Clonazepam Addiction and Rehabilitation

Clonazepam Addiction Rehabilitation Header
Last Edited: March 15, 2020
Patricia Howard, LMFT, CADC
Clinically Reviewed
All of the information on this page has been reviewed and certified by an addiction professional.

Dangers of Clonazepam Abuse

Clonazepam is prescribed to treat anxiety, seizures, panic attacks, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Often Clonazepam addiction starts because people use based on doctor’s orders, while others might buy Clonazepam on the street.

Regardless of where the Clonazepam comes from, the risk of developing an addiction when taking this drug is high – even if you’re taking the drug under the supervision of a medical professional. When a person takes Clonazepam or any other Benzodiazepine, neurotransmitters known as GABA receptors are stimulated. This leads to a rush of dopamine, a compound that is often referred to as a feel-good chemical, since it gives users a sudden, strong pleasurable sensation.

Clonazepam quickly builds up in the body when taken regularly, changing the way the brain responds. Clonazepam users can feel more intense highs from the surge in dopamine, they also tend to experience more dramatic withdrawal symptoms when the Clonazepam wears off. This roller-coaster of symptoms leads many Clonazepam users to become physically and physiologically dependent on the drug very quickly.

Click Here for a confidential benefits check to see if your insurance will cover the cost of treatment or call (866) 578-7471 to speak to a addiction specialist.

Street Names for Clonazepam

Clonazepam is often referred to by its trade name, Klonopin. Prescription Clonazepam is available in a range of strengths depending on the dosage and the manufacturer. Street-level drug dealers may have other unique names to describe Clonazepam, and these names often change rapidly to avoid detection by law enforcement agencies. Several street names that refer to Clonazepam include: KPin, Benzos (short for Benzodiazepine, Downers, Tranks, KB.

Clonazepam Effects

Taking Clonazepam slows down cognitive and motor functions. For example, driving a car while on Clonazepam is both difficult and dangerous, since the drug slows down your reaction time, which can lead to serious, or even deadly consequences. Tolerance levels can increase along with the chances that you will suffer serious side effects, such as feeling depressed, suicidal, experiencing short-term memory loss or blackouts. You might even begin to experience paradoxical reactions to Clonazepam, which is when the drug produces a negative effect that is the opposite of what users wanted to feel. In the case of Clonazepam, these unwanted reactions can include increased feelings of anxiety and irritability, aggressive behavior and a loss of impulse control.

Warning Signs of Clonazepam Abuse in a Loved One

Especially because Clonazepam is a prescription drug, it can be difficult to determine whether a loved one is abusing this drug or developing an addiction. While effective treatment for certain disorders, Clonazepam is very easy to become addicted to and many people with prescriptions to this drug for genuine health issues begin abusing it. Here are some signs of Clonazepam abuse and addiction to look out for in a loved one.

If your loved one runs out of prescriptions before the date they should last until, or becomes nervous when there are only a few pills left, he or she may be abusing this drug. Many try taking more than prescribed, especially once tolerance is built.

If your loved one runs out of prescriptions before the date they should last until, or becomes nervous when there are only a few pills left, he or she may be abusing this drug. Many try taking more than prescribed, especially once tolerance is built.

Clonazepam slows down the systems of the body and when a person abuses it, the depressant effects may be more apparent. If your loved one seems out of it, overly tired, uncoordinated or a bit drunk with slurred speech, he or she may be abusing this drug.

Factual Dangers: Clonazepam

Clonazepam, as with other Benzodiazepines, can have severe withdrawal side effects that are sometimes fatal, especially after very high doses of the drug or long-term abuse. As a Central Nervous System Depressant, taking too much Clonazepam can be dangerous and often results in death. Clonazepam in large doses can cause respiratory depression, so that breathing becomes slow, shallow or cease altogether. It can also cause irregularity in the heartbeat.

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Clonazepam Rehab Treatment

Making the choice to get help for your Clonazepam addiction can be tough, but it’s an important step toward achieving control over your future. Remember that Clonazepam is a powerful, addictive drug and seeking help to overcome this addiction is the best way to finally be free of its grasp. Rehab is available for anyone who has a problem with drugs, whether you became addicted to Clonazepam after being prescribed it by a physician, or if you have been taking it solely to get high.

During rehab, you will work with experienced, highly-trained addiction specialists during both one-on-one and group therapy sessions to help you understand the root cause of your Clonazepam addiction. You’ll spend time learning about personal triggers, and determining what kinds of addictive behaviors you need to work on. You will spend time with other people who are facing the same issues as you are, discussing things related to addiction and healthy living.

Rehab will introduce you to a whole community of people who are in, so you’ll have the chance to build positive, supportive relationships with others who are working toward freedom from addiction. If you’ve ever tried to stop using Clonazepam on your own, you understand just how tough dealing with drug abuse can be. The best way to achieve long-term success over addiction is by participating in a professional rehab program.
Clonazepam Detox Treatment

Clonazepam Detox Treatment

Detoxing from a powerful drug like Clonazepam can be difficult and dangerous, so it’s important to detox in a professional detox facility where you will be closely monitored by experienced addictions experts. This is because Clonazepam creates chemical changes within your brain when you detox, your body can be flooded with powerful neurotransmitters, leading to a host of withdrawals. The length of time it takes to detox depends on how long you’ve used Clonazepam for, the amount you normally take, and whether you abused other drugs or alcohol at the same time. Individual differences such as your age and overall health can also be factors.

During detox, you might experience a host of physical withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, and dizziness. You could find that your vision is blurry for a short period of time, your heart rate may be irregular, and your blood pressure could increase. Symptoms like diarrhea, cramps, and seizures have been reported by people detoxing from Clonazepam.

Because Clonazepam impacts your brain functioning, during detox you might have trouble with your short-term memory, feel anxious, or become depressed. Nightmares and hallucinations are possible, and you might even have feelings that you’d like to hurt yourself. Professional addiction specialists can help keep you safe and supported while you detox. – Learn More

Addiction to Clonazepam

Anyone can become addicted – addicted people come from all walks of life, and can be any age. Clonazepam addiction is particularly difficult to deal with because many users have underlying medical conditions, such as anxiety, seizures, or post-traumatic stress disorder. It’s not uncommon for people who have become addicted to Clonazepam to only recognize they have a problem after being confronted by their family members, friends, or co-workers, since addiction can develop gradually over time.

Some people mistakenly believe that a drug addiction is simply a bad habit that needs to be broken – this simply isn’t true. Overcoming an addiction to Clonazepam isn’t like going on a diet, or sticking with an exercise plan – it takes a great deal of work to understand what led to the development of the addiction in the first place.
The good thing is that overcoming an addiction to Clonazepam is possible. Many people have been able to successfully stop using these powerful drugs with the help of a professional treatment program. During treatment, you’ll learn from others who have also been addicted to drugs about what it takes to live a happy, productive drug-free life. You’ll get to understand your own personal triggers, and develop healthy, drug-free ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and uncomfortable feelings. Call us today – we’re here to help (866) 578-7471.

Clonazepam Dependency

Having a Clonazepam dependency means that you have a strong physical and physiological need to take this drug to function on a day-to-day basis. Powerful changes have impacted your body and your brain, leading you to constantly seek Clonazepam.

Being dependent on Clonazepam can take over your life. You might find yourself always thinking about when you’re going to take your next dose, how you’ll get your hands on more drugs, or worrying what will happen if you try to stop taking Clonazepam. You could have trouble remembering what it felt like to live without constantly being under the influence of drugs, or you might have difficulty believing that you could live without Clonazepam. Chances are good you may even need to take larger doses just to try to manage the low feelings that can develop when you’re coming off the drugs, and you could be mixing Clonazepam with other drugs or alcohol to achieve that high feeling you’re craving.

Once you’ve developed a dependency on Clonazepam, achieving control over your life can feel impossible – that’s why it’s important to seek help from professionals who know what it takes to successfully overcome drug addiction. You’ll need professional support to manage your physical and emotional symptoms throughout the detox process, after you’ll focus on learning about why you became dependent in the first place.
Seeking help for a Loved One

Intervention for Clonazepam Abuse

If you’re worried that a friend, family member, or other important person in your life has a problem with Clonazepam addiction or abuse, you have the power to help him or her achieve freedom from drug addiction. You may have thought about staging an intervention to help your loved one recognize the severity of the Clonazepam problem, and understand that people around him or her are ready to help. An intervention can be a powerful tool in the recovery process; for many addicted people, it’s the first time they realize the severity of their problem.

While there’s no set structure or guidelines that dictate exactly how to do an intervention for a Clonazepam abuser, it’s important to remember that the goal of the intervention is to let your loved one know how much support he or she has. The intervention should be attended by the people who are closest to the addicted person; the family members, co-workers, and friends who are prepared to support the addicted loved one throughout the recovery process.

The idea of putting together an intervention for Clonazepam abuse can be scary; many people worry that an intervention might only drive the addicted loved one to use more drugs or engage in other types of self-harming behaviors. The fact is that staging an intervention doesn’t guarantee that your loved one will agree to enter rehab for his or her Clonazepam abuse, but when the drug use is hurting the abuser and those around him or her, something needs to be done. – Learn More

Recovery from Clonazepam Abuse

Once you’ve developed a dependence on Clonazepam, recovering from your addiction can feel like an insurmountable task. The idea of living without Clonazepam can seem impossible, but with the right support, you can enjoy freedom from the overwhelming burden that addiction puts on you, your friends, and your family.

During your recovery from Clonazepam abuse, you’ll focus all your energy on getting to know yourself. With the help of the recovery community, you’ll develop a deep understanding of who you are, what’s important to you, and how you want to live your life. Your days in recovery will be filled with activities designed to promote healing and self-awareness, and you’ll be surrounded by people who truly understand what you’re going through. The recovery community is filled with people from all walks of life – lawyers, students, homemakers, blue collar workers, and professionals. The thing that binds everyone together is the fact that they recognized that drugs have taken over their lives, and they’re ready to live life on their own terms – without relying of drugs to get them through the day.

Recovery from Clonazepam addiction can feel like an uphill battle, especially if you’ve been taking other drugs or drinking alcohol. Withdrawing from Clonazepam should be done under the supervision of trained addiction specialists, since going cold turkey can lead to complications such as seizures, tremors, hallucinations, confusion, and nausea. We specialize in recovery – call us (866) 578-7471.

Dangers of Clonazepam Overdose

Clonazepam addiction can happen quickly, and the longer you use Clonazepam, the greater the risk that you’ll develop a tolerance to this drug. That means over time, you might find you’ll need to take larger, and more frequent doses of Clonazepam to achieve the same effects that a small dose used to give you – this increases the changes that you’ll overdose on Clonazepam. Some of the symptoms of a Clonazepam overdose include: feeling tired or drowsy, confusion, slurred speech, slowed reflexes, slowed heart rate and shallow, slow breathing and loss of consciousness.

While overdosing on Clonazepam, you are at an increasing risk of harming yourself, or others. You could develop suicidal thoughts, especially if you already suffer from anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Taking too much Clonazepam can also leave you vulnerable to theft, assault, and rape, since you won’t be able to respond effectively to any threats to your personal safety. Left untreated, a Clonazepam overdose can lead to death.

The risk of overdosing on Clonazepam dramatically rises if you mix this drug with alcohol, opiates, or both. Taking Clonazepam with opiates such as Oxycodone, Codeine, Hydrocodone, or Morphine can cause you to experience life-threatening, adverse reactions including suppressed breathing and extreme drowsiness. The same thing can happen when you mix Clonazepam with alcohol; your breathing and heart rate become so slow that you fall into a comatose state and die. – Learn More

Clonazepam Use, Abuse and Dependency

Clonazepam is one of the most commonly-abused of all prescription drugs, and people who develop an addiction to it come from all walks of life. There’s no typical Clonazepam abuser in most cases people who are addicted to this powerful drug were first introduced to it through their medical doctor, psychiatrist, or other professional who provided the user with a legitimate, therapeutic prescription.

Because there are many valid reasons why people may be taking Clonazepam, it can be difficult to know when they’ve crossed the line from using the drug as a valid, medical treatment into being physically and mentally dependent on Clonazepam. After all, even people who take this drug for a short period of time can develop noticeable side effects like feeling a euphoric-like high, excessive drowsiness, and lowered inhibitions, like what someone might feel like after consuming a few alcoholic beverages.

In the United States alone, addiction to benzodiazepines such as Clonazepam has increased dramatically over the past 20 years, as have overdoses and deaths related to this class of drugs. While Clonazepam has been available as a prescription medication since 1964, doctors did not widely prescribe it until the 1980s. In 1996, approximately 8.1 million Americans were prescribed benzodiazepines; by 2013, the number of prescriptions for benzodiazepines in the United States increased to 13.5 million – that means nearly 6 percent of all adults in the U.S. had filled at least one prescription for a benzodiazepine.

Not only has the number of benzodiazepine prescriptions increased dramatically over the past 20 years, but so has the average dose: studies show that the daily prescribed dosage of drugs like Clonazepam increased by about 50 percent between 1996 and 2013. Addictions experts believe that the significant increase in the number of people being prescribed benzodiazepines, combined with the rise in the average daily dosage, has led to the epidemic of abuse across the country today.

Of course, simply having a prescription for Clonazepam doesn’t mean you’ll become addicted, but it does put you at risk of developing a serious dependency. Addiction is a complex disease that tends to evolve over time, and some people are simply more likely to become addicted to drugs or alcohol than others are. Factors like your family history, how you deal with stress, whether you have mental health concerns or not, and if you have acute or chronic medical conditions can all influence whether you will become one of the millions of people who suffer from addiction.

Determining if you, or someone you care about, has a problem with Clonazepam can be difficult. One of the most common signs that you’re developing a tolerance to this drug is if you feel the need to take bigger and bigger doses just to achieve the effect you’re looking for – this is a red flag that you shouldn’t ignore. Remember that Clonazepam addiction can happen quickly or it can take abusers months, or even years, to achieve sobriety from this powerful drug.

Another sign to watch out for is mixing Clonazepam with alcohol or other drugs. People who are looking to enhance the euphoric-like feelings from benzodiazepines may start drinking alcohol along with their medication to boost the effects of the drug without letting their doctor know they’re becoming an addict. Like Clonazepam, alcohol has a sedative effect on the central nervous system, and this combination can lead to dangerous behavior, slowed respiration rates, loss of consciousness, and even death.

While taking Clonazepam can be dangerous, stopping cold turkey can be even more hazardous to your health, especially if you abuse other substances, have mental health issues, or have a high tolerance level to benzodiazepines. For example, if you initially started taking Clonazepam to treat anxiety, you might experience rebound symptoms when you detox – this means the anxiety could come back worse than ever for a short period of time.

Fortunately, detoxing from Clonazepam can be done safely at a licensed detox facility where addiction specialists carefully monitor and manage your withdrawal symptoms. In many cases, people who are dependent upon Clonazepam are gradually weaned off the drug by medical professionals – this process can help to minimize the potential of dangerous detox symptoms and make you feel more comfortable during the detox process.

Once you’ve completed detox, it’s important to go right into a treatment program where you’ll learn about the root cause of your addiction, connect with a supportive community, and develop healthy, drug-free ways to deal with anxiety, stress, and other triggers.

Getting clean from a Clonazepam addiction isn’t easy – you need the support of trained addiction specialists to safely detox from the drug, deal with the withdrawal symptoms, and develop healthy, drug-free coping skills. We can help you find the support you need to live a drug-free life. – Learn More

Short-Term Effects

Clonazepam is a powerful prescription medication that works on the GABA receptors in the brain, which helps to slow down excessive brain activity and promote the release of dopamine, the neurotransmitter that’s associated with pleasurable thoughts and feelings. Soon after you take a dose, you might feel a sense of calm or relaxation, especially if you’ve been anxious, scared, or nervous. You might feel like you can think more clearly, and that your brain has slowed down so your thoughts are no longer racing through your mind.

Your body might also feel relaxed after taking Clonazepam. If you’ve had a stress headache, muscle pain, or tension related to feeling anxious, upset, or overly excited, those uncomfortable physical symptoms may disappear. You might have a sensation of heaviness throughout your arms and legs that makes it easier to sit back, relax, and not fidget or move about. You could even feel tired or drowsy, leading you to want to lie down and rest.

Clonazepam can also produce a mild feeling of euphoria, or high, even if you aren’t taking the drug to get high. Therefore, Clonazepam use can quickly lead to an addiction, even for people who have never abused drugs or alcohol before. The feeling of euphoria caused by Clonazepam can be extremely satisfying for some users, leading them to want to experience that same feeling over again. The effects of Clonazepam wear off quickly, so if you’re addicted, you’ll need to keep taking the drug to avoid experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

Long-Term Effects

When you take Clonazepam for an extended time, serious complications can occur that can lead to permanent issues with your health and wellness. Because this drug works by changing the way your brain functions, you can quickly become physically dependent in just a few.

Sustained use of benzodiazepines like Clonazepam can cause the active ingredients in the drugs to accumulate in your body – this makes you more susceptible to the highs that happen when your brain is flooded with the neurotransmitter dopamine. In fact, studies have shown that over 44 percent of all people who use Clonazepam eventually become addicted, making it one of the most addictive drugs available on the market today. Long-term effects of Clonazepam include significant changes to your cognitive functioning, especially your short-term memory. If you’ve been using Clonazepam for a while, you could find that you have trouble remembering simple things, or recalling how to perform simple tasks both at home and at your workplace.

Studies have also revealed that long-term Clonazepam users have a far greater chance of developing Alzheimer’s Disease when compared to people who do not take benzos – in fact, the risk is a staggering 84 percent greater. Not only does Clonazepam impact your long-term cognitive functioning, but using it long-term also increases the chances of suicide, heart failure, or accidental injuries. Don’t wait to seek treatment for your Clonazepam addiction – call us for help (866) 578-7471.

Fighting Clonazepam

Breana’s life went downhill when she watched her mother pass away at 13 years old. She began experimenting with drugs, and it ended up taking everything from her. She was homeless, afraid and alone wondering what her life has become. She ended up getting pregnant and got on a Clonazepam program that didn’t help her recover, but rather, it made things worse. Her child was taken by CPS and she was heartbroken. It took some time, but Breana fought the battle of addiction and won. She is now living a clean and sober life with her daughter right by her side. If Breana can recover, you can too.

Inpatient Clonazepam Rehab

Inpatient Clonazepam rehab, also known as residential Clonazepam treatment, is often the best option for anyone who is struggling with a serious addiction to this powerful drug. During inpatient rehab, you’ll live at a residential treatment facility that is specially designed to accommodate several participants. Some rehab facilities are located in small, basic, family-style homes, while others are large, multi-level buildings that are similar to a country inn or lodge, complete with spa-like amenities like tennis courts and swimming pools. All your meals will be included, and you might be expected to help care for the facility by doing minor chores or cooking a few meals.

Inpatient Clonazepam rehab gives you the opportunity to get away from the everyday stressors and triggers that may have contributed to your drug addiction, giving you the chance to focus completely on your health and wellness. This can give you the best opportunity for long-term sobriety. You can expect to spend your days participating in both group and individual therapy sessions, as well as leisure activities like art and exercise classes. The type of activities you have will be based on the facility that you choose.

You’ll have a chance to connect with other people who are learning how to live a drug-free lifestyle, and develop skills and coping strategies to help you stay sober once you leave the inpatient program. You may have a private room that’s similar to a hotel room, or you could share a bedroom with one or more other participants. – Learn More

Outpatient Clonazepam Rehab

If you want to focus on overcoming your addiction while living in your own home, outpatient Clonazepam rehab may be an option for you. People who are unable to take time away from their jobs or family commitments to attend an inpatient rehab program could be considered for admission to this type of community-based drug rehab program. It’s important to keep in mind that if possible inpatient is advised.

The types of supports, services, and therapy available during outpatient Clonazepam rehab varies widely between rehab facilities; some expect you to attend group sessions every evening and check-in with a counselor multiple times daily, while other programs have less stringent requirements. It’s important to understand that while participating outpatient Clonazepam rehab is better than doing nothing about your addiction, the long-term success rates among addicts who opt for outpatient rehab is lower than for those who participate in an inpatient rehab program.

That’s not to say that you can’t achieve sobriety with the help of an outpatient Clonazepam rehab program – you just need to recognize the added challenges you might face by staying at home while you try to get off the drugs. The most important part is that you receive the help for your addiction that you need. If you need help deciding, give us a call we can lay out all of your options and help you select one. – Learn More