Help and Substance Abuse Treatment from Derry, NH
One of the oldest cities in New Hampshire, Derry is a close knit community founded by Scottish immigrants who wanted freedom from the oppressive British rule.
Originally called Derry Village, this town boasts a proud history being home to one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, Matthew Thornton.
However, Derry's true claim to fame is that it was home to one of America's most iconic poets; Robert Frost. Frost's farm remains preserved to this day and it is speculated that the village Frost mentions in some of his poetry is based on Derry as he knew it.
Located just outside of Manchester, Derry offers a quaint alternative to the hum of the city but allows easy access for commuters to travel.
Derry is a great example of the "œAmerican dream", via hard work and resolve the settlers we able to build something great and do great things.
That same dream context isn't out of reach if you've fallen victim to substance abuse. You still have potential; you can still do great things no matter how far you think you've fallen in addiction.
With willingness to get help in treatment you can detox safely and overcome the hard falls of your addiction. You can get back your power to build your life and become your very own success story.
There are many people who understand where you are and what you've been through and who want to help you. To find your own path to recovery, reaching out for guidance is critical.
Reaching out and asking for help is the only way you can get freedom from addiction. Whether you need to attend inpatient or outpatient rehab, meetings or you need to stage an intervention, we are here to help you find the solution that best fits you.
How Do I Get Help?
There is a way to get away from the agony of addiction. There are resources available that provide phone numbers as well as listings for treatment facilities in your area.
The quickest way to start your recovery now is to pick up the phone and speak with someone who specializes in addiction and that can provide you with guidance and direction (866) 578-7471.
Twelve step program participants find importance in following a set of recovery steps set in place to achieve recovery and main abstinence from substance. These kind of programs use a spiritually guided approach to find recovery. Most members find strength in a higher power of their own understanding to grow in their sobriety and lives. Attending and joining one of the groups in Derry, New Hampshire as well as becoming a regular member does not cost anything. The fellowships only requirement is that you have a desire and want to stop using drugs or drinking.