Dangers of Soma Abuse
Soma is the brand name for the generic Carisoprodol, a prescription drug that can be very dangerous when abused. Soma is traditionally a muscle relaxer that treats muscle pain and spasms, with effects similar to those associated with Barbiturates. When abused, Soma has been known to cause transient quadriplegia in severe cases. This is a condition of, usually temporary, paralysis of all four limbs and may require hospitalization.
When used in combination with other drugs like Opiates, which is very common, Soma heightens the effects of the other drugs and very frequently results in accidental overdose. Abuse of Soma, even on its own, can cause stupor, as well as coma and shock. As Soma is a Central Nervous System depressant, respiratory depression is common in Soma abuse which can cause dangerously shallow or slowed breathing and sometime ceased breathing altogether.
It is a common misconception that Soma is safer than illicit drugs because it is a prescription. Soma is an addictive substance that can be quite dangerous and should be taken seriously.
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Street Names for Soma
Soma is produced as a pharmaceutical and typically distributed by medical professionals via prescriptions. Regardless, it can still be sold on the street and is known by the following street names: Ds, Dance, Las Vegas Cocktail (with Vicodin), Soma Coma (with Codeine), Houston Cocktail (with Codeine & Xanax).
Severe addiction often begins with a legitimate medical issue that turns into dependency as the body develops a tolerance to the drug and requires larger doses to feel the same effects. Soma is no exception.
Soma Effects
The most prominent effects of Soma are relaxation, sleepiness, and inhibited anxiety. Like most muscle relaxers, Soma can produce a feeling of feebleness or weakness in the body. Other effects include dizziness, blurred or distorted vision, loss of motor control and lack of coordination. It can be dangerous to operate a vehicle or other powerful machinery while on Soma. Some people report a mild sense of euphoria, but Soma is more known for its sedative-like properties. Soma does increase the effects of Opiates, Benzodiazepines, Alcohol, and other drugs. It can be incredibly dangerous to mix Soma with other drugs for this reason, drastically increasing the likelihood of overdose. Soma can also cause headache, depression, vomiting and, in rare cases, seizures.
Warning signs of Soma abuse in a loved one
If you are concerned that a loved one has developed an addiction to Soma, there are signs to look out for. If prescribed Soma, an individual who becomes addicted may run out of pills in a shorter time than the script should last or become anxious when there are only a few pills left. Someone abusing Soma might seem unusually tired or out of it, perhaps appearing to be drunk. People suffering from addiction often avoid loved ones and activities they used to enjoy.
When a person abuses Soma, he or she will need to begin taking larger and larger doses to achieve the same effects as before due to a developed tolerance. If you see your loved one take more than what seems normal, he or she may be addicted.
Once physical addiction takes hold, your loved one will experience withdrawal symptoms between doses because his or her body is used to the drug. Some symptoms you may observe are irritability, insomnia, headaches, nausea or stomach pain.
Soma is most frequently abused with other drugs because it heightens their effects. If your loved one starts taking Soma and already tends to abuse other drugs, especially Opiates or Benzodiazepines, he or she is very likely abusing Soma.
Factual Dangers: Soma
The main metabolite of Soma is Meprobamate that binds to the GABA receptors in the body and interferes with the neural activity. This causes the effects of sedation and changes the way the user perceives pain. As stated before, Soma is most frequently abused with other substances and this makes it difficult to recognize specifically. Soma abuse, alone or with any other drugs, should be taken very seriously especially because withdrawals from Soma, can cause fatal seizures.
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Soma Rehab Treatment
The best course of action for recovery from Soma addiction is rehab treatment. There are several different models of rehab which depend on the individual, the severity and persistence of his or her drug abuse. For Soma, inpatient is suggested after the individual detoxes from the drug under medical supervision.
Rehab is important because it incorporates considerations of the many different factors that may go into an individual’s addiction. In Rehab, you may actually live in a facility that supports your sobriety and helps you to achieve some distance from the stresses of the outside world. Many people will travel for treatment so that they can be at a great distance from their life of substance abuse while they get clean and on the road to recovery. Whether you live in a facility or not, you will undergo therapy in one-on-one sessions as well as in groups. You will be guided through unpacking your history, mental and emotional states, and the roots of your substance abuse problem.
In Rehab, will be taught about what addiction does to the brain, give your brain time to rewire itself and return to normal function. You will identify your triggers and create methods of coping for when those triggers do happen so that you are prepared for life beyond treatment. Rehab gives you the tools and knowledge that you need to sustain your recovery. – Learn More
Soma Detox Treatment
The detox portion of treatment for Soma is incredibly important. Because the withdrawals from this drug are known to sometimes be life-threatening, it is imperative for someone to get off the substance in a supported environment with medical staff at the ready. Inpatient treatment is always advised after medical detox and is important for recovery from Soma addiction. Depending on what other substances the person may have been abusing with Soma, professionals can carefully decide what courses will ensure the safest and most comfortable detox scenario.
Detox can be a very difficult experience to go through. The body must reestablish an equilibrium without Soma in the system. Some common symptoms a person may experience are abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, headaches and insomnia. Of course, if the individual was abusing other drugs as well, they may experience a vaster sweep of withdrawal symptoms. While detoxing is the most difficult part of recovery for many, a good detox facility will have resources to make the experience less challenging. There are medications available that can help soothe the associated discomforts.
The individual in recovery will want to be in a facility with 24-hour-care and supervision for detox. It is important to do the proper research to ensure the safest and most effective treatment. – Learn More
Soma intensifies the effects of other drugs like Xanax and the combination is severely addictive and potentially dangerous.
Addiction to Soma
Addiction to Soma could happen to anyone. It is a mistake to place blame on yourself or a loved who has become addicted to Soma. It doesn’t take long-term abuse of Soma for addiction to take hold. Once someone has developed an addiction, a reward pattern associated with using the substance has formed in the brain. This reward system can hijack individuals’ reasoning abilities so that they end up prioritizing the drug over things they genuinely care about. This is a very difficult challenge to face, but there is help available.
Many people are prescribed Soma by a doctor for legitimate medical reasons and become addicted. Others may acquire it on the street, believing that it is safer than more illicit drugs because it is a pharmaceutical. Alas, many prescription medications are highly addictive and very dangerous to abuse. If you take Soma regularly for even a few weeks, you can become addicted to it and its use should not be taken lightly.
There is a myriad of factors that an individual’s addiction may be attributed to. Addiction can be related to one’s experiences growing up, personality, mental and physical health, as well as plain chance and circumstance. In treatment, all the possible factors will be examined and considered. – Learn More
Soma Dependency
It may be difficult to identify when Soma use becomes abuse or dependency. You may believe you are just using a Soma prescription to treat some legitimate symptoms, or using it responsibly as a recreational substance, which is never advisable. When these turn into dependency, there are some behaviors and feelings that can help make the reality clear. Have you ever run out of a prescription in a shorter time than it was intended for? Do you become nervous when you only have a few pills left? Have you been spending less time with loved ones or lost interest in activities you used to care about? Do you hide the actual amount of Soma that you take? These may be some signs that you have developed a dependency.
Dependency to Soma can happen very subtly, before you fully realize what is happening. You may still believe that you are in complete control, while your brain is telling you that you need to continue taking Soma. You might make excuses for why you need to use it. The reality is that the reward system which has formed in your brain is superseding your other concerns and desires at this point. Once a dependency has developed, the best option for you is to enter treatment where you can learn more about what has happened and build the tools to reclaim your life.
Seeking help for a loved one.
- What Do I Say in A Soma Intervention?
You will speak directly to your loved one, only speaking in love and concern while leaving out judgment or anger. Let him or her know the negative impact their Soma addiction causes you. - What If My Loved One Does Not Go To Soma Rehab?
If your loved one does not accept Soma treatment, he or she will know there is help when he or she is ready. Keep showing them support without enabling your loved ones’ behavior.
Intervention for Soma Abuse
If you are concerned that a loved one is suffering from an addiction to Soma, or any other substance, planning an intervention is something to consider. Often, individuals who are suffering from addiction benefit from seeing that people in their lives still care about them and want to support them through this difficult time. Sometimes they have not come to terms with the reality of their addiction and how out of control their life may be, and the extent to that their addiction is affecting themselves and the people around them.
An intervention can help make those conditions more real to them. Even if they don’t decide to seek treatment, you will have planted a seed in their mind and reminded them that there are people who can and want to help. If you are considering an intervention, there are many factors that contribute to the success of such an effort and it is advisable to seek professional help with this.
It is important to be incredibly sensitive to the fragile state that your loved one may be in. If an intervention comes off as an attack or criticism, instead of an expression of love and concern, your loved one may be pushed further away from help and spiral deeper into the addiction. A professional interventionalist can help you plan an intervention that is appropriate for the specific individual. This will ensure that you have the highest chances of success in guiding your loved into the kind of help and attention that they need to recover from addiction and sustain that recovery. – Learn More
Recovery from Soma Abuse
Recovering from addiction to Soma can seem like an overwhelming feat. Know that this is totally possible and many people right now are celebrating in their sobriety and recovery from similar addictions. Going through treatment will give you a deeper understanding of addiction and its hold on the mind, which will allow you to understand the importance of certain aspects of recovery. You will go through therapy that will help get to the root of your substance abuse problem and aspects of your history, health and lifestyle that may be standing in your way.
You will identify your triggers and create realistic plans for how to cope without turning back to Soma or other substances. You will also make friends who will be more important to you than you could know, people who have also suffered from addiction and can relate to you on a level that most can’t. These people will keep you strong and give you support, a reminder that you are not alone. All these things create a foundation for your recovery, but these are just the first big steps.
Beyond treatment, recovery continues as you learn to live without substance abuse and integrate your new knowledge and practices into your life. You may continue going to meetings or working the steps of a program that has proven helpful to you. Maintaining the bonds that you develop with other people who are in recovery can be extremely helpful in sustaining your own sobriety. You will continue to learn and grow into the lifestyle of sobriety and freedom from addiction.
- How Do I Recover from Soma Addiction?
Inpatient treatment is possibly the best way to recover from an Soma addiction, followed up with support groups like the 12-step program. - Will I Be Bored in Soma Recovery?
If you attend Soma support groups, you will connect with many people, attend various events and participate in numerous activities.
Dangers of Soma Overdose
Overdose of Soma is deadly and a huge danger to people who use the drug. If you believe that you or someone else has overdosed on Soma, contact emergency medical assistance immediately. Most reports of overdoses that included Soma also included other drugs. Because of how Soma interacts with some other drugs, especially Opiates, it is much easier to overdose on the other substance if you use it in combination with Soma. Whether any amount of another substance will be safe to take, in combination with Soma, is very unpredictable.
Overdoses that include Soma and other substances may have varying symptoms. An overdose on Soma, alone, is equally dangerous and can have some tragic outcomes, often ending in death. Soma is a Central Nervous System depressant and when there is too much of it in your system, the CNS can become excessively depressed, which causes its functions to slow, weaken, or even stop altogether.
Shallow breathing is a common sign of this in an overdose case. Your heartbeat may become irregular. Some other things that may be signs are vision problems or a loss of control over eye movements altogether. One might have muscle stiffness or uncommon facial expressions. A person may become very confused or even hallucinate. Someone who overdoses on Soma may faint and could possibly have life threatening seizures. Respiratory depression, irregular heartbeat, and seizures all can be incredibly dangerous, resulting in stroke, coma, brain damage, and often death. – Learn More
Soma produces sedative, euphoric effects that are often sought after by addicts.
More About Soma
Developed in the late 50s, Soma — also known as Carisoprodol — was originally thought to have potential as an antiseptic. Instead it was discovered that it had potential as a drug for relaxing muscles. For a long time, Soma wasn’t linked in particular to abuse or dependence. It wasn’t until 2010 that the DEA sought to make it a schedule IV controlled substance. In many countries around the world, Soma is completely off the market as a pharmaceutical, though it does remain in circulation in the United States as a prescription drug. Unfortunately, many people do acquire it unlawfully and it is commonly abused.
Some other drugs that are similar to Soma, in that they are also muscle relaxers, that you may be familiar with are Vanadom—which is a different trade name for Carisoprodol, Lioresal, Dantrium, Flexeril, Norflex, and Zanaflex. Carisoprodol is set apart from the others, due to its tranquilizing effects and the way it interacts with other drugs. Soma on its own is addictive and prone to abuse, but there is a higher risk of addiction and abuse when it is used with other CNS depressants. This is because Soma potentiates the effects of these other substances, particularly in the case of Opiates. The majority of reported cases of abusing muscle relaxers involve Soma over others and this is probably the reason why.
There are some severe dangers associated with Soma abuse, especially when it is used in combination with other CNS depressants. It is extremely easy to overdose, because of the drug’s potentiating effects. Soma can cause transient quadriplegia, paralysis of the limbs. As with all CNS depressants, Soma abuse can cause the heart rate to become irregular, too slow or weak, and respiratory depression. You may have difficulty breathing, slow or shallow breathing, or cease breathing altogether. This can result in stoke, coma and other very serious health prospects including death.
Abusing Soma, especially when it is in combination with other drugs, can cause long-term damage in major organs such as the liver and kidneys. Long-term abuse of Soma, as with any substance, can put strain on personal relationships and cause difficulty in someone’s personal life. It can result in lower productivity, time management, and quality of work. It is also common for someone to experience personality shifts when abusing Soma long-term. He or she may develop depression or have mood swings, possibly becoming irritable and volatile easily and frequently. Individuals who have developed an addiction to Soma may isolate themselves from loved ones and withdraw from the activities they previously enjoyed.
Not only is it dangerous to abuse Soma, it is also dangerous to experience withdrawal symptoms. Unlike many narcotics, withdrawal symptoms from Soma can be deadly. If the individual has abused the drug long-term, the risk of dangerous withdrawal symptoms is exceedingly higher. Some who may abuse Soma in order to enhance the effects of other substances may take their addiction to, say, Opiates more seriously than their addiction to Soma. Ironically, the withdrawal symptoms for Opiates are, while uncomfortable, not life-threatening. Withdrawals from Soma, on the other hand, must be medically supervised in a hospital or detox center that has the proper medical professionals to ensure an individual’s safety.
It can be incredibly difficult to get off Soma for this reason, but there are many resources and services available to people who are suffering from addiction. Not only are there Detox facilities where it is safe to cease Soma use, but there are many different rehab treatment centers and services, there are groups such as Narcotics Anonymous, and programs like the Twelve Step that incorporate networks of support involving sponsors and more. There are various styles of therapy that are useful to the process of recovery as well, which will be an imperative aspect of any treatment center’s services.
If you are concerned that a loved one is struggling with addiction to Soma or any other substance, there is help. An intervention may be the appropriate measure to take if you want to help this person. Interventions can show people suffering from addiction that they matter, that people still care about them, and that they are not alone. A key aspect of recovery from addiction is a solid structure of support and an intervention is a great way to show your loved one that you are willing to provide that support. Interventions are delicate events and it may be best to get help from an Interventionalist to ensure that yours is successful. A professional will have methods of approach that are careful not to make your loved feel attacked or judged, increasing his or her likelihood of entering treatment. Picking up the phone and making the call could be the exact thing your loved one needs to find recovery.
- Why Should I Go to Group Therapy for Soma Treatment?
Group therapy will show you that you are not alone in fighting Soma addiction. - Is Group Therapy for Soma Addiction Helpful?
Group therapy with will not only help you learn how to express your feelings on Soma addiction, but it will also help you form lasting and healthy friendships.
Short & Long-term Effects
Soma is a muscle relaxer that, when ingested, breaks down in the body as a tranquilizer. It is sought for its effects of sedation and relaxation. The primary short-term effects of abusing Soma are drowsiness and dizziness. You can also experience blurred vision and confusion. It common to have poor balance and loss of coordination while on the drug, as well as poor or delayed reaction time. This makes it quite dangerous to operate a vehicle or any other kind of dangerous machinery while on Soma. You may also experience weakness and in some cases, you can actually become paralyzed in all four limbs. This is rare, and usually temporary, but still a dangerous risk. Additional effects can be chills, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes seizures.
While Soma is often abused on its own, it is also commonly abused in combination with other substances, because it enhances their effects. This is extremely dangerous and often results in death by accidental overdose, as very small amounts of another substance can be deadly when combined with Soma and it is very difficult to identify how much will be safe.
Long-term effects of Soma abuse are similar to those of most substances, such as depression, strained personal relationships, and altered mood. Long term abuse can also result in lower quality of work ethic and productivity or difficulty in school. Physically, you can experience racing heart and tightness in the chest as well as organ damage.
Soma Family Therapy
Individuals in treatment for addiction to Soma, or other substances, often find it helpful to participate in family therapy. The family unit often plays a key part in recovery from addiction, as it can be a person’s closest system of support and love. Developing strong bonds and dynamics in the family can be the primary grounds for a client’s reintegration into the rest of society. While substance abuse is hard on the individual who has the addiction, it can also be incredibly difficult on their family as well.
Family therapy can help everyone in the family unit to understand addiction better as an affliction, as well as deal with the difficulties that they have faced. By fostering forgiveness and compassion, therapy will help the whole family see how addiction takes hold like a disease and can happen to anyone. This will help them release any feelings of blame or guilt and facilitate healthy and supportive relationships.
It is common for people who suffer from addiction to have experienced early trauma, which nearly always has traceable connection to aspects of the family dynamic. Family therapy can help the individuals and their family to deal with that trauma. No family is perfect and there is always going to be some dysfunction and unintended hurt, tensions, and conflict. Therapy can give families the tools to construct a healthier dynamic that will better support the person in treatment so that they can be successful in sustaining their recovery.[/vc_column_text]
- Why Should I Attend Family Therapy?
You will build a stronger bond with your family and repair any damage caused from Soma addiction. - What Will Family Therapy Help?
When you abuse Soma, you may have caused your family great harm. Going to therapy can help your family see you are changing and they will give you their full support.
True Stories of Addiction:
Your loved one feels isolated and alone in their fight against their addiction. Give them the backup that they need. Holding an intervention for a loved one not only brings their problem to the surface, but shows them that people still care about them. They might be in denial with other people, but most people who have a substance abuse problem are not in denial with themselves. Deep down inside, they know they need help. If you show them that they have support if they decide to get that help, they will be more willing to go to rehab. Let them know that you are not giving up on them.
Seeking help for a loved one.
- Will Inpatient Treatment Help my Soma Addiction?
Inpatient treatment is one of the most effective ways to recover from Soma addiction. - How Long is Soma Inpatient Treatment?
The length of your stay in an inpatient program depends on your Soma addiction and the program you choose to go to.
Inpatient Soma Rehab
Inpatient treatment is encouraged for people recovering from Soma addiction. Since addiction becomes intertwined with a person’s entire environment, it can be important to separate yourself from the people and places in your life in this fragile stage of recovery. Inpatient rehab offers a somewhat controlled environment to begin this difficult and complicated life transition.
You will live in a house or possibly a community complex with other people in treatment. You can create relationships with other people who are going through something similar and who also want to recover. You will attend one-on-one therapy as well as group therapy and any medical appointments there, or you will be transported by the program to an office location. These programs usually last 30, 60, or 90 days, though they can vary beyond that.
Inpatient treatment is helpful because it allows time for you to be isolated from many of the stresses in life that often feed an addiction. You can get off the substance and start to learn about your triggers for using and how addiction affects your thinking. In therapy, you will attend sessions that help you work through the difficult experience you have had. You will learn about how addiction affects the brain and the existing methods to overcome. Once a foundation of recovery has been set in a safe and controlled environment, you can begin the transition out of isolation, prepared to face outside challenges with your new tools of coping. – Learn More
Outpatient Soma Rehab
Outpatient programs are a different option available to people looking for recovery. After going through a medical detox, it is advised to attend inpatient rehab, which better supports someone through the withdrawal symptoms and impulses to use. In an outpatient program, you will travel to the office to attend therapy, so it is a much less immersive experience.
There is no one size fits all treatment program, and you should choose the treatment that fits your specific needs and circumstances. Outpatient facilities offer one-on-one therapy as well as group sessions, like inpatient. Otherwise, their structures can vary. This sometimes depends on the length of the treatment you choose, as some last only 20 days while others are 90 days long. Studies have shown that longer treatment programs ensure a more sustainable recovery and long-term sobriety. No matter what length of program is chosen, professionals will help the client uncover the root of the addiction problem and develop the tools to sustain recovery.
Outpatient programs often are good for people who need to continue work, attend school, or maintain family obligations. It is important that you choose a style of treatment that is sustainable for you and that you take whatever precautions and preparations necessary to continue and finish. Your health and wellbeing is the foundation for any support that you could give to relationships and responsibilities. – Learn More
- Will Outpatient Help my Soma Addiction?
Yes. Outpatient will help your Soma addiction, but works best if you attend inpatient rehab first. - When Should I go to Outpatient Rehab?
When you are ready to recover from your Soma addiction, you should go to inpatient treatment and follow it up with outpatient rehab.