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Rosecrance - Harrison Ave, IL
3815 Harrison Ave, Rockford IL, 61108
Rosecrance believes strongly in the capability and power of you, as an individual, to recover. By choosing to enter treatment, you have taken the essential first step toward your recovery. Your treatment program will include group, individual and family counseling. Group activities include education
BAART Programs - Menlo Park, CA
795 Willow Rd, Winnetka IL, 60093
Since 1977, addiction Research and Treatment dba BAART, has been providing drug treatment and rehabilitation services. This program provides treatment withing BAART Programs' continuum of care that includes behavioral health services, opioid treatment programs, and primary medical care. From Omaha t
Whiteside Manor
, Peoria IL, 61615
At Whiteside Manor, we are dedicated to bringing you comprehensive, yet affordable, drug and alcohol treatment programs. Whiteside Manor is a full-service residential drug and alcohol treatment center, accredited by CARF and certified by the State of California. Additionally, we are one of the f
New Leaf - Peoria, IL
3500 W New Leaf Ln, Peoria IL, 61615
In February of 1976, four not-for-profit providers of alcoholism, mental health and drug abuse services consolidated into a single organization that would become HSC. Located in Peoria, Illinois, HSC employs approximately 275 individuals, including psychiatrists, physicians, mental health counselors
White Oaks - Peoria, IL
3402 W New Leaf Ln, Peoria IL, 61615
In February of 1976, four not-for-profit providers of alcoholism, mental health and drug abuse services consolidated into a single organization that would become HSC. Located in Peoria, Illinois, HSC employs approximately 275 individuals, including psychiatrists, physicians, mental health counselors
Tazwood Center for Wellness
1831 S Main St, Eureka IL, 61530
Tazwood Center for Wellness recognizes that chemical abuse and dependency can have devastating personal and legal consequences in the lives of addicted persons and their families. By providing an array of outpatient substance abuse treatment programs, we strive to be an active partner in restoring d
Rose Medical Association, Inc.
209 W Romeo B Garrett Ave, Peoria IL, 61605
Rose Medical Association (RMA), Inc. believes in the importance of building a healthy community. It is important for the community to have the ability to sustain itself, the families, the children, the schools and the businesses contained within it. Without this sustainablity, the community would de
Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery
5409 Knoxville Ave, Peoria IL, 61614
The Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery (IIAR) has been providing quality, hospital-based addiction treatment services in central Illinois since 1979. Inpatient/Residential and outpatient counseling and treatment services are available for adults with chemical and/or behavioral addictions, as
Chestnut Health Systems
1003 Martin Luther King Jr Dr, Bloomington IL, 61701
At Chestnut Health Systems, we understand that seeking treatment for yourself or talking to someone about a loved one's problem with alcohol or drugs can be difficult. We recognize the challenge of finding quality addiction counseling and treatment for adolescents and adults. Our dedicated staff wil
North Central Behavioral Health Systems
2960 Chartres St, LaSalle IL, 61301
All of us here at North Central Behavioral Health Systems are focused on one thing…helping children, adults, and families reach their full potential by offering a wide range of mental health and substance use education, counseling, and many other types of specialty behavioral health services.F