Alcohol & Drug Addiction Treatment in Greenville, MS
Greenville, Washington County, MS is a city of approximately 34, 400 people in the historic Mississippi Delta. The Mississippi Delta represents all things southern in a lot of people's imaginations. Greenville's nickname is "œThe Heart & Soul Of The Delta." Despite this, drug addiction threatens to corrupt the heart and soul of the Delta as it ravages people who suffer under its weight.
Drug addiction infiltrates several different types of people in various positions in life. For a lot of years people believed that addiction was a moral defect. They thought it was something that people did out of laziness or moral weakness. However, over the years people have begun to realize that it is much deeper than that.
What is Addiction?
Addiction is a disease that debilitates those who suffer from it. They become a shell of their former selves. They ruin relationships"”both career and interpersonal"”and they sabotage the human spirit. When someone develops an addiction, their brain is rewired in ways that make them crave the drug over almost everything else in life.
They become intensely compulsive and determined to use at any cost. Some people use drugs, but addiction happens when someone is willing to use no matter the consequences to them or other people. Individuals who struggle with addiction need real help to overcome their sickness. Though there is no cure for addiction, there are legitimate treatment methods to help people avoid the need to use.
Why Do People Use?
One of the main reasons why people use in addiction is because they feel isolated"”whether that be from themselves or other people. They feel as though they will connect better to themselves and others through the use of drugs. However, abuse often leaves others and themselves neglected in the way humans are supposed to treat each other.
Though everybody on a surface level uses for different reasons, people often use to fill that hole for connection on a deeper level. As such, one of the prominent uses of treatment is to get people to connect with others in a healthy way. Healthy connection can combat any addiction.
Even after you finish treatment you will need to invest in therapy. The work is not done after treatment. It's just the beginning. 12-step groups are the best way to connect with others in recovery. Find a group in Greenville, MS today.