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Hendricks House Inc
542 Northwest Boulevard, Vineland NJ, 8360
In Vineland, NJ, Hendricks House Inc segments their treatment services based on Substance Abuse Treatment Services within a Long-term residential. The segmented services encompass Substance abuse treatment, Transitional housing or halfway house. Programs and groups are organized to provide structu
DB House sober living
566 Market St, Elmwood Park NJ, 07407
Hazel House Sober Living
103 Hazelwood Rd, Bloomfield NJ, 07003
Middle River North Sober Living
8 Hyers St, Toms River NJ, 08753
New Jersey Sober Living
20 E Taunton Rd Suite 104, Berlin NJ, 08009
New Jersey Sober Living | Riverbend Residence
413 Glen Rd, Sparta NJ, 07871
Cambridge Recovery Sober Living
6 Red Maple Ln, Roxbury Township NJ, 07836
Cambridge Recovery Sober Living offers an affordable, professionally staffed, luxury sober living home for men who are committed to continuing their journey of overcoming alcohol and drug addictions. Our services are geared toward helping our residence develop a peer, social, and community support n
Women's Sober Living | Riverbend Residence
12 Fox Hollow Way, Andover Township NJ, 07821