Seeking a Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Bloomington, IN
Established in 1818 by settlers who considered it a "haven of blooms" they named it now one of the 10 largest cities in Indiana. The city of Bloomington has a population of over 84,000 residents and is a very beautiful city with many attractions and events. Unfortunately, many people in this wonderful city are battling with what seems like a losing fight; drug/alcohol addiction.
Alcohol is the most commonly used substance in Indiana and the nation. Marijuana is the most frequently used illicit drug in Indiana and the U.S. as well.
Why Is Addiction Considered a Disease?
Addiction is considered a disease because the person suffering with the addiction has lost the power in choice of whether to use or not; their brain tells the person that they have to use mind-altering substances to meet their basic survival needs.
Due to the brains need to use drugs and alcohol for survival, the brain has become accustomed to the high levels of dopamine.
This dopamine is produced by substances abused, and the glutamate in a person's brain stores that euphoric feeling creating a memory that it feeds on and produces the desire to use continuously over and over again.
Many individuals that are struggling with addiction honestly believe they have lost all hope, because they cannot see a light at the end of the tunnel.Life continues to get more unbearable every day and they see no way out. However, they are not hopeless there is a way out and help available for the taking.
The first step to getting you or your addicted loved one help is to enter detox where the toxins from the substances are removed from the body.
Inpatient, outpatient, or whatever best fits the needs to be first met is the next step. The services offered vary from therapy, groups, counseling, medication management, treatment planning, relapse prevention and other activities.
If you have a loved one who is unwilling to get help or admit they have a problem an intervention may be necessary which involves the loved ones of the persons with addiction.
An intervention is purposeful for displaying their genuine care and concern for the damage addiction is doing to the life they once lived.
Don't wait any longer to start the recovery process, call us and get the assistance that you need today.
Meetings in your area are there so you know you are never alone. When you leave treatment or rehab you are a new person. You are also not even close to the same person you were when you went in nor are you the same person you were before you started using alcohol or drugs. There are people that understand this because they to have experienced similar things with living with an addiction. There are many people who have experienced and gone through almost exactly what you have and those people have come out on the other side, more grateful and happy than even. Find a meeting near you and remember to keep your head up.
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