Helping the People of Lebanon
Near the Connecticut River is the small city of Lebanon, New Hampshire. With a population of barley 13,000 people this cozy little city can act as an escape destination for people from New York City, Hartford or Boston. But even in the smallest of communities, you can find people who suffer from a substance abuse problem.
In small towns where there is not much to do it can be expected that people of all ages might turn to alcohol for an element of entertainment. And in small towns, younger people tend to get hooked on drugs because they are bored. Bad habits usually are born from boredom, and addiction feeds off bad habits. It is a vicious cycle to get wrapped up into.
How Did It Get This Far?
If you are turning to drugs and alcohol as a source to escape reality and relieve stress, then there is a good chance that you will develop a chemical dependency. A chemical dependency is created when you constantly use drugs and alcohol because the chemicals in your brain are shifted. Once that happens your brain will tell your body that it needs drugs and alcohol to feel good, shooting intense carvings into you. So intense that you cannot deny them, even if you do not want to use drugs or alcohol anymore.
When you have an addiction it is normal to feel scared, that is exactly what your addiction wants. It wants to keep you buried in bad emotions so that you do not have the courage to ask for help.
Is There Hope For Me?
It can be hard to admit that you have a drug or drinking problem. The thought of people criticizing you can keep you quiet, continuing to feed your addiction with cocaine, heroin or liquor.
The hardest part of recovering from a drug or alcohol problem is the first step, admitting you need help. You should not feel like a criminal. Addiction and alcoholism are mental illnesses that require professional medical help to cope with. Being sick and tired all of the time is no way to live life. Step up and look into getting the help you need. Drugs and alcohol will not only steal all of your happiness but they will suck your last breath from you if you are not careful. Too many people die each year from drug and alcohol, do not be another statistic.
Get the help you need. It takes a lot of courage to come forward and admit that you have a problem. Once you are ready then give us a call. We will help get you into a rehab facility and you can get back to living life on your terms.
Being around people who understand your trials and tribulations is a tool to keeping up your sobriety that you should be using on a regular basis. Meetings are a perfect way of doing that, sometimes our lives get busy but you have to find the time to help yourself stay healthy. Use this search engine to find meetings that fit into your busy schedule.