Hydrocodone Addiction and Rehabilitation

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Last Edited: March 17, 2020
Patricia Howard, LMFT, CADC
Clinically Reviewed
Jim Brown, CDCA
All of the information on this page has been reviewed and certified by an addiction professional.

Dangers of Hydrocodone Abuse

Abusing Hydrocodone and Hydrocodone-containing drugs can impact various aspects of your life. As you continue to use, your body and brain will gain a tolerance to the drug. The next time you use, you’ll have to take a larger dose to experience the same euphoric affects. Doing so puts you at greater risk for extreme side effects, including overdosing, going into a coma and even dying.

Along with forming a heavy reliance on the substance, Hydrocodone can force you to have extreme mood swings that will soon affect your relationship with friends, family, and coworkers. Abusing this opioid can also lead to a considerable loss of money in a short amount of time. As you gain dependence on the drug, your priorities become restructured

Overall, abusing Hydrocodone doesn’t just affect your brain and body. The drug will impact all areas of your life, leading you into isolation and making you feel a profound sense of helplessness. Getting help as soon as you notice the dangerous path you’re going down can increase your chances of fixing your health, your relationships, and your general sense of worth.

Click Here for a confidential benefits check to see if your insurance will cover the cost of treatment or call (866) 578-7471 to speak to a addiction specialist.

Street Names for Hydrocodone

Many times, drugs that contain Hydrocodone are referred to by the name of the brand. There are also street names and shortened lingo for Hydrocodone. Common nicknames you may hear from Hydrocodone include: 357s, Hydros, Lorries. Robo, Syrup, Tabs, Tuss, Vicos, Vics, Watsons.

Hydrocodone Effects

Taking the prescribed amount of Hydrocodone helps you deal with moderate to severe pain. If you use the drug longer than recommended or take a higher dose than you’re prescribed, you could alter your body’s central nervous system. Long term effects of taking Hydrocodone include, but are not limited to: anxiety, Complete change in personality, compulsions, cravings delirium and extreme mood swings from being abnormally cheerful to completely angry or despondent.

Warning signs of Hydrocodone abuse in a loved one

Since Hydrocodone is so potent, it is, unfortunately, not uncommon for one to develop an addiction to it. Usually, an addiction to Hydrocodone begins by abusing a prescription dose, leading to a chemical dependency on it. Constant abuse changes chemical levels in the brain, making the abuser see the substance as the new driving force of his or her life. It’s difficult to tell when a loved one is abusing Hydrocodone, but here are a few telling signs:

An obvious sign of Hydrocodone abuse will be that the user is constantly feeling drowsy and looking lethargic. This is due to the nature of the drug, which creates a euphoric and numbing feeling when used, due to the substances intended use as a pain killer.

The user will seek social isolation, spending more and more time away from other people. He or she will focus on obtaining more Hydrocodone over old activities that were once found to be enjoyable. The user may feel agitated when having to deal with others.

Dizziness, nausea and vomiting are all signs of Hydrocodone abuse. Hydrocodone abuse alters brain chemistry that causes the body to need it just to function normally. Pain levels will be exaggerated, forcing the user to take more, just to relieve it.

Factual Dangers: Hydrocodone

Best Voted Treatment Centers  stars rating

Seabrook House
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133 Polk Lane, Bridgeton, NJ 08302, United States 08302
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Discovery House - Providence, RI
66 Pavilion Ave 02905Providence RI
Phoenix House - Florida
Phoenix House - Florida
510 Vonderburg Dr 33511Brandon FL
A Better Today Recovery Services - Scottsdale, AZ
A Better Today Recovery Services - Scottsdale, AZ
15721 North Greenway Hayden Loop, Scottsdale, AZ, USA 85260
Roger Williams Medical Center
Roger Williams Medical Center
825 Chalkstone Ave 02908Providence RI
Jackie Nitschke Center
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630 Cherry St 54301Green Bay WI
Olivia's House - Birmingham, AL
Olivia's House - Birmingham, AL
8017 2nd Ave S 35206Birmingham AL
Community Medical Services
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3825 N 24th St 85016Phoenix AZ
Door Into the Future Inc
Door Into the Future Inc
823 Main Avenue, Passaic, NJ 07055, United States 07055
Mission Treatment Centers Inc
Mission Treatment Centers Inc
1800 Industrial Road Suite 100 Las Vegas, NV 89102 89102
Bremen Youth Services
Bremen Youth Services
15350 Oak Park Avenue, Oak Forest, IL, United States 60452

True Stories of Addiction: Shirley’s Struggle with Painkiller Abuse

The wrath of addiction took over Jakes life when he found a drug like Hydrocodone. He almost lost his life due to his addiction but thankfully recovered. – View all episodes now

Hydrocodone Rehab Treatment

Entering rehabilitation for Hydrocodone abuse can be hard, especially if you feel completely isolated. However, this is the best possible way for you to get the help you need to get back control of your life. While you’re in rehab, you’ll be surrounded by caring, supportive staff members who only want the best for you. They will provide you with the necessary structure you need to make enter recovery from your Hydrocodone addiction.

In rehab, you will learn life-saving skills to help you avoid abusing drugs in the future, even if you face temptations or severe pain. You will also attend therapy to help you identify what your personal triggers are and how you can avoid them once you’re out of treatment. Learning important coping mechanisms, including how to deal with your triggers and stress in a healthy manner, can help you get your life in control again once you go home. Other tools you may see while you’re in treatment include individual therapy, behavior therapy and group therapy.

It’s difficult to go through treatment for Hydrocodone abuse alone. Rehabilitation is your best opportunity to treat your symptoms and gain the skills and techniques you need to live a healthy lifestyle going forward. To truly limit your risk of using and abusing drugs in the future, consider entering a rehabilitation program that will provide you with all the information, therapy, and coping skills you need to live a successful life again.

Hydrocodone Detox Treatment

Detoxing from Hydrocodone should be done in a facility. Since the drug is known to impact your central nervous system, the effects of coming down from it will feel extremely uncomfortable or even debilitating. Some clients have even noted that the withdrawal symptoms make it feel as if their body is dying.

During detox, you will experience several types of physical effects. Not only will you feel strong cravings and even lash out in ager, your brain will also be flooded with chemicals that have been suppressed during the time you were abusing Hydrocodone. Since this flood of chemicals can lead to dangerous actions and physical pain, detoxing from Hydrocodone is done best inside of a facility. During a supervised detox, you’ll be surrounded by trained medical staff that will monitor your symptoms and help you. Staff may even provide you with medication to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms. That way, you’ll feel as comfortable as you can be while you gain back control.

You may experience withdrawal symptoms like vomiting, nausea, irregular heartbeat, anxiety, shivering, hallucinations, difficulty sleeping and sharp, severe pain. These effects can cause you to use Hydrocodone again for a quick flood of relief. Since rehab facilities will support you with treatment options, qualified professionals and helpful therapy, the best way for you to detox is in a supervised treatment center.

Addiction to Hydrocodone

Becoming addicted to Hydrocodone may happen before you even realize it. Usually, addiction occurs after you’ve been prescribed Hydrocodone or a Hydrocodone-containing drug for severe pain resulting from injury, disease or surgery. In these instances, Hydrocodone is meant to help you control and manage short-term pain.  Taking Hydrocodone becomes abuse after you either take a bigger dose than prescribed, take it for much longer than recommended or take your dose more often throughout the day than originally directed.

You may not even recognize that you’re addicted for some time. However, if you feel any physical effects or symptoms when you stop taking the drug suddenly, or if you feel like you need to use Hydrocodone more often to get through simple daily tasks, you’re most likely dependent or even addicted. The more you use, the more negative effects you’ll see on your finances, relationships and overall health. These effects may make you think you have nowhere to turn to, and then use Hydrocodone even more.

If you find yourself requesting refills for the drug more frequently than necessary, lying or exaggerating your state of pain to get more pills, spending all your money on pills, or acting out and becoming aggressive when you haven’t used for a lengthy amount of time, you may be addicted. Seek help immediately to lessen the effects that substance abuse takes on your life.

Hydrocodone Dependency

Becoming dependent on Hydrocodone means you can’t perform daily activities without the help of the drug. Your brain and your body both believe that it can’t function or survive without Hydrocodone in your system. Soon, you’ll begin to use more often or take much higher doses to continue feeling the mind-numbing effects. You are no longer using the drug just to control the pain from injury, disease, or surgery. Instead, you use because you feel like you can’t get through the day without it.

Along with your body being completely dependent on the drug, your brain begins to experience changes, too. Since Hydrocodone abuse affects the central nervous system, you may have impaired mental abilities, including trouble thinking clearly and experiencing hallucinations. Sometimes, you may not be able to understand the difference between reality and your delusions. Your friends and family may also note that your personality has completely changed, especially with marked differences in your ability to control extreme mood swings.

At this stage, it’s crucial to find the help and support you need to overcome Hydrocodone dependency. The sooner you can get help, the less effects Hydrocodone abuse will have on your daily life, including mental awareness, finances, relationships, and your overall health.

Seeking help for a loved one.

  • Where Do I Hold a Hydrocodone Intervention?
    It is best to choose a comfortable place secluded from other people. A common place for a Hydrocodone intervention is the home of the addicted individual or hotel room.
  • Who Do I Include in a Hydrocodone Intervention?
    It is best to include an intervention specialist and those closest the Hydrocodone addicted individual. It is best to leave out anyone who may not be able to control their anger.

Intervention for Hydrocodone Abuse

If you believe your friend or loved one is abusing Hydrocodone, you can help. Contact a professional and ask how to appropriately conduct an intervention for his or her situation. Since your friend may act out or become angry and violent, we recommend having a professional present during the intervention to convey your love and worry in a calm manner. That way, you message can get across without making them feel shameful, worthless, helpless or any other accusatory feeling.

You may be your loved one’s only opportunity to get help and turn he or her life around. This is especially true if your loved one doesn’t recognize the harmful cycle she or he has put themselves through and don’t want to stop abusing. If you can, wait to talk until your loved one is in a sober state. That way, you can have an open and honest conversation without the effects of Hydrocodone making your loved one believe he or she completely fine and in control.

During an intervention, you can discuss the problems and effects you’ve personally seen of Hydrocodone taking over your loved one’s life. You can explain that you’ve already researched treatment facilities and programs for him or her, and you want your loved one to get the proper treatment to get his or her life back and prevent relapse. Keep the idea that you only want the best for in the front of your loved one’s mind. Don’t accuse or blame, but simply show your love, support, respect and understanding. If you’re ready to host an intervention for your loved one, contact us today. – Learn More

Recovery from Hydrocodone Abuse

In the moment, you may not believe that you can ever live without Hydrocodone. But, recovery is possible with the right treatment and support. During detox, you will be surrounded by a properly trained medical staff who will monitor your symptoms and, if need be, give you medication to help lessen the withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms generally decrease within about two weeks from the initial detox. Since withdrawal symptoms can range from depression to extremely painful physical cravings and irritability, we recommend Hydrocodone detox be done in a rehab facility.

You’ll also be entered in to therapy sessions that help you analyze and understand why you abused the drug in the first place. Then, you will learn coping mechanisms and useful skills to keep you from relapsing in the future. The constant support and understanding you’ll experience in a treatment center can help you create goals to get your life back on track as soon as possible. Some goals you may focus on include how to mend relationships, how you can get completely healthy and how you can begin to fix the financial situation your dependence on Hydrocodone has caused.

Overall, rehabilitation facilities are your best chance at making a full recovery from Hydrocodone abuse. The medical staff will help keep your withdrawal symptoms under control while also providing you with the right information and tools you need to prevent relapsing. If you’re ready to seek treatment, find the right treatment facility for you today.

  • Is Professional Treatment Necessary for Hydrocodone Recovery?
    No, however, it is very helpful to aid you in your Hydrocodone recovery journey and is highly recommended.
  • Will I Have to Stop Talking to My Family When I Recover From Hydrocodone?
    No, in fact, your family will be more involved on your life while you are recovering from your Hydrocodone addiction because you will be able to be present.

Dangers of Hydrocodone Overdose

As your loved one’s tolerance for Hydrocodone increases, the more they’ll want to use. Soon enough, they will be taking Hydrocodone either more often than prescribed or in much higher dosages. Doing so can cause them to overdose, leading to serious, life-threatening side effects.

Overdosing on Hydrocodone puts your loved ones at serious risk. Since overdosing on this drug can lead to a coma or even death, it’s crucial that you try to seek help for your loved ones before their use and abuse spirals out of control. If you can explain the risks involved in overdosing and convince him or her to get help before the addiction gets to this stage, he or she may be more willing to cooperate with undergoing treatment. We recommend having a treatment center and trained professionals ready to take your loved one under their care.

Some other signs and symptoms that your loved one has overdosed include: cardiac arrest, clammy skin, cold flashes, coma, drowsiness, irregular breathing, light headedness, liver failure, loss of consciousness, low blood pressure, muscle fatigue and twitchiness, seizures, slowed heartbeat, and stomach and intestine spasms

If you suspect that your loved one has overdosed on Hydrocodone, call 911 immediately. Medical professionals can assess the situation and provide the assistance your loved one needs to survive. If he or she makes it through this life-changing situation, have the nurses and doctors help you explain to your loved one that he or she needs help with getting life back in control. – Learn More

Hydrocodone Use, Abuse and Dependency

Hydrocodone is one of the most popular opiates to abuse. Since doctors prescribe Hydrocodone for several reasons, including easing the severe pain caused by injury, surgery or certain diseases, there are various ways for users to get their hands on the drug and begin abusing.

Often, people don’t even realize they are abusing Hydrocodone until they are addicted. In the user’s mind, they just want to ease the pain in whatever way necessary. They will begin to take the drug more often than prescribed or in higher dosages. Soon enough, their tolerance for Hydrocodone will grow, causing them to take increasingly more to reach the same feeling of euphoria. At this stage, their body will believe they can’t function without Hydrocodone in their system, making them feel weak, helpless, and shaky until they take another dose. Their brain and central nervous system will be affected, causing hallucinations, damaging their opioid receptors, and creating other harmful effects.

At this stage, users who abuse Hydrocodone may feel helpless. They’ll turn to the drug to numb every other aspect of their life, including the several negative effects that Hydrocodone has caused on their finances, personal relationships, and overall health. When users feel like they can’t live without Hydrocodone and will do anything in their power to get ahold of it, they are dependent on the drug.

Once their addiction to Hydrocodone leads to dependency, they’ll feel the effects of withdrawal. Note that this stage can happen even within days of the first use of Hydrocodone. Withdrawal effects they may feel mentally and physically include weakened muscles, anxiety, depression, headaches, paranoia, and mood swings. Without Hydrocodone in their system, they could feel like they are dying, causing them to use even more to negate those effects.

The more the person abuses Hydrocodone, the more likely they will be to overdose on the drug. If they take too much in one sitting, they face the risk of experiencing extremely slowed breathing, slipping into a coma, and dying.

Eventually, the user will stop partaking in their favorite activities or hobbies. All their focus and attention will be spent trying to figure out how to get their hands on more Hydrocodone. While they could illegally buy the drug off the streets, abusers most likely begin to overuse Hydrocodone by lying to their doctors. They may exaggerate the pain they are experiencing so that their doctor will refill their prescription. Oftentimes, abusers will even go to more than one doctor and pharmacy to get their hands on as many prescription bottles as possible.

Their lies and exaggerations will soon seep into other areas of their life, negatively impacting their relationships and job performance. Close friends and family will typically see the user begin their downward spiral. If they try to intervene at a time when the user is in one of their angry or aggressive moods, loved ones may soon give up on their friend. Without any type of support system, the user will typically feel the need to abuse Hydrocodone even more. Calling out of work to stay home and feel the euphoric effects of the drug is common. The more users abuse Hydrocodone, the more likely their employer will terminate their position within the company.

At this point, the user will have no source of income, no support system, and intense cravings for Hydrocodone. Although they feel helpless and alone, they will still do whatever it takes to get their hands on the drug. Any money they do have will be spent on Hydrocodone, causing them to miss payments. Soon enough, their phone, water and electricity may be shut off. After time, they can even be evicted from their home because of their failure to pay. Without any type of support, the abuser may find themselves on the street. These negative effects of Hydrocodone addiction can happen within months of the first time they use.

It’s important for friends and family to recognize and understand what their loved one is going through if they truly want to get them help. If you or someone you know is suffering from Hydrocodone addiction, know that you are not alone. Rehabilitation facilities are available to help Hydrocodone abusers get back on their feet after a time of suffering. In a treatment center, they will undergo therapy to understand why they began using in the first place. They will also learn key coping skills to keep them from using again in the future, especially under stressful or triggering situations.

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the stages of Hydrocodone addiction, we’re here to help. The sooner you suspect there might be an addiction, the faster you may be able to stop the effects. Call a treatment center today to get the information you need.

  • Are the Short-Term Effects of Hydrocodone Dangerous?
    The short-term effects of Hydrocodone can become progressively worse and you can develop severe depression or other physiological problems.
  • Are There Non-Medical Short-Term Effects of Hydrocodone Abuse?
    You can lose your job, strain relationships and develop bad hygiene due to Hydrocodone abuse.

Short-term effects

It’s important to understand what your loved ones are feeling while they’re on Hydrocodone. That way, you get a complete sense of consideration and can better support them without exhibiting shameful or accusatory emotions.

When they first take Hydrocodone, pain receptors are blocked. While the pain they feel doesn’t go away, their brain will make them think that it no longer exists by flooding the body with a sense of euphoria. In other words, Hydrocodone works to change your loved one’s perception of the pain. In as little as two weeks, they can build up a tolerance to this highly addictive drug and begin craving more. By the time they recognize what’s happening, their life may already be spiraling out of control.

Along with the initial feelings of euphoria and mind-numbing pain relief, you loved one may also experience the following short-term effects: confusion, constipation, drowsiness, increased sense of well-being, lethargy, nausea, numbness, reduced worry stress and anxiety, slowed breathing, slowed or irregular heartbeat and death.

While Hydrocodone should only be prescribed by a doctor, many people seek the euphoric feelings the drug offers. Even after the pain stops from an injury or serious surgery, users may find themselves lying to their doctors about their pain to continue receiving refills on their prescription. The more they use and abuse Hydrocodone, the more likely they are to become seriously addicted. Eventually, they will face the negative long-term effects that Hydrocodone offers, including financial trouble, damaging personal relationships, and even putting them at risk of death.

Long-term effects

As your loved one continues to use Hydrocodone – often long after they even need to use it – they’ll experience the negative effects that it has on their life. Some long-term effects include:

Financial trouble. Eventually, people addicted will prioritize Hydrocodone over everything else. They’ll do anything to obtain the drug, including buying it off the streets. Your loved ones may skip paying their bills so that they can afford more Hydrocodone. They may even avoid going into work so they can abuse the drug all day long. Soon, their failed performance at work could cost them their career.

Strained relationships. As time goes on, those closest to your loved one may realize the negative effects Hydrocodone is having on their life. Some may try to reach out, but will do so while the user is in an angry, aggressive state. When the conversation doesn’t go anywhere, loved ones can easily give up on them. Users may eventually lose all the support they have from close friends and family, and instead sit in isolation, feeling helpless and powerless.

Mental and Physical health problems. Taking Hydrocodone for long periods of time may alter the brain’s chemical balance. Users may experience mental health issues like depression, anxiety, insomnia, and dysphoria. Some physical health problems they might experience include liver damage, hearing loss, coma, and even death.

If you know a loved one who is abusing Hydrocodone, get him or her the help needed before long-term effects have a chance to kick in. You may be your loved one’s only opportunity to seek the treatment and support necessary to make a full recovery.

  • Will Hydrocodone Addiction Harm More Than My Health?
    A Hydrocodone addiction can lead to financial trouble and destroy family and friend relationships.
  • Will the Damage be Permanent?
    Abusing Hydrocodone is incredibly dangerous because the damage you do to your body can last a lifetime.

True Stories of Addiction: Hydrocodone Abuse

Terra was introduced to a drug like Hydrocodone without even realizing it. Her so called friend told her what she was smoking was weed resin. Terra kept smoking the drug similar to Hydrocodone without even knowing what it truly was until her friend broke the news. Terra didn’t seem to care the drug wasn’t weed resin because she liked the way it made her feel. She ended up going down a long road of addiction and didn’t know if she could find a way out. She ended up recovering and has been sober since. Watch her recovery story and know you are not fighting this fight alone.

Inpatient Hydrocodone Rehab

Inpatient treatment is highly recommended for those going through Hydrocodone and other opiate addictions. Since both physical and mental addiction is occurring, it’s best to be surrounded by a supportive and understanding medical staff who can monitor and assess your loved one’s conditions. Staff will surround them all day to offer the support, medical treatment and therapy he or she needs to make a full recovery.

Inpatient rehabilitation centers typically have your loved ones live on-site for either 30, 60 or 90 days. Since they remove your loved one from the environment they were in when they began their addiction, rehab facilities have a much higher success rate than if your loved one were trying to wean themselves off Hydrocodone alone. Most treatment centers will even recommend that your loved one travel to an inpatient facility in a different state to completely remove themselves from the situation that led them down the path of addiction.

While clients are living at a rehab facility, they will be monitored and even given medication to help ease the effects and symptoms they’ll experience during withdrawal. They will also attend individual therapy to help them understand why they began to abuse Hydrocodone in the first place, as well as learn essential coping mechanisms to stop them from relapsing once they get home. A solid foundation of support and coping skills can help make changes in other areas of life and lead to a full recovery. – Learn More

Outpatient Rehab

While inpatient rehabilitation is typically recommended for Hydrocodone users, outpatient facilities are also available to them. At these treatment centers, clients will travel to a clinic several times a week to undergo specialized treatment and therapy sessions. When they aren’t at the facility, they can still maintain their normal life at work, school or with family.

Outpatient facilities are most likely to be successful with users who have a strong willpower. If they truly want to change and get back control of their life, they can see great results at an outpatient center. Typically, this type of rehab works best when it is combined with other treatment options, including therapy, 12-step programs, or a kind of medication detox to help wean them off all addictive substances.

If your loved one requests to go to an outpatient facility, it’s important that they be monitored during their time at home. Since they will be living in the environment that led to and facilitated their addiction, they are more likely to relapse. Oftentimes, they will also feel weak and helpless, leading them to turn to the drug that made them feel euphoric, especially if supportive friends and family do not surround them. Keep an eye on their situation to ensure they get all the help, love, and support they need to get back in control of their life. If you think your loved one is showing signs of relapsing while undergoing outpatient treatment seek professional help. The facility can typically assist through these hard times and help him or her get back on track. – Learn More

  • Will Outpatient Help my Hydrocodone Addiction?
    Although it is best to attend outpatient after you have already completed a Hydrocodone inpatient program.
  • Will Outpatient Rehab Prevent Me from Relapsing on Hydrocodone?
    If you work the outpatient program and do what is suggested, you should be fine. However, it is best to pair outpatient with Hydrocodone support groups such as the 12-step program.