Dangers of Painkiller Abuse
Painkillers are the most commonly abused prescription drugs. There are several types of painkillers, but the most effective ones are part of the Opioid pain reliever family, and require a prescription to obtain. These painkillers are derived from Opium and are extremely addictive, both physically and psychologically. Many painkillers, opioids specifically work by affect the cerebral Opioid receptor system.
The painkillers’ tendency to cause addiction is thought to be due to their effect on the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is associated with pleasure and reward. Other prescription painkillers work in a variety of ways, often with an effect on a combination of neurotransmitters including Serotonin, Norepinephrine, Dopamine and others. Some Opioid painkillers contain different substances, such as Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen, which are non-addictive painkillers.
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All prescription painkillers are addictive and have great potential for abuse, addiction and overdose. If a doctor must prescribe a painkiller, there are strict guidelines that must be followed.
Emergency room visits related to pain killer use rose 153% from 1995 to 2002, while admissions to drug treatment programs for individuals using painkillers rose 321% from 1995 to 2005.
Street Names for Painkillers
There are a multitude of Painkillers your loved one could be abusing. If you are curious to what drug it is he or she is abusing, here are some street names for the most commonly abused Painkillers:
- Vikes
- Cotton
- Blues
- Percs
Effects of Painkillers
Signs and symptoms of prescription painkiller addiction is varied and numerous. Noticeable symptoms may include: insomnia, sweating, slurred speech, weakness, low energy, mood changes and irritability.
Any display of withdrawal symptoms indicates a problem, however if the person has been taking the drug for a prolonged period of time, then he or she will most likely be physically dependent. At this point the user may be displaying these behaviors to feel normal.
Another sign of a problem can include visiting different doctors for more prescriptions, as the person will need an increasing amount and would naturally run out too quickly. If someone you know is abusing Painkillers, he or she might start buying them off the streets surrounded by dangerous people.
Warning signs of Painkiller abuse in a loved one
There are many different types of Prescription Painkillers your loved one may be abusing. A few of common one’s are: Percocet, Oxycodone, Morphine and Fentanyl. All Painkillers will have similar effects, because they are Opioid drugs. Although some Painkillers are stronger than others a tolerance to the drug can occur, increasing the risk of an overdose. If you are worried about a loved one abusing Painkillers, here are some common signs:
One of the more common signs of a problem is if your loved one has a prescription and is lying about the frequency and rate it is being taken. If he or she were taking the drug as prescribed there would be no need to conceal the amount that is being taken.
If your loved one does not have a prescription for Painkiller’s, then there is a possibility that your loved one is buying them on the streets. If you notice cash, jewelry or electronics missing, it may be your loved one trying to support his or her habit.
Another clear sign of Painkiller abuse is a lack of motivation. Your loved one may end up losing his or her job or drop out of school because the only thing that is important to him or her is getting high, and may only leave their room to get more drugs.
Factual Dangers: Painkillers
Painkillers are some of the most abused substances in the world. Abuse can begin by getting into an accident and being prescribed a Painkiller, but instead of quitting, one would go back to get more. Also, you or a loved one could be introduced to Painkillers by a friend to relieve stress. Regardless of how it starts, the same signs of a Painkiller addiction will be present. Here are some of the most common signs of Painkiller addiction:
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True Stories of Addiction: Shirley’s Struggle with Painkiller Abuse
Painkiller Rehab Treatment
Many people become addicted to prescription Painkillers after prolonged use to manage the symptoms of a chronic pain problem. If you are in pain, life without prescription Painkillers can seem like a daunting task. In order to combat the symptoms of chronic pain, many rehab facilities offer pain management programs specifically designed for people who deal with pain on a daily basis.
Also, if you want to be off the medication for good, the rehab can help you find a physical therapy doctor or massage therapist that is covered by your insurance. If you aren’t in pain, but have become addicted to Painkillers there is hope for people like you. You may have not realized what you were getting yourself into by taking that first pill, and that is okay. You need to understand, your addiction to prescription painkillers is often a symptom of an underlying issue. Professionals in addiction rehab facilities will help you to identify these underlying problems and handle stress in a healthier way.
Painkiller abusers get their drugs from friends or family members. Only about 4% get painkillers from illegal dealers or strangers, and about .1% obtain painkillers from the Internet.
Through therapy and support many people are able to triumph over their Painkiller addiction. If you put in all your effort in rehab, you will become used to living life without the use of Painkillers on a daily basis. Do not think you are weak for going to rehab, in fact, it is the strongest of people who make the decision to change their life for the better. – Learn More
Painkiller Detox Treatment
Detox from Painkillers can be uncomfortable and painful. Opiate based substances can cause intensely painful withdrawal symptoms. If you have been abusing Painkillers and are ready to make the decision to change your life your next step would be detox.
It is best to detox from prescription Painkillers while in a medical detox center. The medical professionals in detox will help ease the symptoms of withdrawal with medication, while the expert staff closely monitors you around-the-clock. The medications given in detox are used only for a brief period and the doctor will slowly ween you off to not only ease the pain, but to ensure your safety as well. There are many reasons for entering a detox facility, the most compelling of which is that withdrawal symptoms can cause intense discomfort and even death if not properly managed. Within a detox facility you can relax to the best of your ability while you are being watched by nurses and doctors who are specially trained in managing withdrawal symptoms.
Your recovery has just begun by entering detox. To ensure long lasting recovery, you are going to want to get into an inpatient rehab facility after detox. Rehab will help clear your mind, teach you about your addiction and help you get to the bottom of your issues. It is your choice to better your life- it may seem scary, but it is more than worth it. – Learn More
Addiction to Painkillers
Many people begin using Painkillers because of a legitimate pain problem without realizing the dangers that come with it. Most people don’t know that it does not take long to become physically addicted to prescription Painkillers. In fact, a person can become physically dependent in less than a week of regular use, even if taking the prescription as prescribed. There are, however, people who take Painkillers from a friend without realizing how addictive it can be.
Often people who start taking them, either from prescription or from a dealer, realized that they help alleviate emotional and psychological pain as well as physical. This can go from occasional abuse of Painkillers to a daily routine very quickly. People become addicted faster and more frequently than many realize. Because these drugs are prescribed by a doctor, far too many people believe that they are harmless because they are medicine. To break it down, Painkillers are prescribed by a doctor but can be prescribed to dealers who then sell them on the streets.
Abusing Painkillers is just as dangerous and addictive as abusing Heroin. Don’t let the prescription fool you: your life can fall apart before your eyes because of your Painkiller addiction. The only way to prevent your life from taking a turn for the worst is to seek the treatment you deserve for your Painkiller addiction. – Learn More
Painkiller Dependency
If you were in an accident and prescribed Painkillers you are at the same risk of dependency as someone who buys Painkillers from a dealer. Even ask your doctor, it only takes about a week to become physically dependent on Painkillers. Most doctors will ween you off the medication when it is time to stop to avoid painful withdrawal symptoms.
If you have been taking Painkillers for a while, there is a chance you have become dependent. If you try and stop taking them on your own but notice you can’t because the pain from withdrawal is too strong, contact your doctor immediately. If you do not contact your doctor and keep taking the Painkillers you are putting yourself at risk at becoming addicted. The difference between dependency and addiction is that when you are dependent it is usually just your body that craves the medication, but when you are addicted your mind is craving it too. When your mind craves Painkillers, it will change your life.
You are going to do anything for Painkillers and it can cause your family to eventually lose faith in you and maybe even a job, because nothing else is as important as getting high. The list goes on about how addiction can affect you and it is not positive or something you would miss out on. So, if you have the chance, stop your Painkiller use before it becomes a bigger problem than it is now. – Learn More
Seeking help for a loved one.
- What Do I Say in A Painkillers Intervention?
You will speak directly to your loved one, only speaking in love and concern while leaving out judgment or anger. Let him or her know the negative impact their Painkillers addiction causes you. - What If My Loved One Does Not Go To Painkillers Rehab?
If your loved one does not accept Painkillers treatment, he or she will know there is help when he or she is ready. Keep showing them support without enabling your loved ones’ behavior.
Intervention for Painkillers Abuse
Many friends and family members of someone who is abusing Painkillers start to feel that the situation is hopeless. Sleepless nights spent worrying about your loved one’s wellbeing can take its toll and effecting your life in a negative way. If you want to help, an intervention is the best way to turn the situation around.
An intervention is simply a conversation where the addicted person is confronted about his or her behavior and addiction to Painkillers. The abuse is brought to the person’s attention in a loving and non-judgmental way. It is vitally important to keep the conversation compassionate, as it can backfire if the person feels the need to defend his or her actions and abuse. A defensive position can drive a person further into denial, which perpetuates the intervention to be unsuccessful because he or she will want to use Painkillers again. Denial is a strong ally of Painkiller addiction and often causes the person to truly not see that the drug use is a problem. In the case of prescription Painkillers, the person often dismisses the notion of addiction with the idea that the drugs are simply medicine.
The intervention can bring the problem to light and helps the person get started on a healthier path. The main goal of an intervention is for your loved one to accept the treatment that is being offered. Make sure you are in contact with an inpatient rehab center so that if your loved one agrees to treatment he or she will have somewhere safe to go right after the intervention. – Learn More
Deaths related to pain killer abuse rose 160% from 1994 to 2004.
Recovery from Painkiller Abuse
The disease of addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful. To maintain sobriety for a lifetime, a strong sober support system is required. Once you have gone through a proper and medical detox and inpatient rehab center, you will need more support from people who understand your addiction.
The support you need to get and maintain sobriety can be found at a local 12-step meeting. 12-step programs have helped millions of people worldwide recover from addiction and learn a better way to live. Programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous still prove the best way to combat the disease of addiction. There are Pills Anonymous meetings where people go specifically for Painkiller addiction. It doesn’t matter what meetings you really go to as long as you are receiving a message of recovery and are encouraged to get a sponsor and work the 12-steps of recovery. Regular meeting attendance is also encouraged as it helps keep you connect to a network of sober people. Fellow group members will help each other through even the toughest of circumstances. Together, obstacles can easily be overcome that would have seemed insurmountable alone.
You may feel like you don’t need a 12-step program because you have friends and family that will support you. Having all the support you can get is very important. However, your family and friends may not completely understand how you are feeling so having people who know and understand what you are going through is going to be vital for your recovery.
- How Do I Recover from Painkillers Addiction?
Inpatient treatment is possibly the best way to recover from an Painkillers addiction, followed up with support groups like the 12-step program. - Will I Be Bored in Painkillers Recovery?
If you attend Painkillers support groups, you will connect with many people, attend various events and participate in numerous activities.
Dangers of Painkiller Overdose
Painkiller addiction and abuse is a very prevalent part of today’s society, noting that there has been a rise in Painkiller overdoses throughout the years. If you are abusing Painkillers, your chance of overdosing is very high, no matter the length of time spent abusing. It could be your first time using and you could overdose; it all just depends on your body’s tolerance to the Opiate Painkillers and how much you have been using in the past. When people overdose on Painkillers, it is usually an accident.
When you are addicted to Painkillers you are going to want the most intense high you can get. So, if you get your hands on a few pills, you may not take them as a doctor would prescribe, and may accidentally take all the pills at once. This is incredibly dangerous, because taking just a milligram over than what your body can handle will send you into an overdose, which can be fatal. Some signs of a Painkiller overdose are confusion, dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath, changes in breathing rapid, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness, slurred speech, confusion, coma and death.
If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms and is feeling unwell, call emergency services immediately. An overdose can prove to be extremely fatal. Many people who abuse Painkillers end up dying from an overdose, because they are alone at the time of use and end up passing out. The only way to prevent death by overdose is to get help for your Painkiller addiction. – Learn More
Painkiller Use, Abuse and Dependency
There are many Prescription Drugs that are regularly abused and very easy to become addicted to. Some types of Prescription Drugs that people frequently develop addictions to are Opioids—Percocet for example, Amphetamines—like Adderall, and Benzodiazepines—like Xanax, although there are others such as Barbiturates, Sleeping Pills, and more. Prescription Drugs can be acquired from a doctor and on the black market. Even if you have a prescription from a doctor for a legitimate condition, you are still at risk at becoming addicted. In fact, it is very common for people to develop an addiction to a drug prescribed to them. This can happen when a doctor instructs a patient to take a prescription multiple times a day, for an extended period.
Also, a patient will likely become addicted when a doctor gives a prescription for many more pills than may be needed. Often a doctor will instruct you to take a medication “as needed” which can easily lead to abuse. It is a common misconception that Prescription Drugs are safe because they are used medically; they can be incredibly dangerous if abused.
The effects of Prescription Drugs vary widely, depending on what type of medication is being used. Opioids, medically used to treat pain, typically cause a sense of euphoria as well as fatigue and sleepiness. They are respiratory depressants, meaning that they can cause shallow or slowed breathing, and in some, cases breathing can cease entirely. These drugs affect a person’s cognitive ability and reasoning, often leading to poor choices and dangerous situations. Someone’s motor skills can also be affected so that they feel or appear to be drunk with slurred or slower speech and possibly unsteady footing.
Benzodiazepines are Central Nervous System depressants, that slow down brain activity for various purposes, and can have similar effects to Opioids. Additionally, they can inhibit the formation of memory, detrimentally affecting short and long-term memory, depending on the frequency and persistence of abuse. Benzos also affect coordination heavily and often cause injury due to tripping or falling, especially in people of more advanced age.
Amphetamines are a little different as they are stimulants and are usually prescribed for attention deficit disorders to treat hyper-activity and difficulties in focusing. Their effects can include elevated heart rate, heightened energy or alertness, excessive activity and incessant talking. They also can cause sleeplessness, anxiety, paranoia and aggression.
Sadly, many people can become addicted to Prescription Drugs before they even know what is happening, and then they must face the life and health risks of substance abuse. Some Opioids and Benzos, for example, can create an addiction after just two weeks of regular use. This can even happen to people who follow the instructions of a doctor carefully. People who acquire Prescription Drugs through other means believe, inaccurately, that Prescription Drugs are safer to use than illegal drugs and find themselves addicted. Abuse or long-term use of many of these drugs can cause sever health problems and even death in some cases. Depending on the type of drug, the dangers and specific health consequences vary. Many of these drugs, when abused or after long-term use, can cause heart failure, seizures, psychosis, liver failure and kidney failure.
It is possible to overdose on most Prescription Drugs, which can result in severe brain damage, spinal cord damage as well as death. The less severe risks of drug abuse are still life-changing and scary, some of which may be permanent, such as severe nervous system damage that results in numbness and painful sensations in the extremities. Someone could also develop personality disorders, chronic depression or anxiety, memory problems and more; the list just goes on.
When a someone develops an addiction to Prescription Drugs, they also tend to develop a tolerance to the drug. This means that he or she will need to take more than before to achieve the same effects. Quickly, a physical dependence to the substance is formed in the body as well as a psychological dependence or addiction. Due to these dependences, a person will experience withdrawal symptoms between doses or when the individual ceases to take the drug. These symptoms can be extremely painful, and sometimes life-threatening.
For many Prescription Drugs, the withdrawal symptoms consist of shaking, sweating, fever, aches in muscles and joints, headache, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Withdrawal from some Prescription Drugs may cause delusional or suicidal thoughts and behavior, hallucinations, depression, anxiety and many more conditions.
If you or a loved one may be addicted to any substance, or experiencing any of these symptoms between doses of any drug, you should seek professional help. There are many resources available to individuals who are suffering from addiction that help ensure a full and sustainable recovery.
- Why Should I Go to Group Therapy for Painkillers Treatment?
Group therapy will show you that you are not alone in fighting Painkillers addiction. - Is Group Therapy for Painkillers Addiction Helpful?
Group therapy with will not only help you learn how to express your feelings on Painkillers addiction, but it will also help you form lasting and healthy friendships.
Short-Term Painkiller Effects
Short-term abuse of prescription Painkillers results in many potential side effects including: clouded thinking, lethargy, drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, mood changes and swings, anxiety, depression, inability to urinate, constipation, decreased heart rate, euphoria, nausea, vomiting, lack of interest, headache, dry mouth, sweating and flushing.
Use of prescription painkillers for any amount of time can lead to tolerance, dependence and addiction. Many who are abusing Painkillers don’t realize the symptoms that are experienced are a side effect from the medication. Despite this though, people continue to take Painkillers to achieve a euphoric high, which tends to block out the negative side effects that you can end up experiencing. This is why many claim that it does nothing: the euphoric high that is experienced numbs everything out. Continuous use is expected due to the experience any sort of short-term side effects becoming null during the high, which can cause a you to build up a tolerance, which can then cause one to user more and more, until, eventually, an addiction is formed.
An addiction takes hold because the person abusing Painkillers, without realizing, soon needs the Painkillers to function on a basic and normal level. Without treatment, it is almost impossible to break an addiction, because the one abusing Painkillers doesn’t know how to live without them. Treatment will teach them how to live life and conquer life without the use of drugs and alcohol to make them feel okay.
Long-Term Painkiller Effects
Long-term prescription painkillers abuse can lead to devastating injury and death. Mild symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, digestive tract issues and all symptoms associated with short-term effects. More severe symptoms include muscle spasms, increased risk of heart attack, permanent damage to the brain and internal organs, tolerance, dependence and addiction. Progressed addiction where the person uses intravenously causes an increased risk of sudden death, contracting deadly diseases, and blood born infections.
When using Painkillers intravenously, the chances of contracting HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C are high. Most don’t even realize they have contracted a disease, and end up spreading it to multiple people, and if not taken care of in a timely manner, your health is going to deteriorate and your chances of death go up in thousands. Another long-term effect isn’t physical, but harmful to your relationships with your loved ones. When you are abusing Painkillers, you are not just risking your life, but are damaging your loved one’s life as well. Your loved ones are more than likely losing sleep every night wondering if you are where you are and if you are going to suffer from an overdose.
To prevent death from diseases and overdoses, get the treatment you deserve. You will want to begin your treatment with a medically assisted detox, because Painkiller withdrawal is painful. Once detox is over, you will be able to truly focus on who you want to become in your new life of recovery.
- Why Should I Attend Family Therapy?
You will build a stronger bond with your family and repair any damage caused from Painkillers addiction. - What Will Family Therapy Help?
When you abuse Painkillers, you may have caused your family great harm. Going to therapy can help your family see you are changing and they will give you their full support.
True Stories of Addiction: Addicted to Prescription Drugs
Your loved one feels isolated and alone in their fight against their addiction. Give them the backup that they need. Holding an intervention for a loved one not only brings their problem to the surface, but shows them that people still care about them. They might be in denial with other people, but most people who have a substance abuse problem are not in denial with themselves. Deep down inside, they know they need help. If you show them that they have support if they decide to get that help, they will be more willing to go to rehab. Let them know that you are not giving up on them.
Seeking help for a loved one.
- Will Inpatient Treatment Help my Painkillers Addiction?
Inpatient treatment is one of the most effective ways to recover from Painkillers addiction. - How Long is Painkillers Inpatient Treatment?
The length of your stay in an inpatient program depends on your Painkillers addiction and the program you choose to go to.
Inpatient Painkiller Rehab
If you have come to terms with your Painkiller addiction and have realized you have a problem, it is time for you to get the treatment you deserve. There are thousands of treatment programs you can go through, but the most effective is inpatient rehab. Inpatient rehab is where you will stay in a facility or house with other people trying to recover from addiction for a few months at a time. You will not go home for the duration of your stay, but you will be allowed visitors after you have proven you are willing to do what it takes to recover.
You will begin your inpatient stay with a period of medically assisted detox. Painkillers come with horrible withdrawal symptoms, and it would be difficult to focus on recovering while in pain. You will be provided with medication in detox will relieve the symptoms and allow you to really focus on bettering yourself. After you have gone through detox, you will move on to what real recover is about. You will go through a multitude of therapies that will help you recover because they will touch all aspects of your life. Some of the therapies you will go through are family therapy, group therapy, individual therapy and equine therapy.
There is a variety of therapies your rehab may offer, but those are just a few of the most common. Make sure you are honest while going through therapy so the process can really help you recover. It is your time to let out all emotions that have been holding you back so you can truly recover from your Painkiller addiction. – Learn More
Outpatient Painkiller Rehab
If you have completed your inpatient rehab and are looking for more therapy and support, then outpatient is right for you. In outpatient rehab, you will be traveling to a facility a few times a week for therapy with the same therapist you had while in the inpatient program.
Going through outpatient rehab after inpatient is only going to help you grow stronger in your recovery. There are, however, people who go through outpatient rehab as their choice of treatment. Outpatient is most effective when you have gone through inpatient first, but it can can be successful if you are willing to do what it takes to recover, and are consistent and diligent in your practices. If you choose outpatient as your rehab, you will need to set time before classes start to go through a medically assisted detox, as outpatient rehab does not offer detox. It will be hard for you to travel to a facility a few times a week if you are throwing up from the Painkiller withdrawals so be sure you get a good medical detox in before you begin the rehab treatment.
If you are doing only outpatient, it is a great idea to pair your rehab up with the 12-step program. There are 12-step meeting at every time in the day so there is no excuse on why you couldn’t go. This is only going to help you progress in a positive way in your new life of recovery. Working both outpatient rehab and a 12-step program has proven to be a very effective method of recovery. If you are willing to work for your recovery, you are going to be just fine. – Learn More
- Will Outpatient Help my Painkillers Addiction?
Yes. Outpatient will help your Painkillers addiction, but works best if you attend inpatient rehab first. - When Should I go to Outpatient Rehab?
When you are ready to recover from your Painkillers addiction, you should go to inpatient treatment and follow it up with outpatient rehab.
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