Blackout Drunk – Megan’s True Story

What does it mean to Blackout While Drinking

A blackout involves memory loss due to alcohol or drug abuse. It is most common with drinking too much alcohol. Blacking out from drinking is specifically associated with binge drinking; typically, the condition is induced when a person’s blood alcohol content (BAC) reaches 0.15. For comparison, it is illegal to drive with a BAC of 0.08 in nearly every state in the US.

What is a Blackout?

What does it mean when someone says that they were so drunk the night before that they “blacked out?” Blacking out is a period of alcohol-induced amnesia during which an intoxicated person actively engages in behaviors like walking or talking but doesn’t remember doing so. Blackouts are most commonly caused by a rapid increase in blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels, resulting in a temporary loss of memory. People normally experience a blackout when their BAC reaches around .14%, or .14 (point one four) which is almost twice the legal limit. In addition to blacking out, an individual can also suffer from milder alcohol-induced memory impairments, called “brownouts” or “grayouts.”

It’s important to note that blacking out is different than passing out, as the person is fully conscious when blacked out. In fact, anything a person can do when they are drunk, they can do while blacked out – they just simply won’t remember it the next day. However, during a blackout, a person will be able to remember events that happened before their BAC reached very high levels. This allows people that are blacked out to carry on conversations and recall stories from earlier in the evening while they were intoxicated.

Blackouts vs. Passing Out

A blackout is not the same as “passing out,” which means either falling asleep or losing consciousness from excessive alcohol consumption.

During a blackout, a person is still awake but their brain is not creating new memories. Depending on how much the person drank, it is possible to transition from having a blackout to passing out.

Finding Her Identity

Megan grew up in a small town and her identity was closely tied to her being an athlete. She loved dancing swimming, playing basketball, and she was good at them. Which is why it was so hard for her when she was in a car accident at 13 and broke her back.

The friends that she had grown up with, now had nothing in common with her and she was forced to redefine herself.

“My first drink was in 8th grade but it didn’t really get crazy until freshman year,” Megan said.

She does attribute her addiction to anything specific, she thought it was a normal thing for people to do in small towns. On the weekends they would grab a keg and head out into the woods and party.

“I think what wasn’t normal was that I was the last one up at every party, the drunkest girl there, the girl on the keg doing keg stands. It was the way I drank that wasn’t normal, everyone partied but not everyone drank to get annihilated when they’re 15.”

Addiction at Bay – Until it’s Not

Megan got married and had her first child at 22, she feels that being a mother and a wife helped her.

“I think having my oldest son at such a young age, I had that to kind of keep my addiction in check for a little while.”

At 26 she had her second son; She was a housewife and stay at home mom.

Her husband filed for divorce and didn’t tell her. She was unaware that it was happening until she was severed with divorce papers.

At this point, he had filed for full custody and was using her past and lack of financial stability against her to get it.

“My disease in my head said ‘You can finally drink how we’ve always wanted you to drink.’”

She lost the house, the car, her kids and her husband.

“It was off to the races after that … I didn’t have anything hiding – [nothing] to hold me down anymore.”

Her ex-husband noticed her addiction progressing, while she was still seeing her sons every weekend, still volunteering like she always had – They had been together for 16 years and he could tell that her drinking had taken a turn.

It was at this point that he told her that until she got help, he would not be letting her see the boys.

It took her three very dark months before she decided to get help. During that time, she was drinking herself into a blackout every night and had become very suicidal.

It was during this time that she also started having physical symptoms from drinking; She woke up sweating and shaking and couldn’t eat unless she was drinking.

“I knew for a while before I said it out loud … That something needed to change in my life.”

Sober Living

Megan started by Googling “sober living for woman” she believed that all she really needed was to live in a sober house, that she didn’t actually need treatment.

The first place she called turned out to be a 90-day treatment facility, thinking that it wasn’t really what she needed she turned away from that facility.

Her family was incredibly supportive of her getting help and after talking with them for about two weeks she decided to go into treatment.

She stayed there for 6 and a half months.

“Treatment was very intense … It was very emotional dealing with legal reproductions and just the demons that I had drank away for 16 years.”

All in all, Megan found treatment enlightening. She was able to figure out who she is as a person, as a mother and as a sister.

Throughout her treatment and in her recovery her family has been a strong support system for Megan. He sister entered treatment 16 days after she did and they have been making the journey together.

Her family has come around to trusting her again and she’s very close with them.

She spends a lot of time with her nieces, and has seen them flourish with her and her sister, their mother, being sober.

Megan is two years sober and is still fighting to see her children.

“There’s been multiple dates set for me to see my children and he’ll file a new motion and gets everything suspended.”

Her husband is remarried, and knowing that there’s another woman in her kid’s lives is difficult for her.

“I take that one day at a time, just like I do my recovery … Otherwise, I’ll get really overwhelmed and I would be able to deal with it. It may sound cliché and cheesy but I pray a lot.”

Megan’s spirituality, and the women she’s met in recovery have helped her get through those tough times.

“And I talk about it. Whereas my whole life [emotions] just got bottled up, and I drank a bottle down.”

One of Megan’s favorite pieces of advice that her sponsor gave her was that it is okay to have a bad day, you can be mad or upset, those are human emotions. You just can’t unpack and stay there.

  1. Addiction to drugs or alcohol is the worst habit in my opinion. It makes them feel more depressed and bad of themselves, but still due to their habit they can’t leave it easily. The people who came out of it are fortunate and appreciable.

  2. Alcohol is never good. It only adds problems. Never the less thanks for the awareness. I do not drink but even I find this inspirational.

  3. Blackout and passing out has been missed by me, I didn’t know its different. Thanks for shedding more like and know of this two is good enough.

  4. Anytime unread stories like this I ask myself, where are the parents of this people. At 15, drinking and parting at will. This aren’t good enough

  5. Blacking out from drinking is specifically associated with binge drinking. It will better people don’t drink to this point. It can be damaging

  6. I remember having blackout moments when I attended a party. What I do remember is that we’re having a dance showdown and then I totally lost it. I woke up on a car ride home. Then I woke up again laying down on a sofa. Then finally woke up because my stomach aches. I hope Megan can fully recover.

  7. I hope Megan can fully recover. I remember having blackout moments when I attended a party. What I do remember is that we’re having a dance showdown and then I totally lost it. I woke up on a car ride home. Then I woke up again laying down on a sofa. Then finally woke up because my stomach aches.

  8. I´ve heard stories about blackout though I haven´t lived the experience by myself. I hope that Megan can recover the relationship with her kids, she deserves it and they deserve to see their mom.

  9. Love Megan’s recovery story and her overall disposition. I think it’s a very relatable message that you can have your bad days, you just can’t stoop away and let them devour you. It’s really tragic that she had that back injury so early on and I can see how that would take a huge physical and emotional toll. The fact that she talks about her difficulties now instead of hiding them is a huge step forward and I really believe one day she’ll be able to reunite with her children, especially with her support system in place.

  10. Thank you for the technical explanation of what a blackout actually is. I always though it is the same as passing out.

  11. It’s disheartening to see what alcohol addiction did to Megan. The sad part is that her story is one experienced by so many out there.

  12. What I hate more than even black-outs are hangovers. Those who have been severely hammered before know what I am talking about.

  13. It’s frightening that some people go as far as driving when they are in a blackout state. They put so many people’s lives at risk.

  14. It is my first time encountering the terms ‘brownouts’ and ‘grayouts’. I think a lot more people experience those.

  15. It is inspiring to see that Megan’s spirituality has helped her come this far. That just underpins the importance of embracing our spirituality.

  16. First thing we should never addiction of alcohol and smoking . It ruins life completely . occassionaly we drink but when it becomes addiction , then very hard to come out of this.

  17. She was living a nice life until addiction came into her life. But, the explanation about BAC levels is very nice and gave a clear idea about the hazardous effects of being addicted.

  18. I respect you so much dear, it takes a lot of courage to come our say this your story. Blackout is really dangerous and many have passed away in this stage.

  19. Blackout is a temporary condition that affects your memory. It’s characterized by a sense of lost time. Blackouts occur when your body’s alcohol levels are high. Alcohol impairs your ability to form new memories while intoxicated.

  20. This is article have explained the difference between blacking out and passing out which o didn’t realize that they are two different things until now. It also emphasize on the damages alcohol can cause.

  21. A blackout is not the same as “passing out,” which means either falling asleep or losing consciousness from excessive alcohol consumption. Thanks for this informative article. I’m gonna spread this knowledge.

  22. Addiction kills easily and gradually. How the brain perform is determined by what and how we want it to. Excessive or overdose take of anything leads to malfunction of the body system and brain. Megan’s story should be a guide to everyone not to be an addict. If you are an addict, stay of addiction. Thanks for this great post.

  23. What a life dear, then it’s all about I wanna be the talk of town. Little did you know the risk you getting into. Just happy you found help and better now.

  24. Those who have been severely hammered before know what she was talking about. They put so many people’s lives at risk. I’m glad that she overcame it.

  25. Drinking alcohol should always be in a moderate level. Anything beyond normal becomes likely uncontrollable. I hope for your continuous recovery Megan!

  26. I just know the meaning of blackout,I see your strugle via your story,I hope you stay sober permanently ,and you must still strugle to meet your kids,being a Mom is not easy,but we must guide them being a good attitude

  27. Megan truly understands the power in prayer and positive action to turn things around. Really glad she has a good support system and loving family that cares about her well-being. Thanks for this uplifting piece.

  28. Megan’s recovery from Addiction is Inspiring and she was able to get Enough support & Help from her family.

  29. Megan’s Story is really Sad and disheartening.
    Having someone else play the role of a mother to her children is something really tough for her to Handle.
    It’s Great she’s doing her Best in line with her Family’s support.

  30. This is an eye opener story. Now I know the difference between being black out and passing out am happy for Megan.

  31. I have seen a lot of these where yes people black out due to drinking but even worse people are either crawling to the floor or even run amok which is far worse that just passing out where at least those can be peaceful they are asleep after all. While running amok can lead to trouble even death so yeah. Alcoholism is a menace and should be treated early.

  32. This is a very eye opening post on the effect of alcohol addiction. Really feel sympathy for Megan for going through it but happy as well for her recovery to share her story with us.

  33. Drinking to black out is not a good habit. One an individual drinks to black out, it can cause memory loss. Thanks for sharing this post.

  34. It is very important for us to give up drugs. This is a very bad habit, it is a kind of evil. Thanks for sharing this blog.

  35. Addiction kills easily and gradually. It makes them feel more depressed and bad about themselves, but still, due to their habit, they can’t leave it easily. Anything beyond normal becomes likely uncontrollable. I hope for your continuous recovery Megan!

  36. It will better people don’t drink to this pointLittle did you know the risk you getting into. Excessive or overdose take of anything leads to malfunction of the body system and brain.

  37. When you do things to stupor or excessively, expect the results. Getting addicted to binge and blackout drinking was a life threatening one. I’m glad she’s better now. I’m truly happy for her.

  38. Though this has being existence for long but this generation is embracing it the more. All hands must be on deck to avert the situation.

  39. This is an extreme case. Drinking to blackout. It takes so much addiction to arrive at this point. Sad and touchy experience here, I must say.

  40. I think one just needs to be careful about the amount of drinks taken into the system to avoid either a blsckout or passibg out. it can be bad to the system

  41. Passing out and black out are not the same. One is positive while the other is negative. It is necessary to avoid the black out.

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