Dangers of Morphine Abuse
Morphine is a prescription Painkiller and it is one of the strongest Opiates on the market today. Morphine is an Opiate Painkiller and does not contain any co-ingredient, such as Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen, as do most prescription Painkillers. Morphine is classified as a schedule II drug with in the United States.
Morphine among all other schedule II substances in the U.S. require a prescription to obtain the drug. Morphine is often used to treat severe pain in a hospital setting, for people who have chronic illness and for people with pain and an intolerance to acetaminophen or ibuprofen due to organ damage. Morphine is highly addictive when not used properly and can be fatal.
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The majority of people who are addicted to Morphine started taking it for legitimate medical reasons and ended up developing an addiction to it. This is resulting from its highly addictive properties, even when Morphine is taken at the prescribed dose, addiction can take hold in a short period of time. If you or someone you know is using Morphine, it’s important to only use it in the prescribed way and keep an eye open to the possibility of dependence or addiction.
Morphine is available in several forms, such as in a syrup, injection, tablet or suppository.
Street Names for Morphine
It is not uncommon for people who abuse Morphine to create street names, The nature of street names is discreet. There are many different street names used when referring to Morphine, some of the name include: Duramorph, Monkey, Salt & Sugar, Miss or Aunt Emma, Mister blue, Morpho, Dreamer.
Morphine Effects
The effects produced and resulting from Morphine are many. In a short-term sense, Morphine creates feelings and sensations of euphoria, relaxation and a lessened focus on pain for individual using or even abusing the drug. Morphine use and abuse is known to result in various side effects that range from mild to severe and even sometimes fatal. A few of the most common effects caused by Morphine include: perception of relieved pain, drowsiness, confusion, nausea, slowed breathing and constipation. In women who are currently pregnant or become pregnant, Morphine use or abuse may result in Miscarriage, low birth weight and neonatal abstinence syndrome. Those who abuse Morphine intravenously, are at an increased by of contracting an infectious disease from sharing needed with others.
Warning signs of Morphine abuse in a loved one
When Morphine abuse is present in you or your loved one’s life, there are a few warning signs to look out for. A person who has become physically addicted to Morphine will display withdrawal symptoms. A general defensiveness about use of the drug is often seen in people who have developed an addiction. Individuals are known to conceal the amount taken or the frequency he or she is using, in addition to a strong belief behind why the person feels the drug is necessary.
One of the biggest signs that a loved one may be having a problem with Morphine abuse is an increased tolerance to prescription Morphine. Him or her will increase the amount used in aim to overcome the developed tolerance. If these signs are a concern in your life, reach out for help with addiction.
Is your loved one prescribed Painkillers like Morphine? If so has she or he started to display signs of emotional or even physical dependence to the drug? Has there been an abrupt change in behaviors, such as secretiveness? If either of the signs sound familiar to you, your loved one is abusing Morphine.
Has your loved one began engaging in unusual behaviors and acting in ways such as, severe moodiness, fluctuating and unstable changes in personality or a lack of enjoyment in normal activities and hobbies? If any of these signs resonate with you, your loved one could be abusing Morphine.
Factual Dangers: Morphine
Addiction to prescription Opioids such as Morphine is caused by regular use for medication purposes and from abuse of the drug. Addiction is chronic and resonates in a person’s brain. Abuse of Opioids like Morphine have increasingly impacted the society and communities in a negative way. At this point, becoming knowledgeable on the nature and consequences of Morphine abuse may be only beneficial to you and or your loved ones.
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Morphine Rehab Treatment
A Morphine addiction is overall life threatening and if you or someone you love is living with the disease, help should be sought out as soon as possible. Morphine addiction will typically continue to get worse as a tolerance builds and more is needed to get the same effect or pain relief.
An addiction to Morphine usually points to another underlying issue that needs to be addressed for the person to recover. Painkillers like Morphine also dulls emotional and psychological pain, which is why so many people get addicted to these types of substances. Experts in an addiction treatment center can help the person identify these issues and overcome them, allowing for successful and long-term recovery. As Morphine abuse comes with serious withdrawal symptoms once a person’s stops use of the drug, short-term rehabs should be a minimum of 30 days. This is because Morphine is a heavy substance that is not a piece of cake to get off. Rehab for Morphine abuse is important as addiction is a life or death matter.
Over half of accidental drug deaths in the United States are caused by Heroin and Morphine.
Morphine abuse rehabs aim to help individuals receive effective treatment to achieve recovery. Rehabilitation centers often attend to an individual every medical need during the initial stage of treatment, then assist clients to move into a therapeutic portion to promote healing, health and wellness. – Learn More
Morphine Detox Treatment
When an addiction to Morphine occurs, medically managed detoxed is highly recommended to help manage the detox. Detoxing off Morphine can be extremely unpleasant and dangerous. Because of the level of discomfort caused by these withdrawal symptoms, many people have difficultly completing the detox without relapsing and using something to alleviate the discomfort.
The medical professionals at a detox center can help by prescribing medication that will alleviate suffering and ensure a successful and safe detox. Specialist will monitor you 24-hours a day, ensuring your safety and allowing you to relax. Anyone who has developed an addiction to Morphine should also consider following their stay in detox with inpatient rehab.
Withdrawal from Morphine depending on the amount used or abused is often uncomfortable. The body alters its neurochemicals in response to the drug. When the drug is removed it causes the brain and body to acclimate to the drug’s absence, resulting in withdrawal symptoms. Some of the of withdrawal symptoms are runny nose, tearing eyes, restlessness, backache, muscle aches, dilated pupils, trouble sleeping, irritability, high blood pressure, stomach cramps, vomiting, rapid heart rate and diarrhea. These symptoms represent the importance of getting a medically assisted detox. – Learn More
Addiction to Morphine
There are many risk factors that accompany abuse of Morphine. Developing an addiction to Morphine is a serious issue for many throughout the world. Taking Morphine for a substantial amount of time will cause a person to become physically dependent. Although physical dependence is not addiction, it is often the corner stone to becoming afflicted with addiction.
In recent years, Opiate addiction has taken over headlines in the United States. Addiction to Prescription Painkillers like Morphine is one of the greatest threats affecting Americans and society today. According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, accidental drug overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in the U.S. today, totaling over 47,000 deaths in 2014 alone. Opiate addiction is growing rapidly due to the doctors over prescribing prescription Painkillers.
People become addicted to drugs like Morphine, often with devastating consequences. For many, drugs like Morphine are the beginning of a life of obsession over using and getting more of the drug. Others move on to illicit drugs like Heroin when the supplies of legal narcotics run out. Far too many people start out on legal Painkillers for pain management and quickly watch their lives spin out of control. There is hope and help is available if you or someone you love is suffering from Opiate addiction. – Learn More
Morphine Dependency
Individuals who take Morphine for a stretch of time and on a regular basis, will become physically dependent on the drug. When a person becomes dependent on Morphine, like other substances, a tolerance is built. Once a tolerance to Morphine is formed it gradually increases over time, requiring a person to use more of the drug to achieve the same level of effectiveness.
Developing a tolerance is ultimately the hallmark for addiction. Although it’s possible to build a tolerance to Morphine without becoming addicted, this occurrence is not common. Should an individual only become dependent on Morphine, he or she will still need treatment for Morphine use or abuse to undergo a safe detoxification to rid the drug of the physiological system.
Morphine dependency is caused by the brain circuit system being altered by the way the drug interacts in the body and disrupts a person’s natural physical chemistry. Regarding the length of time withdrawal symptoms last, each person is different and this will depend on a variety of different factors, including but not limited to, the length of time Morphine was used, the amount taken, genetics and even a person’s physical characteristics. After taking care of the physical portion of dependency, if psychological dependence is not an issue, an individual will be completing with the treatment aspect after he or she is stabilized physically. – Learn More
Seeking help for a loved one.
- How Do Morphine Interventions Work?
A close group of family and friends will have a pre-written letter that expresses love and concern for their loved ones Morphine addiction which will hopefully push him or her to accept the help that is offered. - Will an Intervention Save My Morphine Addicted Loved One from Abuse?
It will certainly help him or her, even if he or she does not accept Morphine treatment. If your loved one does not accept Morphine treatment, he or she will know it is there for him or her in the future.
Intervention for Morphine Abuse
No one wants to see a friend or family member suffer from addiction. It is a disease that has an impact on everyone around it. You don’t have to just sit there and watch someone you care about struggle. An intervention can be a good way to help him or her see that help is needed. An intervention in its simplest form is a conversation between two or more people, discussing concerns. The goal is to confront the person in a loving and non-judgmental way about his or her using and encourage immediate treatment.
The average age of an abuser is 21 years old.
The most important part is to make sure you come from a place of love and concern. Contacting a professional interventionist can make a huge difference in the way your concerns are received. The professional can help you prepare for the intervention, plan how best to get your message across, and will provide a calming influence on the day of the event. Staying in the same area for treatment where you used Morphine is not always the best idea. Familiar people and places can prove difficult triggers to overcome, especially in early sobriety. These familiar surroundings and situations can make relapse and leaving treatment a greater possibility.
Additionally, old using buddies or other negative influences may attempt to entice you away from treatment. Just because you have taken a huge step forward, does not mean that everyone else has. To ensure your best chance at successful, long-term recovery, find a treatment center located away from such potentially negative influences. Traveling for treatment is a great way to break away from your old way of life and start fresh. By finding a treatment center away from home, you are giving yourself a chance to focus on yourself and what you need to recover. – Learn More
Recovery from Morphine Abuse
Morphine addiction devastates many lives and for far too many, brings a fatal end. One of the best ways to combat the disease of addiction is to get substance specific treatment in drug rehab. In addition to getting all-inclusive care, including medically supervised detox, therapeutic treatment and services, support groups are encouraged. Attending local 12-step meetings whether you believe it is needed or not has proved to be a helpful aid in a lasting recovery.
Many 12-step meetings are part of treatment regimens and encouraged in a rehabilitation setting. Wen an individual completes treatment through rehab he or she is often pointed in the direction of aftercare resources, such as, sober living communities, continued therapeutic care and 12-step meetings. Worldwide, millions of people have been able to stop using and maintain sobriety with the help of a 12-step program.
Programs like Alcoholic Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous prove, time and again, to help people overcome addictions to all sorts of substances and from all walks of life. The 12-step programs offer a simply solution that is accessible to anyone in the United States. Everyone is encouraged to get a sponsor and work the 12-steps of recovery. Through these simple steps you too can free yourself of your addiction to Morphine and other drugs and find a better way to live. Find a meeting in your area and get connected to a sober network of people. The love and support you will find in the rooms of a 12-step program will help you overcome all obstacles that life throws your way.
- How Do I Recover from Morphine Addiction?
The first step in recovery from your Morphine addiction is admitting you have a problem. Once you have done that, reach out for help and seek detoxification and treatment center. - Will I Ever Relapse on Morphine?
Morphine relapse is always possible. As long as you learn from it and move on in a positive direction you should be fine and able to have a strong and lasting recovery in the future.
Dangers of Morphine Overdose
An overdose on Morphine takes place when a person’s level of intoxication by the drug, reached a point in which the body as well as brain fails to function on any kind of normal level. The warning Signs of a Morphine overdose may initially seem as if a regular effect produced by the drug, however it can manifest to severe complications at a quick rate. If you suspect that someone has overdosed on Morphine, contact emergency medical services immediately.
Some symptoms of Morphine overdose include constricted pinpoint or small pupils, extreme drowsiness, decreased awareness or responsiveness, fever, increased blood pressure, increased thirst, lower back or side pain, muscle cramps or spasms, muscle pain or stiffness, no muscle tone or movement, severe sleepiness, weight gain, and swelling of the face, fingers, or lower legs. Morphine is a dangerous drug and the amount taken by one person may turn out to be too much and result in fatality for another.
If you are prescribed Morphine, it is important to take the drug exactly as prescribed. Morphine is a strong and potent prescription Painkiller and overdose is a common occurrence whether it happens intentionally or accidentally by a person taking too much of her or her medication. Often, Morphine is abused with other substances, such as Alcohol. When Morphine and Alcohol are combined the effects become intensified and shockingly deadly. The same risk of fatal overdose with Morphine combined with Alcohol, is like the deadly effects that result from combination of Morphine and Benzodiazepines. – Learn More
Morphine Use, Abuse and Dependency
The drug Morphine is known to be a generic form of several brand name prescription Opioids marketed in the U.S. today. Morphine is marketed under several brand names such as, Avinza, Embeda, Kadian, MSIR, Oramorph SR, Kadian, MS Contin, and Roxanol. Morphine is classified by the Drug Enforcement Administration as a narcotic pain reliever. Narcotic pain relievers work by altering the way a person’s brain perceives pain.
There are both extended release forms and short-acting forms of Morphine presently available on the market. For individual who experience moderate pain, short-acting Morphine is often prescribed, while the extended form is often prescription to individuals with severe or chronic pain. Many people begin taking Morphine for a physical ailment and do not realize just how addictive the drug really is. Morphine is highly addictive both physically and psychologically and It does not take long to become addicted to Morphine. If you or someone you love has lost control around taken his or her prescription pain medication, Morphine abuse may be taking place. Additionally, if your loved one continues to abuse his or her prescription Morphine regardless of the negative consequences because of it, he or she may have developed an addiction. People for whom pain has become a daily battle, also known as chronic pain are perhaps the most at risk for developing an addiction to Morphine as well as other Opioid based Painkillers. Continuous use of any narcotic Painkillers can lead to tolerance, dependence and addiction.
When an individual becomes dependent on Morphine, it is due to the brain’s circuitry undergoing changes inflicted by Morphine disrupting natural chemicals within a person’s system for many chronic pains suffers, the daily battle with pain causes psychological and emotional distress in addition to the physical pain. It can be difficult to manage pain for a few days; however, every day for years is overwhelming for many. For this reason, those who take narcotic pain medicine, such as Morphine, are at high risk of developing an addiction. Morphine addiction can occur in any person’s life, regardless of social standing, financial or environmental securities.
Morphine is often used by being swallowed, also known as oral administration, smoked, snorted or intravenously used. The route of Morphine administration ultimately determines the effect that will be produced by the drug. When an individual smokes, snorts or injects Morphine the drug is sent rapidly through the person’s bloodstream, whereas taking it orally slows down the effect produced significantly. Morphine is often abused by individuals addicted to Heroin as an alternative. Morphine is viewed as a substitute to Heroin due to its high levels of potency and its ability to produce similar effects. Like other Opioids, Morphine works by signaling the Opioid receptors in the brain, spinal column, gastrointestinal tract and then by altering how the body responds to and perceives pain. According to the DEA, individual’s dependent on Morphine prefer to abuse the drug intravenously. Morphine was originally used exclusively through injection in a hospital setting, however with an increase of research and drug creation within the pharmaceutical industry, there are now forms that are marketed for alternative routes of administration.
Reports from the National Highway Traffic Safety Association indicate that after taking Morphine the drug generally begins to work within 15 minutes to 60 minutes. In addition to a fast onset of Morphine, the drug’s effects are known to last anywhere from 4 to 6 hours. Driving while under the influence of Morphine is never a good idea. Morphine can cause side effects like confusion and decreased reaction times. Over time Morphine use and abuse will lead to a tolerance. Once the tolerance becomes too high and the body becomes dependent, an individual brain will have difficulty in having the ability to feel pleasure without heavy use of Morphine. When someone is addicted to Morphine, he or she has lost the power to choose if he or she will use the drug or not.
When addiction takes over a person’s mind, it controls every waking, critical thought that person has on an average day. The brain begins to communicate to an individual that getting more Morphine is imperative to his or her survival. At this point in Morphine dependence and addiction the brain has adjusted to having an abnormally high amount of dopamine. This dopamine is created by the abuse of Morphine itself and when this happens the brains glutamate store the feeling of euphoria and creates a memory which causes the cravings and desire to use continuously over a long period of time. If you or someone you love is living with the pain of Morphine addiction there is a solution and a plan of action waiting for you. Although it may seem to overbearing and painful to overcome, you can get your life back and live free from Morphine abuse, dependency and addiction.[
- How Do I Prevent Myself from Having Short-term Effects from Morphine?
If you are addicted to Morphine, the only way to prevent side effects is to stop abusing the medication. If you are prescribed the medication, talk to your doctor about going on a lower dosage. - Will the Long-term Effects go away when I Stop Abusing Morphine?
The effects of Morphine abuse can possibly go away over time, but it may take a while. Some people require therapy for their effects.
Short & Long-term Effects
Morphine is like other Opioids like Heroin and pure Opium, as it acts on a brain Opiate receptors, which are connected to a person’s central nervous system. The short and long-term effects of Morphine abuse will vary from person to person. The effects resulting from abuse of this drug ultimately depends on the abusing individuals physical, psychological and emotional wellness.
Short-term effect include constipation, nausea, vomiting, feeling faint or dizzy, shallow breathing, confusion, constricted pupils, cardiac arrest, loss of normal muscle tension, cold and clammy skin, sweating, abdominal or stomach pain, blurred vision, tingling feeling, chest pain or discomfort, cough, decreased urination, fast, slow or irregular pulse, headache, nervousness, puffy eyes, loss of appetite, coma and death. Use of Morphine for any amount of time can lead to tolerance, dependence and addiction.
Long-term use can lead to severe mental and physical consequences. Long term effects include all the symptoms listed in short term effects and more. Some of the effects include decreased immune system functioning, weight gain, decreased awareness, dementia, problems with memory, unsteadiness, delusions, trouble sleeping, stomach discomfort, upset or pain, heartburn and indigestion, confusion as to time, place or person, abnormal dreams, change in balance and walking, sensation of spinning, holding false beliefs that cannot be changed by fact, general feeling of discomfort or illness, unusual excitement, nervousness or restlessness, redness of skin, red spots, skin rash, coma and death.
Morphine Treatment Methods
Effective treatment for Morphine addiction involves a wide variety of therapeutic approaches and care. To get the most out of treatment services to gain and maintain a successful recovery, it is recommended that an individual’s underlying issues are addressed. Addiction treatment specialists have come to understand that people who abuse Morphine and other drugs often do so to mask internal conflict and suffering.
With the help of licensed therapists, you will get to the bottom of what lead you to use, while working on the development of effective coping mechanisms to deal with future stressors. Individual therapy is usually provided in the form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Clients learn to identify negative thought processes and replace them with healthier models. Group therapy allows each person to gain valuable insight from fellow group members. Often group therapy acts as a catalyst to the formation of supportive, life-long friendships.
Family therapy offers addiction education and therapy sessions for the whole family. When one person becomes addicted, the entire family suffers. Family therapy helps all to overcome problems and learn coping skills and communication techniques for a brighter future. When choosing a rehabilitation center, we encourage you to consider the services offered to ensure you or your loved one is getting the most effective care. The tools and skill set learning in the therapeutic portion of treatment for Morphine addiction will be a vital component to successful recovery from addiction.
True Stories of Addiction
Your loved one feels isolated and alone in their fight against their addiction. Give them the backup that they need. Holding an intervention for a loved one not only brings their problem to the surface, but shows them that people still care about them. They might be in denial with other people, but most people who have a substance abuse problem are not in denial with themselves. Deep down inside, they know they need help. If you show them that they have support if they decide to get that help, they will be more willing to go to rehab. Let them know that you are not giving up on them.
Seeking help for a loved one.
- What Will I Do in Inpatient?
Inpatient rehab will teach you how to deal with your Morphine addiction in various ways. You will learn how to combat stressors and triggers. - Can Family Members Visit Me During Inpatient Morphine Rehab?
Yes. At most Morphine rehab centers, after a week or two, there will be visiting hours for family and friends.
Inpatient Morphine Rehab
Inpatient treatment centers are the most commonly recommended resulting from the highest rates of a successful recovery. Inpatient treatment offers the top ranked, comprehensive and intensive treatment available today. Most inpatient Morphine rehab programs are over the length of 30, 60 or 90 days. However, the length of a treatment program will depend on an individual’s specific needs and whether a shorter or longer-term treatment is needed.
Inpatient rehab is most effective due to it providing intensive care and several therapeutic options. Inpatient rehab for Morphine addiction is also beneficial because it removes an individual wanting recovery from toxic and drug abusing environments. During inpatient treatment, an individual will meet with a therapist for one-on-one sessions as well as group therapy. Group therapy sessions help further heal and illuminate the person as to what caused and motivated using in the past and how to better handle stress in the future. Family sessions are also offered in many inpatient rehabilitation programs to help family members find healing of their own.
Inpatient rehab is best known for being residential treatment services. Many inpatient rehabs also have services that offer around-the-clock medically assisted detox, for a more pleasant withdrawal from Morphine that can be coped with. Once the detox portion is over with, an individual will immediately begin therapeutic evidence based treatment to reach recovery from Morphine addiction. – Learn More
Outpatient Rehab
Outpatient treatment often follows a stay inpatient, or can be utilized as a standalone treatment option. Outpatient addiction treatment offers many of the same therapeutic options as inpatient, however on a part-time, less intensive basis. Program participants continue to live at home and travel several times a week to the treatment facility for groups sessions. Because the person continues living in the same situation, this type of program is not for everyone. Only people who have fully detoxed and stabilized should participate in an outpatient program.
Outpatient Morphine rehab is helpful for individual who are unable to take a break from life’s responsibilities, such as working or attending school. Moreover, outpatient rehab is not as extensive in treatment service options as inpatient is. Reports from the National Institute on Drug Abuse indicate that quality treatment outcomes are connected directly to the time an individual spends in the treatment setting. However, the familiar temptations of environmental triggers, social life and personal relationships may prove to present difficulty for many people living with Morphine addiction.
If you are unable to stop abusing Morphine no matter how hard you exhaust yourself attempting to do so, it is suggested that an inpatient rehab program is sought to ensure success and gainful recovery from Morphine. Deciding on what type of treatment for Morphine addiction is best for you or your loved one can be hard. When seeking help for substance addiction people often feel stuck and unsure which direction will have the most effectiveness. With the well-rounded support, getting into the right treatment center is beyond possible for you or your loved one. Reach out for support and get help finding the best rehab to meet the needs of you or your loved one living with Morphine addiction. – Learn More
- Will Outpatient Help my Morphine Addiction?
Morphine outpatient is best when attended after inpatient treatment and will act like another support group. - When Should I go to Outpatient Rehab?
Once you have completed an inpatient program, it is best to go to an outpatient rehab center so you can continue to work on your Morphine recovery.