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ONeill Valley Hope
1421 North 10th Street, Oneill, NE 68763
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Richard Young Behavioral Health
1755 Prairie View Place, Kearney, NE 68845
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Clinical Services
Seekers of Serenity Place
4432 Sunrise Place, Columbus, NE 68601
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Kearney\'s Village Transitional And Sober Living
824 E 25th St, Kearney, NE 68847
Panhandle Mental Health Center
212 Box Butte Avenue, Scottsbluff, NE 69361
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Community Alliance/Jones Center
7117 Jones Circle, Omaha, NE 68106
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Choices Treatment Center
127 South 37th Street, Lincoln, NE 68510
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Panhandle Mental Health Centers
4110 Avenue D, Scottsbluff, NE 69361
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Revew Counseling
710 Grey Street, Scottsbluff, NE 69361
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MidPointe Day Rehabilitation
2966 O Street, Lincoln, NE 68510
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Facing Substance Abuse Treatment in Nebraska
Nebraskans are well known for their enthusiasm. Need proof? Go to a sports game or hang around during the 4th of July, and why shouldn’t we? Nebraska offers much to be proud of. Maybe one of the most important sources of pride is ranking 3rd in the country for lowest number of drug-related deaths.In This Article- Best Nebraska Treatment Centers
- Nebraska Drug & Alcohol Detox
- Nebraska Drug & Alcohol Rehab
- Finding Treatment
- Nebraska & Drug Abuse
- Nebraska & Alcoholism

There are about 115,000 individuals that abuse Alcohol in the great state of Nebraska.The hard part isn’t finding a rehab center in Nebraska, the hard part is deciding it’s time to go into substance abuse treatment. If you are considering treatment or have already decided on it, you’ve come to the right place.If a friend or family member has an addiction problem, reach out immediately. Everyone caught in the grips of addiction needs help to overcome this deadly and devastating disease. The person needs your help, love and support to find his or her way back to a healthy, happy life.Consider talking to the person or staging an intervention. We can help you find a professional interventionist, get you in touch with treatment centers and answer any questions you have about the disease of addiction and how to overcome its symptoms.
Nebraska Drug & Alcohol Detox
The detoxification process is the first step on the road to recovery. For many, detox is intertwined with fear, however it should not be. For those who have used drugs or alcohol for an extended period, the prospect of going without seems overwhelming. Not only is clearing your mind and body of drugs and alcohol possible, but it is unlikely to be accompanied by the amount of discomfort that most people imagine. However, due to the dangerous nature of withdrawing, you should only begin the detox process under professional medical care.It is highly recommended that you find a medically managed detox center to help you through the process. The professionals and medical staff at a detox center will monitor you around the clock and utilize medical technology to ensure you have the most comfortable experience possible.Nebraska Drug & Alcohol Rehab
Recovery is a process, not a quick fix. Detox clears your body of addictive substances, however to stay sober, you need to learn how to maintain your newfound sobriety. Rehab treatment following detox will endow you with the coping strategies and techniques to stay sober for the long haul. Rehab treatment centers focus on the underlying causes behind your using and strive to address these problems so that you can leave there free from past pain. Many treatment centers offer trauma groups and other specialized programs to ensure you get the necessary care.Through therapy and healing techniques, you will learn how to cope with cravings and stress in a healthy manner. Through individual and group therapy you will find great supportive friendship and good guidance from counselors and other who have gone through the same process.Finding Treatment
The most important step is admitting to your innermost self that you do have an addiction problem and that you need help. If you have crossed that line, congratulations on being well on your way to a better life. The next step is to assess your situation and find a treatment protocol that fits your needs.Nebraska has a wide variety treatments centers available. The disease of addiction is as versatile as the person struggling with it. Depending on the person’s needs and restrictions, some treatment programs may be more beneficial than others.
It is estimated that 37,000 individuals abuse illicit drugs in the state of Nebraska.It is recommended that you find a detox center to ensure your safety during the detox process. Once the detox phase is complete, then the real work begins – rehab. There are inpatient and outpatient rehab programs, allowing you to choose what works best for your time.
Should I Travel for Treatment?
For some people, travelling for treatment is a necessity. Often people develop extremely intense and detrimental relationships while using drugs and alcohol and these can threaten one’s sobriety. Many people find getting away from the old places and people breathes new life into their routine and allows them to really start over.Others may benefit from staying around familiar faces if these people are positive influences and support a sober and healthy lifestyle. The support of friends and family close by is invaluable to some people getting started in recovery.More commonly, however, people need the fresh start to get on their feet and clean up their life. Whether you prefer to travel for treatment or stay close to home, we can help you find a treatment center that fits your needs and provides you with quality care.When is an Intervention Needed?
If your loved one's life is spiraling out of control, but you don’t know what to do, don’t lose hope. It may be time for an intervention.An intervention is simply a coordinated effort between one or more people to convince a loved one that his or her using is detrimental and needs to change. Everyone caught in the vicious grasp of addiction needs help seeing the situation clearly.An interventionist will coach you, and find the best method of intervention for your loved one, and lead the intervention itself. Your loved one is struggling with a condition he or she can’t control without help and your love and understanding are going to be vital on the road ahead. Call (866) 578-7471 to speak to a professional interventionist today.Living Your Recovery
Addiction is a chronic behavioral and psychological disease and it’s treated like many other chronic diseases. There is no known cure, however it can be kept in remission with daily practice.Life in recovery is infinitely better than the life experienced while using. Through treatment, sober living, 12-step meetings, you will inevitably meet many people and form close strong friendships. By connecting to others who struggle with similar dilemmas as yours, together you can find a healthy solution to any problem.You will also discover how much fun life can be in recovery. People in recovery are always willing to partake in adventure, sober activities, sports, and many other pastimes that give people joy. Life in sobriety is far better than you could ever have imagined while using.Should I Travel for Treatment?
There is no lack of quality substance abuse treatment options in Nebraska. There are different treatment centers in terms of length of stay, level of treatment and type of treatment offered. Many are 12-step based, but faith-based, gender and age based treatment centers also exist just to name a few.Whether you prefer inpatient or outpatient treatment, your rehab program will most likely include a variety of healing methods to ensure you heal as much as possible. You will experience a wide range of therapeutic methods, including group and individual therapy. The form of your individual therapy may Cognitive Behavioral therapy, Rational Emotive Therapy, Client-Centered Therapy, Equine Therapy, Art or Music Therapy.Whatever method works best for you, by experiencing several types you are allowed the chance to discover what does and doesn’t fit your needs.Aftercare in Recovery
The state of Nebraska has many outstanding treatment facilities, making it 3rd in the nation for lowest number of drug-related deaths. Once a person has completed a rehab program and leaves the treatment facility, aftercare and recovery begins.There are several ways of being involved in an aftercare program. Many treatment centers have Intensive Outpatient Treatment programs following their inpatient program. Sober living is another popular and extremely helpful aftercare option. One of the most effective and proven tools of aftercare is attending 12-step meetings.There are fellowships for just about every form of addiction, including Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous and so on. These fellowships are 12-step programs, which help people stay on the path of recovery and support one another in resisting temptation.
In 2015, about 126 people died from drug overdose in the state of Nebraska.
"There is nothing better then living life in recovery."
Recovery is a new way of life. You will learn what true happiness means and walk around with a real smile on your face. There is nothing better than being saved from the life that was all about drugs and alcohol. If you are ready to know what true happiness feels like, give us a call. We are here to help in any way we can.Correlation Proposed Between Lack of Connection and Heroin Addiction
Drug addiction and everything related, from the war on drugs to the addicted brain, is ferociously debated. No wonder, given the magnitude of the problem. America has witnessed substance abuse rise to the level of a national health crisis.Per the Center for Disease Control, nearly one in 10 American adults have a substance abuse problem. Other western countries have had similar epidemics, including Portugal and Switzerland, where the problem was statistically greater than it is currently in the United States.Portugal in 2000, was plagued with a whopping 1 percent of its overall population addicted to Heroin alone. The country took drastic action.Portugal decriminalized all drugs and used the money that would have been spent to prosecute and incarcerate drug users and drug related offenses and spent it on making the lives of addicted people better instead of worse.The result? Overdose deaths fell, IV drug use dropped by 50 percent, and drug related statistics of all kinds reveal steady and significant decline. The drastic measures worked.Johann Hari, author of Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War On Drugs, revealed in a recent publication seven facts about addiction that destroys some regularly held beliefs about the disease. One such fact surrounds the very cause of drug addiction, as it relates to Heroin.What causes Heroin addiction? According to Johann Hari, the answer is surprisingly not Heroin. Here’s his logic.He argues it’s the lack of meaningful human connections that is the actual cause of the disease. This lack equals distress. We humans are social animals that require loving, supportive relationships with others to live harmoniously. Though this statement is far from shocking, in a technologically driven age, we would do well to remember that if such fundamental needs are not met, the individual goes haywire.It is no wonder that so many people are turning to the needle to feel loved these days amid a culture dependent on the internet, airbrushing and television characters for friends.Several experiments form the support for this theory. The first is the Skinner Box experiment, a simple and famous experiment often cited in addiction literature. The experiment is set up with a rat in cage with two water bottles; one simply water and the other water laced with Heroin or Cocaine. The water bottle laced with drugs is chosen by the rat, who proceeds to obsess over it and return for more until overdosing and death occur.One potential problem with this experiment is that the rat is secluded and alone in the cage, which prompted another researcher to create a rat utopia. All the rats within this rat utopia are given the same option of Heroin or Cocaine water vs. plain water.In rat utopia, the preference by all is plain water, none obsessed over the drug water and not a single rat overdosed.Of Rats and Men
This experiment, as well as others, highlights the psychosocial characteristic of addiction. One supporting study found that one in five American soldiers used Heroin during the Vietnam War. Upon returning home, however, they seemed able to simply quit without experiencing withdrawals or the aid of rehab treatment.It is argued that this happened simply because of the drastic environmental change. The drug was no longer needed or wanted upon returning home because real human connections were resumed.Whenever any social animal is isolated, unwelcomed, unappreciated or discriminated against, suffering arises. Everyone differs with regard to reacting to distress, however, on a mass scale the effect is the same.Americans are drifting farther apart, yet in many areas living closer together than ever before. Chances are you don’t know your neighbors very well, if at all.Culturally, we are more addicted than ever in history and not just to drugs and alcohol. TV, Netflix, video games, and other such fixations are clung to as pseudo replacements for the real human connections and friendships that we need. Characters on TV will never love you back, no matter how much you watch.We need to take a long hard look at the social aspect of addiction. There might be a cure for substance abuse after all. Together, it seems, we can overcome one of the deadliest diseases known, but it will never be done from our respective couches. Blaming people for addiction doesn’t work either.Portugal’s success seems contributable to the demarginalization and cessation of judgment toward those afflicted with the disease of addiction. Instead, these people were supported and helped to find a healthier path in life.The simple, yet radical idea that community values could change the social landscape and solve an untold number of health issues is not heard often enough. However, it may just be the policy we need to set in place today in America to save generations to come.Nebraska & Drug Abuse
There is no question about that drug abuse can lead to an addiction. Any constant use of cocaine, meth, heroin or any other drug can lead down a dark path. Drug overdose rates are reaching all-time highs across the US. Many people who abuse harmful substances, do so thinking they have it under control. The truth is that drug abuse can spiral out of control quicker than people think.Drug use remaps chemicals in the brain to make you think that you need that substance to feel normal or happy. Before you know it, your drug purchasing and abuse is put before anything else that was once important to you.Nebraska & Alcoholism
Alcohol addiction is something that gets overlooked too often. People believe that because alcohol is legal under the right circumstances that alcoholism is not as big a threat as drug addiction. While everyone who suffers from an addiction, has different low’s, alcoholism can be just as dangerous, if not more for that reason.Too many people under estimate the dark power that alcoholism uses to swallow people’s lives daily. Auto crashes and deaths due to impaired drivers are still a growing problem in this country because of alcohol abuse.Drinking on weekends with friends or celebrating special occasions is fine, but binge drinking on a regular basis can be life-threatening. It is time for change. Are you ready to better your life? Give us a call.
- 2020 SUDORS Summary. (n.d.). : Drug Overdose Deaths in Nebraska.
- Official Government Website :
- America’s Health Rankings. (2021). : Non-Medical Drug Use – Past Year In Nebraska
- America’s Health Rankings. (2020). : Excessive Drinking In Nebraska
- Nebraska DHHS. (2022). : Medicaid Behavioral Health Service Definitions
- (2022). : Inpatient hospital care
- (2022). : Mental health care (outpatient)
- NAMI. (2022). : Acamprosate (Campral)
- Nebraska Judicial Branch. (2022). : Nebraska Problem Solving Courts
- Nebraska DHHS. (2022). : Naloxone Distribution Program
- Nebraska Medical Association. (2017). : Nebraska joins 37 other states with passage of Good Samaritan drug overdose immunity law
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