Dexedrine Addiction and Rehabilitation

Dexedrinel Addiction Rehab Header
Last Edited: August 3, 2020
Patricia Howard, LMFT, CADC
Clinically Reviewed
Andrew Lancaster, LPC, MAC
All of the information on this page has been reviewed and certified by an addiction professional.

Dangers of Dexedrine Abuse

Dexedrine works by allowing the release of hormones that increase alertness and energy. This make it extremely effective in reducing restlessness and increasing a person’s ability to concentrate, and also increases attention span. It is prescribed to treat Attention Deficit Hyper Active Disorder. An added effect to taking Dexedrine would be its ability to curb appetite while also reducing fatigue. Even though Dexedrine should be obtained legally though a prescription from a health care provider, it can be found on the black market because of its high-street value. Dexedrine is available in release tablets with the strengths of 5, 10 and 15 mg. It can be hard to know who to turn to for help regarding substance abuse problems. We are here to help anyone in any state recover from their addiction to Dexedrine or other prescription drugs. If you or someone you know is addicted to Dexedrine, give us a call and we can find a treatment facility for you so we can stop this destructive lifestyle. There is no reason to live in guilt or shame any longer.

Click Here for a confidential benefits check to see if your insurance will cover the cost of treatment or call (866) 578-7471 to speak to a addiction specialist.

Street Names for Dexedrine

Dexedrine is an amphetamine, and is a wanted drug by many. It might be found under street names such as: Dexies, Co-Pilots, Pep Pills, Lid Poppers, Wake-ups, Uppers, Footballs.

Dexedrine Effects

There is a significant difference between tolerating Dexedrine and becoming addicted to it. Short term Dexedrine effects include irritability, lack of appetite, irregular heartbeat, increased anxiety, and an increased tolerance due to repeated abuse. In the stages of tolerance, users will begin to gradually increase the required dosage as their bodies become more and more accustomed to its effects. This is usually the case with those who use it for a longer term. This, in turn, will lead to a physical dependence and along with serious physical and psychological effects including hallucinations, schizophrenia, and cardiovascular effects. Dexedrine abusers can also end up destroying familial relationships and friendships, alienating themselves from everyone.

Warning signs of Dexedrine abuse in a loved one

Dexedrine is not as well-known of a drug so it can be hard to determine whether a loved one is suffering from an addiction to it. Prescription drug abuse is up across the country. Many people who have cocaine and heroin problems started out by abusing prescription drugs. When access to these medications runs out, people will often turn to street drugs. Try to look for the signs in your loved one’s Dexedrine abuse before it’s too late.

If you notice a loved one putting Dexedrine use ahead of everything, there is a chance a chemical dependency has been developed. Dexedrine becomes the prevailing force behind every action, dropping everything that was once enjoyable and important.

A red flag would be if your loved one can only relax after having taken Dexedrine. Be alarmed if he or she cannot feel normal without it. Chemical dependency can force anyone to feel sick if the substance isn’t consumed, literally altering brain chemistry.

Your friend or loved one might not even notice that he or she has become dependent to Dexedrine. Many people who have substance abuse problem know something is wrong, but can’t do anything about. Users isolate themselves, believing no one cares for them.

Factual Dangers: Dexedrine

Dexedrine addiction can push many people down a dangerous path. Fighting to be normal is possible, but it can be extremely difficult. The more people educate themselves about substance abuse disorders, the more likely they are to reach out for help. Addiction is a medical disease that few are educated on. If you want to help a loved one, but might not know where to start, watch these videos to find out more about substance abuse disorders:

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101 E Broadway Ave 58501Bismarck ND
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A Better Today Recovery Services - Scottsdale, AZ
15721 North Greenway Hayden Loop, Scottsdale, AZ, USA 85260
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White Deer Run - Lebanon, PA
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True Stories of Addiction: Chris Finds Recovery After Incarceration

Chris grew up around drugs similar to Dexedrine and ended up doing them himself. He ended up going to prison and found out there was a life worth living without drugs. – View all episodes now

Dexedrine Rehab Treatment

Rehab: it is a word that is often confused with “cure.” The harsh truth, though, is that rehab is not a cure for a drug addiction. An addiction is not something that just comes and goes; what rehab does is help people with is becoming stronger while weakening their addiction. In rehab, you will learn how to live your life without the need or use of Dexedrine, breaking free from its hold. Working with a therapist, in both a group setting and an individual one-on-one basis, can help you realize that life without drugs is possible.

It can be hard to know how to get started in a rehab program. That is where we can help. We specialize in helping people find individualized treatment programs that can help them get their life back on track. Everyone takes to drugs and alcohol for different reasons, so everyone will have different hurdles to jump in order to complete rehab. When you call us, one of our addiction specialists will listen to your situation then help you map out the best course of action. After your plan is setup, we will then assist you in finding a rehab center that can take you in.

Rehab is not easy, but then again neither is living a life addicted to Dexedrine. Breaking free from the molds of Dexedrine abuse and addiction is liberating. There are options to find sobriety. Call us now so that we can help you find the help you need.

Dexedrine Detox Treatment

One of the most frightening aspects of the recovery process is dealing with the detoxification stage. During detox, your body will be given a chance to get clean for the first time since your addiction started. Compiling harmful and unnecessary chemicals throughout your Dexedrine abuse has made your body tired, slow and unresponsive. Allowing your body to stabilize and get clean can help your body adjust to not taking in prescription drugs every day.

Detoxing from any kind of substance is not easy, but it can be more efficient and comfortable if done under medical supervision. Enrolling into a program at an inpatient detox facility is the best route, in most cases, as many substances are life-threatening when done alone or in private, because there are times when medical assistance is required.

Most inpatient detox centers provide clients with medication to help alleviate the pain and discomfort that withdrawal symptoms cause. Withdrawal symptoms occur because your body goes into shock when trying to relearn how to operate without Dexedrine in the driver’s seat. Prescription drug abuse can lead to a chemical dependency, mean if the user does not consume that drug they will not be able to function through a normal day. That is why the detox stage is so vital. You cannot successfully complete rehab without first taking on the detoxification stage.

Addiction to Dexedrine

The Controlled Substances Act classifies drugs based on how addictive and dangerous the substances can be. Dexedrine is ranked as a schedule II, meaning that it is meant for medical purposes but can also be very addictive when abused. Dexedrine is commonly prescribed to help patients who have ADHD stay calm. But because so many people suffer from ADHD these days, more and more people are getting access to doses of Dexedrine from their doctor.

There is a majority impression that, because prescription drugs are not illegal, it is safer to user than other drugs like Heroin, Cocaine or Crystal Meth, but unfortunately, the truth could not be farther. Most prescription drugs hold just as much dreadful power as street drugs. Just like any other substance, when someone abuses prescription drugs, he or she may end up becoming dependent, or addicted, of the substance, putting the substance above every aspect of life. Abusers begin to steal, lie and cheat many friends and family, ultimately, hurting all healthy relationships.

Dexedrine and prescription drugs can be extremely useful to those who need medication for conditions, but using more than directed by a medical professional can lead someone down a dangerous path. Developing a substance abuse problem and possibly overdosing are both high risks when using more of a substance than originally prescribed.

Dexedrine Dependency

There is a large difference between tolerating Dexedrine and becoming addicted to it. In the stages of tolerance, users will begin to gradually increase the required dosage as the body becomes more accustomed to its effects, which is especially true when used for extended periods of time. Patients begin to when they begin to increase their dosage without the supervision of their doctor. This will lead to physical dependence and it may be necessary to stage an intervention to keep them from going into an addiction.

The characteristics of a physical dependence can be seen in patients in the form of extreme fatigue and headaches. This is usually a result of the patients taking the liberty of increasing their dosage without the advice of their physician. Rather than following the instructions to take the medication “as prescribed,” he or she may misread it as to take “as needed.” This could lead one to believe that there is an indication that there is at least a psychological dependence involved with the substance.

Becoming dependent on any kind of prescription drug is dangerous, because in many cases when an abuser loses access to that prescribed substance, he or she will eventually turn to harmful illicit drugs. Very few people start out using Heroin or Cocaine, instead starting out with gateway drugs such as Dexedrine or other prescription drugs.

Seeking help for a loved one

  • What is a Dexedrine Intervention?
    A Dexedrine intervention is a planned meeting directed at your loved one’s addiction to empower change towards recovery and healthier choices.
  • What is a Dexedrine Intervention Used For?
    A Dexedrine intervention is used to help your loved one seek treatment for his or her addiction.

Intervention for Dexedrine Abuse

Do you believe that a loved one is abusing Dexedrine? If you have witnessed a change in his or her personality, always being nauseous or irritable but won’t listen to your worries, an intervention may be needed. A professional interventionist is always recommended when confronting a loved one about his or her addiction. An interventionist is a trained professional that can help lead an intervention, being completely objective and understandable to all parties involved. If an interventionist can’t be found, a friend or family member can moderate the intervention, but remember to conduct the intervention in a non-judgmental manner that is compassionate and caring.

Gathering friends and family members to show support and concern toward a loved one might save his or her life. Ask everyone who has been affected by your loved one’s drug addiction; this will probably be people who were ditched, lied to and stolen from so that the loved one can feed the addiction. Ask these people to come prepared with statement to read to your loved one. Circling the room, having each person read their statement might open your loved one’s eyes to see how the addiction has taken a toll on everyone in the room.

Many people live in denial about their substance abuse problem. Others know they have a problem, but do not ask for help because they feel guilty. Holding an intervention might show your loved one that people still care about them and that they have hope. Open their eyes to the idea of rehab and recovery. – Learn More

Recovery from Dexedrine Abuse

When you finish treatment, your recovery will continue for the rest of your life. Fighting addiction is a day-to-day battle, and one of the weapons to help in this battle is weekly group meetings. Many recovering from a Dexedrine addiction aid their sobriety by joining group meetings like NA. In weekly group meetings, you meet people like yourself, and you can build a support system among them with healthy relationships that stem from recovery.

However, group meetings aren’t considered therapy. Meetings aren’t the forum for doctors or addiction professionals to provide medical treatment or therapy to recovering addicts. Rather, meetings are places to work on the individual and his or her life. You can find a sponsor at weekly group meetings who will help you on an individual level. Also think about joining a 12-step program near you. The 12-steps were created by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous, and are a series of steps that help those in recovery have more integrity and accountability in their lives, which will help them overcome the stresses and temptations to relapse.

Many people who turn to Dexedrine and other prescription drugs have isolated themselves from everything they once loved. Group meetings help eliminate that feeling of isolation. Many people who have a substance abuse problem feel that they are past the point of help because they do not believe anyone actually cares. In group meetings, you will find that is not true. People have made comebacks from where you are now.

  • Is Professional Treatment Necessary for Dexedrine Recovery?
    No, however, it is very helpful to aid you in your recovery journey and is recommended.
  • Will I Have to Stop Talking to My Family When I Recover?
    No. Your family will be more involved on your life while you are recovering from your Dexedrine addiction because you will be able to be present.

Dangers of Dexedrine Overdose

The abuse of Dexedrine can create many health issues, and overdose can be fatal. An abuser who has taken too much of the medication may be showing overdose symptoms if any of these warning signs exist: high blood pressure, fast heart rate, fast breathing, nausea, vomiting, seizures, severe mood changes, headaches. If any of these symptoms are present, take the person to emergency medical care as soon as possible. Or, call 911 if transportation isn’t available. Don’t ignore any of these warning signs of Dexedrine overdose.

In 2015, the Centers for disease Control and Prevention released that there were over 50,000 deaths due to drug overdoses in the US. Over 15,000 of those deaths were prescription drug related overdoses. Dexedrine and other prescription drugs can be dangerous to abuse. People who use prescription drugs recreationally often do so under the mindset that they are safer than hardcore street drugs. If used as directed by a medical professional, then that can be true. But if abused and taken more than directed, prescription pills can be just as dangerous.

Enrolling into a rehab center can save your life. You have a chance to fight back and turn down using Dexedrine everyday just to feel normal. If you are ready to start on the road toward recovery, please call us now. We have people waiting by the phone who can help. – Learn More

What Does the Rehab Process Consist Of?

Completing a rehab program is not easy. It is also not a cure for any addiction. Completing a rehab program does save your life though. In rehab, you can learn how to get your life back on tracks while empowering yourself to be able to turn down using drugs and alcohol. People are in the midst of a drug addiction might not realize that there is a different way to live. Those who try to layoff using drugs and alcohol find it hard and might not think it is possible. It is possible, with the help of a professional rehab center. Addiction is a disease that can kill anyone at any given time, it does not discriminate. When someone has fallen ill with addiction their only three options to end that addiction are rehab, prison or death. Obviously, rehab is the safest and most efficient choice. Here is a look at the basic outline of how most people achieve sobriety through rehab:

Admitting You Need Help

The first step in the recovery process is to admit that you need help. This sounds easy, but people who are at the lowest of lows because of an addiction know this can be hard. Often times, people with substance abuse disorders do not think that their family and friends will understand what they are going through so they might stay silent. Others might come forward to friends and family, but maybe their loved ones do not know what the next step is. That is where we come in. Admitting that you are powerless to drugs or alcohol is hard, but you can get that hard step of this life-long process out of the way when you call us. We have addiction specialists who have been where you are now waiting to answer your call. They can hear you out, then help you map out the best course of action. Our staff can also help you find detox and rehab centers in any part of the country. Not everyone knows which rehab center they want to enroll in, our specialists will go over the pros and cons of each treatment facility so that you can make a decision that will help you get back to living a happy and sober life.

Taking on Inpatient Substance Abuse

Treatment After receiving the help you need to get started you will then take the detoxification and rehab portions of your treatment. The best way to tackle these tasks is to enroll into an inpatient facility. During detox, you will most likely experience withdrawal symptoms. These withdrawal symptoms can cause major discomfort and might derail people from wanting to finish their rehab stint. It can be easier to manage withdrawal symptoms if you are under medical supervision. Most inpatient detox centers provide clients with special medication to keep them comfortable while trying to clean their body. Detox is a vital step in the recovery process. After detox, you can move on to your rehab stint. Again, completing rehab at an inpatient facility gives you more advantages than just trying to quit using drugs and alcohol through an outpatient program. Most inpatient rehab programs offer both individual and group therapy sessions. One-on-one therapy with a licensed therapist can help you look at your addiction from the outside. It can be hard to know exactly what triggered your substance abuse problem in the first place. But rethinking and reworking through hard situations from earlier in your life might expose the reasons for you taking to drugs and alcohol. Once you can pinpoint some of the reasons, you can start to learn how to avoid setting those triggers off later in life. Group therapy is a great way to realize that you are not the only one who suffers from an addiction. Millions of people have been able to complete a rehab program to get back to live a happy, safe and new life.

Any Help is Good Help

While it is ideal for anyone who is looking for help regarding an addiction to check into an inpatient facility that offers personalized rehab plans, it should be known that any help is good help. It can be hard to know where to turn when it feels like your addiction has the upper hand. We can help you fight back against the beast that is killing you. Do not let your substance abuse problem continue to call the shots in your life. Call us now if you are ready to seek help for drug addiction or alcoholism.

  • What Are Some Common Short-term Effects of Dexedrine?
    You may get headaches, chest pain or start to lose an unhealthy amount of weight.
  • How Can You Tell Someone is Abusing Dexedrine?
    If your loved one is abusing Dexedrine, he or she may be awake for long hours and become very parodied.

Short-term effects

The characteristics of a physical dependence can be seen in patients in the form of extreme fatigue and headaches. This is usually a result of the patients taking the liberty of increasing their dosage without the advice of their physician. Rather than following the instructions to take the medication as prescribed they may misread it as to take as needed. This could be an indication that there is at least a psychological dependence on the drug.

Short term effects of Dexedrine may include headache, chest pains, respirational decline, lack of appetite and weight loss, mood swings, increased anxiety and depression, irregular heartbeat and dizzy or fainting spells. Some people who are addicted to Dexedrine ignore these effects because of they have developed a chemical dependency, making it hard for them to function without consuming Dexedrine.

There are many symptoms that can be observed in people who abuse Dexedrine. If you are concerned that you or someone you know may have become addicted. Some symptoms that can help you identify if your loved one is an addict are hallucinations, irritability, nausea, euphoria, high blood pressure, dry mouth, sexual ineptitude, worsening of motor skills, constipation or diarrhea, weight loss due to appetite suppression.

Long-term effects

Long-term Dexedrine abuse can affect a person physically, psychologically and socially. Long term physical ailments include gastrointestinal distress and cardiovascular complications. Psychologically, long-term Dexedrine use can have lasting emotional effects like schizophrenia, hallucinations and paranoia. Socially, Dexedrine abusers can destroy family and personal relationships to fuel the addiction. Some social ramifications include: alienation from family and friends, refusal to join in on social gatherings and a marked decrease in hobbies and activities.

Your addiction to Dexedrine won’t just affect one aspect of your personal: addiction targets your whole life; your finances, relationships, physical and mental health are in jeopardy. Just because you may not see the repercussions of your addiction does not mean that they’re not there. Some of the effects of Dexedrine abuse are irreversible, like the ones that can affect your mental health.

Long-term abuse of Dexedrine or other prescription drugs can lead to serious health side effects that can hurt your body for years to come. Other than health effects, prescription drug addiction can also hurt your relationships and career opportunities. People who are deep in an addiction put their drug use above and beyond everything and anyone else that they once loved. They stop showing up to family gathers and do not follow through with any of their promises. This can make it hard for someone who has a Dexedrine addiction to keep relationships.

  • What Are Some Long-term Effects of Dexedrine?
    If you abuse Dexedrine long-term, you can become schizophrenic, have cardiovascular complications and lose your family.
  • Will the Damage be Permanent?
    Abusing Dexedrine is very dangerous because the damage you do to your body can last a lifetime.

True Stories of Addiction: Michelle Overcomes Strife to Find Recovery

Michelle started abusing drugs similar to Dexedrine when she turned 16 years old. It wasn’t long after her first hit that she ran away from home to sell drugs and make money to support her drug habit. She didn’t realize how dangerous selling drugs like Dexedrine was until she was a witness to something that will haunt her forever. She tried turning her life around but ended up homeless and alone. She finally reached out to her family and asked for help. Today, she is reunited with her children and makes recovery her number one priority. She never wants to go back to the way she was living and doesn’t have to, thanks to the 12-step program.

Find out More about your available options today (866) 578-7471.

Inpatient Dexedrine Rehab

Inpatient Dexedrine rehab is a process that requires a lot of time, effort and motivation. But is worth it in the end. Most inpatient rehab programs last between 30 and 90 days. These programs vary depending on personal needs and finical stance. Most inpatient centers accept insurance coverage, which can help with the costs of coverage. Addiction to Dexedrine, as well as addiction to other drugs and alcohol is considered a chronic behavioral disease by the medical community. Because of this, more health insurance companies now cover substance abuse addiction and dependency as part of their plans. Check with your insurer to see if substance abuse is covered, specifically Dexedrine abuse.

Each health insurance company offers different coverage rates, ranging from partial coverage, to full coverage. If you aren’t insured, and cannot afford treatment, check with substance abuse treatment programs offered in your state. Many states provide care to those who can’t afford substance abuse treatment, and the treatment facility of your choice may have financial aid or payment plans to help you manage the cost of care.

Inpatient rehab has the best proven track record in recovery, and choosing a plan will provide you with in-depth and around the clock medical care that is needed to cope with your addiction. Intense therapy sessions take place to learn what triggers your addiction and may cause a relapse. If you or a loved one are ready to find out more about inpatient rehab programs please call us now. – Learn More

Mixing Other Drugs with Dexedrine

Many prescription and illicit drugs can interact with Dexedrine. Tell your doctor about all your current medicines, and inform them of any you start or stop using, especially an antacid or stomach acid reducer such as Pepcid, Nexium, Prilosec, Zantac, Protonix, and others. Also inform your doctor of any antidepressants you’re taking as well as blood pressure medication medicines for seizure. This not a complete list of meds to be wary of while taking Dexedrine.

For information on mixing alcohol and Dexedrine, click here.

Other prescription and over-the-counter medicines may have adverse reactions with Dexedrine, as well as vitamins and herbal products. Provide a list of all your medicines to any healthcare provider or addiction specialist who treats you. You should also be wary of possible disease interaction with Dexedrine. Inform your doctor if you have any of the following health issues or diseases: cardiovascular issues, glaucoma, cardiac disease, hypertension, liver disease, seizure disorders, psychiatric disorders, renal dysfunction, nervous tics and diabetics.

Abusing any combination of prescription drugs without proper consent from your doctor or other medical professionals is extremely dangerous. Mixing drugs can affect your how your body reacts, making you more susceptible to an overdose. If you are using multiple prescription drugs consult a medical professional immediately. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired because of prescription drug abuse, then call us now. We can help you help yourself out of your current situation.