How To Find Out About Substance Abuse And Treatment In Tempe, AZ
Tempe, Arizona is a proud home of the Arizona State University Sun Devils. Tempe has everything that you would expect a college town to have.
There are many tourist attractions and recreational places. Tempe also has a large selection of restaurants, festivals, shopping malls and theaters. Because of the lively sporting atmosphere, this town attracts many athletes and those families that are looking for an affordable getaway.
On the map, you can find Tempe in the heart of the Greater Phoenix area and it is just a short ride from the airport Phoenix Sky Harbor International as well as the downtown phoenix area.
Although it is an average college town, it often suffers from some of the same things larger cities tend to, such as, abuse of drugs and alcohol.
Why Can't I Stop Drinking and Using Drugs?
The use of drugs and alcohol affect a person's mind, in an incredible way. When individuals use addictive substances, the brain releases a chemical(s) to the neuro-transmitters that produces an overwhelming good feeling.
The chemicals released are endorphins and dopamine, which are natural chemicals that provide us with a sense of pleasure. However, drug and alcohol use increases the release of these chemicals.
These may be dopamine or endorphins (or both). They are the natural chemicals that the brain releases to give provide us with pleasure and natural highs. Drugs and alcohol prompt an increased release of these chemicals to the brain for a euphoric feeling.
In this process the brain also remembers the euphoric pleasure and begins to rewire itself which compels a drug and alcohol use to continue using.
Are Treatment Facilities Available in Tempe?
If you or someone you know suffers from substance abuse and would like to seek help in Tempe there are many treatment options to choose from. To receive help is locating a treatment centers in the city of Tempe, or any other city, please reach out to one of our specialists at (866) 578-7471.
There are several kinds of meetings that follow different formats and rules. Regardless of what addiction is specialized in these group, all 12-step meetings carry the same message. A message of hope that recovery from drugs and alcohol is possible. Find a 12-step meeting in Tempe, Arizona today.
- Official Government Website : FindTreatment.gov.
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- Arizona Legislature. (2018). : House Bill 2635
- Arizona Office of the Governor. (2018). : Arizona Opioid Epidemic Act
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021). : 2019-2020 NSDUH state-specific tables.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021). : Treatment episode data set (TEDS) 2019 (Revised). Admissions to and discharges from publicly funded substance use treatment
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2019). : Paying for treatment.
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- Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System. (2018). : Substance Abuse Block Grant (SABG) and Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG).
- Arizona Department of Health Services. (2015). : Annual report on substance abuse programs.
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2021). : Mental health and substance use insurance help.
- Motbabai, R., Mauro, C., Wall. Barry. C. L., & Olfson, J. (2020). : Private health insurance coverage of drug use disorder treatment: 2005-2018.
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- Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System. (2022). : About the Arizona health care cost containment system (AHCCCS)
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2016). : Medicare coverage of substance abuse services.
- Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System. (2022). : Opioid use and disorder treatment.
- Arizona Supreme Court. (2022). : Specialty courts.
- Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial institutions. (n.d.). : Insurance laws and rules.
- Smart Recovery. (2022). : About SMART recovery