Learning to Live Sober in Lawrence, Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas is a college town of roughly 87,643 people. Situated on the banks of the Kansas and Wakarusa Rivers, this peaceful town also boasts impressive history and culture. Home of the University of Kansas, this beautiful town has nightlife, great restaurants, historic sites, museums, a thriving music and art scene, festivals and much more. There is a great deal that will appeal to everyone in Lawrence, Kansas.
The United States is witnessing an epidemic with the disease of addiction. No one is immune to this cunning, baffling and powerful disease of the mind. Addiction does not discriminate based on economic status, education level, age, race, gender or any other demographic.
No city is ever really free from drug or alcohol addiction, even cities like Lawrence Kansas are not without affliction. One of the more unfortunate facts about drug and alcohol abuse is that most individuals who are addicted do not get the care they need. If you are struggling with substance abuse, get help now.
What is Addiction?
Addiction is a disease that centers in the mind. Although not fully understood, much progress has been made in understanding the mechanisms that cause it. Essentially, those suffering from the disease of addiction are trapped in a vicious cycle of using addictive substances, which take over their life. It is not simply a moral failing or choice to use. Once the person has the substance in his or her system, all control is lost. If you or someone you care about is struggling with addictive substances, reach out. Help is available.
What do I do if Someone I Love is Addicted?
The best thing you can do for someone who is struggling with addiction is to help him or her see that they have a problem and need help. Staging an intervention is a great way to communicate concern and set new healthy boundaries. Denial is closely tied to addiction, making it probable that the person in question will not see the situation as upsetting as those who are not abusing substances.
An intervention is simply a conversation where the person is confronted about his or her using. It is recommended that you consult with a professional interventionist or therapist beforehand to plan the intervention and ensure it goes as smoothly as possible.
Any encouragement you provide the person that sets him or her in the right direction is a success.
When individuals are free from the oppression of alcohol and drug abuse and addiction, they may often require additional support to remain abstinent. Just as a bad social environment can encourage to drug addiction, a good social environment can encourage a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle. With more motivation and information for recovery, members will be less likely to relapse later on. Twelve Step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous continuously prove the most effective way of tackling the disease of addiction. The guidance and support found at meetings is unparalleled and will help you overcome any obstacle. If you are struggling with substance abuse, find a meeting in your area today and start living a life better than you can imagine.
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