We Became Willing to Recover

   Aug. 2, 2017
   4 minute read

Recovery Reflections: August 2, 2017

Hello everyone! My name is Bianka, and I would like to give you another warm welcome to Detox to Rehab’s Recovery Reflections. Please join us and listen to the experience, strength and hope shared by Brandon, Megan and Madison.

We will pre-record readings from the book Daily Reflections. We express how this reading has helped our recovery or how it has impacted us. We thank you and hope we can inspire your recovery journey!

Alcoholics Anonymous

August 2, 2017: We Become Willing

At the moment we are trying to put our lives in order. But this is not an end in itself.

— Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 77

How easily I can become misdirected in approaching the Eighth Step! I wish to be free, somehow transformed by my Sixth and Seventh Step work. Now, more than ever, I am vulnerable to my own self-interest and hidden agenda. I am careful to remember that self-satisfaction, which sometimes comes through the spoken forgiveness of those I have harmed, is not my true objective. I become willing to make amends, knowing that through this process I am mended and made fit to move forward, to know and desire God’s will for me.

We Do Recover

“When we harm others, we take away a part of their spirit,” Madison said.

When I was out using, I caused a lot of harm to many different people. I hurt my family because I loved the drugs and alcohol more than I loved them; I hurt random strangers by robbing their houses; I hurt significant others by being dishonest; and the list goes on and on. When I caused this harm, I didn’t realize it- I always thought I was the victim in every situation. It wasn’t until I became sober that I understood I had a part in everything that went on in my life.

I also realized that I hurt a lot of people with my actions and it was my time to make it right. It wasn’t all about me anymore and I know that what I have done to others could have really affected their lives. As I worked through my steps and got to step eight, it was time for me to take action. I was ready to make a list of all persons I have harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.

“This is not to make me feel better,” Megan said.

When I had my list set out, it was time to act and contact everyone I had hurt to make sure it was okay we met and had a conversation. No matter how guilty I felt, this was to make them feel better, not me. I needed to go into the amends making process as selfless as possible. Even if I feel these people have caused me more harm than I have caused them, I still needed to not bring up their wrongs and only talk about mine. It is their choice to bring up their wrong doings and if they don’t, I can’t be upset about it. I need to be happy and proud I cleaned my side of the street.

“We ask whatever we can do to make it right,” Brandon said.

To really say I cleaned my side of the street, I need to make sure to ask these people what I can do to make my wrong doings right and act on what they request. Most people I have made amends too just ask that I stay sober, which is easy to do if I am constantly working the 12-steps. Not all amends are easy though, as some will have many tears, but the feeling you get after making an amends is priceless. There is so much freedom that comes with the amends making process if you are truly doing it to better someone else life.

If you are ready to start making your wrongs right, you should seek a treatment facility that encompasses the 12-step program. If you don’t know where to start, we are here to help in whatever way we possibly can. Give us a call at any time and we can work out a treatment plan together. Never lose hope, recovery is possible. Our number is: (866) 578-7471

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