Searching for a Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Newnan, GA
About 40 miles outside of Atlanta, is Newnan, Georgia. With a recent growth rate of nearly 150%, the population is now around 41,000 people. But with a growing population comes a growing chance of a drug addiction or alcoholism epidemic.
These awful diseases strike people down to new lows in life all too regularly. What starts out as habits to have fun with friends and relieve stress, drug and alcohol abuse can spiral out of control quick. No once starts using drugs or alcohol wanting to get addicted, everyone is under the impression that they can handle it and will see the signs if it starts to get out of control. The problem is once addiction sinks into a person they deny the signs of it and have a hard time quitting because of the physical dependence that is created.
Many addicts feel that they are alone in their fight against addiction. Mainly because the people close to them do not understand why they can't "œjust stop." If you or a loved one need help in a battle against addiction then please call us at (866) 578-7471. You are not alone; we are here to assist you in getting the help you need.
What If My Addiction Is Too Strong?
A lot of people who need professional help with their addiction not seek it because they think they are in too deep with their addiction. That is not true. As long as you are willing to put the time and effort it takes, achievingsobriety is possible.
Do not think that you are the first or the only one who is having a hard time kicking your substance abuse problem. Many people suffer from addiction every day. You are not a criminal, there is nothing to feel guilty about.
Is There a Way to Avoid Withdrawal Sickness?
Before entering rehab, you will have to complete a detox cycle. In detox, your body will try to break the physical dependency that your body has developed to the substances you abused during your addiction. When this happens, withdrawal symptoms may occur. Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid this process.
The most common withdrawal symptoms include: puking, shaking, sweating, trouble sleeping and loss of appetite. Many inpatient detox facilities can provide each patient with special medication to help alleviate the discomfort that these symptoms may expose.
If you feel alone in the affliction of chemical dependency, you are not alone. In fact, there are local meeting and support groups near you that gather regular basis in order to encourage each other to stay abstinent from mind-altering substances. In addition, members gain advice from each other on how to avoid possible relapse triggers. These groups are free, all you have to do is attend.