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Frederick County Health Department
300 Scholls Lane, Frederick, MD 21701
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3643 Woodland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21215
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Mountain Manor Treatment Center
3800 Frederick Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21229
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Father Martin's Ashley
800 Tydings Ln Havre De Grace, Havre de Grace, MD 21078
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Avery Road Treatment Center
14703 Avery Road, Rockville, MD 20853
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Maryland Treatment Centers - Avery Road, Rockville, MD
14703 Avery Rd, Rockville, MD 20853
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Park Heights Health Services Inc
5260 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215
Service Settings (e.g., Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient etc.)
Opioid Medications used in Treatment
Calvert Substance Abuse Services
280 Stafford Road, Barstow, MD 20610
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
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Avery House
14705 Avery Road, Rockville, MD 20853
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Way Station Inc
230 West Patrick Street, Frederick, MD 21701
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
Type of Care
Finding Addiction Treatment from Maryland
The state of Maryland is home to more than 6 million people, many of whom are in the grips of a devastating illness. The disease of addiction affects approximately one in 10 American adults, per the Center for Disease Control.Anyone can become addicted to mood and mind altering substances at any time. Some people become addicted after the first use, while others require a longer period of exposure before the substance takes control of his or her life. What once was a celebratory experience or an aspect of social gathering can turn into something dark and deadly.In This Article- Best Maryland Treatment Centers
- Maryland Drug & Alcohol Detox
- Maryland Drug and Alcohol Rehab
- Treatment Options in Maryland
- Maryland & Drug Abuse
- Maryland & Alcoholism

In Maryland there are 331,000 individuals that actively abuse Alcohol.Understanding that addiction is a mental illness and not a mere failure of willpower is the first step to helping a loved one with the disease. For anyone who has become addicted, only abstinence has proven to have long-term positive results. Most people need professional help to stop abusing drugs and alcohol.
Maryland Drug & Alcohol Detox
Once you have decided that you are sick of using drugs and alcohol, the next step is to get help safely stopping all mood and mind altering substances.The first phase of treatment is detox. Some of the most frequently abused substances, such as Benzodiazepines and alcohol, may cause deadly side effects if stopped suddenly. To avoid these potentially harmful consequences, the nurses and doctors in a detox center will monitor and support you through the cleansing process. Your mind and body will then reacclimate to normal levels of neurochemicals.Many people are hesitant to start this vital first step due to apprehension regarding the level of pain and discomfort associated with withdrawal. However, with the help of medication and other healing remedies, the professionals can help you detox safely and as comfortably as possible.Maryland Drug and Alcohol Rehab
Regardless of whether a person has an extensive or relatively short history with substance abuse, rehab treatment services will benefit you, by helping you get back on your feet, free from substances.To get treatment for alcohol use disorder or substance use disorder and have effective results, consider going to a rehab facility. Rehab centers provide care, support and the necessary tools to overcome triggers for years to come.As you begin your stay in a rehab, you meet with an addiction specialist and go through an evaluation process. The evaluation helps the medical professionals design an individualized plan to meet your needs. This ensures that you get the most out of your time and resources during your stay in a treatment center and are proven to produce the best and longest lasting results.Finding Treatment
People who have become addicted to drugs or alcohol tend to show many of the same signs. Appearance and health begin to decline. Obligations and responsibilities are not being met. Uncharacteristic money problems begin to arise. Maybe the most telling sign: you’ve tried to stop on your own but you can’t.If you are considering getting the help you need and deserve, let us help you find the right place. Given the wide variety of methods that aim to treat addiction, finding the best treatment center for your needs could mean the difference between life and death.
It is estimated that 140,000 people abuse illegal substances in the state of Maryland.To ensure you have found the right place you will need to inquire about the specifics of the center you are considering. The process may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.
Traveling for Treatment
Many people find traveling to be the number one way to ensure the time to focus on yourself. If you want to find love for yourself and learn how to be successful and happy without substances, consider traveling to a rehab.Travelling for treatment is recommended to many people embarking on a life in sobriety. Often, negative influences can prove fatally detrimental to one’s recovery. Even though you may be working hard to make a better life for yourself, not everyone is doing the same and they may attempt to pull you back into the lifestyle of using. To give yourself and your new life the best chance possible, get away from such distractions by travelling for treatment.We will help you with the process of getting the quality treatment care you deserve call (866) 578-7471 to discuss your options.Why Is Intervention Important?
Maryland is a state that has it all; beaches, city skylines, and unfortunately, a high prevalence of drug addiction. Fortunately, treatment centers are just as widespread, so if you know of a loved one struggling with addiction, there is help out there.These trained professionals can guide, lead interventions to help you get through to your loved one in need. Interventions that include the help of a professional tend to be far more constructive and successful than those that are not.Remember, your loved one may not comprehend they have a problem, even if his or her life is getting out of control. Your love and support is needed to help him or her through this difficult experience. Please, do not wait. Far too many people die unexpectedly of this cunning, baffling and powerful disease.Living Your Recovery
Maryland offers some amazing outdoor opportunities, from nature trails to awesome beach parties and everything in between. With all of Maryland’s beautiful beaches and welcoming weather, there’s certainly a great deal to enjoy once free of the mind-addling haze of drugs and alcohol. From ComiCon and Highland Games to music festivals and more, there’s always some kind of event to enjoy.When living a life of recovery, it’s important to form habits that are conducive to a healthy, drug-free lifestyle. If a person in recovery continues old hobbies that may have contributed to addiction, the chance of relapse increase.Healthy and drug-free doesn’t mean that life is boring. Those in the recovery community are some of the most fun-loving people around. You will find a more exciting life once immersed in sober community.Treatment Options in Maryland
Maryland has a multitude of treatment options. There are many facilities, meetings, and a small army of people ready and willing to help you find the path to a better life.Treatment modalities span a wide array of methods and many treatment centers incorporate a variety to ensure that each person finds what works best for him or her. From Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Art and Music Therapy, among others, as well as holistic healing practices such as massage and yoga.Addiction is not a life sentence or a hopeless situation, no matter how dire it may feel. People overcome their addictions every day. We learn more and more about how to successfully treat addiction as time passes. Even the most hesitant person has become enthusiastic to maintain a sober life after clearing his or her mind.Aftercare Services in Maryland
Learning to live free from drugs and alcohol doesn’t end with inpatient treatment. The real test begins when you step through the doors on your last day and face the world newly sober.Anyone who has been through the process attests to the importance of aftercare. This refers to a plan for continued support and connection to a sober community following the present stage of treatment.For many people aftercare looks like a sober living facility or daily 12-Step meetings. The best possible outcome typically comes when a combination of aftercare programs is utilized. You will certainly find the guidance and encouragement necessary living in sober living and attending meetings regularly. Give us a call today and we will figure out, together, what aftercare options there are for you.“Nothing is impossible; the word itself says, ‘I’m possible!’”
Although recovery may seem like a hard goal to reach, it isn’t. The only thing you have to do in order to achieve recovery is want it to better your life. You deserve to be happy and recovery can do that for you. Give us a call and we will be more than happy to help you get the treatment you so deserve.Pregnancy and Crack Cocaine
The term “Crack baby” was coined during the surge of infants born to mothers addicted to Crack Cocaine. These women were addicted to the drug during what has been described as the “Crack epidemic” of the 1980s and many continued to use while pregnant.While Cocaine is considered a rich man’s drug, Crack Cocaine entered the picture and offered a more intense high for a fraction of the cost.The prevalence of use within many urban areas in the United States, led many an expert to prophase of future catastrophe and a so called lost generation. They were wrong, thankfully. However, the abuse and health risks assigned to these children are significant however, the culprit may be surprise you.Crack Cocaine: Facts
Derived from the coca plant, Crack Cocaine is an illegal substance with severely addictive properties. This crystalized and diluted form of Cocaine got its name from the cracking sound it makes when smoked.The low cost of Crack Cocaine make it the go-to substitute for those already addicted to Cocaine. Due to this lighter financial burden, many people switched to using the stronger, cheaper and more readily available drug. Though most commonly smoked, some users may inject the drug to achieve a more intense high.Crack Cocaine, a central nervous system stimulant, results from the combination of Cocaine with toxins such as ammonia and applying heat. This process removes the hydrochloride and lends a crystalized form of Cocaine.
Nearly 1,285 people passed away from drug overdose a year in the state of Maryland.The immense effects of the drug on the central nervous system are incredibly intense. The euphoric effect is so rapid and strong that it is believed by some to take over the life of the user from the very first use.
Treatments Prove Hopeful for Infants Born Addicted
Prior to birth, mother and child are so closely bound that they are essentially one. Statements from the National Institute on Drug Abuse or NIH, indicated that each year an estimated 750,000 children are born who were exposed to Crack Cocaine while in the womb.A fetus has an underdeveloped system and therefore more time is required to remove toxic substances from their tiny body. Damage to the rapidly developing neural networks is potentially much greater than that done to the mother.Crack Cocaine restricts the vascular system and subsequently decreases the amount of oxygen received by the fetal brain. Scientists suggest that this oxygen deficiency many significantly impair neural development.Infant Addiction Treatment
The health problems possibly created by in utero exposure to Crack Cocaine are significant, but not insurmountable. The profound ability of children to overcome even the most devastating circumstances continues to impress.There is no doubt that serious and concerning potential damage is posed to the fetus when exposed. However, given that the unborn child lives until childbirth, the damage done may prove curable with love, extra care and hard work.From day one, children exposed to such psychoactive addictive drugs in utero demand special accommodations and care. The optimal environment for these children starts with addressing their special sensory needs and strengthening their responsiveness to social stimuli.These children should have a limited number of caretakers to increase their comfort level and limit disruptive influences. Soothing bonding activities, such as structured physical contact, eye contact and soft talking will help keep these children consistently soothed, touched and comforted without overstimulating.Distinguishing Factors are Environmental
All problems directly caused by prenatal exposure to Crack Cocaine are likely able to be remedied. This, in and of itself is a miracle considering the toxicity and disruptions that the drug causes. The problem remains, however, in a broader issue: poverty. The children born addicted or who were exposed in the womb tend to be born to impoverished parents and lack the necessary medical, social and other forms of support to overcome the early obstacles.One study funded by NIDA, followed children exposed to Crack Cocaine in utero throughout childhood and into adulthood. This multi-decade study revealed that the differences between children who were and were not exposed were not great enough to draw a correlation. It seems that the early exposure to Crack Cocaine did not produce the prophesized symptoms that the medical community expected to devastate these individuals’ lives.The children followed in this study came from the inner city of Philadelphia. Often, they tested below expectations on tests that aim to rank their IQ and other measurements pertinent to their age group. Poverty itself is to blame for deficits, or so this study’s researchers finally concluded.What about poverty specifically was to blame? Many of the children followed in the study had witnessed death and extreme violence by the age of 7. Experiences such as this lead to behavioral, emotional, cognitive and other such problems throughout their childhood development.The children that did the best seemed to receive the most comfort, love, stability and support and the factor of early exposure to Crack Cocaine did not appear relevant.The reality of what afflictions matter most has proven far more complex than the original predications of a “lost generation.” Despite the dire circumstances that these children live with daily, this research still points to the endless ability for humanity to overcome adversity.After all, what a single human being is capable of no one can predict.Maryland & Drug Abuse
Drug abuse is one of the biggest problems facing Maryland citizens. 748 Heroin related deaths were recorded in Maryland in 2015, which is nearly two and a half times as many Alcohol related deaths. Heroin abuse has increased exponentially over the past decade and the death toll is still rising.Drug abuse is a serious problem accounting for thousands of lives lost and immense loss of health, prosperity and relationships. Individuals who took a wrong turn and became addicted drugs need all the help they can get to remind them there is such thing as health and happiness. They need you.If you or a loved one is struggling with drug abuse or addiction symptoms, please, reach out and get the help you need and deserve today. Our number is: (866) 578-7471.Maryland & Alcoholism
Alcoholism is an increasing problem for citizens of Maryland. Since 2010, the number of deaths attributed to alcohol has been rising steadily and in 2015 totaled 309, nearly double that of five years prior.Alcohol has to be one of the most abused drugs in the world. Due to its legal status and how easy it is to obtain; many individuals do not realize the dangers that alcohol poses. Alcoholism is a deadly disease which requires help to overcome and thankfully there is help out there.If you or someone you love struggle to control or cannot stop drinking, reach out and get the help you deserve. Far too many people are dying of alcoholism, a treatable disease. Get help today and recover from this progressive and deadly disease.
- . (n.d.). :
- U.S. News & World Report. (2019). : Best States: Maryland
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019). : 2019 Drug Overdose Rates.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2020). : Maryland — National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2019-2020
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2021). : Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS): 2019 Admissions to and Discharges from Publicly Funded Substance Use Treatment.
- Maryland Opioid Operational Command Center. (2021). : 2020 Annual Report
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019). : National Center for Health Statistics: Maryland
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). : Provisional Drug Overdose Death Counts
- National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics. (n.d.). : Average Cost of Rehab
- (n.d.). : Mental Health and Substance Abuse Coverage.
- Maryland Insurance Administration. (n.d.). : Is a Short-Term Medical Plan for You?
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (n.d.). : The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act.
- Maryland Department of Health. (2022). : Maryland Medicaid Administration
- (2022). : Your Medicare Coverage — Mental Health.
- Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services. (2022). : 2022 Medicare Parts A & B Premiums and Deductibles.
- 10,000 Beds. (2022). : How to Apply for a Scholarship
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2014). : Addiction Treatment Settings
- National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2020). : Principles of Effective Treatment
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021). : Telehealth for Treatment of Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders
- Federal Communications Commission. (2022). : Emergency Broadband Benefit.
- National Institute for Drug Abuse. (2019). : Substance Use and Military Life Drug Facts
- Medley G, Lipari R, Bose J, Cribb D, Kroutil L, McHenry G. NSDUH Data Review. (2016). : Sexual Orientation and Estimates of Adult Substance Use and Mental Health: Results from the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
- National Institute on Drug Abuse. (n.d.). : Substance Use and SUDs in LGBTQ* Populations
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2014). : Addressing the Specific Behavioral Health Needs of Men
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021). : Addressing the Specific Needs of Women for Treatment of Substance Use Disorders
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021). : Screening and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders in Adolescents
- Maryland Department of Health. (n.d.). : Drug Abuse as a Disability
- Ballotpedia. (2022). : Maryland Marijuana Legalization Amendment (2022)
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. (2021). : Baltimore’s No-Prosecution Policy for Low-Level Drug Possession and Prostitution Finds Almost No Rearrests for Serious Offenses
- Queen Anne’s County Health Department. (n.d.). : Good Samaritan Law
- Maryland Courts. (2022). : Drug Treatment Courts
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