of Kokomo. 2022. : Public Transportation For the City of Kokomo.
- Explore Kokomo. 2022. : Welcome to Kokomo Things to Do.
- Indiana. 2022. : Next Level Recovery Indiana: Indiana Addiction Treatment.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2018). : Principles of Effective Treatment
- Official Government Website : FindTreatment.gov.
- Indiana State Department of Health. (2019). : Drug Overdose Epidemic in Indiana: Behind the Numbers
- Indiana University. (2022). : Addiction affects every aspect of Hoosier life
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021). : Results from the 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2022). : The Case for Screening and Treatment of Co-Occurring Disorders
- Pettinati, H.M., & Dundon, W.D. (2011). : Comorbid depression and alcohol dependence
- National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2008). : Comorbidity: Addiction and Other Mental Illnesses
- Gielen, N., Havermans, R. C., Tekelenburg, M., & Jansen, A. (2012). : Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder among patients with substance use disorder: it is higher than clinicians think it is
- Lawson, Nicole R. (2014). : Posttraumatic stress disorder in combat veterans
- Ostacher, Michael J & Sachs, Gary S. (2006). : Update on bipolar disorder and substance abuse: recent findings and treatment strategies
- Goretti, S. (2017). : The relationship between personality disorders and substance abuse disorders
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services and Administration. (2013.) : Family Therapy Can Help
- Newsweek. (2021). : America’s Best Addiction Treatment Centers.