Living with the Disease of Addiction and Alcoholism


Recovery Reflections: August 9, 2017

Hello everyone! My name is Bianka, and I would like to give you another warm welcome to Detox to Rehab’s Recovery Reflections. Please join us and listen to the experience, strength and hope shared by Brandon, Megan and Madison.

We will pre-record readings from the book Daily Reflections. We express how this reading has helped our recovery or how it has impacted us. We thank you and hope we can inspire your recovery journey!

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

August 9, 2017: A.A. Thought for The Day

“We have an allergy to alcohol. The action of alcohol on chronic alcoholics is a manifestation of an allergy. We allergic types can never safely use alcohol in any form at all. We cannot be reconciled to a life without alcohol, unless we can experience an entire psychic change. Once this psychic change has occurred, we who seemed doomed, we who had so many problems that we despaired of ever solving them, find ourselves able to control our desire for alcohol.” Have I had a psychic change?

Having a Physic Change to Help Addiction

“I lived in this delusion that I was okay,” Brandon said.

When I was living in my active addiction, using and abusing drugs, I had this delusion that I was okay and the way I was living was a normal way of life. I now realize that using a dirty needle behind a bush to shoot up Heroin is not considered “okay” or “normal.” Regardless of how chaotic my life was, I didn’t understand there was any other way to live, because I have made this negativity and dangerous routine my life for so long. I didn’t think it was possible to change. I thought I ruined my life forever until I walked into the 12-step rooms and started working a 12-step program.

“When I first got here, I was told I had a mental illness, a disease if you will,” Brandon said.

When I got to the 12-step program, I realized I truly did have a mental illness. I was suffering from the disease of addiction and the only way I could recover was to work the 12-steps thoroughly and honestly, so I could have a physic change that would save my life. I didn’t stay sober the first few times I was trying to work the 12-steps, because I wasn’t willing to be honest. It took me a few years to have the willingness to be honest but when I finally was, I was amazed at how fast my life changed for the better.

Recovering from Active Addiction

“Today I’ve had that physic change, I’ve had that spiritual awakening as a result of the steps,” Brandon said.

When I finally had that psychic change and spiritual awakening, I was able to work on becoming the person I always wanted to be. I was tired of being a miserable, selfish, dishonest and manipulative person. I wanted more out of life and I wasn’t able to get more if I was sitting around all day and shooting up drugs while homeless. I now am living a life I never thought was possible. I didn’t think being able to shower every day was a possibility; I didn’t think there would be a time where I didn’t have to worry about overdosing; I didn’t think living without drugs was a possibility at all. It is all very possible though but it wouldn’t have been without the 12-steps.

“Yes, I can recover from alcohol and drug addiction,” Madison said.

Because I have worked the 12-steps and continue to work them in my daily life, I am a new person. People actually want to be around me and I can show up to things and be there for the people who have always been there for me. Recovery isn’t always easy though. There are a lot of people in this world who don’t believe can recover from a drug or alcohol addiction, but we do; we just have to work for it.

If you or a loved one is struggling to find your way into treatment, you are not alone. We are here to help in whatever way we can. We just need you to reach out and give us a call. Our number is: (866) 578-7471

We would like to thank Stone Valley Recovery for allowing us to use their beautiful facilities.

1 comment
  1. Hugely enjoyed this post :), keep up the great authorship and I’ll keep coming back foor more.

    Will be sharing this with my facebook followers and I’m sure
    they’ll live it as well!

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