Valium Addiction and Rehabilitation

Valium Addiction Rehab Header
Last Edited: March 17, 2020
Patricia Howard, LMFT, CADC
Clinically Reviewed
Andrew Lancaster, LPC, MAC
All of the information on this page has been reviewed and certified by an addiction professional.

Dangers of Valium Abuse

Valium, or Diazepam, is a type of sedative. It is a Benzodiazepine, and it is one of the most common prescription drugs in the United States. Valium is great for treating insomnia and anxiety due to its sedative properties. Valium is used as a type of medicine to treat a range of conditions, including anxiety, insomnia, withdrawal, spasms, Meniere’s disease, seizures and is used for surgical procedures.

The drug works by slowing down some of the brain’s receptors and enhancing GABA, a neurotransmitter associated with anxiety. It depresses the central nervous system, which gives it a sedating effect. Just because Valium is prescribed by a doctor, doesn’t mean it is safe and you won’t become addicted to it.

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Due to Valiums sedating effect, it has a high potential for an individual to become addicted. Once addicted, individuals will need to take more Valium to get their desired effect, causing their prescription to run out early. When his or her prescription is out, they will begin to go into withdrawal and the withdrawal pain might cause him or her to go looking for Valium on the streets.

Street Names for Valium

Knowing the street names of Valium can help you be sure of your loved one’s abuse. Some of the most common street names for Valium are:

  • Vs
  • Downers
  • Benzos
  • Tranks
  • Ludes
  • Drunk pills

Now that you know the street names, keep an ear out or an eye on your loved one’s phone, they could be using any of these terms as a code for Valium.

Valium Effects

Addiction to Valium can have negative effects on both mental and physical aspects of the body. Higher dosages can also lead to depression and suicidal thoughts. Once people get addicted, they can become so consumed with finding more that they start to neglect their professional, educational and social responsibilities. Also, Valium slows down the reactions, which means people who use it are more likely to be involved in accidents. Some signs an individual is using Valium are: confusion, memory loss, dizziness, week muscles, clumsiness, dilated pupils, depression, anxiety, aggressive behavior, sleeping problems, organ damage, overdose, and even death. To prevent these symptoms, individuals will need to stop using Valium and enter treatment to ensure their recovery.

Warning signs of Valium abuse in a loved one

Valium is a depressant, sedative; used for treating anxiety, insomnia, seizures, and withdrawal from other addictive substances. For some, a doctor will evaluate and hand over a prescription. Other people are introduced to Valium on the streets by a friend or co-worker. Regardless of how someone was introduced to Valium, addiction is still possible. If you are worried a loved one is abusing Valium here are some common signs to look out for:

If you fear a loved one is abusing Valium a major sign to be aware of is slurred speech. Valium slows down the brain and body to the point where it can make it hard for the abuser to speak and have regular conversation without slurring a few words.

Another sign of Valium abuse in a loved one is memory loss. The Valium abuser may ask you the same question a few times before they remember asking. He or she may also accuse you of theft because they have misplaced something while he or she was high.

If someone is addicted to Valium, they will put their abuse before everything. You may notice they have recently lost a job or been straining relationships but don’t seem to care their life is falling apart. As long as he or she has Valium, everything is fine.

Factual Dangers: Valium

If you have a loved one who is acting out, sleeping all the time, losing jobs, missing school, and asking you for money, he or she may have a substance abuse problem. All substances produce similar but different effects. Valium, however, has a different effect on all individuals who take it. It will make some abuser feel as if they can concur the world and put other abusers in a deep depression. If you think your loved one might have a problem, call us.

Best Voted Treatment Centers  stars rating

Hunterdon Behavioral Health
Hunterdon Behavioral Health
2100 Wescott Drive, Flemington, NJ 08822, United States 08822
Christus Saint Vincent Behavioral Health Unit
Christus Saint Vincent Behavioral Health Unit
455 Saint Michaels Drive, Santa Fe, NM 87505, United States 87505
Saint Mary's Hospital Substance Abuse Treatment Center
Saint Mary's Hospital Substance Abuse Treatment Center
1800 East Lake Shore Drive, Decatur, IL, United States 62521
A Better Today Recovery Services - Scottsdale, AZ
A Better Today Recovery Services - Scottsdale, AZ
15721 North Greenway Hayden Loop, Scottsdale, AZ, USA 85260
Willow Springs Center
Willow Springs Center
690 Edison Way, Reno, NV 89502, United States 89502
Lakeview Center, Inc
Lakeview Center, Inc
1221 W Lakeview Ave 32501Pensacola FL
Centennial Peaks Hospital
Centennial Peaks Hospital
2255 South 88th Street, Louisville, CO, United States 80027
1231 N 29th St 59101Billings MT
Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Rancho Mirage
Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Rancho Mirage
39000 Bob Hope Dr 92270Rancho Mirage CA
Recovery Keys - St. Augustine, FL
Recovery Keys - St. Augustine, FL
1301 Plantation Island Dr S St Augustine 32080St. Augustine FL
Jackie Nitschke Center
Jackie Nitschke Center
630 Cherry St 54301Green Bay WI

True Stories of Addiction: Chris Overcomes Addiction


Valium Rehab Treatment

Valium and other Benzodiazepines are some of the more commonly abused medications. Many people who enter treatment have used Benzodiazepines at some point. For people who have become addicted to Valium, it is important to find a rehab center to address the underlying issues of the addiction.

Valium addiction is a strong psychological addiction as well as physical dependence. Due to the physical dependence Valium comes with, to prevent fatality, an addicted individual will need to complete a medically monitored detox program before entering the therapeutic side of the treatment program. Once a medically monitored detox is complete and the doctor feels as if he or she is ready to move on, true recovery can start.

True recovery is dependent on someone’s ability to learn new coping mechanisms. Someone who abused Valium for so long used it to cope so new coping mechanisms are a must. This is mostly achieved through therapy on an individual, group and family level. There are so many types of therapies because they are all used for different reasons and will help the recovering individual on many different aspects of their life. For instance, individual therapy will help get to the bottom of his or her problems on why he or she kept abusing Valium in the first place. A good treatment center will be able to support all of this and also provide a person who is recovering from Valium addiction with aftercare support. – Learn More

Valium Detox Treatment

Withdrawing from Valium can have deadly consequences. For anyone detoxing it is best to do so in a medical setting. Most people try weaning themselves off the drug slowly, often with the support of a doctor. This allows them to keep withdrawal symptoms at bay without entering a detox facility. However, detoxing yourself can be difficult to do and many people require professional assistance.

In a detox facility, medical professionals can ween the person off the drug slowly, which decreases or eliminates withdrawal symptoms. The medical facility will also monitor the addicted individual’s vitals to make sure everything is stable. If someone starts showing symptoms of withdrawal, a doctor will always be nearby so there will be no time for the individual to be concerned or worried about their health.

Some of the withdrawal symptoms of Valium include but not limited to: abdominal cramping, headache, tremors, sweating, muscle pain, vomiting, sever anxiety, confusion, restlessness, insomnia, numbness, hallucinations, and seizures. All symptoms are preventable with the help of a doctor and medication. Detoxing off Valium eliminates the toxins from your body and allows you to finally free yourself of the seemingly endless cycle of drug addiction. After detox, treatment will be needed to ensure long-term sobriety and a life of happiness free from drugs and alcohol. – Learn More

Addiction to Valium

Many people take Valium recreationally because the sedative effect can be quite pleasurable. The drug also offers an escape from reality and taking the drug to escape can become a habitual reaction to stress. It is also used recreationally to enhance the effects of other drugs, including alcohol, which has similar effects as Valium. People who use it recreationally are at a particularly high risk of becoming addicted.

As usage continues, they will develop a tolerance to the drug and they will start to experience withdrawal symptoms if they stop using it. The only way to prevent withdrawal symptoms is to get with your doctor and talk about detox or find means to get more Valium. Most people, in the beginning of their addiction will chose to get more Valium to combat the feelings of withdrawal. Once someone is abusing Valium to escape reality and prevent withdrawal symptoms it is safe to say they have crossed the line into addiction.

When suffering from a Valium addiction, the Valium is going to take importance over everything in the abuser’s life. Most people who are addicted to Valium have no problem taking other pills to escape reality. However, mixing pills is dangerous and can increase the risk of overdose. Also, taking different types of pills can cause the addicted individual to become addicted to more than Valium making it harder for them to escape their addiction. – Learn More

Valium Dependency

When someone is using Valium, they are at risk for becoming dependent on the drug to survive. It doesn’t take long for someone to become dependent either. For some, they can become dependent with the first dose they take and others it could take a few weeks. It truly just depends on your body make up and chemistry.

Regardless of how long it takes you to become dependent on Valium, once a dependency occurs your body and mind will not be able to function without the use of Valium at all times. You will be taking Valium whether you want to or not and this can cause your life to spiral out of control. When dependent, you are at risk of suffering from depression, aggressive behavior and further drug abuse. Because your tolerance is now super high to Valium, you may start searching for something else to take you out of reality or give you the desired effect you have been searching for.

It is not uncommon to see someone who has become dependent on Valium to become dependent to something else such as Opiates. The more drugs you start to take, the further you are pushing yourself from a life of recovery. The only way to stop the havoc is to get the treatment you deserve. Your treatment will need to start off with detoxification that is monitored by a doctor because Valium withdrawal is known to possibly become fatal. Once detox is done, it is time to move onto treatment where your life will truly begin to change. – Learn More

Seeking help for a loved one.

  • Why Should I Host a Valium Intervention?
    If your loved one is addicted to Valium, he or she may be in denial about their addiction. Holding an intervention can make him or her see there is a problem and to seek help.
  • What is a Valium Intervention Used For?
    A Valium intervention is used to help your loved one seek treatment for his or her addiction.

Intervention for Valium Abuse

Once you have found out about your loved one’s Valium abuse, you may feel your world has come to a stop. You are constantly worried about them, staying up all night wondering if he or she is okay, or constantly checking your phone to see if you have a missed call. This is all normal when a loved one is abusing Valium or any other drug. You may ask yourself if there is hope, or wonder if your loved one is just going to die addicted to Valium.

You can push them in the right direction by staging an intervention. An intervention will be held in a safe environment with other people who care about the Valium addicted individual. It would be best to contact a professional interventionist that way you get the help you need and your addicted loved one gets the most out of the intervention. Everyone involved will prepare a speech for the addicted individual concerning how their active abuse is making them feel. This can be a heartfelt and emotional process with tears and pain but chances are it will push the addicted loved one to get the treatment he or she deserves.

When preparing your speech to your loved one it would be best to leave anything out that can cause him or her harm. He or she is going to be very venerable so only speak with love and concern so he or she doesn’t feel attacked and leave the intervention. The ultimate goal of an intervention is to get your loved one into treatment. If they don’t get to treatment right after the intervention and decide to use at least he or she now knows the support is there when he or she decides to change. – Learn More

Recovery from Valium Abuse

The most common problem with Valium is the same problem all addictive prescription drugs create. This drug can be effective and helpful when used as prescribed and for a short duration of time. However, it is quite addictive and those who use it for extended periods of time can develop a dependency.

Many people find themselves addicted to the drug but dismiss the problems as simply a function of needing medicine. Benzodiazepines, such as Valium, should not be taken for longer than four months, according to the National Institute of Health. Additionally, the drug is now also being used recreationally, creating further cases of addiction. In many cases, people combine Valium with other drugs, such as Alcohol, and the effect can be devastating. Despite the fact that it is prescribed by doctors, overdose and death are possible and possibly easier to achieve than you realize.

There is, however, a way out of the cycle of addiction when you decide to get treatment. In treatment, you will learn more about your disease and how to cope with life without the use of Valium. You will make friends and notice life isn’t so bad without drugs and alcohol. Once treatment is completed, you will need to proper aftercare to stay sober and recover properly. It is a good idea to get involved with the recovery community and a 12-step fellowship. The 12-step program is where recovery is at and how millions of people stay sober today.

  • How Do I Recover from Valium Addiction?
    The first step in recovery from your Valium addiction is admitting you have a problem. Once you have done that, reach out for help and seek detoxification and treatment center.
  • What Can I Do to Recover from Valium?
    In order to recover, you need to go through rehab treatment. You will also want to search for local Valium support groups like a 12-step program.

Dangers of Valium Overdose

A Valium overdose can be deadly. As Valium is a central nervous system depressant, too much can cause depressed breathing, heart rate, low blood pressure, lowered mental capabilities, confusion, slurred speech, drowsiness, weakness, among other symptoms. People who take Valium regularly are at high risk of an overdose.

Also, people who have found recovery from Valium abuse for an extended amount of time but decide to go back to the drug are at a high risk of overdose because they may try to take the same dosage they did before going into treatment. It is common for people who abuse both Alcohol and Valium to overdose quickly because they are both depressants and tend to intensify each other’s effects.

Valium is dangerous even though it is a prescription drug and people get confused and think it is not as dangerous as street drugs. Valium has the same risk of addiction as Heroin don’t let the prescription fool you. It is common for people to overdose on Valium and it can be deadly if nothing is done about it. That said, if you suspect that someone has overdosed on Valium, contact emergency medical services immediately. Valium overdose can easily cause the person to slip into a coma or die. To prevent overdose from Valium, you will need to quit using immediately. Are the effects of Valium worth your life? Help is available, just reach out and ask. It is better to ask before it is too late. You deserve a better life without the use of Valium. – Learn More

Valium Addiction and Abuse

Valium is a Benzodiazepine, like Xanax or Klonopin, that doctors will prescribe to patients who suffer from panic attacks and have an anxiety disorder. Valium is not just used for anxiety and panic attacks, doctors may prescribe it as a muscle relaxer, sedative, or anti-convulsing medication. If you here doctors talking about Diazepam, they are still talking about Valium, just using its other name. Valium is in the depressant class of drugs along with Heroin, alcohol, Opium, and Ketamine. Depressant drugs such as Valium are used to strengthen GABA which is a neurotransmitter in the brain that slows down your brains activity system. When your brain is slowed by Valium it will decrease the feelings of anxiety drastically.

Valium is just like any other drug, there is a chance you could become addicted. Even if you get Valium prescribed, you are still at risk just like someone who buys it off the street. The prescription means nothing. If you are taking Valium for an extended amount of time, taking more than prescribed, or simply taking it for other reasons than a doctor gave it to you, you can and will become addicted.

Valium gives off a feeling of relaxation that many people crave. It will make you feel like there are no worries and everything in life is just fine. It can take you out of reality and put you in your own little perfect world. Because of this, Valium is one of the most commonly abused prescription drugs in the sedative and tranquilizer category.

Valium is very commonly abused according to the Drug Enforcement Administration which states in 2011, Valium was the fourth most prescribed Benzodiazepine in the world, with 15 million prescriptions written. That said, some of those prescriptions are not written to those who need it. They are written to dealers who pretend they have a condition and then sell it on the streets for a huge profit.

It may take a long while before you notice your Valium abuse has become a problem. Just like alcohol, Valium abuse is easy to justify because it is not an illegal substance. Although, Valium has the same chances of you becoming addicted as someone trying an illegal substance. Get the excuse of having a prescription or it being legal out of your mind. This can manipulate your mind into thinking you are different and don’t need help for your Valium abuse problem.

If you use the drug daily, use more than prescribed, buy it off the street, have to use it immediately upon waking up, get nervous when you only have one pill left, or are taking larger dosages to achieve the same high you once had you are probably addicted. Also, it is common to have hygiene issues, slurred speech, clumsiness, and frequent sleepiness if you are addicted to Valium.

These signs are just a few of the many that call for a Valium abuse problem. If you have tried to stop using Valium and are in an intense amount of pain you are probably suffering withdrawal symptoms. Some of the withdrawal symptoms Valium gives off are seizures, intense anxiety, muscle aches and pains, personality changes, and at worst coma or even death. If you are ready to stop abusing Valium and living in addiction and you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms it is important to seek medical attention. Everybody reacts differently to valium withdrawal and it is best for a doctor to send you to a medically supervised detox where they can watch over you, make sure your symptoms aren’t life threatening, and give you medication to ease the withdrawal pain.

When detox is over, it is recommended you get straight into a treatment facility where therapists can take further care of you. If you decide to go home right after detox there is a huge change you are going to end up taking Valium again. If you don’t know how to prevent and combat triggers there is no possible way you will be able to keep your hands off the Valium. Therefore, treatment is a more logical idea for your life and the life of your loved ones in the long run.

Once you have made the decision to enter a treatment facility, you need to remind yourself you also made the decision to change your life for the better no matter what it takes. Treatment is going to be different. You are going to feel new emotions, you may cry and it is normal to feel a little crazy. All these emotions you are feeling are the emotions you have been drowning with Valium for the past few months or years. It is good to feel these new feelings in treatment because you will be able to work through them without Valium and with a therapist.

Working with a therapist will teach you how to overcome your addiction to Valium and prove to you that you have an important place in this world. The idea of changing your life may be scary but you have to do it for you. Be done with living with the consequences of addiction and build a new life for yourself. It is more than possible to recover from Valium addiction, you just have to want it for yourself and do what it takes.

Family Therapy for Valium Addiction

When one person becomes addicted to Valium, everyone within the circle of family and friends suffers too. Valium addiction is hard to beat and there are certain things your loved one is going to have to do to recover from addiction. You may be confused about certain things he or she will do but it is best you let it happen and let your loved one find his or her own journey.

Family therapy is a great way to heal the entire family and get everyone on a better, healthier path in life. With family therapy the goal is to include both family group therapy and addiction education for members not in treatment. Knowing more about the disease of addiction can make the recovery process for everyone go smoother. The family member in treatment receives addiction education, however, without family therapy that member can find him or herself trying to recap and explain weeks or months of work to other family members once he or she returns home.

With family addiction education, all members gain important insight into addiction, its neurobiological roots, and how it impacts behavior. Family therapy sessions help all members work through difficulties in the past and learn ways to avoid these pitfalls in the future. Everyone learns coping skills and communication techniques to better handle situations to come. Family therapy will prepare you for the Valium addicted loved one to come home. You may be scared they have the same behaviors they did in active use, making you feel on edge. Family therapy will help you combat these feelings so the home is a safe and happy environment for all.

Valium Addiction Group Therapy

Drug and Alcohol abuse is usually a coping strategy used to dull or mask serious emotional or psychological pain, which often leads a person into isolation. Group therapy is a natural ally of addiction treatment as it directly combats different aspects of the disease, including isolation. Therapy in general is necessary to overcoming the symptoms of this progressive and deadly disease, however group therapy seems to help fight against isolation which other therapeutic methods do not intrinsically counteract.

Group therapy allows individuals to give and receive feedback, which gives everyone the benefit of each person’s experiences. Often, very strong and lasting bonds are formed through group therapy as each member depends on others in the group for support and guidance. This creates a culture of brotherly love and helps each person overcome problems that would have seemed insurmountable alone. Group therapy is going to be difficult for the Valium abuser at first.

He or she may hesitate to speak on their emotions because he or she has been masking them with Valium for so long. After some time, he or she will slowly begin to feel more comfortable and open up to others on how he or she is feeling. Once clients have mastered opening up about their feelings their chances of long term recovery increase. They will now be comfortable opening up to others when they have completed treatment. Opening up and asking for help is a great tool to help them stay clean and sober.

  • Is Group Therapy for Valium Addiction Helpful?
    When fighting Valium addiction, group therapy will help you find others who are fighting the same battle.
  • Will Group Therapy Help My Valium Addiction?
    Yes. Group therapy will show you that you are not fighting your Valium addiction alone.

True Stories of Addiction: Karry Fights for Freedom

Seeking help for a loved one.

  • Will Inpatient Treatment Help my Valium Addiction?
    If you are willing to do the work the rehab asks you to do, you can make a full recovery from your Valium addiction.
  • Will Inpatient Rehab Help Me Stop Thinking of Valium?
    Most likely. It will help you stop thinking of Valium by taking you out of the negative environment you were living in and shift your focus elsewhere.

Inpatient Valium Rehab

Making the decision to change your life a go to inpatient rehab can be intimidating. If you really want the help to stop abusing Valium making the decision to go to inpatient can be the best thing you do for yourself. Once you have made the right decision to recover and give yourself another shot at life, you will go through an intake process to create an individualized treatment plan with a therapist.

This treatment plan is going to guide you through treatment and track your progress to make sure you are doing what is needed to recover from Valium and all other drugs. Most treatment centers will start off with a medically assisted detox. Because Valium withdrawals have the potential to be dangerous and are uncomfortable, it is best you find a facility that does offer detox as a part of their treatment. Once detox is complete, you move onto the therapy portion of treatment.

Inpatient rehab is important to identify and address the underlying issues of addiction. Inpatient treatment programs offer the best results as they provide the most intensive and comprehensive treatment. This type of treatment helps to remove the Valium addicted person from the environment that may have contributed to his or her using. Here the Valium addicted person will engage in individual counseling, group counseling and addiction education. An inpatient treatment center usually lasts from 30, 60 or 90 days, but programs vary and some may be much longer or shorter in length depending on the progress the patient is making. – Learn More

Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient treatment programs offer similar therapies as inpatient, however on a part-time non-residential basis. This type of treatment allows for the individual to continue working or attending school while seeking help for their addiction. A person stays in the home environment and travels several times a week to the treatment center for groups. Outpatient treatment should only be attempted after fully completing detox.

Many people find that their Valium addiction has progressed to the point where they cannot handle the triggers and stressors without relapsing. For this reason, outpatient treatment does not work well for everyone as it allows for a large amount of personal responsibility. If at all possible, you should truly consider attending an inpatient facility before you decide to go to outpatient therapy. This is because it is easy for someone to relapse if they don’t know the tools they need to in order to combat triggers.

Outpatient will teach you how to prevent triggers and negative situations but it will take time. It will take a few therapy sessions before you got the trigger preventing skills down. That means, traveling back and forth, with the chances of running into someone or something that triggers you to use Valium. If there is no possible way for you to get into an inpatient facility, don’t stress. It is still possible to recover no matter what. You may want to pair your outpatient sessions with some more support groups like the 12-step program. This will help you be held accountable in many different settings making relapse less likely as each day goes by. – Learn More

  • Will Outpatient Help my Valium Addiction?
    Valium outpatient is best when attended after inpatient treatment and will act like another support group.
  • When Should I go to Outpatient Rehab?
    Once you have completed an inpatient program, it is best to go to an outpatient rehab center so you can continue to work on your Valium recovery.