Opana Addiction and Rehabilitation

Opana Addiction Rehab Header
Last Edited: November 12, 2020
Patricia Howard, LMFT, CADC
Clinically Reviewed
Jim Brown, CDCA
All of the information on this page has been reviewed and certified by an addiction professional.

Dangers of Opana Abuse

Opana is a painkiller with similarities to Hydrocodone, Morphine, Oxycodone, and Methadone. It is prescribed for mild to severe pain management. Opana is twice as strong as OxyContin and six to eight times stronger than Morphine, making this painkiller extremely addictive both physically and psychologically. Because a doctor must prescribe this pain medication, there are strict instructions regarding the quantity and frequency of the drug. Often, doctors suggest taking one everyday Prescription painkillers hold an evil that can destroy anyone’s life. People who use prescription painkillers should do so under proper medical authorization. Because it is so easy to feel good on painkillers, people tend to keep using pills even after their pain is relieved. This creates a higher tolerance level in the user’s body. Meaning, he or she will have to start upping their dosage which can be dangerous. Before they realize, they have developed a chemical dependency to Opana. Once that happens their addiction overshadows everything in their life.

Click Here for a confidential benefits check to see if your insurance will cover the cost of treatment or call (866) 578-7471 to speak to a addiction specialist.

Street Names for Opana

Opana-like painkillers can be illegally purchased through street dealers. Some other known street names for Opana are: Mrs. O, O Bomb, Blue Heaven, Blues.

Opana Effects

Opana’s euphoric feelings are short lived compared to other Opiates in the same family. This encourages abuse, chances of overdose, and liver and kidney damage. If combined with Alcohol, the effects can be much stronger, destroying the liver and kidneys with the risk of organ failure. When initially taken, Opana has a sort lived euphoric effect on the brain and body as the connection to pain receptors are disrupted. This drug sedates the body and muscles causing a feeling of calm or sense of well-being. The user becomes very lethargic and incapable of social interaction as this drug effects cognitive abilities and rational thought. Within the first week of Opana abuse, family and friends are able to notice personality changes.

Warning Signs of Opana Abuse in a Loved One

Opana is an extremely addictive substance. Most people do not realize that prescription painkillers can serve as a gateway into Heroin addiction. When people lose access to their prescription drugs, like Opana, most turn to Heroin to get the same effects and feelings. Try to point out the signs of Opana addiction in your loved one before he or she turns to a more hardcore substance. As long as your loved one is still alive, you have a chance to safe them. Help him or her find recovery. Most people who are addicted to Opana might start their day with plans to not use, but end up using. This may be because their body has developed a dependency to Opana. It can be difficult for someone to stop using prescription drugs when they want to. Those who suffer from an addiction to Opana might not be able to relax unless they intake a large dosage. This is a common sign of addiction, when someone is unable to feel normal without using their favorite substance. It can be seen in any kind of addiction. The most notable sign that your loved one has a drug addiction issue is that if he or she is blowing off responsibilities to get high. If someone you know is ditching daily obligations, then there is a chance he or she has developed a chemical dependency.

Factual Dangers: Opana

According to an FDA report, Opana contains propoxyphene, which can cause serious side-effects. Overdose from Opana can happen by itself, or with Alcohol or other medicines. It can decrease a person’s breathing and make them very sleepy. The FDA reports that a Opana overdose can be fatal within an hour after using it. These interactive videos are to help you get a better understanding of the dangers associated with Opana abuse.

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200 US-2 58301Devils Lake ND
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5140 Dunstan Rd 27405Greensboro NC
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7000 Spring Mountain Road, Las Vegas, NV 89117, United States 89117
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A Better Today Recovery Services - Scottsdale, AZ
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3801 West 63rd Street, Chicago, IL, United States 60629
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Cummins Behavioral Health Systems
940 Lasley Drive, Lebanon, IN, United States 46025
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Olalla Recovery Centers
12850 Lala Cove Ln SE 98359Olalla WA

The total number of prescriptions written for oxymorphone in 2007 was 268,000. That number jumped to 1.2 million in 2012. Opana was involved in 4,599 emergency room visits in 2010. By 2011, the number of visits climbed to 12,122, meaning there were 2.6 more times people seeking emergency care due to Opana just one year later. In 2015, roughly 5% of high school seniors reported using opioid painkillers such as Opana for nonmedical reasons.

True Stories of Addiction: Justin’s Road to Recovery

Justin’s life took a turn for the worst when he tried Opana. Listen to his story to figure out how he recovered. – View all episodes now

Opana Rehab Treatment

Rehabs are legally obligated to keep your information confidential, it’s no one’s business but yours and your doctor that you are getting treatment. It’s your choice to get into treatment and it is your choice if anyone knows you’re there. Privacy is very important for a lot of people. There’s still a wide degree of stigma about addiction in our culture. Allowing people the privacy to complete their treatment in peace provides them with the peace of mind that they can be who they want and heal. Therapy is tough and people need to do it in the freedom of their own time. Rehab is not a 30-day cure for an Opana substance abuse disorder. People who usually have drug problem abuse substances do so because of situations that have happened in their life. No one starts abusing Opana or other substances because they want to become an addict. Most people start using drugs or alcohol because it makes them feel good, for a few hours they can get over that situation that subconsciously urged them to use. When people use drugs or alcohol for that reason, their brain is tricked into thinking that it has to consume those substances in order to operate. In rehab, people can get to the bottom of those subconscious reasons that urge the substance abuse. Then they can work through those issues consciously so that taking to harmful substances does not have to be the answer. – Learn More

Opana Detox Treatment

The most effective way to detox is in a medical setting. While detoxing from Opana, you will go through withdrawal symptoms, these symptoms while extremely uncomfortable and painful they aren’t deadly. With the increase in opiate recovery patients, professionals have discovered that medication like Methadone, Suboxone, and Subutex are extremely effective for Opiate withdrawals such as Heroin, Demerol and Opana. Administering medication is best done in a regulated and monitored setting to ensure recovery as these drugs reduce the cravings for Opiates and make withdrawals from more manageable. Within 48 hours of the drug being absent from the body, the user will feel flu like symptoms that make the joints, muscles, and bones ache. Anxiety, panic and aggression are often experienced and the person who is abusing will go to great lengths to alleviate the withdrawals. Body tremors and hallucinations can occur if the person has been addicted to Opana for a long period of time. Detox can be miserable, if you try to sober up cold turkey. It can also be dangerous. If you or a loved one is ready to take on the detox process to prepare for rehab, then call us now. We assist people in finding an appropriate detox center. Not every detox facility specializes in Opana detox we can help you find one that does. You want to make sure you are getting the best inpatient detox care possible. – Learn More

Addiction to Opana

For people who struggle with Opana addiction, it may seem like there are not a lot of answers out there. They may feel trapped in the cycles of abuse and addiction. The good news is that there is treatment available to help people. In treatment, the clients will learn the various skills to overcome their addiction daily. Drug addiction is difficult, but there are ways to fight the good fight daily. Going through rehabilitation does not heal you of your disease, rather it provides you with the resources to keep fighting it. An addiction can drag anyone down to the lowest of lows. Many people who have substance abuse disorders live in denial, claiming they can stop whenever it deems necessary. But most of those people find out that is not the case, sometimes when it is too late. Trying to lay off drugs and alcohol via cold turkey is hard, and usually does not work. The only efficient way to make a comeback from an Opana addiction is to complete an inpatient rehab program. The other two choices you have for ending an addiction are death or prison. Fighting back against an addiction can be hard. But it is possible to get back to living a happy, healthy and substance-free lifestyle again. If you or a loved one is seeking help for an Opana addiction, please call now to speak with an addiction specialists who can help you enroll into a treatment program. – Learn More

Opana Dependency

Developing a dependency to a substance is not always easy to realize. Many people who abuse Opana, or other highly addictive substances, think stopping on their own is always an option. But once a chemical dependency remaps the addicted persons brain, stopping whenever he or she feels like it, will no longer be an option. In most cases, people who have a dependency to Opana run the risk of overdosing. Overdosing from Opana is extremely dangerous and in fact it could prove fatal. Some of the symptoms of Opana overdose include: difficulty breathing, cold or clammy skin, coma, chest pain, low blood pressure or cardiac arrest. Overdose is even more likely when the person tries to crush up the pill as opposed to just swallowing it. The amount it takes to overdose varies depending on the person. The longer a person used the closer he or she is, it isn’t something that should be messed with. When a chemical dependency sets in to one’s mind, he or she may feel they are past the point of help. But that is not true. As long as you are still breathing, you have a chance to make a comeback. If you or a loved one are ready to tackle the recovery process and fight back against an addiction then call us now. Our addiction specialists answer calls all day to assist people in finding the substance abuse treatment they need to continue living. – Learn More Seeking help for a loved one.

  • Who Do I Include in a Opana Intervention? It is best to include an intervention specialist and those closest the Opana addicted individual. It is best to leave out anyone who may not be able to control their anger.
  • What Do I Say in A Opana Intervention? You will speak directly to your loved one, only speaking in love and concern while leaving out judgment or anger. Let him or her know the negative impact their Opana addiction causes you.

Intervention for Opana Abuse

You may need an intervention if you have noticed an intense anxiety when your supply of Opana is running low. This drug is very easy to abuse, highly addictive and the withdrawals are worse than that of Demerol or Heroin. Abusing Opana can cause changes in behavior including increased aggression, manic depression, and heart racing anxiety. This makes an intervention more difficult and having a professional to help convey love and concern can be arranged. An intervention should be rooted in love and non-judgement. If it is not, it has the potential to drive the loved one deeper into the addiction. In most interventions don’t work if the loved one becomes defensive. Claiming he or she does not have a problem or he or she claims that everyone has gathered just to gang up on him or her. When planning the intervention, ask everyone who plans on attending to come prepared with a statement to read to your loved one. These statements have to include a specific example of how they have witnessed your loved one’s life become unmanageable because of Opana abuse. An intervention might be the only way to get your loved one to consider getting professional help for a substance abuse problem. Try to pull him or her out of denial so that they are willing to make life-changing decisions. Do not let a failed intervention keep you from trying again. Your loved one may need multiple wakeup calls before he or she finally answers. Your loved one might even be waiting for someone to call them out on the problem. – Learn More

Recovery from Opana Abuse

Aftercare is a vital component of recovery. Some people think that just because they have finished treatment, they have finished all the work. That is just not true. Some people argue that the real work begins after the initial treatment period ends. Aftercare consists of support groups, booster sessions, counseling, or follow-up meetings. Aftercare helps people because a lot of clients who leave treatment have an overly exaggerated sense of self-reliance. That self-reliance can be their downfall as they don’t think they need help from others. The life of recovery is bound to seeking out help from others. One of the most prominent aftercare options is 12-step groups. In these groups, members are encouraged to attend regularly for the rest of their lives. Some people fresh out of recovery are encouraged to attend 90 meetings in 90 days. In 12-step groups, people are offered a support system full of sponsors and peers to depend on in times of need and times of joy. Recovery is not just a 30 or 60-day program like detox and rehab. Choosing to seek recovery is a life-long decision that requires just as much time and effort as rehab plans do. Rehab does not cure an Opana addiction. But through rehab, anyone can learn how to deny temptations to use drugs or Alcohol. No one is ever in too deep to the point where he or she is past the point of help. Rehab and recovery programs can help anyone get life back on track. If you are ready to fight your addiction, now is the time to call us for assistance.

  • How Do I Recover from Opana Addiction? The first step in recovery from your Opana addiction is admitting you have a problem. Once you have done that, reach out for help and seek detoxification and treatment center.
  • Will I Ever Relapse on Opana? Opana relapse is always possible. As long as you learn from it and move on in a positive direction you should be fine and able to have a strong and lasting recovery in the future.

How Traveling for Rehab can be the Answer

Sometimes the city you live in doesn’t have the best services to provide you with care for your addiction. If you are willing to travel, it provides you with access to thousands of centers around the country. Some centers specialize in helping people with Opana addiction specifically. When you travel for treatment, it also allows you to put a physical distance between yourself and your addiction. That physical addiction can mark a new beginning and help the person want to start over again. Another component of traveling for treatment is privacy, traveling for treatment can provide anonymity. Rehab is all about change. There is no better way to set the tone for change, than to change your surroundings. Completing rehab in a different area code can help you stay clear of the triggers which urge your Opana dependency in the first place. It can be hard for someone who has a substance abuse problem to realize that there are options to recover. But if that person leaves their current situation, he or she may have an easier time realizing change can happen for the better. If you would like to get more information about detox and rehab facilities in different areas spread throughout the country, then call us now. We have addiction specialists who can assist you in gathering the information you need from rehab centers in different states and cities so that you can make a concise decision on which center to attend. You do not have to keep letting your addiction beat you down day after day.

Opana Use, Abuse, and Dependency

Opana, the brand name of the generic drug called Oxymorphone, is a highly addictive drug that is prescribed as a pain killer. It is an Opioid like Morphine, Methadone, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, and Heroin. Opioids bind to receptors in the brain to produce their effects. While Opana is used as a pain killer, medically, it also has effects of euphoria and sedation. Because of this, it is commonly used and abused recreationally. Often, a doctor will prescribe Opana on an as needed basis, or as a treatment for breakthrough pain, which is most appropriate. Sometimes doctors prescribe it for once a day use, which easily leads people into an addiction to the drug. It is twice as strong as Oxycontin and six to eight times stronger than Morphine. In addition to its strength, its effects are short lasting, which encourages users to take it more frequently. This makes a user much more likely to become addicted and increases chances of organ damage, mainly of the kidneys and liver. Opana inhibits cognitive ability and rational thought, which can lead to poor and sometimes dangerous decision making. Another affect one can experience on this drug is difficulty speaking and a struggle to interact with others, especially with higher doses. Opana is a respiratory depressant, which can cause shallow breathing or slower breathing, and sometimes ceased breathing altogether. The body builds a tolerance to this drug quickly, which is exacerbated by the excessive use that often happens because of how short lived the effects are. When this happens, users of the drug will need to take higher doses to achieve the same effects. The feelings of euphoria or being high associated with Opana are those of bliss and relaxation. This drug makes its user feel a sense of calm and well-being, as if everything in the world is just fine and no harm can touch them. Eventually, these euphoric feelings will fade with continued use, but the dependency will continue along with the withdrawal side effects between doses. Around 17,000 deaths every year are related to the abuse of Opiates like Opana. Overdosing on Opana is incredibly dangerous and could easily be fatal, resulting in coma and cardiac arrest. Other symptoms of Opana overdose are difficulty breathing, chest pain, cold or clammy skin, or low blood pressure. If you or someone you know is ever experiencing these symptoms while on this or any drug, you should immediately seek emergency services. Withdrawal from Opana can be extremely painful and difficult to get through, although not fatal, which is why detox is best to do in a medical facility where professionals can help ease the discomfort. The symptoms of withdrawal for this particular Opioid are even worse than those for Demerol or Heroin. They can include the flu-like symptoms of stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, sweats, fever, along with very painful aching in muscles, joints, and bones. Someone can also experience difficulty sleeping, depression, anxiety and panic, or even aggression. Other symptoms of withdrawal are body tremors, hallucinations, and states of psychosis. These last few are particularly likely after long-term addiction to this drug. After only two weeks of use, someone can experience withdrawal and long-term effects of Opana. If you are concerned about substance abuse, some signs of Opana addiction that you can look out for are as follows. Someone addicted to this drug will need to start taking higher doses of it to achieve the same effects, due to a developed tolerance. They may run out of medication earlier than when the prescription is supposed to last until or before they have a prescription refill. If they become nervous when they are down to the last few pills, they might be addicted. Irritability, anxiety, aches, and extreme cravings for the drug between doses are also signifiers that someone is addicted. Typically, people who are addicted to substances withdraw and isolate themselves from their friends and family. They might run out of money and start to build a lot of debt to continue their habit. They may have hard time concentrating or making sense in conversation and could experience difficulties at work or school. They may nod off or seem extremely fatigued and out of it. If you suspect that you or a loved one is abusing Opana, or any other drug, you should seek professional help. People who experience addiction usually need a lot of help, guidance, and support to fully recover. Because the reward centers of the brain have adapted to extremely unhealthy patterns, their senses of reasoning, empathy, and priority are not aligned with those of a healthy person. compassionate in your approach to help them. There are many resources available to people who are suffering from addiction, such as detox, in-patient services, out-patient services, sober living facilities, behavioral therapy, twelve step programs, meetings, sponsors, and more.

Looking at the Effects of Opana Abuse

Opana will have a different effect on everyone, depending on dosage and length of time consumed. The most common short-term effects for Opana abuse are: feelings of euphoria, impaired cognitive abilities, decrease in motivation, sedation and difficulty speaking. Some of these may be vague, but these are the most experienced effects of the addictive painkiller. If used for a short period of time, with proper medical authorization, then effects should be mild and go away when dosage is lowered or stopped. The long-term effects of Opana can be noticed within 2 weeks of substance abuse as the user now focuses on obtaining the drug to prevent withdrawals and maintain the feeling of just alright. The euphoric feeling is no longer felt and the body needs the drug to function on a normal day to day routine. The focus has shifted from pain management to obtaining the drug disregarding values and morals as the person who is addicted begins to feel anxiety if an ample supply is not in the his or her possession. Opana abuse will take a toll on the body causing diarrhea, vertigo, impaired sex drive, difficulty breathing, and numbness of extremities, severe depression, heart palpitations, intense cravings, and manic psychosis. Short or long-term abuse of any prescription drug can be dangerous. People often take to prescription drugs because they feel that it is safer than buying and using Cocaine, Meth or Heroin. But the truth is, prescription drugs such as Opana can be just as dangerous if not used correctly.

Take Away Your Addiction’s Ally, Isolation

One of the most important dimensions of is group therapy. Group therapy is so effective for two main reasons: it connects people to others and helps them learn coping mechanisms for the real world. Connection is a major reason why people get better when they have an addiction. Clients might feel like they lack connection with others and that may lead them to isolate themselves and do drugs. In treatment, through group therapy, the clients will learn how to positively interact with others and establish connections in ways that aren’t defined by manipulation and abuse. In the group therapy sessions, clients will also learn various coping mechanisms to deal with life outside of the facility. When they go out into the real world, it will prove difficult. Having the right coping mechanisms in place can help make the temptations less insurmountable. Family therapy is where people in recovery address substance abuse along with any co-occurring problems that relate to the family such as child mistreatment, depression, family conflict or unemployment. The therapy sessions often don’t need to involve the whole family. It can involve just one significant other such as a partner or a parent. Therapists will try to encourage new behavioral goals for preventing substance use. A lot of times, the family needs to present itself as a safety valve for the client coming out of treatment. In order for it to act as that, significant healing needs to take place. In these therapy sessions, that healing can happen.

  • Will Group Therapy Help My Opana Addiction? Yes. Group therapy will show you that you are not fighting your Opana addiction alone.
  • What Do I Do in Opana Group Therapy? In group therapy, you will talk about your Opana addiction and relate with others’ battle with their addiction.

True Stories of Addiction: Breana’s Story of Recovery

Breana’s life went downhill when she watched her mother pass away at 13 years old. She began experimenting with drugs, and it ended up taking everything from her. She was homeless, afraid and alone wondering what her life has become. She ended up getting pregnant and got on a Opana program that didn’t help her recover, but rather, it made things worse. Her child was taken by CPS and she was heartbroken. It took some time, but Breana fought the battle of addiction and won. She is now living a clean and sober life with her daughter right by her side. If Breana can recover, you can too. Seeking help for a loved one.

  • Why Should I go to Inpatient Treatment for My Opana Addiction? You should go to inpatient treatment to save your life from Opana addiction. You will learn a new, healthier way of life while in inpatient rehabilitation.
  • Why Should I Attend Inpatient Rehab? You should attend inpatient rehab for your Opana addiction so you can learn how to live your life in a positive way without the use of drugs.

Inpatient vs Outpatient

Inpatient facilities are where patience stay in a facility for a period of time, typically for 30, 60 or 90 days undergoing close observation of the detox process to prevent organ failure and self-inflicted harm from the intensity of the withdrawals. Professionals provide detox, group counseling, one on one therapy, family support meetings and aftercare support are provided at the rehab. Removing the user from the environment that created the addiction is highly recommended and provides the attention and support the user needs for full recovery. Inpatient rehab is usually recommended for those with a harsh addiction to Opana. An outpatient program is where the clients travel to a clinic several times a week to take part in treatment sessions and then leave, rather than living at a facility. This allows the patient to carry on a normal life. The problem is the user is still exposed to the environment that contributed to their addiction to begin with. Since this opiate is extremely additive due to the strength of the medication medical-assisted treatment is highly recommended to help with the discomfort of the withdrawals. Because of the nature of substances used to manage Opana withdrawal, the drugs are highly regulated, physicians are less likely to give outpatient prescriptions as the reaction to the chemical treatment is best done in a monitored setting to ensure negative reactions are dealt with haste. While this form of treatment isn’t for everyone it is often successful and has done wonders for thousands of people in your situation.

How Do I Find the Right Program for Me?

Call us. Detox to Rehab understands that it can be scary, stressful and upsetting to admit that you need help for a substance abuse disorder. But it is the right thing to do. When someone is battling an addiction with Opana their only options dwindle down to being rehab, prison or death. Make the logical choice of rehab. When you call, you can speak with someone who has been where you are. Our addiction specialists understand, they don’t judge, because they have taken on the recovery process themselves. They will know what has to happened and what steps you should take to get started. Our representative who takes your call will first listen to what you are going through. Then he or she will take down your health insurance information. Most insurance companies offer coverage through their plans for substance abuse treatment. You should still call if you do not have health insurance, we will still help you by going over your options. We will then run your insurance information to see how much coverage you are eligible for. Then we can help you gather information on rehab centers you might want to consider. Our addiction specialist then will go over the pros and cons of each facility. Everyone suffers from addiction for different reasons, so it will be important to choose a rehab program that is individualized. Working through a personalized rehab plan that is tailored to your need might be the only way to cope with an Opana addiction. As long as you are still breathing, rehab is an option. Millions of people have felt hopeless and helpless before they entered recovery. Comebacks are possible through rehab.