Dangers of Lorcet Abuse
Lorcet is a combination of Hydrocodone and acetaminophen. It is used in the treatment of moderate to moderately severe pain and is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance. Lorcet has the potential for dependence, abuse and addiction. It should only be taken as long, in the amounts and as frequently as prescribed.
But even when taken as prescribed, there is the possibility to develop a chemical dependency. The Hydrocodone component of Lorcet is an opiate based substance that can cause dependency and addiction. Long term and extreme cravings for Lorcet are indicators that addictive behavior has begun. There are times the addiction becomes so intense, the individual abusing it will turn to buying it on the streets to get their fix.
There are many who become addicted to Lorcet may go to many different doctors to get multiple prescriptions to hold them over and feed their addiction. Just because Lorcet is a prescription drug doesn’t mean it is not dangerous. It has the potential to destroy your life, just like abusing Heroin or Cocaine would.
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Street Names for Lorcet
If you are concerned a loved one is abusing Lorcet, you probably feel hopeless. If you want to help him or her, you will want to make sure it is Lorcet he or she is abusing. To figure this out, your loved one may use street names for Lorcet to throw others off guard. Some street names for Lorcet are: Hydro, Pills, Narco, Downers.
Lorcet Effects
Lorcet affects your body in many ways, impairing physical and mental abilities. The effects of Lorcet abuse may be enhanced if taken with other substances. Not everyone who takes Lorcet will act the exact same way, but there are a few signs to look for if you have suspicions. Some of the most common signs of Lorcet abuse are small pupils, loss of appetite, sever itching, nausea, decreased heart rate, constipation, confusion, dry mouth, low blood pressure, difficulties breathing, memory difficulties and loss of concentration. If someone keeps abusing Lorcet for a long period of time, health issues may arise. Abusing Lorcet long-term can cause: severe bleeding, liver failure, slow heart rate, drowsiness that can lead to coma, cardiac arrest, overdose and death.
Doctors dealing with addicts say that this is the strongest level of addiction and the hardest to cure.
Warning signs of Lorcet abuse in a loved one
Lorcet is a dangerous and addictive narcotic drug that is commonly prescribed by doctors for pain. Because it is prescribed by a doctor, people may not feel that it is dangerous to overtake it, nevertheless, Lorcet is just as addictive as Heroin. If a loved one is abusing Lorcet, it may feel like the end of the world. You can help him or her but before that first step, you will need to know the signs and symptoms of Lorcet addiction:
If a loved one is abusing Lorcet, he or she may be going to multiple doctors to get different prescriptions. He or she will do this so he or she can take more of the drug and not run out and stress on how to get more before he or she starts withdrawing.
Another sign of Lorcet abuse is stealing and lying. Lorcet is expensive, and if your loved one does not have a prescription, his or her habit is going to get expensive because pills are expensive. To feed the habit, he or she is going to steal to get more.
One huge sign of Lorcet abuse is lack of motivation. When a loved one is addicted to Lorcet, the drug is the only thing that matters. He or she will do nothing other than to get high. This can cause job loss and lack of interest in family and friends.
Factual Dangers: Lorcet
Lorcet is a prescription pain relief medication that has a high potential for abuse. If a loved one has gotten into an accident or has an injury, he or she may have been prescribed Lorcet. Your loved one may have become addicted to the medication without even trying. If he or she is acting differently or is doing anything to get more Lorcet, he or she has a problem. To better understand the addiction, here are some signs of Lorcet abuse:
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True Stories of Addiction: Joseph’s Life-Changing Recovery
A drug like Lorcet took control of Joseph’s life leaving him with little hope to recover. He ended up fighting through and is alive and well today. – View all episodes now
Lorcet Rehab Treatment
Once detoxification is completed and your body is cleared from all mind-altering substances, you will begin the rehabilitation stage of treatment. During rehab for Lorcet addiction, you will learn valuable skills and tools for coping in daily activities without the use of the drug. You will be taught more about the disease of addiction and although there is no cure, with the help of rehab treatment, you will be able to maintain your Lorcet addiction and live a life in recovery.
During your stay in rehab, you will get services that require licensed counselors, life coaches and therapists. You will go through therapies like family therapy, individual therapy and group therapy. All therapies are very different which is a good thing, and each one will all hit a different aspect of your life which Lorcet effected. Beginning a new life free from Lorcet addiction is filled with endless miracles. Treatment services help people in regaining self-confidence and an overall sense of self.
You will begin to realize how beautiful life is and start loving the person you are without the Lorcet in your system. This is done by supporting people while helping them explore personal skills and traits. Rehab treatment is the beginning of your recovery, be sure to talk to your therapist about aftercare and what you can do to maintain your recovery after treatment. – Learn More
Lorcet Detox Treatment
Lorcet detoxification is the process of removing the toxins from your body. Detoxing entails ending all drug use, which is best done inside a medical facility. Here medication is provided to help ween the body off Lorcet. A medical detox usually involves medicate management. Specific medications for this type of drug addiction helps to curb the withdrawal symptoms.
Some of the most common Lorcet withdrawal symptoms are nausea, aches and pains, restless legs, insomnia, headaches, anxiety, diarrhea, chills and vomiting. Without the help of medical detox, you will feel these symptoms for about a week until the drug is out of your system. It would be hard to stay off Lorcet if you were in that type of pain, and you would not be able to focus on recovery. It may seem scary taking other medication to get off Lorcet, but when you are in a facility a doctor will slowly ween you off the detox medication so your body doesn’t become dependent. You will be monitored by nurses and medical staff 24-hours a day to ensure your safety.
Depending on the detox, they may have therapy, 12-step meetings and other activities for you to participate in. Once the detox process is completed, it is best to enter into either inpatient or outpatient. Detox is not going to be enough for you to recover completely. You need more help and an understanding of your addiction. – Learn More
Addiction to Lorcet
The Hydrocodone component of Lorcet is an Opiate based substance that is the cause of dependency and addiction. It works by binding to the Opiate receptors blocking pain signals and generating a blissful feeling. When people take Opiate based pain medication, their body will build a tolerance to the substance, thus requiring an ever-increasing dose to maintain the desired euphoria.
Developing a Lorcet addiction is highly possible; anyone who may be prescribed Lorcet, take caution to its chemical makeup and effects. If you feel like you have an addiction to Lorcet, there are many signs of to look out for. It is possible you have a prescription for Lorcet that goes out before your next prescription is ready. This, in turn, is going to be very stressful and you may argue with your doctor about writing another prescription, go to a different doctor to get a prescription or end up getting Lorcet from a friend or dealer on the streets.
Another sign of addiction to Lorcet is lack of motivation. If you have been abusing Lorcet and find yourself calling into work, flaking on friends, not leaving your room or not showing up for major events because you would rather get high, you are probably addicted to Lorcet. There are many things that can tell you if you have an addiction, but the only way to recover is to admit you have a problem and seek treatment. – Learn More
Lorcet Dependency
If you have been in an accident and prescribed Lorcet for the pain, your body is going to become dependent on the drug within a few days to a week. The same goes for someone who was offered Lorcet from a friend. If you keep taking it daily, for longer than a week, you will quickly become dependent.
When you become dependent on Lorcet, your body is not going to be able to function normally without it. You will end up going through withdrawal if you suddenly stop taking the drug. If you tell your doctor you want to come off Lorcet, but can’t because it is too painful, he or she will help you ween off the medication so you don’t feel the pains of withdrawal. If you were buying Lorcet from a friend or a dealer, you would want to go to a detox center and cleanse your body from all the harmful chemicals Lorcet holds. If you don’t choose to tell your doctor or go to a detox center, your chances for creating an addiction are high.
The difference between a dependency and addiction is with a dependency your body is the only thing craving the drug. If you develop an addiction, it is not just your body craving the drug, it is your mind too. Once an addiction has developed, it is 100 times harder to get off Lorcet because you will require extensive treatment. If you notice your body has become dependent, do the right thing and stop before it is too late. – Learn More
Seeking help for a loved one.
- Do Lorcet Interventions Work?
The intervention process is extremely effective in getting a Lorcet addicted person into a treatment center where he or she will get the help that is needed. - How Do Lorcet Interventions Work?
A close group of family and friends will have a pre-written letter that expresses love and concern for their loved ones Lorcet addiction which will hopefully push him or her to accept the help that is offered.
Intervention for Lorcet Abuse
If your loved one is addicted to Lorcet, you may have feelings of guilt and shame because you think you have done something to make him or her that way. This belief is entirely false. There is nothing anyone can do to another individual that will make him or her become afflicted with addiction.
Many who are in an active addiction are going to be in denial about the extent of their abuse, and are likely going to lie about how bad it really is, if it is acknowledged it at all. Approaching a loved one about their addiction can be a scary proposition. Not knowing how he or she is going to react, not knowing if he or she will get violent, or if he or she will even be receptive to what you are saying can be a daunting task. For this reason, interventions with professional guidance are highly suggested. An intervention is an amazing way for your loved one to see that he or she has a problem with Lorcet. With the help of a professional interventionist, you will gather family and friends of the addicted individual that are concerned for his or her life.
It will be everyone’s job included in the intervention to write something to say to the addicted loved one during the intervention. What you all express should only be love and concern. When he or she realizes there are other people out there that care for him or her, he or she will be more motivated to get treatment for their addiction. The main goal of an intervention is for the addicted loved one to accept treatment to better his or her life. – Learn More
Recovery from Lorcet Abuse
Once you have made the decision to get treatment for your Lorcet addiction, you are on the right path. The best way to start would be to go through a medically supervised detox. You are going to want the help and support of doctors, nurses and medication to get off Lorcet, because the withdrawals have proven to be incredibly painful.
Once you have detoxed, it is suggested that you go through an inpatient treatment center to learn about your addiction and how you can manage it. You will go through therapy and classes that will teach you how to cope with the cravings and negative situations as they arise. Once you leave treatment, you will need a strong aftercare program to ensure your recovery. There are many after care options available upon your ending of treatment services. A great support is often found in 12-step fellowships and meetings. The fellowship of people has a program that is commonly practiced, maintaining a peaceful and happy state of being without the need of substances.
The 12-step meetings are filled and surrounded by people who understand what it is like to struggle and live with the disease of addiction. These people can help you find the strength needed to build relationships and your life in recovery. Meetings that practice the 12-step method are held weekly, and provide an open forum for all who join to express their stories, daily struggles and give support to others in the community. For continuing treatment care after rehab consider 12-step recovery support groups.
Dangers of Lorcet Overdose
When someone overdoses on Lorcet, it can either by accidentally by taking a high dose to get high or purposefully. It doesn’t matter what caused the overdose, an overdose has the potential to be fatal. Some signs of a Lorcet overdose are: loss of appetite, sweating, irritability, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, yellowing of skin, dark urine and confusion. If you are experiencing these overdose symptoms and don’t get immediate medical help, your overdose can progress and you can fall into a coma, lose consciousness or even die.
A common way to overdose on Lorcet is by suffering a relapse after you have been sober for a while. Your body’s tolerance will not be as high as it was for Lorcet when you come out of treatment. This, in turn, is dangerous because you may take the same dosage you did before deciding to get clean. Your body will not be able to process the amount of Lorcet you ended up taking and will overdose. The only way you can possibly prevent an overdose from happening is to stop taking the drug completely.
If you have tried stopping but feel like it is impossible, try going through detox and treatment. During detox, it will be easier to stay clean because you will be given medication to ease your withdrawal symptoms. Once you have detoxed, you will learn about your addiction and how to cope with triggers and stressors when you leave treatment. To ensure recovery, start working a 12-step program. If you work the program honestly and thoroughly, it is next to impossible to relapse. – Learn More
Lorcet Abuse and Recovery
Lorcet is a prescription drug that is used to treat pain; it’s a narcotic that combines Hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Lorcet works by attaching to receptors in the body and transmitting its effects to the brain, changing the way it perceives pain, imitating endorphins which inspire feelings of euphoria and relaxation. Taking Lorcet can also cause drowsiness, dizziness, light-headedness and give you a floaty feeling. Hydrocodone is an opioid, in the same family as Oxycodone and Heroin, and it is the part of Lorcet that makes the drug an addictive substance, especially if abused. The body can develop a physical dependency on Lorcet within a short time of regular use and the feelings of euphoria that it causes can change the reward pathways in the brain and create a psychological addiction. Opiate based Pain Killers, like Lorcet, are the most abused kind of prescription medications for these reasons.
Taking Lorcet can also have many adverse effects that are uncomfortable and dangerous. Because it is a respiratory depressant, it can cause shallow or slowed breathing and you may possibly cease breathing altogether. Confusion, difficulty focusing, memory issues, paranoia or delusions are other effects that can occur. It inhibits cognitive abilities as well as reasoning and can lead to poor choices or dangerous situations. Lorcet also affects motor skills, causing a person to seem drunk with slurred or slowed speech and imprecise or unsteady movements. When someone is abusing Lorcet, he or she may experience sweating, dark urine, low blood pressure, itchiness, nausea or loss of appetite.
Overdosing on Lorcet is highly possible, which can be extremely dangerous and fatal. Overdose of Lorcet can cause a person to stop breathing, experience seizures, coma and death. If the person survives the overdose, he or she may have severe brain and spinal cord damage. Since Lorcet contains acetaminophen, excessive use can cause extensive liver damage, liver failure or kidney issues. Complications related to damaged liver or kidneys can be detrimental to a person’s health or even deadly.
There is a common misconception that Lorcet is safe, or at least safer, than other drugs because it is a prescription medication. Even if someone is genuinely taking Lorcet for pain management via a prescription, he or she can still become addicted to it. This is actually a very common phenomenon since a physical dependence can develop so quickly from regular use; often people become addicted before they realize what is happening. This is not something to be ashamed about; the important thing is to recognize the problem and seek help.
When the body does develop this kind of dependency, a person will experience withdrawal symptoms between doses or when one has stopped taking the drug. Withdrawal symptoms for Lorcet usually include flu-like symptoms of muscle aches, head ache, fatigue, sweating or chills, goosebumps, vomiting and diarrhea. Other symptoms include anxiety, depression, cravings for the drug and mood swings. The symptoms can last from around a week to a month, while emotional side effects and cravings of the drug can last much longer. While withdrawal from Lorcet is never fatal, it is still a good idea to detox in a medical facility, where certain treatments can help soothe the discomfort.
If you are worried about addiction to Lorcet in yourself or a loved one, there are some signs to be warry of. Someone who is abusing Lorcet may be tired or out of it frequently and might even nod off in the middle of tasks or at odd times of the day. Abuse may result in a person seeming drunk with slurred or slowed speech and impaired coordination. Other behavioral signs of abuse are changes in social interaction like irritability, lack of concentration and difficulty making sense in conversation. A person who is addicted may avoid friends and family or lose interest in previous passions or activities once enjoyed. Someone who is addicted to Lorcet will have built a tolerance to the drug, and so will need to take larger doses to achieve the same effects from before. If you or your loved one feel anxious when there are only a few pills left, crave the drug between doses, or run out of pills earlier than intended, these incidents indicate addiction.
Know that treatment is available to any individual who is addicted to Lorcet or any other substance. If you are experiencing any signs of addiction, know that you are not alone. Many people become dependent and addicted to prescription Pain Killers of all kinds and there is help. When trying to help someone who has developed substance abuse issues, it is important to be sensitive and avoid isolating or making the person feel attacked. This could push them further into their abuse, because of the reward system that has developed in their brain associated with the drug. Seeking professional help can ensure that the individual is guided in a positive way towards a recovery that can be sustained.
Individual Therapy for Lorcet Addiction
If you are addicted to Lorcet and feel like there is no way out, you are no alone. Something you need to realize is that there is help available to those who wish it. You are not going to get clean and sober by sitting around and doing nothing; you need to put in the work and action it takes to get clean and sober.
If you want to put in the work, seek treatment and take all you can from it. If you decide to go through treatment, you will most likely go through individualized therapy. Individualized therapy is very important for your recovery. You will meet with a therapist, one on one, on certain days of the week to get to the root of your problems. Your therapist will ask you many questions about your life from when you can remember. A Lorcet Addiction is just a symptom of a larger problem that requires extensive therapy to help. When your therapist asks you questions, you need to make sure you are completely honest. It is their job to help you with your addiction and he or she cannot do that if you aren’t honest. Talking about some situations may be difficult but it will help you recover in the long run.
There may be things that happen in your life that you never thought you would bring up again. If you haven’t properly worked through those hard times, they will keep popping up and give you the urge to use Lorcet to cover up your feelings. Don’t be afraid to share, it is only going to help you recover long-term so you never have to go back to the way your life was in active addiction.
Group Therapy for Lorcet Addiction
Lorcet addiction should not be taken lightly. Just because it is a legal drug when prescribed by a doctor, doesn’t mean it is safe. The feeling Lorcet gives is very similar and just as addictive as Heroin. There is nothing safe about abusing Lorcet and if you notice you have a problem and want to stop it, seek treatment for your addiction immediately.
If you are planning on getting treatment for your Lorcet addiction, be prepared to go through a multitude of therapies including group therapy. Group therapy is going to be an essential part of your recovery and will really help you in the long run. You will likely meet with a therapist and other people in your treatment center, who are trying to recover from their own addictions, a few times a week. The therapist will have you introduce yourselves and give a quick reason on why you want to stay sober. Once everyone gets an idea of who they are surrounded by, it will make you that more comfortable to share your emotions.
Sharing with others how you feel is helpful, because you will understand you are not fighting this battle alone. There are many others out there with the same problems who needed treatment too. Working with others will allow you to learn from one another’s mistakes which will help prevent relapse when you leave treatment. By going to group therapy, you will meet many friends that you’ll bond with for the rest of your life. It is always good to surround yourself with people who understand addiction and how hard it can be.
- Will Group Therapy Help My Lorcet Addiction?
Yes. Group therapy will show you that you are not fighting your Lorcet addiction alone. - What Do I Do in Lorcet Group Therapy?
In group therapy, you will talk about your Lorcet addiction and relate with others’ battle with their addiction.
True Stories of Addiction: Masking Emotions
Kylie was addicted to a drug like Lorcet for many years. She would go back and forth from one drug to another hoping to solve her addiction problem. That method did not work and she always returned to the drug like Lorcet. The drug Kylie was using would make her very sick but she didn’t want to stop. So, she was using drugs, miserable and sick every day for about five years. She believes it is only by the grace of God she went back to the 12-step program and found recovery. Not every day is easy for Kylie but it is much easier than living in the miserable cycle of addiction.
Seeking help for a loved one.
- Will Inpatient Rehab Help Me Stop Thinking of Lorcet?
Most likely. It will help you stop thinking of Lorcet by taking you out of the negative environment you were living in and shift your focus elsewhere. - How Will I Stop Thinking of Lorcet After Inpatient Rehab?
It is a great idea to get involved in local support groups such as the 12-step program after you graduate from your Lorcet treatment program.
Inpatient Lorcet Rehab
If Lorcet addiction is a problem for you and is causing harm in your daily living, as well as your personal and social life, then perhaps it’s time to get treatment in a rehab facility to regain your personal power. You can be free from the painful control that Lorcet addiction has over your actions and your life.
First off, for rehab to work, it is vital that you are capable of believing that you have a serious problem with the drug and that you need help. It is only after this that you will be much more receptive to getting the right treatment in a rehabilitation program. During rehab, you will go through both group and individual therapy, and you will learn how addiction has rewired you brain into thinking that you cannot survive without it. There are going to be many rehabs you can chose from, but, if at all possible, choose inpatient rehab. Inpatient rehab has proven to be the most successful way to go through treatment. You will stay in a facility for a few weeks to a few months depending on the severity of your addiction. You will be monitored 24-hours a day by a supportive staff that you can talk to about your problems.
Also, you will be surrounded by other people who are also trying to recover and rebuild their life. It is always good to get away from the outside world when trying to recover from Lorcet addiction. Being away will allow you to focus on you and only you when you need to most. Inpatient rehab will teach you to love yourself again and give you a fresh new start on life. – Learn More
Outpatient Rehab
If you are ready to change your life, you are making the right decision. There is no point in living the way you are due to your Lorcet addiction. It is time for you to regain confidence in yourself and move on with your life. You won’t change by sitting around and doing nothing about your addiction. It requires action and more action to recover from a Lorcet addiction.
If you are looking for treatment, your best option is going to be inpatient. Inpatient rehab requires you to stay in a facility for a few weeks to a few months. If that is not something you can do, there is outpatient rehab as well. An outpatient program lets an individual getting treatment to live at home while traveling to the facility multiple times a week for treatment. This form is treatment is best entered after going through a medical detox, because the withdrawal symptoms can lead to relapse. Here you participate in individual and group therapy. Outpatient programs usually employ the help of 12-step programs as a mandatory portion of treatment. Unfortunately, it leaves you vulnerable to triggers that can cause a relapse.
Outpatient has worked for many people, but it is not for everyone. If you are committed to your recovery, you can succeed. All you need to do is truly believe. There are millions of people living life without the use of drugs and alcohol who have come from a similar place as you. It just takes a little willingness. Give it a few weeks and the miracles will begin to happen right before your eyes. – Learn More
- What Will I do In Outpatient Rehab?
When recovering from Lorcet, you will attend outpatient a few times a week and go through a multitude of therapies to improve your chances of recovery. - Why is Outpatient Helpful to My Lorcet Addiction?
Any rehab or therapy is helpful for your Lorcet addiction if you listen and do what it takes to recover.