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Therapeutic Health Services
1305 Seneca St, Seattle WA, 98101
Therapeutic Health Services operates on the belief that chemical dependency and mental illness are chronic, progressive diseases that respond to appropriate intervention, treatment and prevention. By effectively employing all three, individuals and families are better able to lead healthy and produc
Seattle Counseling Service
1216 Pine St, Seattle WA, 98101
Seattle Counseling Service offers a complete chemical dependency outpatient treatment program specifically designed to meet the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer individuals and their significant others. We can help you recover from your addiction to alcohol or drugs in an atmos
Seattle Counseling Service for Sexual
1216 Pine Street, Seattle WA, 98101
Seattle Counseling Service for Sexual (Minorites) located at 1216 Pine Street, Seattle, WA 98101, United States is a drug rehab center providing substance abuse treatment and buprenorphine used in drug treatment with outpatient care. Adolecents or teens, dual diagnosis or persons with co-occuring di
Therapeutic Health Services
1305 Seneca Street, Seattle WA, 98101
Therapeutic Health Services (Seneca Branch) located at 1305 Seneca Street, Seattle, WA 98101, United States is an alcohol rehab program providing substance abuse treatment, methadone maintenance, and methadone detox with outpatient care. Dual diagnosis or persons with co-occuring disorders, pregnant
Therapeutic Health Services
1116 Summit Avenue, Seattle WA, 98101
Therapeutic Health Services (Summit Branch) located at 1116 Summit Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101, United States is an alcohol treatment program providing substance abuse treatment, methadone maintenance, and methadone detox with outpatient care. Dual diagnosis or persons with co-occuring disorders, preg
Catholic Community Services
1902 2nd Avenue, Seattle WA, 98101
Payment is accepted in the form of Medicaid, Cash or self-payment. Payment Assistance may be available.
Seattle Counseling Service
1216 Pine Street, Seattle WA, 98101
In Seattle, WA, Seattle Counseling Service segments their treatment services based on Mental Health Treatment Services within a Outpatient. Programs and groups are organized to provide structured therapy to Persons with HIV or AIDS, Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) clients. Medicaid,
Seattle Counseling Services
1216 Pine Street, Seattle WA, 98101
Located in Seattle, WA, Seattle Counseling Services is a Mix of Mental Health and Substance Abuse providing Substance abuse treatment, Buprenorphine used in treatment in an Outpatient setting. Persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, Persons with HIV or AIDS, Lesbian, gay, bi