Club Drugs Addiction and Rehabilitation

Club Drugs Addiction Rehabilitation Header
Last Edited: November 12, 2020

Claudia Rose

Clinically Reviewed
Jim Brown, CDCA

All of the information on this page has been reviewed and certified by an addiction professional.

Dangers of Club Drugs Abuse

Club Drugs are a group of psychoactive drugs that tend to be abused by teens and young adults at bars, nightclubs, raves, concert, and parties. The use of Club Drugs can damage the brain, impairing one’s senses, memory, judgement, and coordination. Club Drugs help the user to feel more open and intimate, which is much of these drugs’ allure.

Although Club Drugs may have the appearance of prescription medications, almost all Club Drugs are made in make clandestine laboratories. It is nearly impossible to know exactly what chemicals are used in production resulting in the danger level increasing because you will never know how strong they are or what exactly you are taking.

Most Club Drugs are odorless and tasteless, making it easy to be slipped this type of drug without your knowledge. Some club drugs are known as date rape drugs because the effects produced make someone unable to say no or to fight back against sexual assault. Abusing these drugs can cause serious health problems and sometimes death. They are even more dangerous is combined with Alcohol.

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Street Names for Club Drugs

Club Drug is a broad category of drugs. The drugs included are, but are not limited to, Ecstasy, GHB, Rohypnol, Ketamine, LSD, Methamphetamine, PCP, Cocaine and Alcohol. Some of the many nicknames and street names for these substances include; Liquid Courage, Acid, Speed, Angel Dust, Special K, Roofies, Mellow Yellow.

Club Drugs Effects

One of major reasons that Club Drug use is so dangerous is that the young adults who are most likely to abuse them remain completely unaware that there are potentially lethal side effects. Since these drugs are mainly produced on the street, they usually contain contaminants used to increase toxicity. Some dangers associated with Club Drugs are dehydration, suicidal tendencies, respiratory failure, high blood pressure, impaired ability to move, seizures, strokes, kidney failure, heart failure, psychotic episodes, and death. Club Drug use is also correlated with risky behavior, rape and sexual abuse, delusional thinking, and poor decision making. A single dose of a Club Drug has been known to be fatal in an otherwise healthy young adult.

Warning signs of Club Drugs abuse in a loved one

Determining whether a loved one is using can seem overwhelming. Lies and miscommunication can stake over the family. When people start displaying these warning signs, it is time to consider inpatient rehab. The reason those in active addiction misbehave is their skewed perception of reality. If your loved one displays any of these symptoms, consider staging an intervention and getting help immediately. Act now as it is a matter of life and death.

When a person abuses Club Drugs, he or she will need to begin taking larger and larger doses to achieve the same effects as before due to a developed tolerance. If you see your loved one take more than what seems normal, he or she may be addicted.

Once physical addiction takes hold, your loved one will experience withdrawal symptoms between doses because his or her body is used to the drug. Some symptoms you may observe are irritability, insomnia, headaches, nausea or stomach pain.

Club Drugs is most frequently abused with other drugs because it heightens their effects. If your loved one starts taking Club Drugs and already tends to abuse other drugs, especially Opiates or Benzodiazepines, he or she is very likely abusing Club Drugs.

Use and abuse of Club Drugs could result in serious injury, health consequences and sudden death. These drugs are marketed as providing a good time, however they come with extreme danger. If you suspect a loved one of Club Drug use or abuse, consider staging an intervention. The addiction must be addressed before your loved one can live a happy and healthy life. Don’t hesitate to act; these drugs are known to cause sudden injury and death.

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24 Longships Dr, Plettenberg Bay, 6600, South Africa 6600
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651 West Coolidge Street, Phoenix, AZ, United States 85013
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1170 S State St 17522Ephrata PA
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945 Fawcett Ave 98402Tacoma WA
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100 Hopemont Dr 26764Terra Alta WV
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7575 E Earll Dr 85251Scottsdale AZ
ABH Addiction and Behavioral Health Services Inc
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5851 North 90th Street, Omaha, NE 68134, United States 68134
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263 W Exchange St, Astoria, OR 97103, USA 97103
Broadway Treatment Center
Broadway Treatment Center
18582 Beach Blvd 92648Huntington Beach CA

Hiding use and lying about use is common with people in active addiction. Your loved one likely lies about how much, how often, and what is being used because he or she feels ashamed of what is going on. The person hides the substances and lies to continue using.

Financial problems are another common problem for those in active addiction. Addiction is costly, the person is likely to be out of money. As the addiction progresses, the person may resort to doing things for money that he or she would otherwise not consider.

Health and physical appearance tend to suffer when people are in active use. Depending on the substances used, the person may fail to shower regularly, dental problems, skin problems, and injuries that aren’t typical. These issues will progress as the addiction continues.

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Club Drugs Rehab Treatment

Club Drugs are some of the most dangerous and addictive drugs on the market. Substances often classified as Club Drugs, include Ecstasy, LSD, Alcohol, Cocaine, Rohypnol, Ketamine, Methamphetamine and PCP. This is not a complete list of possible Club Drugs, however, does constitute some of the drugs most commonly seen at parties, raves and clubs.

Any one of these Club Drugs can easily and suddenly spell death for the individual. Club Drug abuse suggests that a person is willing to risk his or her life repeatedly in order to achieve a high. Despite the risk, he or she may feel that going without the drug or drugs is not possible. This suggests that using has turned into an addiction, which does not get better without help.

Addiction is a mental disorder that is recognized by the medical community today. Your loved one is suffering and needs your help to overcome the disease’s symptoms. The best way to tackle an addiction problem is with professional help in a rehab center. Addiction treatment centers are well-honed addiction fighting machines. Various types of therapy are utilized to help each individual make the most progress possible. Through educational groups, healing remedies, strong friendships and world class support, you too can recover from addiction and find a better way to live.

Club Drugs Detox Treatment

Detoxification off Club Drugs can be a tricky endeavor. Since most Club Drugs are a combination of different chemicals and toxins, this means that detox is usually for multiple substances at the same time. In the case of several drugs, the detox process can be exceptionally dangerous.

People often start the detox process alone at home, however quickly relapse due to the severity of the withdrawal symptoms. In order to ensure a successful completion of this process enter a detox center. Detox is the first step in the recovery process. It is best done in a medical setting because you will be monitored 24/7 in case any complications arise. This around the clock supervision means that you can relax and focus on getting better.

Detox treatment is often provided as the first stage of an inpatient treatment center. Whether you attend a stand-alone detox program or one integrated into a rehab facility, consider following your stay in detox with inpatient care. Club Drug use and addiction is a sign of another, underlying problem that must be addressed in order for the individual to live a long happy life. Through professional treatment, you will gain insight into this underlying issue and gain the knowledge for how to combat it. You will also learn healthy coping skills for how to deal with all the stress life creates. – Learn More

Addiction to Club Drugs

Club Drug addiction is a serious issue. Different Club Drug addictions will present differently and it can be difficult to determine what is happening. If more than one substance is being abused, this further complicates matters. Addiction is a medical condition as defined by the medical community. The disease of addiction is characterized by compulsive drug seeking, using and continuing to use despite negative consequences.

This devastating illness is considered a chronic and potentially relapsing condition. Many people die each year in the United States as a result of addiction and addiction related issues. Club Drug addiction can present in an unlimited number of ways. Uppers, such as Cocaine, PCP and Methamphetamine may cause extreme weight loss, dental problems, dehydration, anxiety and depression. Downers, such as Alcohol, Narcotics, and Rohypnol, may present with excessive drowsiness, weight gain, and anxiety and depression as well. The least likely to cause problems is LSD, as the addictive nature of this drug is debated.

Regardless of which drug or drugs is an issue, all Club Drugs have great potential to cause mental and physical harm, including death. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, get help immediately. The best way to combat Club Drug Addiction is with inpatient rehab. There is hope. Reach out and get the help you need and deserve today.

Club Drugs Dependency

Club Drug dependency is similar to addiction in that it is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and using. People who are dependent on a Club Drug will also continue to use despite negative consequences, such as legal issues, health concerns and more. The two differ in that once a person is dependent on Club Drugs, he or she no longer achieves a high.

The continued use of Club Drugs is done simply so that the person can feel normal. Without the drug, the person likely feels depressed, lethargic, and may experience symptoms such as body pains severely enough to interfere with functioning. Dependence on Club Drugs is often seen as a later or more progressed stage of addiction. The body and mind no longer react to the drug, signifying a high level of tolerance. No small amount of the drug will render the person high anymore. Club Drug dependency is treated the same way as addiction.

A medically managed detox facility followed by inpatient rehab is ideal. Sober living and outpatient rehab are also great options for dealing with the symptoms and causes of dependency. Given that Club Drugs is a group of drugs that span the entire range of drug genres, dependence can look very different from one Club Drug to another. All Club Drugs poise extreme danger and health risks for anyone who has become dependent. Get help today if dependence is an issue for you.

Intervention for Club Drugs Abuse

When someone is abusing drugs, it can be difficult to confront them. Most people who actively use drugs will deny that they have a problem and may even claim that they can stop at any time. This is often the people’s truly held belief, as the addiction has altered their ability to comprehend reality.

Addicted people may also believe that their using is not affecting anyone but themselves. Confronting people who are addicted to Club Drugs can be a difficult task and communication is often severely weakened. Even the most well-intentioned intervention can turn into a fight if the proper techniques are not utilized. If you suspect a your loved one of abusing Club Drugs, an intervention may be necessary. An intervention is simply a pointed conversation between the person using and one or more concerned and loving friends or family members.

It is often advisable to employ the help of a professional interventionist. They are highly educated in addiction behavior and can help the family express their feelings without causing the person using to feel attacked. The interventionist will help the family to set up healthy boundaries with the loved one. Interventionist is there to help counsel the families and help them through every step of the recovery process. Many feel the help of a professional through this process is instrumental to finding a successful solution. If you have a loved one who is addicted to Club Drugs, you do not have to be alone. Seek out the help of an interventionist today.
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Recovery from Club Drugs Abuse

No matter how dire the situation has become and how hopeless it seems, there is always hope. Club Drugs are some of the most devastating and deadly drugs in existence. Cocaine, PCP, Alcohol, Methamphetamine and Ecstasy are all highly addictive and common Club Drugs. These substances are known to grab hold of people and tear their lives apart. Often, unfortunately, people only decide to get help after devastating events.

Wherever you are in your addiction, there is help available to bring you onto the path of recovery. The most popular and effective programs used by people to get and stay sober are 12-step programs. These groups cover all types of drugs and Alcohol, some combining them. The 12-step programs are the original treatment for addiction. Many people have found a better way to live through the workings of the 12-steps. AA and NA are just two of the groups available for you to join. Everyone is encouraged to get a sponsor and work the steps.

A sponsor is a sober member of the group who has worked more steps, or all the steps, before you. This sponsor will act as a mentor, confidant, and guide as you maneuver the program and life now that you are sober. Everyone, especially those in early recovery, are encouraged to attend meetings on a regular basis. For newcomers, try 90 meetings in 90 days.  The 12-steps have helped millions of people recover from drug and Alcohol addiction. Club Drugs can also be overcome with the support, guidance and care of these programs and their participants.

Dangers of Club Drugs Overdose

Club Drugs are particularly prone to causing overdose and death. An overdose of any Club Drug could easily cause serious, chronic physical or mental problems, such as stroke, heart attack, coma, and death. An overdose constitutes taking more of a substance than the body can handle. As many Club Drugs are illegal and not well tolerated by the body in the first place, differentiating between a reaction and overdose can be difficult. As Club Drugs is a term used to describe drugs commonly seen at raves and parties, the symptoms of overdose include all the symptoms of drugs included in this generalized term.

Uppers, such as Methamphetamine, Cocaine, and Ecstasy, are known to cause heart problems, heart failure, convulsions, psychosis, paranoia, hostility, arrhythmia, weakness, vomiting, seizures, coma and death. Downers, such as Rohypnol and Ketamine, commonly cause such symptoms as slurred speech, shallow breathing, lack of coordination, sweating, nausea, paranoia, fatigue, depression, restlessness, hallucinations and death. Hallucinogens, such as LSD and PCP, are also capable of causing fatal and severe overdose symptoms.

All Club Drugs share the ability to cause sincere and serious harm to any individual. Even if you have taken the drug numerous times before, the potential to have an overdose is still good. If you suspect a friend or family member of overdosing on any substance, contact emergency medical services immediately. The only way to ensure their survival is through medical intervention in an emergency room. – Learn More

Club Drug Use, Abuse and Dependency

The scenario is easy enough to imagine. A young person, male or female, goes to a music festival with friends. Alcohol is the ultimate Club Drug and is often the first one consumed. Let’s say we are dealing with a twenty-year-old female from out of town. Her friends decide to try something and she agrees. Having no idea what she is getting herself into, she nervously examines the neon pink pill with a butterfly stamped into its face. No one wants to be the negative Nancy or a bad sport, so she swallows the pill, washing it down with her beer. Pretty soon things begin to blur. The music sounds distance, yet close by. She has trouble determining direction and soon loses her friends in the crowd. Her last memory is of people as she walked through the crowd. She wakes up in the emergency room. She is one of the lucky ones.

Club Drugs have been around for a long time. Thus, we can’t expect them to go anywhere soon. People should understand the risk that they are taking and realize that the life-threatening consequences do not only apply to people elsewhere or a rare few. This is a national health crisis and is affecting people of all ages, races, genders of all demographics in every area of the country.

Club Drug is a phrase the encapsulates many substances. These are grouped together given the frequency of use, either together, or in the context of party scenes. Though often brightly colored and generally packaged in highly alluring ways, Club Drugs are anything but innocent or sweet.

The danger of Club Drugs are tied to the nature of their name – Clubs.

Concerts, clubs, raves, and parties are often frequented by those of a younger generation. People often in middle school, high school and college. While music and large parties should be condoned, with them comes some of the most addictive, dangerous and damaging substances on Earth.

Club Drugs include any drug or mind-altering substance found in a club or party scene. This most often includes Ecstasy, GHB, Ketamine, Rohypnol, LSD, Methamphetamine, PCP, Cocaine, and Alcohol. With this selection of drugs, there is no end to the potential side effects and damage caused.

Some potential issues caused by these drugs is the escalation of use. Using Cocaine might turn into Methamphetamine use, which then intensifies and becomes IV Methamphetamine use. All Club Drugs are heavily associated with addiction, with one exception. LSD’s potential to cause addiction is still unclear and highly debated.

The added element with Club Drugs is that they are most often produced in clandestine laboratories. Some are only ever produced in such amateur facilities. Ecstasy, LSD, PCP, Cocaine and others are often found to be cut with other drugs, chemicals, and toxins. When someone tries to sell you something, they rarely promote the drain cleaner or lighter fluid they used to dilute the drug.

News of mass deaths caused by a bad batch of a drug are so common now that heads barely turn. People die by the dozens because of drugs cut with rat poison or so highly concentrated that everyone who tries is immediately dies from an overdose.

Alcohol has a different method of destroying lives. Its prevalence and social acceptance has made it the most commonly used, abused and lethal of all substances. Those who mix Alcohol with other substances are essentially playing a game of Russian roulette with the gun pointed at their own heads.

Plenty of people, despite all the cards against them, surface from a day of using Club Drugs with their lives and health intact. Repeated use, however, slowly drains life and health from the users and no one escapes unscathed.

Tragically, one of the more common problems associated with Club Drugs is the harm that befalls a person while under the influence.

No one should drive while under the influence of drugs, same as Alcohol. Many people mistakenly believe that driving while under the influence of an upper is acceptable as they are alert. This is not good logic. The person may be alert but not necessarily able to react appropriately to any given situation. Stimulants can cause delusions, hallucinations and all sorts of mental alterations that make driving, or big decisions, not advisable.

Another common occurrence where Club Drugs are involved is rape. Roofies, Alcohol, Ketamine and other substances have been used since their creation to render a person unable to defend themselves. Far too many people have blacked out only to wake up in a strange place with a severe pain in the genital region.

Other problems such as hypothermia, hyperthermia, dehydration, over hydration, and head injuries occur while under the influence of these drugs. The effects of many Club Drugs might cause a person diminished pain response, causing him or her to ignore a serious injury for lack of the appropriate amount of pain. Several Club Drugs were originally developed for use as anesthesia and pain management during surgery.

The list of possible adverse and devastating effects never really ends. If anyone decides to take Club Drugs, take as many precautions as possible. Only use with people you trust. Don’t buy or accept drugs from unknown persons. Most importantly, if something should happen, call 911 and get help immediately. – Learn More

Short-term Effects

There are a couple different classes of Club Drugs, stimulant, sedative and hallucinogenic. While each class has their own effects, there are common effects produced by all Club Drugs. Some of these are anxiety, panic, depression, euphoria, and loss of memory. Finding things like pacifiers, menthol inhalers, surgical masks, and other items can be an indicators of Club Drug use.

Some effects of stimulant Club Drug use are increased heart rate, extreme rise in body temperature, dehydration, high blood pressure, and grinding of the teeth. Effects of sedative Club Drugs are slowed breathing, decreased heart rate, respiratory problems, intoxication, drowsiness, confusion, and nausea. Hallucinogens are known to cause mood swings, dilated pupils, anxiety, weakness, salvation or dry mouth, and erratic behavior.

This is not a complete list of potential effects. Club Drugs could cause any number of side effects and symptoms. Everyone reacts differently and people can react differently to the same drug the second time as they did the first. All Club Drugs share the potential to cause serious harm. Many of these drugs are taken to induce an altered state of consciousness, which breaks down normal instincts. Club Drugs are known for commonly being used as a date rape drug. Others are known to facilitate sexual desire and feelings of closeness. People who use Club Drugs have often made choices that resulted in serious long-term injury. Sexually transmitted diseases, rape, and trauma dramatically increase in probability with Club Drug use.

Long-term Effects

The long-term consequences of Club Drug use are numerous. Each drug has its own plethora of potential devastating health consequences. These drugs are known to cause such serious conditions as stroke, heart attack and death. Long-term use of these drugs can cause serious brain damage. Brain lesions, stroke, oxygen deprivation and other occurrences can leave a person unable to care for him or herself.

Heart problems are another common issue with people who have used Club Drugs long-term. Heart attacks, irregular heartbeat, weakened heart and heart failure are all possible with any of the Club Drugs. People can find themselves in need of a new heart, however, as the injury was drug related, unable to get on the transplant list or delayed for consideration. Other organ issues commonly associated with Club Drugs include liver failure, kidney failure, esophageal cancer and erosion, sinus problems, tissue damage, stomach problems, ulcers, depression, anxiety and other mental problems.

The emotional and mental issues that are common come after the delicate neural processes are artificially heightened and altered, leaving the brain permanently scarred. These substances commonly cause harm due to their alteration of reality. People under the influence of Club Drugs often make decisions that result in life-long health problems. Sexually transmitted diseases, physical trauma from car accidents, slips, falls, and any number of other instances can mean the need for rehabilitation and life-long supportive care.

It’s What They Need

Your loved one feels isolated and alone in their fight against their addiction. Give them the backup that they need. Holding an intervention for a loved one not only brings their problem to the surface, but shows them that people still care about them. They might be in denial with other people, but most people who have a substance abuse problem are not in denial with themselves. Deep down inside, they know they need help. If you show them that they have support if they decide to get that help, they will be more willing to go to rehab. Let them know that you are not giving up on them.

Find out More about your available options today (866) 578-7471

Inpatient Club Drugs Rehab

Repeated Club Drug use is a sign that an underlying issue exists. Club Drugs are powerful substances that can be extremely addictive. Many Club Drugs have also been associated with sudden death and severe side effects that can potentially prove life-long. Addiction never gets better by itself. Without help, the person typically follows the path of addiction until stopped by death, the law or an institution that removes one’s freedom.

The hallmark of addiction treatment is inpatient rehab. This type of treatment has the highest success rates, mostly attributed to the intensity and comprehensive nature of these programs. These programs are typically offered in 20, 60 or 90 days, however, other durations are possible. Inpatient treatment provides around the clock supervision and care. Inpatient means that the rehab program is residential, which provides all individuals with meals, transportation and a strict schedule which everyone is required to follow. Inpatient treatment facilities often provide a detox level of care. This is ideal as the person can seamlessly step down into therapy sessions once he or she has fully detoxed.

Next, the intensive therapy begins. Individual, group and family therapy sessions should be provided. Individual therapy is often comprised of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT. Group sessions help all members learn from others experiences and offers a venue through which everyone can support each other. Family sessions allow all family members to heal from the past and build a better future. – Learn More

Outpatient Club Drugs Rehab

Outpatient rehab offers many of the types of therapy that inpatient rehab does. Outpatient treatment, however, is a non-residential, part-time program. Outpatient treatment is best as a continuation of treatment after the person has completed inpatient. Clients continue to live at home and commute several times a week to participate in the outpatient rehab program.

Remaining in the same environment as one did while using can make recovery especially difficult. Many people find that familiar people and places are detrimental in the early days of recovery. If inpatient rehab is not an option, consider combining sober living with outpatient treatment. This allows the individual to get treatment while staying in a controlled, sober community. Sessions are conducted one to seven days a week. Often, outpatient programs are scheduled at night, allowing participants to continue with school or work. These programs are ideal for those who do not have the option to take time off.

Outpatient usually incorporates group and individual therapy sessions. Some programs only offer group therapy and education sessions, while others offer these plus family therapy. It is important to research outpatient programs beforehand. Outpatient programs teach people about the disease of addiction and facilitates healing through group and various therapeutic techniques. The core is often group therapy, where individuals give and receive advice from the group. Members encourage each other and everyone can learn from the collective group experiences.- Learn More